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09-03-2012, 11:57 PM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 05:28 AM
For me I can assure you I will not behave like liberals do when they lose an election. Why do the so called "smart people" always offer up the excuses like the election ws stolen; our message was drowned out by Fox News and Rush Limbuagh; we did not "sell" our agenda well enough to the voters; we had a communication problem; minorty voters were denied their right to vote; and the oldie but goodie America is a still a racist country

But look on the bright side Gabby with Pres Romney you wil be able to let loose with all the hate you have toward Republicans who have a different opinion on the role and size of government then you do

As you did during the during the Bush years you can blame Romney for anything and everything that happens. It will help in keeping your BP within safe and healthy limits

09-04-2012, 06:25 AM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

Cut my expenses and accept a lower pay rate, when that fails, apply for extended unemployment benefits. Work W-2 instead of 1099/corp-to-corp. I'm sure Obama will replace the money the tourism industry won't be getting from me/others with a bailout. Homelessness was never a risk for me and my family until we had the gangster in the White House. I guess I should be thankful to Obama for forcing me to learn homelessness avoidance skills, huh? In spite of it all I STILL have good credit. I'm one of those suckers that will sleep in a church basement before being a delinquent borrower/tenant.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 06:29 AM
Cut my expenses and accept a lower pay rate, when that fails, apply for extended unemployment benefits. Work W-2 instead of 1099/corp-to-corp. I'm sure Obama will replace the money the tourism industry won't be getting from me/others with a bailout.

In my case, with 4 more years of hope and change I can expect work to continue to be very busy

People will continue not to have jobs thus no income to pay their mortgage. The property goes into foreclosure and I get their letter asking for payment assistance

Also people will continue to file for bankrupty protection thus I get a letter from the courts and bankruptcy attorney telling us the foreclosure process must be stopped

Yes four more years of Obama will mean 4 more years of steady work in the default department

09-04-2012, 07:11 AM
I was looking at my savings and thinking I could retire but another 4 years of Obama could change all of that.

My savings could diminish exponentially through hyper-inflation leaving me with nil, which is his ultimate plan for wealth redistribution. Crash the system and spread around what's left.

If I were sitting on a pile of gold maybe it would be different, but I see no benefit in that either.

The scenario is, that if Obama does destroy the dollar as he intends to, gold is a safe commodity. But who would you sell it to, in exchange for what?

So I would have to alter my plans and accept the notion of working straight up until my dying day, just so I can at least be sure I won't die of starvation.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 07:13 AM
I was looking at my savings and thinking I could retire but another 4 years of Obama could change all of that.

My savings could diminish exponentially through hyper-inflation leaving with nil, which is his ultimate plan for wealth redistribution. Crash the system and spread around what's left.

If I were sitting on a pile of gold maybe it would be different, but I see no benefit in that either.

The scenario is, that if Obama does destroy the dollar as he intends to, gold is a safe commodity. But who would you sell it to, in exchange for what?

Your post could be condensed down to this 2012 Obama slogan

You May Be On Welfare - But Hey You Have ObamaCare!!!

09-04-2012, 07:30 AM
Like a marriage, we have to accept it for better or worse. There's still a lot of time and either can win. If people are truly stupid enough to vote Obama in again, I suppose our family will be tighter with our money in every aspect and be careful until Obama is out of office. Honestly, what scares me the most is the healthcare changes, the associated costs & the cut in value.

As for what will people do if either candidate loses? Hopefully neither would do something dumb. The only "threats" I ever recall is from Democrats promising to leave the country if GWB won office. NOT ONE that I am aware of followed through with their words, unfortunately. That's why those type closely associate with Obama and other leading Democrats, they know empty promises well.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 07:36 AM
Like a marriage, we have to accept it for better or worse. There's still a lot of time and either can win. If people are truly stupid enough to vote Obama in again, I suppose our family will be tighter with our money in every aspect and be careful until Obama is out of office. Honestly, what scares me the most is the healthcare changes, the associated costs & the cut in value.

As for what will people do if either candidate loses? Hopefully neither would do something dumb. The only "threats" I ever recall is from Democrats promising to leave the country if GWB won office. NOT ONE that I am aware of followed through with their words, unfortunately. That's why those type closely associate with Obama and other leading Democrats, they know empty promises well.

