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09-02-2012, 11:29 AM
I saw it last night and was impressed. Going on the assumption that a politician won't say what his true agenda is, Dinesh D'Souza travels to Kenya to meet The Obama's relatives, friends of his dad, the to Indonesia where his mom ended up. He collects information to develop a theory, consults with a psychoanalyst to vet it and refine it, then tests it by making predictions which come true.

His assessment: Like Barack Sr., The Obama is an anti-colonialist, who wants to punish the west for robbing the Third World of natural resources, manufacturing products and selling them back at large profits. Barack Sr. supported Kenya's revolution against Great Britain, and Barack Jr. returned Churchill's bust. Islam sees Israel as a colonizer of the Middle East, so Obama refuses to support Israel, along with western interests in that region.

D'Souza's prediction of the world in 2016 and beyond if The Obama is reelected is not pretty.

The interview with George Obama, who lives in poverty in Kenya was very enlightening. This man has no education but understands that westernization of the third world has resulted in economic growth which helped everyone, and when Kenya rejected these efforts his country will always remain poor, and local leaders will continue to fight each other "over nothing".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2012, 11:53 AM
I saw it last night and was impressed. Going on the assumption that a politician won't say what his true agenda is, Dinesh D'Souza travels to Kenya to meet The Obama's relatives, friends of his dad, the to Indonesia where his mom ended up. He collects information to develop a theory, consults with a psychoanalyst to vet it and refine it, then tests it by making predictions which come true.

His assessment: Like Barack Sr., The Obama is an anti-colonialist, who wants to punish the west for robbing the Third World of natural resources, manufacturing products and selling them back at large profits. Barack Sr. supported Kenya's revolution against Great Britain, and Barack Jr. returned Churchill's bust. Islam sees Israel as a colonizer of the Middle East, so Obama refuses to support Israel, along with western interests in that region.

D'Souza's prediction of the world in 2016 and beyond if The Obama is reelected is not pretty.

The interview with George Obama, who lives in poverty in Kenya was very enlightening. This man has no education but understands that westernization of the third world has resulted in economic growth which helped everyone, and when Kenya rejected these efforts his country will always remain poor, and local leaders will continue to fight each other "over nothing".

I havent seen the movie yet. Plan on doing so soon. I bet it will reveal much that I've found when researching obama's past and so much hidden from our view by him.. A man only spends millions covering his past if he greatly fears and knows its very bad and will be viewed to be so by many many people. If he is that convinced of how bad it is then why arent we simply by knowing his opinion of it and his desire to hide it??--Tyr

09-02-2012, 07:36 PM
I havent seen the movie yet. Plan on doing so soon. I bet it will reveal much that I've found when researching obama's past and so much hidden from our view by him.. A man only spends millions covering his past if he greatly fears and knows its very bad and will be viewed to be so by many many people. If he is that convinced of how bad it is then why arent we simply by knowing his opinion of it and his desire to hide it??--Tyr

Hope I get the chance to see it as well.
I apologize to anyone now for bringing this topic up, but. Knowing how much Obama, and Holder have tried to circumvent, and even ignore their Oath, and our Constitution. I can't help but wonder how long the man who put this movie together will....Either remain out of jail, or Alive.

Whenever I hear about this kind of information being made public. I remember, and look back at the Watergate years to be reminded. Nothing is ever Impossible anymore.

09-02-2012, 09:05 PM
I bet it is not as entertaining as "Death of a President."


09-03-2012, 03:53 AM
I bet it is not as entertaining as "Death of a President."


It's not meant to be entertaining Gabby. Just a factual presentation of information all gathered up in one place.

09-03-2012, 01:04 PM
Gabby is all about emotion not facts and logic.

09-03-2012, 01:40 PM
I bet it is not as entertaining as "Death of a President."


But Gabby. If someone made a movie about You, like "Death of Gabosaurus". It would probably be more entertaining...for us.

red states rule
09-03-2012, 03:51 PM
I bet it is not as entertaining as "Death of a President."


Yes Gabby I know you would have been delighted if Pres bush was murdered. I would not be surprised if you have a DVD of the Ronald Reagan funeral with a laugh track for your added enjoyment

red states rule
09-03-2012, 03:52 PM
It's not meant to be entertaining Gabby. Just a factual presentation of information all gathered up in one place.

Gabby is a liberal - what the hell does she know (or care) about facts?

09-03-2012, 06:36 PM
POOR GABBY. Nobody likes her. Everybody hates her. Might as well Go eat Worms!

I honestly want to feel sorry for any American who comes here and so blatantly discloses how terribly challenged they are when it comes to facts about how they are being played as fools.

Sadly. Until our entire educational system, nationwide is repaired, and honest players begin to make the changes that not only money will bring. We're all gonna continue to have to put up with members like Gabby who....honestly, do not know any better. Period.

09-03-2012, 07:55 PM
Her fellow lib-tards love her.

09-03-2012, 11:50 PM
Let's go to the Tomatometer:



09-04-2012, 12:16 AM
Let's go to the Tomatometer:



80% liked 2012 and only 53% like Death.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 04:39 AM
POOR GABBY. Nobody likes her. Everybody hates her. Might as well Go eat Worms!

I honestly want to feel sorry for any American who comes here and so blatantly discloses how terribly challenged they are when it comes to facts about how they are being played as fools.

Sadly. Until our entire educational system, nationwide is repaired, and honest players begin to make the changes that not only money will bring. We're all gonna continue to have to put up with members like Gabby who....honestly, do not know any better. Period.

Gabby is still popular with her CA liberal buddies. You see in their world they ignore most of what is going on and live in their own little bubbles

For example during the 8 years of Bush Gabby was here almost daily spreading her hate and contempt for Bush. Everything was his fault without exception

NOW, Gabby is silent on the failures of Obama but has posted how anyone pointing out the failures of his policies and the dredful Obama econony is HATE

09-04-2012, 05:39 AM
I bet it is not as entertaining as "Death of a President."


Right now.... we're watching what could be called "THE DEATH OF A PRESIDENCY"

Starring - Barrack Hussein Obama

red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:42 AM
Right now.... we're watching what could be called "THE DEATH OF A PRESIDENCY"

Starring - Barrack Hussein Obama

Other movie titles for the Obama years would be

Ferris Buehler' Layoff and Swindler's List

09-04-2012, 07:25 AM
Apparently Gabs likes Death more than 2016.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 07:28 AM
Apparently Gabs likes Death more than 2016.

I have yet to meet a conservative who openly hopes for the death of those who have a different opionion on the role and size of government

However it is a common trait with far left liberals