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View Full Version : Ron Paul delegates cause ruckus on convention floor

08-29-2012, 04:27 AM
"I'm taking my ball and going home" or maybe it's more like "I didn't get my way so I will start trouble at the convention". These guys weren't even remotely close. Literally got hammered in the entire process. So why go to a convention and act like you got robbed? Because you didn't like your "also ran" of a candidate no having his name read aloud? A few Romney supporters, who people were actually there to nominate this evening, eventually put these idiots in their place.

He might not be the Republican nominee, but Ron Paul certainly has loyal delegates. And they're here to make their voices heard—literally. The boisterous delegates caused somewhat of an altercation on the convention floor this Tuesday evening, a night that should belong to Mitt Romney.

Whenever a state that had Paul delegates announced its vote, the counter on stage tallied only the delegates for Romney, a standard practice under the convention rules. Hundreds of Paul delegates struck back by shouting the number of Paul votes in unison from the floor and the rafters, a practice that irked Romney supporters.

One Texas delegate, a Ron Paul supporter, repeatedly screamed whenever Paul's name was mentioned. A group of his fellow Texans turned around and scowled at him.

"Sorry," the Paul supporter said, shrugging and not really sorry.

"Don't do it if you're sorry!" an angry Romney delegate snapped.

A moment, later, the Paul delegate did it again, shouting even louder. Another Romney delegate next to him, a Texan who towered about two feet above him, shot him a glare. "You mad about something, man?"


08-29-2012, 05:30 AM
It's all marijuana and drugs. If Ron Paul came out tomorrow and said, "You know, I've been wrong all along about legalizing marijuana. It would be a bad thing to do."

.... his entire movement would be over at that instant.

Think about it; how else could a libertarian movement ever be headed by a guy who is pro-life?

08-30-2012, 07:21 AM
Ron Paul could have been a bucket of cold water for the federal government and the country.
As far as republicans go Many don't like his foreign policy but if you look at Paul politically he is/was the ANTI-Obama.
There is almost NOTHING they agree on.

Obama wants to phase out over time 2 of the longest wars the US has ever been in but engage in. Kill socalled "terrorist" anywhere and everywhere. and Support our friends, threaten Iran, Support government overthrows... cough.. I mean "Democracy" round the world. Surround with navy, apply Sanctions and cyber attacks and clandestine assassination against Iran,
Ron Paul wants to come home ASAP. and draw down military bases world wide.

Obama is for the fed, for bail outs of banks, loans to big biz, for government intervention in the economy, is a big banks puppet. Wants in on every world trade agreement, including expanding NAFTA and the North American Trade Union. Binding international agreements on our food and food supplements,etc etc
Paul wants none of the above. And to move to free-er markets.

Abortion: Obama for. Paul Against.

War on Drugs:
Obama For.
Paul End it ASAP. make MJ legal. Pardon many Fed prisoner in for drug crimes.

Amorh Climate Change:
Obama, Believe it. Tax and punish to save the earth. sign and implement every international enviro treaty there is. And continue bureaucratic implementation of agenda 21.
Paul, The sky is not Falling , Climates been changing before we got here, NO tax and Punish but we shouldn't pollute lets stop Oil Subsidies to give alternatives a fair chance though. Don't sign every international enviro treaty there is and Stop bureaucratic implementation of agenda 21.

Health Care:
Obama, Take care of Big Pharma and Big Insurance companies, force people to buy insurance and Big pharma stlye and brand meds. For that payoff to the big boys, they have to throw a bone to the poor to give them service by doing what they think is best for them. Doctors can't choose but boards of Ins and pharma executives (not death panels) will decide what care the poor Need.
Paul, Repeal government Health care. No government deals with Ins and pharma. Health care is to expensive because it's subsidized and over regulated.

Federal Reserve:
Obama, For it.
Paul, Against it.

Obama more taxes
Paul Less taxes

Size of Governement:
Obama, we need a bigger government to take care of people.
Paul, Cut 5 depts ASAP, reduce the size of government drastically.

Obama For illegal amnesty and Not protecting boarders.
Paul for protection boarders and Legal immigration.

Patriot Act:
Obama for it
Paul against it

Obama For it
Paul Against it

Constitutional powers of the prez:
Obama Prez and declare war without congress as long as he talks to the un or nato, see Libya. Prez can kill anybody anywhere if he thinks it's a good idea for the country. Createe more excutive orders giving more power to prez and his depts.
all of the above is illegal, the scope of the prez powers are clearly outline in the constitution. would have Repealed 100's of executive orders.

the bill of rights:
1st Amendment- free speech, religion
Obama, Against -see whistle blowers in jail, taking down websites, internet legislation etc
Paul, Pro freedom of speech

2nd Amendment -bear arms
Obama Against gun rights
Paul For Gun Rights

4rd Amendment - Probable cause, warrants, search
Obama DOES NOT BELIEVE that a person has a right not to have their persons, houses, papers, effects, searched without warrant. he believes in warrantless wiretaps, letters not warrants to get personal info from biz. Spying on all phone conversations via NSA and private companies. tracking internet use. etc etc.
Paul believes what Bush and Obama have done in the name of Homeland security is illegal concerning the 4nd Amendment.