Jim, the bottom line is you will not see mobs of sore loser Republicans take to the streets or stage protests for the cameras like Dems do when they lose

We move on and try to figure out why we lost and try to make the needed changes

Libs have a temper tamtrum and make excuses as to why they lost

09-04-2012, 08:50 AM
I will cry for a little bit. And be sad about who my commander and chief is. But I'll listen to him (Grudgingly), and do what i planned on doing anyway, stick to the Air Force for a few years and save money until i feel i have enough to start a small business. Or, if i really like it, just stick to the military and fly helicopters :rolleyes:.

Now, I'd be more scared that i wouldn't be able to keep my job in the air force. I'd be scared out of my mind that we'd pull out of everything, cut military, and then get bombarded by countries taking advantage of the situation. At least with a republican in charge I know I'll still be able to stand up for the PEOPLE, CONSTITUTION, and RIGHTS. (Not the big wigs in the white house, I'm fine with just standing up for the every day American and their way of life) :salute:

red states rule
09-04-2012, 08:59 AM
I will cry for a little bit. And be sad about who my commander and chief is. But I'll listen to him (Grudgingly), and do what i planned on doing anyway, stick to the Air Force for a few years and save money until i feel i have enough to start a small business. Or, if i really like it, just stick to the military and fly helicopters :rolleyes:.

Now, I'd be more scared that i wouldn't be able to keep my job in the air force. I'd be scared out of my mind that we'd pull out of everything, cut military, and then get bombarded by countries taking advantage of the situation. At least with a republican in charge I know I'll still be able to stand up for the PEOPLE, CONSTITUTION, and RIGHTS. (Not the big wigs in the white house, I'm fine with just standing up for the every day American and their way of life) :salute:

Good luck. Libs seems to have little love or respect for members of the US military. There attemts to not count the votes of the US military at election time confirms their contempt for you and the rest of US military

Anton Chigurh
09-04-2012, 09:03 AM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?False stereotyping, broad brushing. Trolling.

09-04-2012, 09:12 AM
False stereotyping, broad brushing. Trolling.

Now now, don't write her off just yet. I can see a race war going on. (The stupid black panther party in the center of it)
And local militia? I've seen plenty of groups that have said, they have guns, and when the shit hits the fan, they're making a break for it. (The kid i know is part of a reenactment group, a lot of ex-military. discovered a lot about unofficial local militia)

Now, will Obama be the direct cause? Not at first, but if the economy keeps going where Obama's leading it, a group of people is gonna get pissed and go ape shit nuts. Hell, think about it, the tea party started. How often do you see a bunch of middle class white people angry enough to actually say anything/do something about it?

Military cuts, some foreign country is gonna take full advantage of it, then we're fucked. Royally fucked. And it would take a while to get everyone either retrained, or back in the military. (plenty would be pissed that they got kicked out in the first place, and might not go back)

09-04-2012, 09:13 AM
Maybe i should just start hanging out in the conspiracy theory threads...

09-04-2012, 11:27 AM
How will you react if Romney loses?

Wow, really reaching for any rope anybody can throw you, eh?

09-04-2012, 12:06 PM
Probably have a victory wank.


red states rule
09-04-2012, 02:17 PM
America will remember the attitude of Obama and the Dems during the first 2 years of Obama's term when Dems had total control of Congress and could do anything they wanted

Republicans could do NOTHING to slow or stop them


09-04-2012, 02:23 PM
Well, If I were a lib celebrity, I'd be tweeting about how I'm going to QUIT America and move away if bambam wins again.

Most recent celeb idiot is Paris Jackson, who says she's moving to Africa if Romney wins. It's a pretty big continant, apparently she hasn't nailed down a country yet.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 02:25 PM
Well, If I were a lib celebrity, I'd be tweeting about how I'm going to QUIT America and move away if bambam wins again.

Most recent celeb idiot is Paris Jackson, who says she's moving to Africa if Romney wins. It's a pretty big continant, apparently she hasn't nailed down a country yet.

