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09-11-2012, 07:52 AM
As I pray for the deaths of those who propegate such actions against others.

The only way to combat evil is through superior firepower.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2012, 07:59 AM
As I pray for the deaths of those who propegate such actions against others.

The only way to combat evil is through superior firepower.

Superior firepower, dedicated service, its the American way...God bless our troops..


09-11-2012, 04:02 PM
I can smell the testosterone in here.

09-11-2012, 04:22 PM
I can smell the testosterone in here.

You not understanding is expected. America is angry, and therefore that extend to a lot of her citizens. We were attacked by Muslims a decade ago and it still stings a bit. Citizens of the USA speaking of wanting the evil people killed sounds fairly normal to me. Knowing and acknowledging that we have the most superior military in the world, and might need to use it at times to combat evil, also sounds fairly normal to me. So on the anniversary of this event, Americans will understandably make it known that we haven't forgotten, and a worse fate awaits a terrorist group that declared war on us. Maybe events such as terror attacks are easy to get used to for some, but here on American soil, we act a little different and aren't used to this kind of thing.

09-11-2012, 05:53 PM
I can smell the testosterone in here.

Why is that strange to you jafar? Why would you feel a need to say such a thing because some of us Love our Country, and would be willing to Die for it???

09-11-2012, 05:54 PM
You not understanding is expected. America is angry, and therefore that extend to a lot of her citizens. We were attacked by Muslims a decade ago and it still stings a bit. Citizens of the USA speaking of wanting the evil people killed sounds fairly normal to me. Knowing and acknowledging that we have the most superior military in the world, and might need to use it at times to combat evil, also sounds fairly normal to me. So on the anniversary of this event, Americans will understandably make it known that we haven't forgotten, and a worse fate awaits a terrorist group that declared war on us. Maybe events such as terror attacks are easy to get used to for some, but here on American soil, we act a little different and aren't used to this kind of thing.

Even though I'm not American, what's expressed here makes perfect sense to me. And more, this is exactly as it should be. I'd worry if anything of the feeling, the sense of injustice, and the willingness to use superior military might in the service of combatting the evil America has had to face, was ever eroded.

And ... can the victims of 9/11, their memories, be given a better expression of remembrance ? They must not have died in vain. Surely, if their deaths are to serve any great purpose, it's to act as the galvanising force behind the vanquishing of the evil that claimed their lives that day.

09-11-2012, 06:00 PM
Even though I'm not American, what's expressed here makes perfect sense to me. And more, this is exactly as it should be. I'd worry if anything of the feeling, the sense of injustice, and the willingness to use superior military might in the service of combatting the evil America has had to face, was ever eroded.

And ... can the victims of 9/11, their memories, be given a better expression of remembrance ? They must not have died in vain. Surely, if their deaths are to serve any great purpose, it's to act as the galvanising force behind the vanquishing of the evil that claimed their lives that day.

Thank you SIR Drummond. I mean it. Well stated, and refreshing to hear. Thank you very much.

09-11-2012, 06:14 PM
Thank you SIR Drummond. I mean it. Well stated, and refreshing to hear. Thank you very much.

You're more than welcome.

I do have one regret about the aftermath of 9/11. I recall GW Bush calling on other nations to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in solidarity with America, to be committed in the fight against global terrorism. He took the line, as I recall, that countries couldn't be reasonably neutral in this.

I think he got that exactly right. It's to much of the world's shame that so comparatively little of the response Bush hoped for actually materialised. Yes, countries came forward .. far too few .. but the willingness to commit to the fight was little more than feeble.

I think the world shamefully let you down, and in so doing, also let themselves down. I'm not even sure I excuse the UK from this criticism .. could we have done significantly more ? I believe so.

I'm sorry this happened as it did. Your country has done much in the past to aid foreign countries, at great cost to itself. Quite apart from the worth of the issues involved, the 9/11 aftermath, and the War on Terror, was one chance those countries in your debt had to step up to the plate and do right by you.

It should have happened, decisively, unreservedly. It didn't - and that was very wrong. I am sorry.

09-11-2012, 06:25 PM
You're more than welcome.

I do have one regret about the aftermath of 9/11. I recall GW Bush calling on other nations to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in solidarity with America, to be committed in the fight against global terrorism. He took the line, as I recall, that countries couldn't be reasonably neutral in this.

I think he got that exactly right. It's to much of the world's shame that so comparatively little of the response Bush hoped for actually materialised. Yes, countries came forward .. far too few .. but the willingness to commit to the fight was little more than feeble.

I think the world shamefully let you down, and in so doing, also let themselves down. I'm not even sure I excuse the UK from this criticism .. could we have done significantly more ? I believe so.

I'm sorry this happened as it did. Your country has done much in the past to aid foreign countries, at great cost to itself. Quite apart from the worth of the issues involved, the 9/11 aftermath, and the War on Terror, was one chance those countries in your debt had to step up to the plate and do right by you.

It should have happened, decisively, unreservedly. It didn't - and that was very wrong. I am sorry.

Thank you very much...Again. No need for you to apologize for anything.
The World has become such a different place for all of us who are old enough to recall...what we once called those "Good old days, that never really were that good. But they were, seemingly, much better."

