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10-22-2012, 09:26 PM

Interesting article. Most of the Jews were not practicing the religion and many did not even know they had Jewish ancestry. This paragraph stood out to me.

The common public notion is that no one of Jewish descent would have ever been allowed to serve in the Nazi regime and, if discovered, would be immediately deported to a forced labor or extermination/concentration camp. This was not the case. The Nazi racial classification or "Nuremberg Laws" were complex and bizarre as to who was classified as a "Jew". (see Nazi classification chart) This classification dispute is responsible for some controversy. Some scholars have complained that the title of Rigg's book is sensational and misleading because it implies that these Nazi soldiers were Jewish when, in fact, many of them would not be classified as Jews under Jewish law (Young men were considered Jewish if their mothers were Jewish.). Many of the soldiers interviewed did not consider themselves Jewish at all and had been baptized into a Christian tradition. I view this as a simplistic criticism since the overall issue of how Hitler bent and twisted the racial laws of his regime to serve his own bizarre purposes in the face of the Nuremberg laws is a fascinating idea that Riggs explains from a unique perspective. Riggs demonstrates the willingness of the Nazis to bend their own laws of racial classification and Jewish persecution and documents Hitler's extensive , obsessive involvement in deciding which "Jews" received a pass ,which would be discharged, and which would ultimately be deported. Riggs also explores the historical, religious and cultural individual personal conflicts of "The Jewish Identity". A very interesting side-note to Rigg's book is that his research has popped up on Holocaust Revisionist websites as support for their outrageously bizarre claim that there was substantial support for Hitler from parts of the Jewish Community.

They weren't Jews fighting for Hitler. They were of Jewish ancestry doing their patriotic duty.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 09:28 PM
There are groups all over America who place their own interests above others. Seriously folks. Treating Islam as the great Satan will do more harm than good.

Sure, we should treat Islam like its a peaceful religion, right? Pretend that it does not demand infidels die and innocent people be murdered! Just ignores its evil and EMBRACE THE DAMN LIE, EH?-TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 09:30 PM
No one has ever suggested ignoring any acts of violence. Y'all really need to burn that strawman. I'd like to make it all disappear like magic too but the truth is that policing the world is expensive and dangerous and has unintended consequences. We will be defeated economically if we're not careful.

Their man obama already doing that.. , what else you got besides more defeatist talk?-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 09:32 PM
Interesting article. Most of the Jews were not practicing the religion and many did not even know they had Jewish ancestry. This paragraph stood out to me.

They weren't Jews fighting for Hitler. They were of Jewish ancestry doing their patriotic duty.

What? He brings up some very rare example to prove his point. Exactly what would it prove?-Tyr

10-22-2012, 09:40 PM
What? He brings up some very rare example to prove his point. Exactly what would it prove?-Tyr

Yep it was a rare article. And as I pointed out the soldiers weren't Jews but had some Jewish ancestry. It fails to mention that most of those soldiers when found out were arrested and executed.

I know he had to do some serious digging to find that. All so he can right.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 09:48 PM
Yep it was a rare article. And as I pointed out the soldiers weren't Jews but had some Jewish ancestry. It fails to mention that most of those soldiers when found out were arrested and executed.

I know he had to do some serious digging to find that. All so he can right.

Almost as rare as a CROCODILE TONGUE. But hey , he thinks it means something. What I haven 't a clue.
O' yes, I remembernow his claim that Hitler didnt target those that worked with him!!!!! Say, how'd that work out for the damn Russians!!!!! --:laugh2:-Tyr

10-22-2012, 09:52 PM
This Bill Keller..??--Tyr


A prominent evangelist is threatening to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center (http://www.splcenter.org/) (SPLC) after it labeled his Internet-based ministry a "hate group."
According to a press release (http://www.standardnewswire.com/news/104407534.html), Bill Keller -- deemed "the world's leading Internet evangelist" and the founder of LivePrayer.com (http://liveprayer.com/) -- is planning a $100 million defamation lawsuit against the SPLC.
"The sad shooting the other day at the Family Research Council by a man who supports the radical homosexual agenda, was clearly fueled by the left wing group, the Southern Poverty Law Center," Keller is quoted by ThinkProgress as saying (http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/08/17/709031/hate-group-leader-threatens-100-million-lawsuit-against-splc/). "I receive at least 4-5 death threats a month for taking a Biblical stand on issues like homosexuality, the false religion of Islam and other cults, and the fact life begins at conception and choosing to end that life is nothing more than legalized infanticide."
He continued, "Groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center give license to individuals who oppose a Biblical worldview to take whatever actions they deem fit, even acts of violence, to silence those they disagree with. Sadly, this intimidation has worked, because there are very few like myself who are willing to go into the mainstream media and promote Biblical truth that a large percentage of society now rejects."
Yes, I remember the name and a bit about the controversy. CAIR has intimidated and even brought lawsuits against many outspoken critics of Islam. They do that to cost their victims huge attorney fees defending against their bullshat. They even support Islamic terrorist groups. They have powerful friends in our government with obama being the biggest one.-Tyr

