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09-03-2012, 10:57 AM

09-03-2012, 11:01 AM
Nicely done. That pretty much sums it up, he has no idea what he's doing.

09-03-2012, 11:30 AM
Miss him yet?


red states rule
09-03-2012, 11:37 AM
and just as expected, Gabby goes back to Bush whenever Obama's records and words are brought up

Tell me Gabby 20 years from now will you still be blaming Bush for all the worlds problems as some libs continue to blame Reagan?

When you talk to troubled kids do you tell them blame others for their failures or tell them admit where they went wrong and change their game plan of life?

Itr is amazing how for such "smart" people you fail to see and admit the obvious

red states rule
09-03-2012, 11:51 AM

09-03-2012, 12:28 PM
Wow, no deflecting or attempts to change the subject will matter, that video nails it. Did they really think no one would notice them using the same regurgitated words? At least change it up, but most of these were dead copies. It appears as if someone took and old speech and sat and retooled it a bit. What does it say to the competency of an administration that can't even be bothered to listen to the actual needs of the country, and write new speeches addressing those issues.

09-03-2012, 01:55 PM
Wow, no deflecting or attempts to change the subject will matter, that video nails it. Did they really think no one would notice them using the same regurgitated words? At least change it up, but most of these were dead copies. It appears as if someone took and old speech and sat and retooled it a bit. What does it say to the competency of an administration that can't even be bothered to listen to the actual needs of the country, and write new speeches addressing those issues.

jimnyc. As we have learned, and seen. Even from some members of this forum. Democrats, Liberals, Progressives who love, and follow Obama have been taught, and conditioned to always use the same LIES (words, phrases, sentences) they have memorized, and repeated for so long. They Honestly DO believe those lies to be Honest facts.
Obama doesn't care what anyone might recognize as a Repeated Lie. His speech writers have convinced him. Much like they have convinced 55 million Americans to ALWAYS BELIEVE what Obama says, or writes. And they MUST NEVER DARE to question what he says. Despite the obvious Lies.
Obama is, and always will be nothing but a Perfect Liar.

red states rule
09-03-2012, 02:05 PM

09-03-2012, 06:49 PM
Yes, I am better off than I was 4 years ago. Can things be better though? Of course! I also see many others doing much better while some may never recover from the last 8 years or so.

As I travel my area I see the new businesses that have sprung up, homes again being built, and many new faces at work, ( 119 in 4 years & 2 months were the numbers given on Fri. during our plant manager tenure according to a speech given on his leaving) new car dealerships have all expanded or moved to larger sites, and money being spent.

Was Obama really going to save the economy in 4 years? I rolled my eyes and laughed when he stated that knowing it take the miracle of miracles to happen along with a better chosen staff & more experience.

All in all I see things improving and better things coming with more of the better paying jobs coming back from overseas as energy here gets cheaper and it becomes more cumbersome to do business in China.

09-03-2012, 08:16 PM
I'm better off, but only slightly. I'm certainty not as well off as I would have been had my real estate holdings not taken the hit that they have. I'm far from underwater, but at this point in our lives with our kids in college my wife and I expected to sell this big colonial and move into a little Cape somewhere, using the equity that we had built to buy it outright.

09-03-2012, 08:17 PM
I'm not better off than I was four years ago......I'm better off than I was two years ago....that's when we elected a Republican governor and a Republican congress and balanced the state budget and cut taxes......I'm betting if we elect a Republican president and a Republican congress at the federal level we can do the same thing there.....then I can be better off than I was four years ago.....

09-03-2012, 11:45 PM
I am much better off than four years ago. I have a good job. My husband makes more money. Our cat is better behaved.

According to the Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate when Obama took office in Jan. of 2009 was 7.8. The rate in July of 2012 was 8.3.


red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:31 AM
Yes, I am better off than I was 4 years ago. Can things be better though? Of course! I also see many others doing much better while some may never recover from the last 8 years or so.

As I travel my area I see the new businesses that have sprung up, homes again being built, and many new faces at work, ( 119 in 4 years & 2 months were the numbers given on Fri. during our plant manager tenure according to a speech given on his leaving) new car dealerships have all expanded or moved to larger sites, and money being spent.

Was Obama really going to save the economy in 4 years? I rolled my eyes and laughed when he stated that knowing it take the miracle of miracles to happen along with a better chosen staff & more experience.