If only those celebs would leave as they promised

Hell, I would be happy to drive them to the airport Trigg

But libs love to build up our hopes only to crush them when they fail to deliver on their promises - and make excuses as to why they f'd up

Just like Obama

09-04-2012, 02:56 PM
Most recent celeb idiot is Paris Jackson, who says she's moving to Africa if Romney wins. It's a pretty big continant, apparently she hasn't nailed down a country yet.

Perhaps she hasn't found one that will accept her yet.

09-04-2012, 03:16 PM
I will cry for a little bit. And be sad about who my commander and chief is. But I'll listen to him (Grudgingly), and do what i planned on doing anyway, stick to the Air Force for a few years and save money until i feel i have enough to start a small business. Or, if i really like it, just stick to the military and fly helicopters :rolleyes:.

Now, I'd be more scared that i wouldn't be able to keep my job in the air force. I'd be scared out of my mind that we'd pull out of everything, cut military, and then get bombarded by countries taking advantage of the situation. At least with a republican in charge I know I'll still be able to stand up for the PEOPLE, CONSTITUTION, and RIGHTS. (Not the big wigs in the white house, I'm fine with just standing up for the every day American and their way of life) :salute:

cadet. I wish you luck, and hope you are right but. Have you noticed how the Obama Admin, in conjunction with the Dems in Congress, and the Politicos in the Pentagon have been DOWNSIZING all of the forces?
If you haven't noticed. Imagine how you might feel after they are finished with getting rid of....PINK SLIPPING thousands of people in uniform in the NAVY, ARMY and MARINES.
That leaves the Coast Guard, and Air Force on the chopping block, and like the Obama Union supporters. The FIRST TO GO are usually the ones with the SHORTEST TIME in uniform.
May not happen now. But...it's something to think about.

Before I retired from the Navy in 1995. The years following the First Gulf War, in the Clinton era. We saw large numbers of experienced, and junior people being offered money to leave on their own, or they were threatened with simple FIRINGS.

Yes. It does happen in the military. Anyone who thinks otherwise should just Vote for Obama. Get two strikes for the price of one. Higher taxes after January, and NO JOB in uniform.
Chew on that for a while.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 03:43 PM

09-04-2012, 03:52 PM

Now that.....^ photo above is a huge, terrible, but true INSULT to the contents of baby diapers across America.
It proves that Politicians and Diapers are FULL of whatever they pretend to call BS.

red states rule
09-04-2012, 03:57 PM

09-04-2012, 04:46 PM
How will you react if Romney loses?

Wow, really reaching for any rope anybody can throw you, eh?

She's finally learned that stupid statements can come back to haunt you for years (I got two degrees from So Cal.)

This is her hook to hammer people with down the road should the unthinkable happen.

09-04-2012, 04:55 PM
deal with it.

09-04-2012, 05:03 PM
She's finally learned that stupid statements can come back to haunt you for years (I got two degrees from So Cal.)

This is her hook to hammer people with down the road should the unthinkable happen.

NightTrain. No biggy. She really hasn't learned anything. Having one, two, or even One-hundred degree's...according to some, selfish, snobbish people. Is intended to intimidate, or shame others. When the truth is. People who must brag about how superior, or intellectually smarter they THINK they are in looking down their nose. Are generally the very same people who have never mastered TYING their shoes, or they spend their life...marking their hands with the letters "R" and "L" because they are like RAINMAN.
So, whenever someone like Gabby arrives on the scene. Intent on proving how much smarter than everyone else Gabby pretends to be. It just exposes them to others who know the signs of IGNORANCE, SELFISHNESS, and general Dumbness.
The easiest way to deal, or handle them is. To allow them to keep talking, and to prove WHO the real fools are.

09-04-2012, 05:08 PM
She's finally learned that stupid statements can come back to haunt you for years (I got two degrees from So Cal.)

This is her hook to hammer people with down the road should the unthinkable happen.

I don't see anything stupid about avoiding unnecessary purchases, paying off debt and trying to keep a bigger rainy day fund. And yes, B-HO's re-election would be a rainy day. Any yes, I will have the confidence to make luxury purchases if Romney wins and I won't if B-HO wins.

