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09-06-2012, 02:53 PM
So hearing a few excerpts from the DNC convention speeches, I wonder when did the USA stopped building roads and bridges and stopped funding education?

It seems their "forward" ideas to grow the economy and create jobs is to do something that we have always done.

Or will government funded abortions be the solution to growing jobs? Or maybe reprinting all of our money and remove "In God We Trust".

Do you think obama will say "crumbling roads and bridges" tonight or "investing in education", while he is hiding from the rain?

09-06-2012, 03:08 PM
So hearing a few excerpts from the DNC convention speeches, I wonder when did the USA stopped building roads and bridges and stopped funding education?

It seems their "forward" ideas to grow the economy and create jobs is to do something that we have always done.

Or will government funded abortions be the solution to growing jobs? Or maybe reprinting all of our money and remove "In God We Trust".

Do you think obama will say "crumbling roads and bridges" tonight or "investing in education", while he is hiding from the rain?

Just be careful, and listen for the Liberal, Democrat CODE WORDS like "Investing". Whenever you hear that word in Democrat language. It is just another way of saying "TAXES".

If you doubt that. Just listen to any Obama speech from the past. Or, any Democrat politician. Whenever they mention the word "INVEST" or "INVESTMENT". That is their programmed alternative way of saying Increase Taxes.

You must remember. Democrats always promise to Increase Spending for Education, and Infrastructure. But they never fully explain WHERE and HOW that Spending will come from...other than PRINTING more money. Somebody has to pay for all of their promises. And that's where the words "INVESTING" becomes "More Taxes". But they don't ever want to say that word. It ruins their next election.

09-06-2012, 03:17 PM
Just be careful, and listen for the Liberal, Democrat CODE WORDS like "Investing". Whenever you hear that word in Democrat language. It is just another way of saying "TAXES".

If you doubt that. Just listen to any Obama speech from the past. Or, any Democrat politician. Whenever they mention the word "INVEST" or "INVESTMENT". That is their programmed alternative way of saying Increase Taxes.

You must remember. Democrats always promise to Increase Spending for Education, and Infrastructure. But they never fully explain WHERE and HOW that Spending will come from...other than PRINTING more money. Somebody has to pay for all of their promises. And that's where the words "INVESTING" becomes "More Taxes". But they don't ever want to say that word. It ruins their next election.

It's interesting that their investment never mention an annualized rate of return. Has anyone here ever using averages calculated the annualized rate of return for the average life expectancy at the average wage for an average number of years in the workforce?

09-06-2012, 03:27 PM
It's interesting that their investment never mention an annualized rate of return. Has anyone here ever using averages calculated the annualized rate of return for the average life expectancy at the average wage for an average number of years in the workforce?

For Democrats. There is NO Rate of Return for handouts from the government. Democrats spend other people's money, even when they have no money left. They borrow it. Then...the rate of return becomes the INTEREST RATE added to the National Debt over a span of years...most Democrat Politicians WON'T BE ALIVE to witness. So it means nothing to them.

09-06-2012, 03:32 PM
Actually the rate of return to a democrat is how many votes they get from government "investment".

And let's not kid ourselves, and to some republicans as well.

09-06-2012, 03:36 PM
Actually the rate of return to a democrat is how many votes they get from government "investment".

And let's not kid ourselves, and to some republicans as well.

Absolutely correct. There is no way anyone should kid ourselves about that. Which is why I Dislike, and Distrust ALL Politicians, no matter what political party they claim to FOOL.

09-06-2012, 03:40 PM
But at least a most republicans would not claim to grow the economy by fixing a road or building a bridge.

09-06-2012, 03:53 PM
But at least a most republicans would not claim to grow the economy by fixing a road or building a bridge.

Can't speak for MOST Republicans. But I have little doubt. Some of them would sound exactly like the Democrats many times.

The Democrats are not the only Americans who suffer from poor educations, or lack of educational training, or interests.

We have more than 300 Million people in America. And I'd be willing to bet. Better than HALF of those 300 million, all share the same, vacant looks in their eyes when you ask them "How many branches of Government are there?" Or "What is your Senator, or Congressman's name?"

America is struggling to become educated across the board. And from my long years here on earth. I have met more, totally uninformed, uncaring, nearly totally ignorant people than those You and I find here on this Forum.

It's a sad thing to admit about our own country, and our people. But then. That ignorance, and complacent attitude shown by large numbers of AMERICANS is exactly what the Democrats Thrive on. On one hand. They pretend MORE Funding for education is needed, and on the other hand. They really don't want to expand the funding for the Children...but for the Teachers unions who fully support the Democrats.

09-06-2012, 04:29 PM
Absolutely correct. There is no way anyone should kid ourselves about that. Which is why I Dislike, and Distrust ALL Politicians, no matter what political party they claim to FOOL.