All in all I see things improving and better things coming with more of the better paying jobs coming back from overseas as energy here gets cheaper and it becomes more cumbersome to do business in China.

Are you a bankruptcy attorney or do you own a repo company? They are doing very well in the Obama economy

red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:35 AM
I am much better off than four years ago. I have a good job. My husband makes more money. Our cat is better behaved.

According to the Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate when Obama took office in Jan. of 2009 was 7.8. The rate in July of 2012 was 8.3.


You better make alot of money Gabby. In CA gas is around $4.23/gal; cost of food is soaring, taxes are going up as CA government continues to expand; three counties in your state have filed for bankruptcy; I have seen a rise in the number of foreclosure cases from the state of fruitloops and nuts

If Obama does get 4 more years they hope and change will reach your family as it has milions of others

09-04-2012, 05:41 AM
Are you a bankruptcy attorney or do you own a repo company? They are doing very well in the Obama economy

As I've stated before I am a producer and help to create jobs.

Do you realize how many times you've made this stupid statement or posted the same cartoons repeatedly? You are showing what a limited person you are!

red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:44 AM
As I've stated before I am a producer and help to create jobs.

Do you realize how many times you've made this stupid statement or posted the same cartoons repeatedly? You are showing what a limited person you are!

It is always nice to see a liberal share their civility on such issues. The fact you are doing well is unusal so pardon me for being skeptical

Are those jobs temp jobs? Are they paying above min wage with all the usual benefits? Or am I ow injecting to many facts into the discussion?

09-04-2012, 05:50 AM
It is always nice to see a liberal share their civility on such issues. The fact you are doing well is unusal so pardon me for being skeptical

Are those jobs temp jobs? Are they paying above min wage with all the usual benefits? Or am I ow injecting to many facts into the discussion?

No you idiot! I would get you a well paying job also if only you could write 2 coherent sentences without all the mispelling. Oh, you may need a degree depending, or other skills which you also lack.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:55 AM
No you idiot! I would get you a well paying job also if only you could write 2 coherent sentences without all the mispelling. Oh, you may need a degree depending, or other skills which you also lack.

Oh I have a well paying job there Mr Civility and when I see the increasing amount of taxes the government is taking only confirms that

Your reaction confirms what I thought about those jobs you "create"

Have a nice day SD


09-04-2012, 06:02 AM
Oh I have a well paying job there Mr Civility and when I see the increasing amount of taxes the government is taking only confirms that

Your reaction confirms what I thought about those jobs you "create"

Have a nice day SD


Well rsr, I'm going to work soon where we are currentlydevelopings our process in my lab and pilot plant to bring b-Carotene production back to the US. That would be 8 production jobs ranging from 60 to 100k with overtime.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 06:06 AM
Well rsr, I'm going to work soon where we are currentlydevelopings our process in my lab and pilot plant to bring b-Carotene production back to the US. That would be 8 production jobs ranging from 60 to 100k with overtime.

8 production jobs? Wow you must have gotten a couple hundred million in stimulus money.

Well given your contribution to the Obama economy perhaps you can a role in the movie about the Obama years

We have not decided on a title but it is a toss up between The Dependent Years or I Stole What You Earned Last Summer

09-04-2012, 09:03 PM
8 production jobs? Wow you must have gotten a couple hundred million in stimulus money.

Well given your contribution to the Obama economy perhaps you can a role in the movie about the Obama years

We have not decided on a title but it is a toss up between The Dependent Years or I Stole What You Earned Last Summer

Actually no stimulus money involved. None needed since our site was growing already thru wise business decisions and being in the Life Sciences business. You eat no matter what don't you?

Have I and others that work in manufacturing that cut costs thru better science & technology development that keep jobs here and are bringing more back just flacks working for Obama? What a thought! It's been my career for the past 38 years.

What I gather from your posts in this thread is that you have a quandary when others disagree with your doomsday economic forecasts and state that you can only be doing better in this economy if you are employed scavenging the bones who didn't plan, had bad luck, or just overspent. That people instead of bitching online actually get off their ass to make things better in this country and communities by deeds rather than post counts.

09-04-2012, 09:16 PM
8 production jobs? Wow you must have gotten a couple hundred million in stimulus money.

