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View Full Version : I'm McDonald's on this - I'm Lovin it!

Anton Chigurh
09-02-2012, 10:36 PM
Might not be their slogan anymore but, what the hell, sue me.

I am loving the Obamaphiles out here on the innerwebs - they already have their pat excuses for the Anointed One losing in November. Right now it's a dead heat between "RAAAAACISM!" and "The Republicans will CHEEEEEEAT!"

It can't be the policies, the failures, the economy, or the results of the last four years - no. It's got to be something else. It's this same crap every time a Democrat is in trouble or loses. This is also, WHY THEY KEEP LOSING! They never learn anything from it, staying delusional and in denial.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2012, 11:44 PM
Might not be their slogan anymore but, what the hell, sue me.

I am loving the Obamaphiles out here on the innerwebs - they already have their pat excuses for the Anointed One losing in November. Right now it's a dead heat between "RAAAAACISM!" and "The Republicans will CHEEEEEEAT!"

It can't be the policies, the failures, the economy, or the results of the last four years - no. It's got to be something else. It's this same crap every time a Democrat is in trouble or loses. This is also, WHY THEY KEEP LOSING! They never learn anything from it, staying delusional and in denial.

They never lose because of their silly ideals and awful policies. No sir, its because they were cheated! Kerry and Gore were both cheated..cheated by those evilllllllll Republicans. :laugh:

09-03-2012, 03:15 AM
Billions being spent on election campaigns, while millions of Americans starve (1 in 6 according to feeedingamerica.org) . Yeh, that makes sense.

09-03-2012, 04:01 AM
Billions being spent on election campaigns, while millions of Americans starve (1 in 6 according to feeedingamerica.org) . Yeh, that makes sense.

I believe this organization is dedicated to not letting people starve. Billions of dollars spent to feed the poor.

I do wonder how a country that has the largest percentage of obese people can also have people starving.

Anton Chigurh
09-03-2012, 08:17 AM
Billions being spent on election campaigns, while millions of Americans starve (1 in 6 according to feeedingamerica.org) . Yeh, that makes sense.About as much sense as half a billion of actual taxpayer dollars down the Solyndra rat hole?

Election campaigns not using anywhere near that much of taxpayer dollars - most of it is donations.

Anton Chigurh
09-03-2012, 08:19 AM
Billions of dollars spent to feed the poor. It's trillions, over the last 20 years.

Makes ya wonder how it's possible there are still poor people. And also makes ya wonder why we don't figure out that throwing money at a problem doesn't fix it.

red states rule
09-03-2012, 08:19 AM
Billions being spent on election campaigns, while millions of Americans starve (1 in 6 according to feeedingamerica.org) . Yeh, that makes sense.

Please tell me where in Amercia people are starving.

All I have heard form the libs and their allies in the liberal media that too many Amercians are overwight

I have never heard of a fat person starving

No, Obama will lose because he is an incompetent, bumbling, stumbling fool

09-03-2012, 08:40 AM
Billions being spent on election campaigns, while millions of Americans starve (1 in 6 according to feeedingamerica.org) . Yeh, that makes sense.

What America gives in charity alone, yearly, is more than what Islamic countries do for their own people to help feed them. Islamic leaders are all worth mega millions if not billionaires, and yet all of these countries are made of rock and people live in poor conditions.

But seriously, Americans do more to feed YOUR starving people in Islamic countries than your own people and leaders do, and you're worried about what we do in our own country? LOL The charity that America gives yearly alone is as much as the GDP in some countries.

Popping into a thread to inject stuff that is off topic, to put your anti-Americanism on display again. It's funny watching 2 act like a couple of cockroaches coming out at night, and I wake in the morning to find the little messes they made! :lol:

red states rule
09-03-2012, 10:21 AM
Might not be their slogan anymore but, what the hell, sue me.

I am loving the Obamaphiles out here on the innerwebs - they already have their pat excuses for the Anointed One losing in November. Right now it's a dead heat between "RAAAAACISM!" and "The Republicans will CHEEEEEEAT!"

It can't be the policies, the failures, the economy, or the results of the last four years - no. It's got to be something else. It's this same crap every time a Democrat is in trouble or loses. This is also, WHY THEY KEEP LOSING! They never learn anything from it, staying delusional and in denial.

