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View Full Version : Stunning: Democrats ignore their own voters, declare a failed bill "passed"

09-06-2012, 11:40 AM
As has been mentioned elsewhere, the Democrats' platform for their National Convention was significantly changed from previous years. They removed all mention of God, removed any mention that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, and several other changes. A nationwide furor was kicked up, and apparently they had hasty meetings just before the convention kicked off, and decided they had to put those things back in.

Apparently this is normally done by having the convention delegates vote on them, and a 2/3 vote is needed to modify the platform at the convention. So they drew up some amendments that would put those things back into the platform, and put them up on a big screen, and read them to the delegates.

Convention chair Antonio Villariagosa (Democrat mayor of Los Angeles, aka Tony Villareconquista) then called for the delegates to vote on the amendments. Strangely, he did this on NATIONAL TV, and several media outlets broadcast the entire proceedings. He pointed out to the delegates that a 2/3 vote was needed to pass the amendments and put the words back into the platform.

Then he proclaimed, "All delegates in favor of passing these amendments, please say AYE." A number of voices could be heard saying "Aye!". Then he said, "All delegate who oppose these amendments, please say NO." A lot of voices said "No,", and the volume was clearly louder than the "Ayes" had been. Villariagosa started to routinely recite, "In the opinion of the Chair, the Ayes..."... and then he cut himself off, and looked confused.

He said, "Let's do that again. All delegates in favor, please say AYE." Voices could be heard saying "Aye", louder this time. He then said, "All those opposed, please say NO." Many voices said "No", equally loudly as the "Ayes" this time.

Villariagosa looked vexed, and gazed vacantly around at the hallway for a moment, looking very confused. Then he consulted with someone who came running out of the wings, and she could be heard saying something like, "You have to let them do what they want."

Villariagosa then said into the microphone, "Okay, let's do this again. All delegates in favor of these amendments, signify by saying AYE.", The same chorus of voices could be heard saying "Aye". He then said, "All those opposed, please say NO". Another chorus of voices said "No", again clearly with equal volume of the "Ayes". Unfortunately, Villariagosa had already pointed out that a 2/3 vote was needed to pass them, which should have sounded noticeably louder than the "Nos". But that didn't happen.

So after this third failed vote, Villariagosa simply announced, "In the opinion of the chair, the measures have passed, and will be adopted!"

Booing broke out in the hall, but the Democrat leaders simply ignored it, and went on to the next part of the convention.

I've never seen such an astonishing "proceeding". Clearly the Democrat leaders have nothing but contempt for their delegates, and zero interest in any kind of Democratic process, despite their party name. They simply want to impose whatever they themselves think is best, on the rest of the voters, regardless of the voters' clearly stated votes to the contrary.

I have to wonder:

If these Democrat leaders are so clearly OK with ignoring the will of the voters on National TV on Sept. 5, and proclaiming their measures to be "passed" even when they clearly lost the vote....

What are the chances they will be just as content to ignore the will of the voters on National TV on Nov. 6 when they lose THAT vote, and proclaiming themselves to be the winners of the Presidential election even when they have clearly lost then also?

The actual vote on platform amendments, begins at about 1:45 in this clip:

09-06-2012, 12:24 PM
Anyone shocked at this? Anyone?

09-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Anyone shocked at this? Anyone?

I know, it's business as usual for the Democrat politburo.

I just find it odd that they did it so blatantly, ignoring a clear vote on NATIONAL TV and railroading their own preferences through after their own delegates clearly said NO.

Even when they rammed Obamacare through, they did it late at night on a Christmas eve, and didn't do their bribing and strong-arming quite as publicly.

These people are truly desperate, and are losing their touch as a result.

09-06-2012, 01:02 PM
I know, it's business as usual for the Democrat politburo.

I just find it odd that they did it so blatantly, ignoring a clear vote on NATIONAL TV and railroading their own preferences through after their own delegates clearly said NO.

Even when they rammed Obamacare through, they did it late at night on a Christmas eve, and didn't do their bribing and strong-arming quite as publicly.

