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View Full Version : Democrat Thought Police patrol and block radio talk show booths at Dem Convention

09-07-2012, 12:28 PM
After various Democrats had booked the usual interviews with talk show hosts who set up their booths at the DNC, specially designated "handlers" were sent to each booth to check whether the talk show hosts were thinking the way the Democrats wanted them to think, i.e. if they were liberals.

If a show came even close to having the same number of conservatives as liberals, the "handlers" cancelled the interviews.


It's not quite censorship... but how much closer can it get?

The desperation of the liberal fanatics running for President etc. this year is palpable.



Thought Police Patrol Convention’s Radio Row

by John Fund
September 6, 2012 12:57 P.M.

Conservative talk-show hosts who came to Charlotte to interview political figures are furious. For the first time in anyone’s memory, Radio Row — the designated set of booths available to visiting talk-show hosts — has seen restrictions placed on its use by Team Obama. DNC staffers at Radio Row will book leading Democrats for slots on conservative stations but then cancel the appearances an hour or so before broadcast “because you’re not our audience.”

Roger Hedgecock, a former mayor of San Diego now hosting a nationally syndicated talk show, decided to pack up and leave Charlotte early because “we were blocked from getting any guests that mattered. It was a complete freeze.” Larry O’Connor of Breitbart Radio told me, “It was the most bizarre act of censorship. These shows paid large fees and spent thousands on equipment setup and they couldn’t do their programs because of interference.”

“According to sources at Talk Radio News Service, placing a stringer outside the designated TV area to ask high-level Democrats to stop by radio row has also been banned by the DNC,” Ben Shapiro wrote at Breitbart’s Big Journalism:

When I approached liberal activist John Podesta about appearing on KRLA’s “Heidi Harris Show” along with me and my co-hosts Heidi Harris (conservative) and Brian Whitman (liberal), his handler quickly intervened. Later, the handler stopped by to clarify: did the show have two liberals and one conservative, or two conservatives and one liberal? When I stated that it had two conservatives and one liberal, he quickly shook his head and sprinted away.

09-07-2012, 12:34 PM
Again, why is anyone surprised about this? The Dems are clearly all about a divided populace ... the haves against the have nots. Demonization of their opponents is par for the course for Dems and libs as is creating victims where there are none, fabricating multiple crisises which all will result in doom of the nation unless handled by the elitists, etc. Some day, the voters will figure it out but it will be far too late by then.

09-07-2012, 12:37 PM
Of course the DNC had to prevent their easily-led sheep from being confronted with actual facts that are completely the opposite of all of the barking, squealing and whining they heard from the Liberal speakers on the Stage.

Democrats MUST prevent their flock from becoming more Informed, more knowledgeable, or more educated. To allow them to hear, and learn the truth would RUIN the Democrat power they have over the people they NEED to keep in the dark. That's how they guarantee votes through the blackmail, and brainwashing techniques that has given them the power over the uneducated.

It's not censorship we are learning about with this topic. But rather, a demonstration of Control over anyone who dares to disagree with the Democrat Non-principles of Honesty. Something none of them recognize, or wish to acknowledge as Truth.

09-13-2012, 05:31 AM
I think this will be happening because of any political talk show and may be this show is against the police or any political personality otherwise the radio show hosts are very best and well educated and have good communication skills and also a great celebrities in the world so i think this is because of any political show....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2012, 07:37 AM
Any party this gung-ho about censorship is desperately looking for a dictatorship. They a have a wetted appetite because obama has one started but that damn Constitution prevents its success. Dem party the rathway to a dictatorship, sooner we all start admitting this the better.-Tyr