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View Full Version : New About Pandora

09-02-2012, 09:56 AM
Took the old girl for a postop checkup yesterday. Good news is the wound has healed nicely and she was able to get her depo-steroid shot for her autoimmune mouth problems. They were not going to give it before or right after surgery as it could impede healing. The not so good news is that the left side of her face has a partial paralysis. Not sure if that is surgical or just from the swelling she had from the infection before the operation. If it is the latter, the steroids might help reduce any lasting inflammation and resolve some of it, but the doctor isn't sure. The other not so good piece is she seems to have gone blind in the other eye - not infected but may just be old age. She bumps into things now but doesn't seem bothered much by it and she isn't afraid to climb up on the table to get her food. There is still good news though. This morning, blind or not, she is eating well. I know she is aging badly but I will take it as she does, one day at a time and love her for the time she has left.

09-02-2012, 10:04 AM
Eating is always a good sign! Just give her all the love you can and she'll return the favor. Somehow these little buggers know we love them and are "paying" to make them better. My dog is 99% deaf and has arthritis, but I just baby him that much more. :)