5th amendment -Due process
Obama does not give a crap about the 5th. he's imprisoned without trails and thinks it's OK to even kill Americans without 5th Amendment "due process".
Paul thinks Obama's actions are illegal. and fully supports the 5th Amendment.

6th Amendment - speedy fair trails
Obama, see above. also how's Bradly Manning doing, after "not" being tortured?
Paul thinks Obama's actions are illegal and fully supports all of the 6th Amendment guarantees.

7th amendment - trails
Obama see 2 previous Amendments
Paul see 2 previous amendments

8th Amendment -cruel and unusual punishment
Obama, see Bradly Manning, Read about Bagram airbase. Torture stopped? hmm? Extraordinary renditions to torture countries stopped? nope.
Paul All the above is Illegal. supports the 8th Amendment.

9th and 10th Amendments -fed limits vs states and people rights
Obama feds can do whatever it wants. Health care etc not in constitution? ... so what.
Paul Much of what the feds do now is outside of it's constitutional jurisdiction and those activities should be returned to the the states or the people.

that's pretty much off the top of my head I'm sure I've missed many others
the basic premise is Obama Believes Government should be the daddy and mamma of the people and the prez should have nearly kingly powers, Paul believes the government is a servant, mainly established to protect our freedoms and should be small and accountable.

Ron Paul is/was the Anti-Obama.
Sad thing is, Romeny and Obama agree on almost ALL of the above.

08-30-2012, 07:24 AM
You've posted your stuff a million times before, Rev. But what does that have to do with the actions of Paul supporters at a convention nominating Romney?

08-30-2012, 07:38 AM
You've posted your stuff a million times before, Rev. But what does that have to do with the actions of Paul supporters at a convention nominating Romney?

LOL what " caused a Ruckus" LOL
What horrible actions Jim.
Get the dogs out!! They are out of control!!
Yelling Ron Paul's name at the republican convention!!!
the horror! the shame!
give me a break. Stuff like that happens over candidates and issues at conventions all the time.

It is a shame Romney doesn't have as passionate supporters. Maybe because, as i mentioned in above post, Romany and Obama agree on so much.

08-30-2012, 08:06 AM
LOL what " caused a Ruckus" LOL
What horrible actions Jim.
Get the dogs out!! They are out of control!!
Yelling Ron Paul's name at the republican convention!!!
the horror! the shame!
give me a break. Stuff like that happens over candidates and issues at conventions all the time.

It is a shame Romney doesn't have as passionate supporters. Maybe because, as i mentioned in above post, Romany and Obama agree on so much.

Actually, they kind of acted the way you are acting in your response right here. They don't like the responses they got, they didn't get their way, their nominee didn't go nowhere throughout the entire primary season, so now they go to the convention and try to make a scene. So be it if you support the actions and don't see any issues with it. I found it to be kind of tacky and a bit immature. Either way, like I said many months back, Paul wasn't going anywhere, he was dead in the water before he started. This is the last hurrah from his supporters, thankfully. Their last gasp being making a fool out of themselves at the convention. And just like Paul himself, they all finally go away now.

08-30-2012, 08:37 AM
Jim i wish you and others were half as concerned with the wholesale loss of civil liberties and outrageous CICs power grabs and murders that will continue with Romney or Obama as you concerned about the somehow unforgivable tackiness and immaturity of Ron Paul supporters. Seems pretty petty by comparison Jim.

No Ron Paul won't be president Jim, your might like our alternatives but sadly most of us don't.

08-30-2012, 08:45 AM
Jim i wish you and others were half as concerned with the wholesale loss of civil liberties and outrageous CICs power grabs and murders that will continue with Romney or Obama as you concerned about the somehow unforgivable tackiness and immaturity of Ron Paul supporters. Seems pretty petty by comparison Jim.

No Ron Paul won't be president Jim, your might like our alternatives but sadly most of us don't.

If that were true, that most don't like the alternatives to Paul, I suppose he would have gotten the nod? Apparently others, and MANY more others, did in fact like Romney as an alternative. But anyway, this thread wasn't started to debate Paul, again. This was about the pettiness at the convention. There comes a time to call it quits and be respectful in defeat. Even those on the ballot in November generally are respectful to one another, concede races & wish their opponent the best. Sure, this isn't the way Paul reacted, and I'm not pointing fingers at him. But those that chose to travel to the convention, should have been a little more respectful, IMO, to the one that beat their choice, and to follow the rules that have apparently been the same at other conventions:

Whenever a state that had Paul delegates announced its vote, the counter on stage tallied only the delegates for Romney, a standard practice under the convention rules.

Apparently acting mature was too much to ask. The primaries are over. Everyone knew they were there to officially make Romney the GOP nominee.

08-30-2012, 08:45 AM
"I'm taking my ball and going home" or maybe it's more like "I didn't get my way so I will start trouble at the convention". These guys weren't even remotely close.

They'd be better served waiting for Rand to announce in four/eight years.

08-30-2012, 08:49 AM
They'd be better served waiting for Rand to announce in four/eight years.

That I could agree with. I like him much better than his Pops, that's for sure. I just hope he doesn't stray away from his "tea party ways". I think he has a good career ahead of him.