Well, I think I'm more likely to distrust a politician from the Left than I am one from the Right ! Which is just as well, because otherwise, I'd never see any sense in voting for anyone.

As for your point about taxation ... oh, I recognise that from my side of the Pond as well. I'd be willing to bet that monumental tax hikes (or as much as they can get away with) are characteristic of the thieving Left, the world over. Especially when targeted at the richest citizens, because as we all know, Lefties can't abide prosperity ...

... unless it's their own .. but of course ...

Abbey Marie
09-06-2012, 06:17 PM
So hearing a few excerpts from the DNC convention speeches, I wonder when did the USA stopped building roads and bridges and stopped funding education?

It seems their "forward" ideas to grow the economy and create jobs is to do something that we have always done.

Or will government funded abortions be the solution to growing jobs? Or maybe reprinting all of our money and remove "In God We Trust".

Do you think obama will say "crumbling roads and bridges" tonight or "investing in education", while he is hiding from the rain?

You may be on to something, D. The Dem- ensured influx of illegals has to be offest by the death of babies, so we don't have ever-higher unemployment.

09-06-2012, 08:00 PM
So hearing a few excerpts from the DNC convention speeches, I wonder when did the USA stopped building roads and bridges and stopped funding education?

It seems their "forward" ideas to grow the economy and create jobs is to do something that we have always done.

Or will government funded abortions be the solution to growing jobs? Or maybe reprinting all of our money and remove "In God We Trust".

Do you think obama will say "crumbling roads and bridges" tonight or "investing in education", while he is hiding from the rain?

Just be prepared for a few things should Romney win in November

1. I expect race riots, accusations of mass racism, or something similar
2. I expect a non-stop 8 year temper tantrum from the Left. You know, Romney stole the election, Bain Capital (instead of Haliburton) will be the center of investigations, we should expect to hear from the Democrats about the worst economy since the Great Depression, despite the fact that the economy will probably be recovering at a pace unseen since the Bush years (yes, and they'll say it with a straight face too).
3. I expect a lot of attention being drawn to the huge debt that Romney is piling up, that, or complaints about how he's forcing granny to eat dog food.
4. Oh, how can I forget, the Mormon Church will be running the country... I'm sure that's going to come up... I'll believe it when Donnie and Marie are named Secretaries of State and Defense...
5. Forget the war in the middle east, we will now have a war on women... everything that Romney says will be seen as sexist
6. The extreme right wing, religious nuts will be running things along with the Mormon Church and the cabal of he man woman haters (and homophobes, let's not forget those)..
7. Those warantless wiretaps and the Patriot Act, I'm sure we'll start hearing about those again (amazing how you don't hear anything about those anymore)
8. Of course, the defense budget will be out of control again
9. We will begin to hear from the Left about how the unemployment figure is much higher than what the government tells us (which is much the same as Republicans are now saying)
10. Oh.. those terrible 1 percent types, they'll be talked about for time on end...

I must have forgotten a few.... but I'm sure you get my point

09-07-2012, 06:20 AM
Just be prepared for a few things should Romney win in November

1. I expect race riots, accusations of mass racism, or something similar
2. I expect a non-stop 8 year temper tantrum from the Left. You know, Romney stole the election, Bain Capital (instead of Haliburton) will be the center of investigations, we should expect to hear from the Democrats about the worst economy since the Great Depression, despite the fact that the economy will probably be recovering at a pace unseen since the Bush years (yes, and they'll say it with a straight face too).
3. I expect a lot of attention being drawn to the huge debt that Romney is piling up, that, or complaints about how he's forcing granny to eat dog food.
4. Oh, how can I forget, the Mormon Church will be running the country... I'm sure that's going to come up... I'll believe it when Donnie and Marie are named Secretaries of State and Defense...
5. Forget the war in the middle east, we will now have a war on women... everything that Romney says will be seen as sexist
6. The extreme right wing, religious nuts will be running things along with the Mormon Church and the cabal of he man woman haters (and homophobes, let's not forget those)..
7. Those warantless wiretaps and the Patriot Act, I'm sure we'll start hearing about those again (amazing how you don't hear anything about those anymore)
8. Of course, the defense budget will be out of control again
9. We will begin to hear from the Left about how the unemployment figure is much higher than what the government tells us (which is much the same as Republicans are now saying)
10. Oh.. those terrible 1 percent types, they'll be talked about for time on end...

I must have forgotten a few.... but I'm sure you get my point

Yep and you can bet that all those homeless vets will suddenly re-appear along with the starving children and families living out of their car. That should just about total 50% of the population when they add in all the folks who get displaced by the evil repubs. Whenever the Dems/libs lose an election, the number of victims who need their help increases exponentially.