Well given your contribution to the Obama economy perhaps you can a role in the movie about the Obama years

We have not decided on a title but it is a toss up between The Dependent Years or I Stole What You Earned Last Summer

EIGHT as in 8 production jobs? That required EIGHT Obama shovel 3909ready GREEN JOBS too?

09-04-2012, 10:05 PM
EIGHT as in 8 production jobs? That required EIGHT Obama shovel 3909ready GREEN JOBS too?

I guess you just plan to ignore where I said that there was NEVER was stimulus money just to be difficult. Yes 8 well paying jobs to HS graduates & 1 project engineer. Sure what's 9 jobs. Maybe ask the people that will get those jobs or the other 119 hired in the last 4 years.

I sure their responses would be miles above yours.

09-04-2012, 10:19 PM
I am much better off than four years ago. I have a good job. My husband makes more money. Our cat is better behaved.

According to the Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate when Obama took office in Jan. of 2009 was 7.8. The rate in July of 2012 was 8.3.


so, is it okay with you if the millions of people who have lost their jobs since January of 2009 don't vote for Obama?.....

09-04-2012, 11:03 PM
Oh I have a well paying job there Mr Civility and when I see the increasing amount of taxes the government is taking only confirms that

If you are wealthy and have a high paying job, you obviously have no clue how the other half lives. Sort of like Romney. You began life on third base and have spent your entire life telling people how you hit a triple.
The American government runs on tax dollars. If you make more money, you should give back more. Romney wants rich people to pay less, supposedly so they can create jobs for others. That has never worked. Wealthy people given tax breaks keep the money and use it to make more money for themselves.

09-04-2012, 11:35 PM
If you are wealthy and have a high paying job, you obviously have no clue how the other half lives. Sort of like Romney. You began life on third base and have spent your entire life telling people how you hit a triple.
The American government runs on tax dollars. If you make more money, you should give back more. Romney wants rich people to pay less, supposedly so they can create jobs for others. That has never worked. Wealthy people given tax breaks keep the money and use it to make more money for themselves.

Tell us, Gabby, how much does that top 1% of America pay in overall tax revenue collected?

09-04-2012, 11:57 PM
Not as much as they should. That is why they make huge political donations.

red states rule
09-05-2012, 02:46 AM
If you are wealthy and have a high paying job, you obviously have no clue how the other half lives. Sort of like Romney. You began life on third base and have spent your entire life telling people how you hit a triple.
The American government runs on tax dollars. If you make more money, you should give back more. Romney wants rich people to pay less, supposedly so they can create jobs for others. That has never worked. Wealthy people given tax breaks keep the money and use it to make more money for themselves.

So much for being one of the "smart" people

Gabby you really are full of it. I have worked since I was 16 and everything I own in this world is PAID for.

Unlike you, I do not suffer from wealth envy and do not hate those who accumlated wealth. I can see both of us driving around in a well off neighborhood seeing the large homes, and expensive cars in the driveway

I would think what could that person teach me so I could make more money in my life - while you would think how many people did that bastard screw over to steal that much money

Also you have no idea about Mitt's early life. He gave away ALL of his inheritance and made his money on his own. He left MI so his father's friends would not assist him in building a business. Mitt has put more people to work and helped more people acumlate more wealth then any government program you could name Gabby

Have you ever been to a Staple's store?

I will never understand why libs like you hate the rich so much. Since the top 1% pay about 40% of all Federal Income taxes - a huge majority of funding for your beloved social programs are funded by this tiny section of the population. Instead of smearing them you should be thanking them

I would think being one of the "smart" people you would understand that when tax cuts are passed the people who actually pay the taxes are the one who gets the tax cut

Perhaps like others here, you did not take (or slept through) Economics 101. As you work for the education system and thus you are paid by the taxpayer - you should be more appreciative towards us and stop demanding we hand over more and more of money

After all there are only so many Solyndra's we can afford and we now owe over $16 trillion just on the national debt alone

09-05-2012, 03:43 AM
I'm better off than I was 4 years ago.

09-05-2012, 05:07 PM
I'm better off than I was 4 years ago.

Due to your wife's working and your educational attainments? Yes, good things. Not many are in that position.

09-05-2012, 05:45 PM
Due to your wife's working and your educational attainments? Yes, good things. Not many are in that position.