I like to call people like Bill Keller "red meat". It's fine for hard-core Christians, but a message not meant for public consumption. I would cheerfully attend a Bill Keller function, but I wouldn't dare repeat the message in a public or business situation.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 10:00 PM
I like to call people like Bill Keller "red meat". It's fine for hard-core Christians, but a message not meant for public consumption. I would cheerfully attend a Bill Keller function, but I wouldn't dare repeat the message in a public or business situation.

The guy is very smart and has guts, the kind we need in America. I do not live or work in a very PC world. Im out of step deliberately and Keller is the kind of guy Id like to have a long chat with myself.-Tyr

10-22-2012, 10:01 PM
^^ Why are you begging? Begging for condemnation of my post, my stand and my posting truth about Islam.

My, my how unbiased and fair you are..
Do you deny that there are those that use "terror, lies, murder and dirty tactics"???
Jim , apparently has already taken a stand that he sees and seeks the truth. Isnt that good enough for you or will you need to beg for more?-Tyr

Begging? You need to work on some comprehension issues (hint, see sarcasm). You could also point out where I claimed I was unbaised.

Or one could do like you , your new fan missileman and others and just talk out their asses about crap you do not understand but "feel" strongly about. Like say, Islam and its true threats for example. Pretend to be so knowledgable without really knowing anything except how much you want to appease Islam and criticise me.
Be that kind of arrogant but basicly useless poster..-:laugh:--Tyr

I'm pretty sure I understand enough when it comes to your posting yet I'm left wanting on your "plan." I've asked about what should be done and haven't received much of an answer. I am sure, however, demonizing based on your criteria is counterproductive.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 10:21 PM
Begging? You need to work on some comprehension issues (hint, see sarcasm). You could also point out where I claimed I was unbaised.

I'm pretty sure I understand enough when it comes to your posting yet I'm left wanting on your "plan." I've asked about what should be done and haven't received much of an answer. I am sure, however, demonizing based on your criteria is counterproductive.

Why would you want to read my plan? Arent I just a fool, a bigot, racist, a liar , a troublemaker , a terrorist and dumb as a box of rocks?? Didnt you guys poo-poo my entire opening composition to this thread?
I've given a general plan and even what to start with, what more do you want from my brilliant mind!
I mean , I give of my time , wit and even generous teachings already..--:laugh2:
I that have killed the wild game, carried it out of the wilderness, skinned it, cooked it , must now spoonfeed it to you too!-;)--Tyr

10-22-2012, 10:26 PM
Arent I just a fool, a bigot, racist, a liar , a troublemaker , a terrorist and dumb as a box of rocks??


Is this it?

We can break Islam by simply evaporating Mecca and Medina. A neat and fast victory.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-22-2012, 10:30 PM
Don't sell yourself short. :poke:

I havent sold myself short. I have full confidence in my cause and the course I've set. I've did a bit of declaring war too. Islam declared war upon my nation, my family and I chose to declare back it in return. If it ever comes to it I will do so with more than just words. Nobody messes with my family. Threaten me , my family or my nation and I become the kind of enemy to be feared. I don't play nice and people in the past have discovered that the hard way, Islam will discover it too. They are cowards.. Cowards that deliberately murder innocent women and children, what do real men have to fear of such vermin? -Tyr

10-23-2012, 08:09 AM
Islam didn't declare war on America. You can take a break from dragging wild beast in from the jungle.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 08:27 AM

Is this it?

No, that was just a bonus tidbit.. Something for the Jafars of the world to ponder..

You didnt answer my question. Why seek my plan if Im so damn wrong and off base>?--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 08:33 AM
Islam didn't declare war on America. You can take a break from dragging wild beast in from the jungle.