These people are truly desperate, and are losing their touch as a result.

Nothing unusual about this.
Didn't the Dems, led by Nancy Pelosi as the First Female Speaker of the House do exactly the same thing? Remember?

Just before she told everyone "We'll know whats in the bill (Obamacare) after we vote for it!"

09-06-2012, 03:38 PM
Very embarrassing for the dems.

Clearly they forgot to tell their delegates which way to vote

09-06-2012, 03:41 PM
Very embarrassing for the dems.

Clearly they forgot to tell their delegates which way to vote

Not really Trigg. After listening to some of those delegates being interviewed about being proud to be Government Owned (Slaves). They didn't forget anything.

They just aren't smart enough to know which way they were expected to agree, and vote.

They can't be embarrassed if they are Ignorant.

09-06-2012, 03:44 PM
I know, it's business as usual for the Democrat politburo.

I just find it odd that they did it so blatantly, ignoring a clear vote on NATIONAL TV and railroading their own preferences through after their own delegates clearly said NO.

Even when they rammed Obamacare through, they did it late at night on a Christmas eve, and didn't do their bribing and strong-arming quite as publicly.

These people are truly desperate, and are losing their touch as a result.

Your'e kidding right? "clearly said NO". Perhaps you didn't see Debbie Wasserman Shultz explain that the vote was very clear and supported Obama's personal views.

Makes me wonder, is she related to sergeant Shultz on Hogan's Heros?

09-06-2012, 11:23 PM
If these Democrat leaders are so clearly OK with ignoring the will of the voters on National TV on Sept. 5, and proclaiming their measures to be "passed" even when they clearly lost the vote....

What are the chances they will be just as content to ignore the will of the voters on National TV on Nov. 6 when they lose THAT vote, and proclaim themselves to be the winners of the Presidential election even when they have clearly lost then also?

red states rule
09-07-2012, 03:25 AM
CNN's Anderson Cooper may be unemployed after saying Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz lives in an alternate Universe

She lies, spins, and offers the most lame excuses


09-07-2012, 01:45 PM
Wasserman Schultz is just like Obama. LIARS always agree with LIARS. Otherwise, they both forget WHICH lies they told, and contradict each other with MORE LIES.

Abbey Marie
09-07-2012, 02:31 PM
Anyone shocked at this? Anyone?

As for the chair ignoring the needed 2/3 voice vote and proceeding as he wanted, he was just following the example of His Leader.

09-07-2012, 02:48 PM
As for the chair ignoring the needed 2/3 voice vote and proceeding as he wanted, he was just following the example of His Leader.

In other words. Without leadership, or a leader. They (Democrats) do whatever they want. Much like their claims that America is a Democracy. Ruled by Thugs.

09-07-2012, 02:58 PM
CNN's Anderson Cooper may be unemployed after saying Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz lives in an alternate Universe

She lies, spins, and offers the most lame excuses

Listening to this again is funny. She states that Israel has never had as big of a friend as they do in Barack Obama. And stated that Obama will always have their back. How would she explain then the amount of visits he makes to other allies abroad and basically forgot Israel in that department? I know he visited Israel to pander for the Jewish vote while running for office, but has he even been back there since? Of course I know a lot of past presidents have pandered for Jewish votes as well, but at least then they continued to work with them, and trade some visits back and forth with leaders. It must suck for a Jewish person like Wasserman to have to lie for her boss to make it look like he supports Israel.

09-07-2012, 03:04 PM
How many times, and how many ways can I, or anyone else say this?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The head of the DNC, is nothing but a wannabe, look-alike for Obama the Liar.

The one, and only way any of us can be sure OBAMA or his spokespeople are NOT LYING. Is when. They are not speaking.

In other words. THEY ARE ALL LIARS. Period. End of subject. Nothing more to say. Liars are Liars.

09-07-2012, 03:44 PM
Well, we all know the problem with the DNC platform amendment votes was, all of the people there actually had to show a valid ID to get into the place. They couldn't control the vote they way the wanted.

red states rule
09-09-2012, 05:02 AM