I do consider myself fortunate; but IMHO, my improved position is not due to president Obama-- just as my wife's educational attainment whilst I was employed during the bush years was due to the same ethic of hard work and sacrifice, not the white house. When I closed my business in 2008 I didn't blame bush, just myself. 'Twas a bitter pill to swallow I admit, but I alone own my success and failure-- that's the key to real growth which resists the economic and political winds of change. I think too much is expected from (and credit attributed to) political election cycles. Too many Yankee doodles singing the same old song, whilst neglecting a myriad of official duties. I still believe in Obama's '08 slogan, change we need.

09-05-2012, 05:57 PM
Not as much as they should. That is why they make huge political donations.

If the top 3% of the nation already pay a ridiculously higher percentage than the rest of the nation combined - what number exactly do you think they should tax these 3%? You can't keep taking and taking and say it needs to be more. Should they be taxed 20%? 30%? 50% Take it all maybe? Have you even bothered to compare how much the top 3% of earners pay in taxes compared to the rest of the nation combined?

red states rule
09-05-2012, 06:05 PM
If the top 3% of the nation already pay a ridiculously higher percentage than the rest of the nation combined - what number exactly do you think they should tax these 3%? You can't keep taking and taking and say it needs to be more. Should they be taxed 20%? 30%? 50% Take it all maybe? Have you even bothered to compare how much the top 3% of earners pay in taxes compared to the rest of the nation combined?

from the IRS

According to statistics provided by the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. taxpayers paid at the following rate in 2008, the most recent year for which comprehensive figures are available. The data was updated in 2010.

The top 1%, ranked by adjusted gross income of at least $380,354, paid 38.02% of federal personal income taxes.

The top 5%, ranked by adjusted gross income of at least $159,619, paid 58.72% of federal income taxes.

The top 10%, ranked by adjusted gross income of at least $113,799, paid 69.94% of federal income taxes.

The top 25%, ranked by adjusted gross income of at least $67,280, paid 86.34% of federal income taxes.

The top 50%, ranked by adjusted gross income of at least $33,048, paid 97.30% of federal income taxes.

The bottom 50%, ranked by adjusted gross income of less than $33,048, paid 2.7% of federal income taxes.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0811/Taxes-Who-Pays-And-How-Much.aspx#ixzz25di2299k

09-05-2012, 06:25 PM
If the top 3% of the nation already pay a ridiculously higher percentage than the rest of the nation combined - what number exactly do you think they should tax these 3%? You can't keep taking and taking and say it needs to be more. Should they be taxed 20%? 30%? 50% Take it all maybe? Have you even bothered to compare how much the top 3% of earners pay in taxes compared to the rest of the nation combined?

Hilarious that you'd even expect a coherent answer from her. :lol:

09-05-2012, 07:24 PM
Not as much as they should. That is why they make huge political donations.

I'm going to put this simply. Let's take a hard worker, lawn mower kid.
He makes 50 bucks. His brother plays video games.
It's not fair that he should get all the money! He should have to give it up so people like his brother can have a little spending money!

Lib logic^

Another scenario, one boy cuts two lawns and makes twice the money compaired to the kid cutting one. say it's 10 bucks a lawn. Mom makes them save half, one is saving 5, while the other is saving 10. But hey, the harder worker is walking out with more! We should make him save 15 dollars so everyone get's an equal amount to spend!


I believe if you're willing to work your ass off, you should keep your money. I find it a little unfair when people are told they work too hard and make the rest of them look bad. I'm sorry, but the rich should not HAVE to pay MORE for working.
Yeah, maybe they won lifes lottery, maybe they'll feel guilty and try to give back.

Look at bill gates, he has a god awful amount of charity programs that he donates to/runs. All to help the poor. He's filthy rich, if we start taxing him, we'll lose quite a bit of charity that he so willingly gives. But hey, it's not fair to everyone else, is it gabby?

09-05-2012, 07:32 PM
And the reason i am so adamant that the rich should not be taxed more, is because...
Ever heard of trickle economics?

Say i take a business, we make "The Thingy".

The THINGY costs 1 dollar to make, and another 50 cents for profit.

Uncle Sam comes in, and says we're making too much, so they charge us a 50c tax. Now answer me, are we going to keep doing this and make no profit? GOD NO! we're gonna jack the price up another 50c.

