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View Full Version : Pro-Israel support removed from Dem party platform

09-04-2012, 06:48 PM
Not sure which voter block this change was designed to pander to.

It's becoming difficult to figure out why the Democrats stay on this path straight toward the electoral cliff edge.



Obama Attacked Over Party Platform on Jerusalem

September 4, 2012, 3:15 PM
by Jared A. Favole

CHARLOTTE, N.C.–The Democratic Party platform doesn’t state that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, a change from prior years that could provide fuel to critics who say President Barack Obama’s commitment to Israel is weak.

“President Obama and the Democratic Party maintain an unshakable commitment to Israel’s security,” begins the 70-page platform in a section titled “The Middle East.” The three-paragraph section details the Obama administration’s support for Israel—including boosting security assistance—but says nothing about Jerusalem.

Such an omission provide an opening to Mr. Obama’s rival for the presidency, Mitt Romney, as Jewish voters—particularly in the battleground state of Florida—are key to the election.

“It is unfortunate that the entire Democratic Party has embraced President Obama’s shameful refusal to acknowledge that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital,” Mr. Romney said in a statement.

09-04-2012, 06:53 PM
At least it's official now. But most Jews will still vote Democrat.

09-05-2012, 12:24 AM
Why should the Democratic party's opinion on whether the capital of Israel is Jerusalem? I thought the official opinion of the US was the internationally recognised capital, Tel Aviv?

In any case, Israel should not form a major part of any election campaign in the USA any more than issues involving Guatemala or Djibouti. I imagine the American voter would be more interested in how the candidates would deal with problems closer to home?