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red states rule
08-27-2012, 03:16 AM
First, if Obama wants to win Ohio and the 18 electoral votes that goes along with the win - perhaps he should know how to spell OHIO


Second, like in most of the other key swing states, it is tied in Ohio. Things are not looking good for the Hope and Change Kid

Dispatch Poll results: Tight races put undecided voters in control

The closest Dispatch Poll in modern history shows the races for president and U.S. Senate in a dead heat in battleground Ohio.

For the record, Republican Mitt Romney holds a “lead” of 0.22 percentage point over President Barack Obama. That’s a mere 2 votes out of more than 1,730 cast for president in the mail poll.
By comparison, Sen. Sherrod Brown has a landslide going over GOP state Treasurer Josh Mandel with a margin of 0.87 point. That’s a whopping 15-ballot bulge.

The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 2.1 percentage points, so the takeaway is that the presidential matchup is tied at 45 percent and the Senate struggle at 44 percent among likely voters.


08-27-2012, 06:20 AM
Boy, you ain't kidding, though hey, that's only 1 of "57" states, no? :laugh:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-27-2012, 09:03 AM
Boy, you ain't kidding, though hey, that's only 1 of "57" states, no? :laugh:


I bet the boy would have a fit trying to spell Mississippi, one of the other "57 states". Just think, liberals declare this guy to be a high genius. Liberals yet again prove that their stupidity and fantasies endanger us all!-Tyr

08-27-2012, 12:35 PM
I bet the boy would have a fit trying to spell Mississippi, one of the other "57 states". Just think, liberals declare this guy to be a high genius. Liberals yet again prove that their stupidity and fantasies endanger us all!-Tyr

Gee, if only all of his academic records were available, they could put their money where their mouths are. Course, that'll never work...can't be exposing the fact that the "Emperor" has no clothes, gnomesayin?

08-27-2012, 12:43 PM
I bet the boy would have a fit trying to spell Mississippi, one of the other "57 states". Just think, liberals declare this guy to be a high genius. Liberals yet again prove that their stupidity and fantasies endanger us all!-Tyr

Compared to some libs I know, he is indeed a "high genius".