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View Full Version : Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers

08-25-2012, 07:22 PM
I don't get it. Whoever in his administration did this, why? Did they really think it wouldn't be noticed? And they couldn't just add a few, but over 10 million? Did they think inflating these numbers would help their campaign? Apparently Romney's account has some fake followers too, although on a much smaller scale. I don't get it, is someone going to vote for either one because of the amount of followers they have?

President Obama's Twitter account has 18.8 million followers -- but more than half of them really don't exist, according to reports.

A new Web tool has determined that 70% of Obama's crowd includes "fake followers," The New York Times reports in a story about how Twitter followers can be purchased.

"The practice has become so widespread that StatusPeople, a social media management company in London, released a Web tool last month called the Fake Follower Check that it says can ascertain how many fake followers you and your friends have," the Times reports.

"Fake accounts tend to follow a lot of people but have few followers," said Rob Waller, a founder of StatusPeople. "We then combine that with a few other metrics to confirm the account is fake."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2012, 07:44 PM
I don't get it. Whoever in his administration did this, why? Did they really think it wouldn't be noticed? And they couldn't just add a few, but over 10 million? Did they think inflating these numbers would help their campaign? Apparently Romney's account has some fake followers too, although on a much smaller scale. I don't get it, is someone going to vote for either one because of the amount of followers they have?


Perfect, fake followers for a fake hero..I've been talking about for a long time how his reported HIGH book sales number are likely fake too. I have even guessed that a few hundred thousands copies may be sitting in a warehouse somewhere after being purchased in mass to bump his numbers higher to increase his image as a best selling great author. His handlers have billions to play with and his position has allowed for billions to be paid back while he has introduced the every minute use of the words -trillion dollars- to replace the puny billion dollars term so often used before. Think about what all has been shown to be fake about his image so far..-Tyr