I remember well there was one month when McDonalds accounted for about half of the new jobs added in the month

I wonder how Michelle felt when she heard that. Did she thank McDonalds? Or did she cuss and scream how Americans are eating such "unhealthy" ffods

Of copurse in the Obama economy, going to McDonalds may be considered a luxury

Gadget (fmr Marine)
09-03-2012, 10:27 AM
It can't be the policies, the failures, the economy, or the results of the last four years - no. It's got to be something else. It's this same crap every time a Democrat is in trouble or loses. This is also, WHY THEY KEEP LOSING! They never learn anything from it, staying delusional and in denial.

You may not remember this....according to the current administration, the last 4 years are the result of the previous administration. They cannot be held accountable for the state of affairs, yet, because it is all Bush's fault, STILL.

I think I am going to have a drinking game during the DNC convention....I'll take a drink of beer everytime they mention the fault of the previous administration....I can hold my beer OK, but I am worried I may end up totally shitfaced by the second hour of the first night. (I may even watch MSNBC to make it even more fun) No chance that I will do this with liquor...I wouldnt want to end up in the ER with alcohol poisoning.

Anyone else care to play?

red states rule
09-03-2012, 10:28 AM
You may not remember this....according to the current administration, the last 4 years are the result of the previous administration. They cannot be held accountable for the state of affairs, yet, because it is all Bush's fault, STILL.

I think I am going to have a drinking game during the DNC convention....I'll take a drink of beer everytime they mention the fault of the previous administration....I can hold my beer OK, but I am worried I may end up totally shitfaced by the second hour of the first night. (I may even watch MSNBC to make it even more fun) No chance that I will do this with liquor...I wouldnt want to end up in the ER with alcohol poisoning.

Anyone else care to play?

No, just play Obama Bullshit BINGO


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2012, 10:34 AM
No, just play Obama Bullshit BINGO


^^^^^^ Bravo!--:beer:

red states rule
09-03-2012, 10:36 AM
and you can play Obama Bullshit BINGO with ANY speaker on ANY night at the DNC. All the speeches will be like Obama's

Nothing is our fault. It is all Bush's fault. And the Republcians are blocking the very bils that would bring America economic prosperity

IOW all the usual BS

Gadget (fmr Marine)
09-03-2012, 10:41 AM
and you can play Obama Bullshit BINGO with ANY speaker on ANY night at the DNC. All the speeches will be like Obama's

Nothing is our fault. It is all Bush's fault. And the Republcians are blocking the very bils that would bring America economic prosperity

IOW all the usual BS

How many days/months/years since the last budget?


In addition, my colleagues on the other side of the Capitol in the Senate have not offered a budget in more than 1000 days.
Let me put that another way, the largest economy in the world, the US, has been operating without a budget for almost 3 years. This is unprecedented.

I guess sticking your head in the sand is one way to be convinced you are running the country the right way....establishing a budget should be the very first order of business....but I wouldnt expect someone without any experience in the business world to know that.

red states rule
09-03-2012, 10:43 AM
How many days/months/years since the last budget?


I guess sticking your head in the sand is one way to be convinced you are running the country the right way....establishing a budget should be the very first order of business....but I wouldnt expect someone without any experience in the business world to know that.

Libs are to busy with adding to the red ink to be bothered to put our budget in the black

OH NO!!! Would that comment be considered racist?????

09-05-2012, 05:03 PM
Please tell me where in Amercia people are starving.

All I have heard form the libs and their allies in the liberal media that too many Amercians are overwight

I have never heard of a fat person starving

No, Obama will lose because he is an incompetent, bumbling, stumbling fool


(Reuters) - The number of poor Americans who repeatedly ran short of food shot up by 800,000 in 2011 to nearly 17 million compared with 2010, the U.S. government said on Wednesday.
The Department of Agriculture said in a report that about 5.5 percent of Americans, or nearly 17 million, suffered "very low food security" last year, meaning they had to skip meals or not eat for a day because of a lack of money to buy food. That is a rise of 800,000 over the prior year, it said.

09-05-2012, 06:00 PM
They never lose because of their silly ideals and awful policies. No sir, its because they were cheated! Kerry and Gore were both cheated..cheated by those evilllllllll Republicans. :laugh:

I'm willing to consider their ideas. They don't know when to back off in the face of things not working. Trying a policy is one thing, insisting on people just sucking it up when the policy doesn't work is another. Assuming they have something helpful, they are unwilling to wait until we can afford it. Now it's the Dems who are callous to other people's suffering.