09-04-2012, 05:45 PM
NightTrain. No biggy. She really hasn't learned anything. Having one, two, or even One-hundred degree's...according to some, selfish, snobbish people. Is intended to intimidate, or shame others. When the truth is. People who must brag about how superior, or intellectually smarter they THINK they are in looking down their nose. Are generally the very same people who have never mastered TYING their shoes, or they spend their life...marking their hands with the letters "R" and "L" because they are like RAINMAN.
So, whenever someone like Gabby arrives on the scene. Intent on proving how much smarter than everyone else Gabby pretends to be. It just exposes them to others who know the signs of IGNORANCE, SELFISHNESS, and general Dumbness.
The easiest way to deal, or handle them is. To allow them to keep talking, and to prove WHO the real fools are.

She's not quite as stupid as she was even 4 years ago, methinks she has the beginning of wisdom creeping in.

If you care to compare for yourself, go back 4 years on this very board and see what kind of baseless vitriol she posted about Sarah Palin, especially her venomous posts / attacks regarding Bristol's child that was supposedly Palin's child. Palin has a special place in Gabby's heart and I will say it's due to that mysterious instant unfounded Girl Hate that all males have wondered about through the centuries. Most females outgrow it in their early to mid 20's.

The easiest way to deal, or handle them is. To allow them to keep talking, and to prove WHO the real fools are.

Oh, she's kept talking. It's been a great source of amusement throughout the years.

09-04-2012, 05:48 PM
I don't see anything stupid about avoiding unnecessary purchases, paying off debt and trying to keep a bigger rainy day fund. And yes, B-HO's re-election would be a rainy day. Any yes, I will have the confidence to make luxury purchases if Romney wins and I won't if B-HO wins.

I'm pretty sure you need to re-read what I posted... this doesn't make any sense.

Abbey Marie
09-04-2012, 05:56 PM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

Buy a copy of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book, pray a lot, and drink.

09-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

This is always the shit that Liberals practice when they have a losing candidate. They accuse their opposition of zealotry and then make a stupid claim that either way the end result will be the same.

The only way to explain this: mental retardation.

09-04-2012, 07:18 PM
She's not quite as stupid as she was even 4 years ago, methinks she has the beginning of wisdom creeping in.

If you care to compare for yourself, go back 4 years on this very board and see what kind of baseless vitriol she posted about Sarah Palin, especially her venomous posts / attacks regarding Bristol's child that was supposedly Palin's child. Palin has a special place in Gabby's heart and I will say it's due to that mysterious instant unfounded Girl Hate that all males have wondered about through the centuries. Most females outgrow it in their early to mid 20's.

Oh, she's kept talking. It's been a great source of amusement throughout the years.

Let's just keep gabby the way she is, or claims to be right now. I have no desire to be reminded of how much more dumb someone was four years ago. There's no Liberal fairness in making such a comparison. STUPID is, as STUPID does. End of story.

red states rule
09-06-2012, 03:04 AM
What happened? Did Gabby become "bored" again with her own thread? :laugh2:

09-06-2012, 09:13 AM
Surely you realize that she is nothing more than a bomb thrower, lacking the intelligence to debate or even defend herself.

09-07-2012, 01:25 AM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

I like many others would just breath a sigh of relief and get on with it.

red states rule
09-07-2012, 02:11 AM
I like many others would just breath a sigh of relief and get on with it.

Yep, you do have to keep those gas chambers up and running in your wet dreams. With Obama in charge of US foreign policy you will have nothing to worry about if Israel is attacked

The most Obama would do is yawn and go play another round of golf

09-07-2012, 06:06 AM
Yep, you do have to keep those gas chambers up and running in your wet dreams. With Obama in charge of US foreign policy you will have nothing to worry about if Israel is attacked

The most Obama would do is yawn and go play another round of golf

Gas chambers?!? What gas chambers? Or is this the reason for the blind support of the terrorist state of Israel? Holocaust guilt :/

09-07-2012, 06:25 AM
Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. But project yourself into Nov. 7, with Romney on the losing end. Will you grab a rifle and head for the mall? Will you move to New Zealand? Or into deepest Wyoming to form a militia? How will you react?
What do you think will happen to America? Civil War II? Mass suicides? Nothing?

As for me, life will go on. No matter who wins. Our country survived eight years of Dubya. I doubt either current candidate can do much harm.