Wrong, it did. Just because 100% of Islam doesnt currently actively engage in the war doesnt mean the religion as a whole does not support it. The vast majority of muslims support the Jihad and a Jihad it is being carried out by Islam's Jihad warriors. As long as we refuse to cut the head off of the snake clipping its tail will do no good, as it will always regrow. Islam knows this and its leaders bank on it for eventual victory.

AHA, but slaying the beasts is a hobby of mine. Even generously sharing the meat but spoonfeeding the kids is not..-;)--Tyr

10-23-2012, 09:06 AM
No, that was just a bonus tidbit.. Something for the Jafars of the world to ponder..

Well that was just so clear based on your rhetoric huh? :rolleyes:

You didnt answer my question. Why seek my plan if Im so damn wrong and off base>?--Tyr

Because if you're plan is to "evaporate Mecca and Medina" then you're rhetoric is distracting and counterproductive. But if you're plan is to prosecute terrorists, etc. as Jim mentioned then your rhetoric is still distracting and counterproductive but most will agree with the plan.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 09:31 AM
then you're rhetoric is distracting and counterproductive.

^^^ kind of like many of your posts, eh?:laugh:

I have post many linked sources to validate my stand and my desire for Americans to stop being kept in the dark about what Islam is doing in our own damn country but according to you they are just rhetoric and counterproductive.
Counterproductive to what, the ffed up government coverup, where the government calls the Fort Hood terrorist attack a simple case of workplace violence!?? etc..
I am not the one blinded pedro, you are.-Tyr

10-23-2012, 10:42 AM
Wrong, it did. Just because 100% of Islam doesnt currently actively engage in the war doesnt mean the religion as a whole does not support it. The vast majority of muslims support the Jihad and a Jihad it is being carried out by Islam's Jihad warriors. As long as we refuse to cut the head off of the snake clipping its tail will do no good, as it will always regrow. Islam knows this and its leaders bank on it for eventual victory.

AHA, but slaying the beasts is a hobby of mine. Even generously sharing the meat but spoonfeeding the kids is not..-;)--Tyr

Is this declaration of war in your head or is it written down somewhere? I know al qaeda declared war because I've seen read bin laden's declaration and it explains why he declared war. I've seen no such thing from Islam. Maybe because they don't have a living representative

10-23-2012, 11:13 AM
Is this declaration of war in your head or is it written down somewhere? I know al qaeda declared war because I've seen read bin laden's declaration and it explains why he declared war. I've seen no such thing from Islam. Maybe because they don't have a living representative

OK, so what religion - according to you - does Al Qaeda say it represents ?

What religion do they want to see prevail ?

Hinduism, maybe ? Buddhism ?

Please enlighten us.

10-23-2012, 11:16 AM
Islam didn't declare war on America. You can take a break from dragging wild beast in from the jungle.

... and '9/11' didn't happen ... it was all a Quentin Tarantino fantasy .. yes ?

10-23-2012, 12:07 PM
... counterproductive.

Still no plan I see.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 12:25 PM
Still no plan I see.

Send me a stampeed self-adressed return envelope with the 5000 dollars CASH that I require for releasing my Masterplan and I'll send you the entire 27 page copy of it. Hurry, because in November the price jumps up to 57 ,000. PM ME IF MORE DETAILS ARE REQUIRED.--Tyr

10-23-2012, 12:27 PM
Send me a stampeed self-adressed return envelope with the 5000 dollars CASH that I require for releasing my Masterplan and I'll send you the entire 27 page copy of it. Hurry, because in November the price jumps up to 57 ,000. PM ME IF MORE DETAILS ARE REQUIRED.--Tyr

All talk I see.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 12:28 PM
Is this declaration of war in your head or is it written down somewhere? I know al qaeda declared war because I've seen read bin laden's declaration and it explains why he declared war. I've seen no such thing from Islam. Maybe because they don't have a living representative

Really? Then what are these Imams, chump change?-:laugh:
Looks like they have many muckity muck representatives. I mean one of them barks and the people riot and murder. I call that having real authority , dont you?-Tyr

10-23-2012, 12:52 PM
Really? Then what are these Imams, chump change?-:laugh:
Looks like they have many muckity muck representatives. I mean one of them barks and the people riot and murder. I call that having real authority , dont you?-Tyr

Dilloduck needs to inform us, more than obama and company are willing to do. As to WHO took part in the killing of our Ambassador, and Three other Americans...now, more than a silent Month ago. Also, Dilloduck. Other than actually saying the word "WAR". Tell us what representatives, of What Religious beliefs took part in the attacks.