Now, that 1.50 costs 2 dollars on the customer. Now try to add that in to cars and their taxes, and now you're adding thousands onto something that should be cheaper. ergo, you don't tax the ones running the companies, or the business's themselves, and it helps the poor/middle class not spend so much.

(I also plan on starting my buisness, and there's no way in hell i'll stand for being taxed a hell of a lot more because i'm working harder to give people jobs.)

09-05-2012, 07:40 PM
Remember when the libtards taxed the hell out of big boats? The thinking was to soak (pun intended) the rich. But what happened? The rich stopped buying boats. Lots of small companies went bankrupt and thousands of workers lost their jobs.

09-05-2012, 07:47 PM
Not as much as they should. That is why they make huge political donations.

Gabby. First. Have you ever worked?

Second. Have you ever been a small, or large business owner?

Third. If you have worked, or are presently working for someone other than yourself. Is that person Poor?

Fourth. Have you ever been employed by someone you consider poor, or someone who earns LESS than you?

Fifth. Since you are obviously unsuccessful, and poor. You have never owned your own business, nor have you ever worked for anyone who was what you call wealthy, or rich. Since you despise them so much, and demand that they SUPPORT you.

Otherwise. All of the questions above are now open for your FALSE replies.

09-05-2012, 07:58 PM
Gabby. First. Have you ever worked?

Second. Have you ever been a small, or large business owner?

Third. If you have worked, or are presently working for someone other than yourself. Is that person Poor?

Fourth. Have you ever been employed by someone you consider poor, or someone who earns LESS than you?

Fifth. Since you are obviously unsuccessful, and poor. You have never owned your own business, nor have you ever worked for anyone who was what you call wealthy, or rich. Since you despise them so much, and demand that they SUPPORT you.

Otherwise. All of the questions above are now open for your FALSE replies.

I'm not Gabby, but you are putting forth a false choice. But, you knew that.

09-05-2012, 08:02 PM
Karen Mills lies about small business health and what government has done for and to them.

09-05-2012, 08:05 PM
watching small business video. Nothing to argue with here. No free beer?

09-05-2012, 08:07 PM
watching small business video. Nothing to argue with here. No free beer?

I disagree with his conclusion, but can't fault him as a business owner or citizen. I will fight against Obama.

09-05-2012, 08:14 PM
I'm not Gabby, but you are putting forth a false choice. But, you knew that.

Kathianne. With all due respect. Please tell me which question put forth a false choice?

09-05-2012, 08:28 PM
watching small business video. Nothing to argue with here. No free beer?
Iirc--There was a beer party in eastern Europe(Poland I think). Sadly, it's defunct now. We could ponder the (dis)functional reasons why it didn't last.

09-05-2012, 08:30 PM
Kathianne. With all due respect. Please tell me which question put forth a false choice?

Gabby. First. Have you ever worked? Again, not Gabby. Yes. I've worked.

Second. Have you ever been a small, or large business owner? No, never owned my own business.

Third. If you have worked, or are presently working for someone other than yourself. Is that person Poor? Working for two school districts and one company, other than myself, none are poor.

Fourth. Have you ever been employed by someone you consider poor, or someone who earns LESS than you? No.

Fifth. Since you are obviously unsuccessful, and poor. You have never owned your own business, nor have you ever worked for anyone who was what you call wealthy, or rich. Since you despise them so much, and demand that they SUPPORT you. This was aimed at Gabby, wouldn't have fit. It does for me. Since I'm poor, what would you like our country to do with me?

Otherwise. All of the questions above are now open for your FALSE replies. Seems you lost your train of thought at the end, I'm assuming you believe something should befall me for failing.

09-05-2012, 08:39 PM
Seems you lost your train of thought at the end, I'm assuming you believe something should befall me for failing.

Kathianne. You didn't happen to notice....I directed my questions at GABBY? And not You!

As for something befalling you for failing. Everyone alive has failed at something, at some time in their life.

