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View Full Version : If Muscles were Dollars....would Occupy Wall Street become Occupy Gold's Gym?

08-30-2012, 12:57 PM
I posted this on my fitness site, too.

While working out today I spied a few guys with very nice bodies. Their hard work showed. They sacrificed, and sweated and performed the required steps to achieve their results. I'd bet these guys are in the top 1% of society in terms of fitness. Sure, they didn't build their bodies on their own - I mean...The Government had to collect taxes for the infrastructure required for the fitness center to have a place to operate. Sure, the 'little guy' build the machines and weights. Mom and Pop stores created and sold the nutrition. But these guys took what was freely available to EVERYONE and turned those ingredients into very big muscles and amazing levels of fitness. Some of them probably were born into their genetic disposition - I bet some fit folks build muscle easier than others. I'm sure some of them make more money than me - they can AFFORD healthy foods. Nobody..NOBODY forces me to buy fast food (I don't...but just saying Ultimately, I make the choice of what goes into my body). Never once have I thought about protesting them demanding they give their "fair share" of muscles to all the FAT folk or Super-thin folk out there who ALSO work hard at...uh...they work...uh...hrm...they work hard at whatever they are doing that does NOT produce "fitness". How much of their muscles would be 'fair' to simply cut from their bodies and apply to those who do not do what it takes to build muscle.

If I want fitness - or a measure of the same - I will have to conduct my life in a way that demands fitness as the consequence. If I want to to have a f'ing hot body, the solution is SIMPLE. I have to do the things that result in a f'ing hot body. I cannot do OTHER things and expect those results. I can work twice as hard at Madden 13 than anyone. I can pour myself into something like...riding my lawn mower and put honest effort into my photography. I'd easily be able to camp out, sh|t on cop cars, and disrupt the lives of others while DEMANDING "I work hard (at things other than making muscles) so i DESERVE YOUR Muscles!"

I'm a skinny-fat guy. I see guys with hot bodies and I don't wish for them to give me what they've earned. I look to them and (gasp!) become INSPIRED to create that body on ME.

but I'm just sayin....

08-30-2012, 01:55 PM
I posted this on my fitness site, too.

lol, If Occupy anything involved any work at all, they wouldn't exist.

08-30-2012, 03:24 PM
Will never happen...... They'd be required to shower..

Hippie Liberals hate soap and Water