As we have seen over the last eleven years. Dirty politics, combined with desperate leaders who need to find any excuse they can to bring ruin to those of us here in the Western World...being called all of those familiar, Sulfur-laden kinds of damning things because we are supposedly the GREAT SATAN of capitalism that refuses to share it's earned wealth, liberty, freedom, and rights with those who demand it...without working for it.
That's what is happening in the nations of Europe, and even here in the USA.
The age of ENTITLEMENT without paying for it has invaded the entire world.
And now. Like 9/11. The rest of the world wants us to PAY again, in the same way. Because I, my family, my friends, and every other American OWES it to those who just want to take it.

09-11-2012, 06:38 PM
Thank you very much...Again. No need for you to apologize for anything.
The World has become such a different place for all of us who are old enough to recall...what we once called those "Good old days, that never really were that good. But they were, seemingly, much better."

As we have seen over the last eleven years. Dirty politics, combined with desperate leaders who need to find any excuse they can to bring ruin to those of us here in the Western World...being called all of those familiar, Sulfur-laden kinds of damning things because we are supposedly the GREAT SATAN of capitalism that refuses to share it's earned wealth, liberty, freedom, and rights with those who demand it...without working for it.
That's what is happening in the nations of Europe, and even here in the USA.
The age of ENTITLEMENT without paying for it has invaded the entire world.
And now. Like 9/11. The rest of the world wants us to PAY again, in the same way. Because I, my family, my friends, and every other American OWES it to those who just want to take it.

Thanks for this.

And I agree with you - you've put this well. :goodposting::goodposting:

09-11-2012, 08:16 PM
You not understanding is expected. America is angry, and therefore that extend to a lot of her citizens. We were attacked by Muslims a decade ago and it still stings a bit. Citizens of the USA speaking of wanting the evil people killed sounds fairly normal to me. Knowing and acknowledging that we have the most superior military in the world, and might need to use it at times to combat evil, also sounds fairly normal to me. So on the anniversary of this event, Americans will understandably make it known that we haven't forgotten, and a worse fate awaits a terrorist group that declared war on us. Maybe events such as terror attacks are easy to get used to for some, but here on American soil, we act a little different and aren't used to this kind of thing.

Muslims didn't attack you. Criminals did. Whether or not they happened to claim to be Muslims is moot. Now you have 1.5 billion of us living in fear of being labelled a terrorist and harassed for our choice of religion when we had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

Our religion forbids and condemns terrorist acts. I could post pages and pages of proofs for you but it would just fall on deaf ears as usual. It seems it's easier for you to just blame the strange talkin' people with beards and go blindly off dropping bombs on the brown ones.

Yee harr


09-11-2012, 08:24 PM
As I pray for the deaths of those who propegate such actions against others.

A -- "propegate" is not a word.

B -- My great aunt feels the same way about Dresden.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2012, 08:26 PM
Muslims didn't attack you. Criminals did. Whether or not they happened to claim to be Muslims is moot. Now you have 1.5 billion of us living in fear of being labelled a terrorist and harassed for our choice of religion when we had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

Our religion forbids and condemns terrorist acts. I could post pages and pages of proofs for you but it would just fall on deaf ears as usual. It seems it's easier for you to just blame the strange talkin' people with beards and go blindly off dropping bombs on the brown ones.

Yee harr


No sir! You dont get by with that! Muslim Jihadists attacked and murdered over 3,000 innocent people!
They were NOT damn munchkins, trolls, fairies, or ordinary criminals.
They did so because the Koran and hadiths teach hatred and murder as the way to treat non-believers! --Tyr

09-11-2012, 08:29 PM
A -- "propegate" is not a word.

B -- My great aunt feels the same way about Dresden.

UH OH! Look out everybody. Miss BALLBREAKER is grading our posts today.

Next thing we'll all learn is. She's gonna want all of us to expose our "TALLYWHACKERS" because only she can decide to be the DP grammar cop with the whistle, and Village People Mustache.

09-11-2012, 08:29 PM
You not understanding is expected. America is angry, and therefore that extend to a lot of her citizens. We were attacked by Muslims a decade ago and it still stings a bit. Citizens of the USA speaking of wanting the evil people killed sounds fairly normal to me. Knowing and acknowledging that we have the most superior military in the world, and might need to use it at times to combat evil, also sounds fairly normal to me. So on the anniversary of this event, Americans will understandably make it known that we haven't forgotten, and a worse fate awaits a terrorist group that declared war on us. Maybe events such as terror attacks are easy to get used to for some, but here on American soil, we act a little different and aren't used to this kind of thing.

The Muslims remind me a lot of the Democrats or vice versa. They are in it for the long haul. They don't care if the lose this argument or vote or battle, it's just moving down the line.

09-11-2012, 08:39 PM
Muslims didn't attack you. Criminals did. Whether or not they happened to claim to be Muslims is moot. Now you have 1.5 billion of us living in fear of being labelled a terrorist and harassed for our choice of religion when we had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

Yeah, you did. You muslims didn't confront the nutjobs in your mosques preaching jihad against America. You muslims hate Israel with every cell in your body. You muslims all think it's okay to blow up busloads of women and children to somehow get revenge for Achmed getting taken out. You muslims think it's okay to blow up a night club.