Look at the questions I asked. Keep them in the context of how some people always blame the wealthy, or rich. Claiming they need to pay more taxes. When the facts are. Those who happen to be the wealthy among us, also happen to be the employers, or business owners who make it possible for everyone else to have a job.
But...if they are taxed even more than they are today...in general, here in the U.S.A. They are less likely to hire more of us to work for them. And. If the govt. raised their taxes even more. It's the govt. that is forcing them to GO OVERSEAS where the corporate taxes are far less.
SO...Which would someone like GABBY prefer. Higher taxes...fewer jobs. Or lower taxes on those who are rich, who HIRE more Americans.
NOTE: I have never met any POOR PERSON who offered me, or anyone else a Job.

09-05-2012, 08:48 PM
I would like to expand on my post to gabby.


Found this on Google, I'd forgotten about writing it.

red states rule
09-06-2012, 02:39 AM
I would like to expand on my post to gabby.


Found this on Google, I'd forgotten about writing it.

Looks like Gabby once again has become "bored" or has "other things to do". :laugh2:

But one person who is NOT better off under Obama.............


red states rule
09-06-2012, 03:28 AM
If you want to ask Obama if he is better off please wait and ask him on November 7. He will then feel like a majority of voters do now

09-06-2012, 08:36 AM
I am not better off than 4 years ago, as an individual or as a family. Not even close.

09-06-2012, 12:08 PM
My family is holding steady, not any better, but not any worse either.

Mainly because when things started going south, I started saving and paying off all my bills. Now with gas prices again skyrocketing and food prices going up, I'm glad I did.

My sister's husband lost his company, which employed 15 people, he voted for Obama. Last I spoke to him he says he's an independent and looking at Romney. This guy was die hard dem. 5 yrs ago.

My mother-in-law voted obama and so far has decided to stay home election day.

This never ending recession and the gas prices are no good for anyone.

09-06-2012, 12:32 PM

This never ending recession and the gas prices are no good for anyone.

They're good for the Country because this is causing folks like your relatives to re-assess their prior gullibility. Personally I'm hoping that gas prices will climb steadily, 25 cents per week, until election day.

09-06-2012, 01:37 PM
My family is holding steady, not any better, but not any worse either.

Mainly because when things started going south, I started saving and paying off all my bills. Now with gas prices again skyrocketing and food prices going up, I'm glad I did.

My sister's husband lost his company, which employed 15 people, he voted for Obama. Last I spoke to him he says he's an independent and looking at Romney. This guy was die hard dem. 5 yrs ago.

My mother-in-law voted obama and so far has decided to stay home election day.

This never ending recession and the gas prices are no good for anyone.

Don't forget that darn college kid of yours!

09-06-2012, 03:34 PM
If you want to ask Obama if he is better off please wait and ask him on November 7. He will then feel like a majority of voters do now

No need to bother asking Obama any questions. He either won't answer them, change the subject, or lie as he always does.

Sad thing is, and Obama probably worships this fact. He, Michelle, and their two daughters will FOREVER be our DEPENDENTS, if you honestly assess what happens after he leaves the White House.
Just like we pay for CARTER, BUSH 1, CLINTON, and BUSH II. Obama will become a WARD of our's...forever, or until he DIES FROM LYING.

red states rule
09-07-2012, 02:25 AM

09-07-2012, 01:22 PM
I'm really tired of hearing the Liberals repeat those words, over and over again.

So. In response...just this One Time. Here is my answer.

"Yes. I will, and America will BE BETTER OFF, when we learn that either Obama lost in November, or the U.S. Senate became the home of the Republican Majority again."

Then...we will all be BETTER OFF.

09-07-2012, 09:17 PM
They're good for the Country because this is causing folks like your relatives to re-assess their prior gullibility. Personally I'm hoping that gas prices will climb steadily, 25 cents per week, until election day.

Harsh, but effective.

I predict the Strategic Oil Reserve is going to be used to drive down gas prices prior to election.

09-07-2012, 09:51 PM
Harsh, but effective.

I predict the Strategic Oil Reserve is going to be used to drive down gas prices prior to election.

NightTrain. That sounds about right, and would usually be the one, and only answer Obama would have to quell the hollering about gas prices. But...if he has been unsuccessful in getting Harry Reid in the Senate to even....TALK about a Budget. Two months before the election isn't gonna be enough time for Harry to find 60 votes to agree with Obama.

It's really a Non-starter for Obama because. EVERYONE with a Mind, or Brain that uses it to reason through common sense would instantly see...Using the SOR as nothing but a Political Trick. Much like Obama care on CRACK.