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08-28-2012, 06:23 PM
Mohamed Morsi should be given the benefit of the doubt
David Hearst

In ousting Mubarak-era military chiefs the president has, some fear, accrued too many powers. But he is no Vladimir Putin, and there is reason to be hopeful

In forcing the departure of his defence minister and Hussein Tantawi, the head of Scaf (the Supreme Council of Armed Forces ), President Mohamed Morsi was not just getting rid of an ageing field marshall who had been central to the Mubarak era, and replacing him with the youngest member of Scaf, establishing the continuity of the system. He was changing the balance of power.

Accused by the left and liberals of political weakness, of cohabiting with the military, the Muslim Brotherhood president today stands accused of the opposite contention – accruing too much power. And it is true, that in assuming for himself the power Scaf had to appoint a new constituent assembly should the current one writing the constitution fail to agree, the Egyptian president now has the powers of a Russian one. But Morsi is no Vladimir Putin.

First, the powers Morsi has assumed are time-limited. The constitution is already mostly written, and should be finished by early September. Its work will be put to a referendum, and within two months of that, there will be fresh parliamentary elections. Morsi's vast powers as president will only last for three months at the most before he puts his actions to the test of a popular vote.

Second, to ensure that the vote is indeed popular, Morsi appointed two brothers, both respected judges who are independent of the Brotherhood: Mahmoud Mekky, a senior judge, is now his vice-president, and Ahmed Mekky is his justice minister. The Mekky brothers are part of the Reform Movement within the judiciary, and its agenda is to roll back the powers of the second arm of the Mubarak military state – its politically appointed constitutional court. Both men were part of the so-called judge's revolt after the tainted Mubarak elections in 2005. Civil society and the rule of law could not have two better non-Islamist champions.

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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2012, 07:51 AM
Mohamed Morsi should be given the benefit of the doubt
David Hearst

In ousting Mubarak-era military chiefs the president has, some fear, accrued too many powers. But he is no Vladimir Putin, and there is reason to be hopeful

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They will not be happy in Egypt until its FUBAR. Sharia law is the only consideration allowed and Israel is attacked .Muslims are deep down miserable little slaves that seek to harm others in order to validate their stupid decision to volunteer for slavehood! -Tyr

09-01-2012, 06:06 PM
Morsi, a terrorist and leading member of the muslim brotherhood has taken the mantle of politician. He is therefore legitimized now. The MB has taken the mantle of a political party, legitimizing themselves. Now instead of being hunted down and eliminated or jailed they must be negotiated with. The caliphate plans are falling into place.

09-01-2012, 06:08 PM
Just watch, now comes the defense of the MB as some great organization for decades and decades!

09-01-2012, 08:01 PM
When Morsi proves you all wrong, I will be so happy.

09-01-2012, 09:13 PM
When Morsi proves you all wrong, I will be so happy.

He will prove us all right. He's well on the way to doing just that.

09-01-2012, 09:18 PM
They will not be happy in Egypt until its FUBAR. Sharia law is the only consideration allowed and Israel is attacked .Muslims are deep down miserable little slaves that seek to harm others in order to validate their stupid decision to volunteer for slavehood! -Tyr

so now i am a deep miserable little slave that seek to harm others in order to validate my stupid decision to volunteer for slave hood ??? :laugh:

good one.

09-01-2012, 09:24 PM
He will prove us all right. He's well on the way to doing just that.

only time will show us who is right and who is wrong, so be patient and don't judge before you see the result of his presidency after four years from now, then and only then you can decide if you are right about him or not, i don't know why do you all have to rush your judgement, he is not going anywhere and neither are we, so why all the rush to judge him !!!

09-01-2012, 09:32 PM
Just watch, now comes the defense of the MB as some great organization for decades and decades!

okay, we will watch ...

09-01-2012, 09:44 PM
Morsi, a terrorist and leading member of the muslim brotherhood has taken the mantle of politician. He is therefore legitimized now. The MB has taken the mantle of a political party, legitimizing themselves. Now instead of being hunted down and eliminated or jailed they must be negotiated with. The caliphate plans are falling into place.

Morsi is a terrorist ??? :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2012, 11:33 PM
so now i am a deep miserable little slave that seek to harm others in order to validate my stupid decision to volunteer for slave hood ??? :laugh:

good one.

Not my fault that you are blinded so deeply that you fail to see your delusion.
Only now that Islam is on the move do I even care. Before I basicly just ignored the ffing idiots.-Tyr

09-02-2012, 01:40 AM
Not my fault that you are blinded so deeply that you fail to see your delusion.
Only now that Islam is on the move do I even care. Before I basicly just ignored the ffing idiots.-Tyr

surely it's not your fault that i am blind, it's because of the low quality health care system in my country, i apologize on behalf of them sir... ;)

09-02-2012, 03:29 AM
He will prove us all right. He's well on the way to doing just that.

I am unaware of what he has done to make you think that way about him.

09-02-2012, 07:26 AM
okay, we will watch ...

Morsi is a terrorist ??? :laugh:

I am unaware of what he has done to make you think that way about him.

Yes, only time will tell for sure about the individual. But the MB has already stated that if the USA doesn't continue with aid, that they may no longer honor any peace treaty with Israel. In short, if that wasn't short enough, they are saying that if we don't give them money that they will attack an ally of ours. That is extortion.

And while I'm willing to give the individual a chance, you have to remember the organization he comes from and speaks for. Maybe he'll be different...

The MB beliefs:

The Brotherhood's credo was and is, "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

Odd for a political leader, from MY point of view. But if this is what you guys want from your leaders, then I'm happy you're getting what you want.

About Christians in Egypt:

In 1997 Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mustafa Mashhur told journalist Khalid Daoud that he thought Egypt's Coptic Christians and Orthodox Jews should pay the long-abandoned jizya poll tax, levied on non-Muslims in exchange for protection from the state, rationalized by the fact that non-Muslims are exempt from military service while it is compulsory for Muslims. He went on to say, "we do not mind having Christians members in the People's Assembly...the top officials, especially in the army, should be Muslims since we are a Muslim country...This is necessary because when a Christian country attacks the Muslim country and the army has Christian elements, they can facilitate our defeat by the enemy." According to The Guardian newspaper, the proposal caused an "uproar" among Egypt's six million Coptic Christians and "the movement later backtracked."

Are Christians currently paying this tax to the state for protection? If not, will this line of thinking return now that the MB will have a much larger hand in decisions? Are Christians still banned from fighting for their own country and banned from rising to be any type of top officials?

09-03-2012, 09:02 AM
I am unaware of what he has done to make you think that way about him.

He's part of the MB which is now legitimized as a political organization, when it has always been a terrorist organization. Al qaeda is a part of the MB, as is hamas. Morsi is just a foot in the door for them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2012, 07:06 PM
surely it's not your fault that i am blind, it's because of the low quality health care system in my country, i apologize on behalf of them sir... ;)

Nice of you to apologise.;)
Now try to correct that little religious problem you have will ya..-;)-Tyr