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View Full Version : A message from a former Democrat....with a warning

Gadget (fmr Marine)
09-07-2012, 09:51 AM
I find inspiration in this....its worth a listen, if you have an open mind.....


09-07-2012, 12:31 PM
Thanks Gadget. SEMPER FI. Once a Marine, you are Always a Marine!

Inspiration comes in all forms, and Reagan was far ahead of everyone with this speech. His ability to predict what America is now threatened with...as in the intentional destruction of this nation by Obama, and the un-informed Liberals who will always fall for someone who speaks better, thinks better, and easily convinces them...they are just DUMB, and should always fall for someone who pretends to be smarter than they are.
That's what happens when government controls people by keeping them Uninformed, and almost Illiterate.

Of course. We all know. The typical, expected, often repeated denials from those on the left about Reagan will never cease. They can't afford to hear, or be presented with actual Honesty since it would make them all look much more foolish by admitting they are DUMB.

09-07-2012, 11:58 PM
Thanks! That's the first time I ever watched all of it.