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View Full Version : Obama's Acceptance Speech

09-06-2012, 09:48 PM
I listened to Biden, can't help but like him. He turned to red meat on Romney/Ryan in last few minutes, but one would bet he'd buy them a beer if they showed up.

Not so, Obama. One I'm surprised I'm not hearing anything new for the next 4 years. He's making lots of stuff up and spinning last summer, in light of Woodward's about to be released book. He's trying to paint himself as the second coming of Clinton, that may work with the delegates, not sure how it will play elsewhere.

09-06-2012, 10:45 PM
He's trying to paint himself as the second coming of Clinton, that may work with the delegates, not sure how it will play elsewhere.

If that is the case, I look for Michelle to hide the cigars and prohibit the hiring of female interns. :rolleyes:

red states rule
09-07-2012, 02:08 AM
I caught the lowlights this morning and it was what I expected. The Messiah and Savior of the world passed the buck, said over and over it was not his fault, and begged anyone dumb enough to give him 4 more years; and in return Obama will make their lives more miserable

As far a Clinton it is amazing how the same party who screams about the R's war on women adore a man who has been accused of rape; has many charges of sexual assualt leveled against him; publicly cheated on his wife, smeared the women who came forward to tell what he did to them; lied under oath; has been disbarred from practicing law; found guilty of contempt of court; and obstructed justice

So much for libs standing up for women

09-07-2012, 02:00 PM
Thankfully. I had more important things to do while Obama, and Bubba were repeating themselves, two days in a row.

My toenails were far more important. But it sounds like I didn't really miss any of the expected lies. GOOGLE allowed everyone to find what both men said. Long before both of them spoke.

Great to see the clips. Almost reminded me of watching a HOLY MOVIE from the 50's, but I missed the part where the Delegates ran ahead of Clinton, and Obama....putting down those PALM Branches, and kissing the ground.
How did that turn out???