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08-25-2012, 02:34 PM
US astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, first man on Moon

Neil Armstrong became the first man on the Moon on 20 July 1969
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US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon, has died at the age of 82, US media report.
Earlier this month he had surgery to relieve blocked coronary arteries.
He walked on the Moon on 20 July 1969, famously describing the event as "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind".
Last November Armstrong, along with three other astronauts, received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest US civilian award.
He was the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. He and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon.

A shame he won't see the first man on Mars.

08-25-2012, 02:50 PM
I watched the lunar landing as a child. I would have given a great deal to be able to stand where this man did. He was the first of the very elite group who have done something rare and wonderful, seen our earth from the surface of another planet. Let us hope his spirit will inspire the next great step. I think he would have been the first to cheer a manned Mars mission. I think we should consider naming the vehicle that lands a man on Mars in honor of Neil Armstrong.

red states rule
08-28-2012, 03:31 AM

Gadget (fmr Marine)
08-29-2012, 05:07 PM
Had the lunar module not been able to return from the surface of the moon, President Nixon was to give the following remarks....

“Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.
These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.
These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.
They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.
In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.
Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.
For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.”

08-29-2012, 05:15 PM
Anyone happen to see OBAMA's tribute to Neil Armstrong?

He posted a photo of himself. Looking up at the Moon. Where we all know. His real BIRTH took place, under a Moon rock.