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View Full Version : Does Liberalism Make You Fat?

red states rule
08-28-2012, 03:46 AM
The author may have a point

Exhibit A


Exhibit B



But when it comes to fat, I blame liberalism, the source of most of our neuroses today.
It's very simple.
Q. Why do people get fat?
A. They eat too much.
Q. Why do they eat too much?
A. Because they are lonely, isolated, and emotionally needy.
Q. Who made them lonely, isolated and emotionally needy?
A. Liberalism.
Q. How dat?
A. By attacking marriage, pushing divorce, making the welfare state preferable to husbands and fathers, breaking up the normal lives of children, cobbling up artificial families as if they are the real thing, promoting sexual adventurism, seducing the young into the monoculture of the left, spreading destructive personal values, and above all, by slicing and dicing the American people by race, gender, age, class, and sexual fantasies, while scaring and scaring the masses through the deeply corrupt media.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/08/does_liberalism_make_you_fat.html#ixzz24pQaUz1V

08-28-2012, 12:44 PM
Yes....if you seriously consider a Vacuum between the ears FAT!