You, by your silence and silent approval (if that), have allowed your animals to run amok in the free world. And, by your silence and tacit approval, have earned the fear you express.

Be a man, stand up and start educating your animals or you will eventually feel the pain of a modern military that is properly motivated to eradicate your kind.

Our religion forbids and condemns terrorist acts. I could post pages and pages of proofs for you but it would just fall on deaf ears as usual. It seems it's easier for you to just blame the strange talkin' people with beards and go blindly off dropping bombs on the brown ones.

Then you should be properly motivated to start educating the rest of the lunatics in your ranks before you become target Alpha.

It truly is up to you, if you are as enlightened as you'd like us to believe, to spread that "Religion of Peace" to the rest of your muslim brothers.

Why is it that you keep parroting that you're so fucking PEACEFUL and yet you animals commit more atrocities than any other religion today?

Do you really think anyone believes you?

Yee harr

You damn right, Slim. We're about to play Cowboys and Arabs.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2012, 08:46 PM
A -- "propegate" is not a word.

B -- My great aunt feels the same way about Dresden.

I procreate a prophecy that I profess to be an arrogant snarky properly silly reply because --"I am smarter than you are."
signed , your highness of arrogance
Gabby libtard , high priestess of snarky replies and runaway exits..-:laugh:--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2012, 08:54 PM
Yeah, you did. You muslims didn't confront the nutjobs in your mosques preaching jihad against America. You muslims hate Israel with every cell in your body. You muslims all think it's okay to blow up busloads of women and children to somehow get revenge for Achmed getting taken out. You muslims think it's okay to blow up a night club.

You, by your silence and silent approval (if that), have allowed your animals to run amok in the free world. And, by your silence and tacit approval, have earned the fear you express.

Be a man, stand up and start educating your animals or you will eventually feel the pain of a modern military that is properly motivated to eradicate your kind.

Then you should be properly motivated to start educating the rest of the lunatics in your ranks before you become target Alpha.

It truly is up to you, if you are as enlightened as you'd like us to believe, to spread that "Religion of Peace" to the rest of your muslim brothers.

Why is it that you keep parroting that you're so fucking PEACEFUL and yet you animals commit more atrocities than any other religion today?

Do you really think anyone believes you?

You damn right, Slim. We're about to play Cowboys and Arabs.

Yippppie yi aaaaa, drop tha horse , cross tha saddle , limber up tha Winchester and fast draw tha six shooter.
We aint agonna be huntin ' rabbits pardner! These vermin slide around like snakes and murder helpless women and children. Best aim for tha cowardly heads , one shot one kill, and save tha ammo. Next wagonload aint due fer a few days. Wouldn't want to have to wet my Bowie unless I have to. I aint scalped no enemy in a coon's age.
Nor skinned any snakes..--;)

09-11-2012, 10:30 PM
Gabby libtard , high priestess of snarky replies and runaway exits..-:laugh:--Tyr

A -- I have a job and a family. Apparently you have neither.

B -- I don't apologize for being educated. Just like you don't need to apologize for being stupid.

Yippppie yi aaaaa, drop tha horse , cross tha saddle , limber up tha Winchester and fast draw tha six shooter.
We aint agonna be huntin ' rabbits pardner! These vermin slide around like snakes and murder helpless women and children. Best aim for tha cowardly heads , one shot one kill, and save tha ammo. Next wagonload aint due fer a few days. Wouldn't want to have to wet my Bowie unless I have to. I aint scalped no enemy in a coon's age.

So why aren't you in Afghanistan right now? I am sure they would be glad to issue you a rifle and send you out to kill Muslims. You can bring your lap dogs abouttime and gaffer with you.
Instead, you cower behind a screen name on a message board, issuing ignorant, cowardly threats while pretending to be a patriot. You are a wannabe Timothy McVeigh.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2012, 10:42 PM
A -- I have a job and a family. Apparently you have neither.

B -- I don't apologize for being educated. Just like you don't need to apologize for being stupid.

So why aren't you in Afghanistan right now? I am sure they would be glad to issue you a rifle and send you out to kill Muslims. You can bring your lap dogs abouttime and gaffer with you.
Instead, you cower behind a screen name on a message board, issuing ignorant, cowardly threats while pretending to be a patriot. You are a wannabe Timothy McVeigh.

haha, have my own rifles, pistols too. Never owned a lap dog, must be a liberal thang ,eh? I would gladly trust those two men if in a fight. Did Timothy McVeigh fight in A-stan? Didnt think so, your attempt to tarnish = epic fail.
Now quote the threat I issued..
By the way , if as educated as you claim , why do you feel the need to announce it with bulshat tagline- smarter than you are..?
Wouldn't it be self-evident without the quote? Just asking... you kn, ow poke a fool to see what kind of shat falls out of their mouth. :laugh:
I have friends, you have lap dogs. Why dont you sign them up here so we can laugh at them too?;)-Tyr