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View Full Version : Yahoo News Chief Says Romneys ‘Happy to Have a Party When Black People Drown’

08-29-2012, 02:21 PM
Do you think Democrats are upset at how good Romney and his supporters looked last evening?

Here's a look at the black, bitter, bitter, ugly and biased souls of our corrupt media during ABC News' live-feed coverage yesterday. The moment in question occurs in the first ten seconds. Listen closely to the video below:

<iframe src="http://widget.newsinc.com/single.html?WID=1&VID=23790910&freewheel=69016&sitesection=breitbart" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" height="320" scrolling="no" width="425"></iframe>

This is who the media is. This is what Romney and all Republicans are up against. In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?

Well, the answer is easy: In an atmosphere where you're surrounded in a bubble by elite, ignorant, hate-mongering, ideologically-bigoted leftists just like yourself.

The media cannot be reasoned with nor can a peace be brokered.

We must defeat these people because that's what they intend to do to us. When you believe our nominee is happy to party while black people drown, you can only believe that we possess no humanity. You can't reason with people who hate you. You just can't.

Then they cam back with an update:

***UPDATE: ABC News reached out to Breitbart News to name the man heard mocking the Romneys during this ABC News livecast: David Chalian (pictured) of Yahoo! News. Chalian is a former political director with ABC News, but according to ABC News has no association with the network now. The headline has been changed to reflect this update, as has the story itself.

And then a 2nd update:

***UPDATE II: Romney camp comments: "It hasn’t even been 24 hours after the primetime speech line up at the Republican National Convention last night, and you can already tell how successful and powerful of a night it really was by the complete and utter meltdown the mainstream media is experiencing today. ... Most shockingly, Yahoo! Washington Bureau Chief David Chalian got caught on an ABC webcast saying that Mitt Romney would be “happy to have a party when black people drown.”

And the last update and best part of the story!

***UPDATE III: Yahoo just announced they have terminated Chalian effective immediately.


Abbey Marie
08-29-2012, 02:41 PM
The race card is disintegrating (no pun intended) from over use, and I think Americans are finally getting it.

I loved watching the convention last night. I am watching Fox News, as I knew the other networks' coverage would be biased and unsavory. Point proven.

Getting to watch hurricane news in the same night made it even better. I am a sucker for hurricane coverage.

08-29-2012, 02:46 PM
And Karl Marx Says Obamas Happy to belong to a Party that ensures Black People Are Starving and Unemployed

08-29-2012, 03:16 PM
And where was bambam during the hurricane?????

Out fundraising, as usual. But you won't hear about that from the MSM.

Playing the race card constantly is getting old.

08-29-2012, 05:04 PM
I agree about the race card. I do believe the negativity from Obama and the MSM is hurting them, more than Romney. Sure his negs are up, but Obama is losing his 'nice guy' reputation, which has always been a myth. Somehow I missed this story in the Spring, but it's a clear indication of how in the bag, the media, particularly NBC is for Obama. As you'll see, there is absolutely no commonality between these two:

What was run on program:


Here's what it was edited out of:


08-29-2012, 05:10 PM
I agree about the race card. I do believe the negativity from Obama and the MSM is hurting them, more than Romney. Sure his negs are up, but Obama is losing his 'nice guy' reputation, which has always been a myth. Somehow I missed this story in the Spring, but it's a clear indication of how in the bag, the media, particularly NBC is for Obama. As you'll see, there is absolutely no commonality between these two:

What was run on program:


Here's what it was edited out of:


Andrea Mitchell is nothing but a Chris Matthews in a dress, and broadway Makeup to hide her real identity when she's not on the streets of new york, pushing an old Shopping cart for the DNC to collect votes from the homeless.

08-29-2012, 07:20 PM
I agree about the race card. I do believe the negativity from Obama and the MSM is hurting them, more than Romney. Sure his negs are up, but Obama is losing his 'nice guy' reputation, which has always been a myth. Somehow I missed this story in the Spring, but it's a clear indication of how in the bag, the media, particularly NBC is for Obama. As you'll see, there is absolutely no commonality between these two:

What was run on program:


Here's what it was edited out of:


wow, talk about heavily edited. They aren't even trying to pretend to stay partial anymore.

After watching the REAL speech Romney makes a VERY good point about government bureaucracy.

08-29-2012, 11:23 PM
And here I thought you people were against PC.
But obviously you can't tell the truth on TV anymore. It gets you in trouble. :cool:

08-30-2012, 03:33 AM
And here I thought you people were against PC.
But obviously you can't tell the truth on TV anymore. It gets you in trouble. :cool:

No... seems the more liberals open their yapping Pie Holes the more they get in trouble for making racist, stupid comments. Perhaps you should criticize Mr. Chalian instead?

And since when has denouncing Racism or accusations thereof been considered PC?

Maybe to Liberals it is.... but to Conservatives Racism is something we fight against. Not For as you try to portray.

Remember...It was REPUBLICANS that passed the Civil Rights Legislation back in the 1960's...

Not the Pro-Jim Crow Southern Liberal Democrats...

Obviously you failed History in that vaunted Masters program of yours Gabby..... Perhaps you should change your TAG LINE on your profile to....

GABOSAURUS... Just another uninformed Liberal

08-31-2012, 12:50 AM
but to Conservatives Racism is something we fight against.


08-31-2012, 05:28 AM
And here I thought you people were against PC.
But obviously you can't tell the truth on TV anymore. It gets you in trouble. :cool:

Technically it wasn't even on TV, it was accidentally overheard on an open mic.

What you are ignoring is that it is another piece of evidence, and a whopping one at that, of the liberal media conspiracy we've spoken of for so long. That is the whack-a-doodle mindset behind the people putting together the news presentations for public consumption.

08-31-2012, 12:50 PM
And here I thought you people were against PC.
But obviously you can't tell the truth on TV anymore. It gets you in trouble. :cool:

Gabby. You've got that all wrong. We've been telling the truth all along. Pointing out OBAMA'S lies. And that is what get's us in trouble with people like you who do not want to hear, read, see, or know about TRUTH.

red states rule
09-01-2012, 06:53 AM
Gabby. You've got that all wrong. We've been telling the truth all along. Pointing out OBAMA'S lies. And that is what get's us in trouble with people like you who do not want to hear, read, see, or know about TRUTH.

To libs like Gabby truth is a menace and facts are an enemy.

a main "issue" Dems will run in in this election is racism. They will link any criticism of Obama to racism, and discussing Obama record in office is done only by racists

For some reason libs think they can win the election by doing this

09-01-2012, 07:50 AM
Andrea Mitchell is nothing but a Chris Matthews in a dress

that doesn't fly....Chris is already IN a dress.....