Doesnt Matter if Romney wins or loses..

All polls show republicans capturing the SENATE.

Obama will be a castrated Lame Duck if Elected...


09-07-2012, 07:49 AM
Doesnt Matter if Romney wins or loses..

All polls show republicans capturing the SENATE.

Obama will be a castrated Lame Duck if Elected...


B-HO will rule by executive order and selective law enforcement.

Abbey Marie
09-07-2012, 09:31 AM
Doesnt Matter if Romney wins or loses..

All polls show republicans capturing the SENATE.

Obama will be a castrated Lame Duck if Elected...


Unfortunately, there are two reasons why it very much does matter:
1. Obama has shown he will circumvent the legislative process to do what he wants, and
2. He will probably get to appoint liberal Justice(s) to the USSC, with very litle resistance shown by Congress in recent years to any nominee.

09-07-2012, 10:01 AM
Unfortunately, there are two reasons why it very much does matter:
1. Obama has shown he will circumvent the legislative process to do what he wants, and
2. He will probably get to appoint liberal Justice(s) to the USSC, with very litle resistance shown by Congress in recent years to any nominee.With a Republican Senate and House that would lead to one thing


09-07-2012, 11:48 AM
Obama nomination speech: "Help us destroy Jesus and start a new age of liberal darkness!"

When Obama is reelected in November, the conservative Holocaust will begin in earnest!!


"My fellow Americans and godless infidels, I command you to join me as we cast an endless pall of far-left evil across the hills and valleys of our nation!” Obama bellowed from the stage, as thousands in attendance moaned in compliance and gyrated their hips and groins in a lascivious dance. “Together, as a barbarian people forged by the wicked flames of irreligiosity and united by visions of a liberal dystopia, we will rise up as one to scorch the earth with boundless amorality.”


09-07-2012, 12:14 PM
Let's all be real here. The Democrat LIE Fest is over. Gabby and our resident Allah Wannabe have been experiencing WET DREAMS of a destroyed America, run by a re-run four year amateur who wouldn't qualify to shine their shoes. But must come here to throw their BOMBS...as practice for the real thing.
Enjoy the show everyone. Stupidity, Ignorance, and Liberalism MUST be Tolerated here. Just to keep it Liberally fair to the mindless who claim they are WINNING with their own demise.

09-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Let's all be real here. The Democrat LIE Fest is over. Gabby and our resident Allah Wannabe have been experiencing WET DREAMS of a destroyed America, run by a re-run four year amateur who wouldn't qualify to shine their shoes. But must come here to throw their BOMBS...as practice for the real thing.
Enjoy the show everyone. Stupidity, Ignorance, and Liberalism MUST be Tolerated here. Just to keep it Liberally fair to the mindless who claim they are WINNING with their own demise.


09-07-2012, 02:16 PM

Thanks for the photo of MRS. LIAR. She's just as crooked, and filled with hatred for America as He is. And now...YOU too!

Abbey Marie
09-07-2012, 02:20 PM
With a Republican Senate and House that would lead to one thing


I strongly doubt that. You'd better hope he loses.

09-08-2012, 03:10 PM
I strongly doubt that. You'd better hope he loses.

Remember the EIGHT YEARS of Democrats yelling IMPEACH BUSH?

Anyone know what happened to those ignorant voices since then?

It would be a waste of TAXPAYER dollars...or should I say OBAMA BUCKS, to try and Impeach Obama.

History will be Unkind to him. Much like his MENTOR...Jimmy Peanut Carter.

Besides. The Congress can only Impeach Presidents for Law breaking.

And we all know. Obama hasn't done ANYTHING that even comes close to Obeying any Laws...he could break.

red states rule
09-09-2012, 06:01 AM
Obama nomination speech: "Help us destroy Jesus and start a new age of liberal darkness!"

When Obama is reelected in November, the conservative Holocaust will begin in earnest!!



Gabby and her fellow libs pose for the camera


09-09-2012, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the photo of MRS. LIAR. She's just as crooked, and filled with hatred for America as He is. And now...YOU too!

The only good thing I can say about her is that she realizes she wasn't on the ballot and doesn't assume she's co-president.