Because Obama wants to convince the Uneducated Americans who must follow him, that the enemies of the U.S.A. are no longer members of the OBL gang...who are peace loving, kind, gentle people...WITH GUNS and KNIVES. Dilloduck and the other easily led, perpetually ignorant just GO WITH THE OBAMA FLOW.

10-23-2012, 01:00 PM
... and '9/11' didn't happen ... it was all a Quentin Tarantino fantasy .. yes ?

In what way did 9/11 or any other terrorist attack since come from Islam?

10-23-2012, 01:07 PM
In what way did 9/11 or any other terrorist attack since come from Islam?

jafar. We can't help you read, or listen to news reports from around the world. If you still refuse to accept such things. None of us find your needs to Defend anyone who takes part in acts of terror. Just to allow you to impress yourself enough to convince YOU, you have an ability to play GOTCHA.

By the way. 9/11 HAPPENS EVERY YEAR. We call it September 11th. You name the year.

10-23-2012, 03:52 PM
OK, so what religion - according to you - does Al Qaeda say it represents ?

What religion do they want to see prevail ?

Hinduism, maybe ? Buddhism ?

Please enlighten us.

It's a radical militant Sunni group.

10-23-2012, 03:57 PM
... and '9/11' didn't happen ... it was all a Quentin Tarantino fantasy .. yes ?

hahaha--you're getting funnier al the time---actually 9/11 really DID happen tho---the reason why is explained in bin laden's declarationof war. Have you read it ?

10-23-2012, 04:00 PM
Really? Then what are these Imams, chump change?-:laugh:
Looks like they have many muckity muck representatives. I mean one of them barks and the people riot and murder. I call that having real authority , dont you?-Tyr

If they controlled all the Muslims I might be impressed-----that Bani Sadr guy in Iraq was sorta tough but none of them show the real leadership that I think Islam needs

10-23-2012, 04:02 PM
Dilloduck needs to inform us, more than obama and company are willing to do. As to WHO took part in the killing of our Ambassador, and Three other Americans...now, more than a silent Month ago. Also, Dilloduck. Other than actually saying the word "WAR". Tell us what representatives, of What Religious beliefs took part in the attacks.

Because Obama wants to convince the Uneducated Americans who must follow him, that the enemies of the U.S.A. are no longer members of the OBL gang...who are peace loving, kind, gentle people...WITH GUNS and KNIVES. Dilloduck and the other easily led, perpetually ignorant just GO WITH THE OBAMA FLOW.

WAR ain't my word, Homey. Ax Mr. Tire bout that one

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 05:31 PM
In the other, Burns describes (http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/1198.pdf#page=186) an exhibit which shows CAIR listed (http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/case_docs/717.pdf#page=6) on a Palestine Committee agenda within weeks of its 1994 creation. In response to a question from federal prosecutor Barry Jonas, Burns said it was the first time CAIR's name appeared in internal Palestine Committee records seized by the FBI:
A. It did not exist prior to the Philadelphia meeting.
Q. So it came into being after Philadelphia?
A. That is correct.

After a 2007 trial ended with a deadlocked jury, a 2008 retrial resulted in guilty verdicts (http://www.investigativeproject.org/1046/hlf-founders-sentenced-to-long-prison-terms) on 108 counts. CAIR petitioned (http://www.investigativeproject.org/blog/2010/02/grand-jurys-cair-probe-points-to-hamas) the Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. Their complaint emphasized the unusual nature of making public the names of the unindicted co-conspirators and claimed the move unfairly tarnished CAIR's reputation. That request was denied (http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein/1109/Judge_snubbed_US_Islamic_groups_in_secret_ruling.h tml) last summer.
Weich's letter concludes by noting U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick requested "an investigation into the possible illegalities of CAIR," saying it was passed along to "appropriate FBI entities."
Recent filings in a civil case involving CAIR indicate that a federal grand jury investigation (http://www.investigativeproject.org/blog/2010/02/grand-jurys-cair-probe-points-to-hamas) is looking at the organization's ties to Hamas.

Why are they unindicted? Answer= Political power and influence. They are allowed to continue with their America destroying agenda. Government corruption and infiltration.
CAIR must be destroyed and banished from this nation.-Tyr


White House visitor records (https://explore.data.gov/dataset/White-House-Visitor-Records-Requests/644b-gaut) show that administration officials have hosted numerous White House meetings with a series of U.S.-based Muslim political groups that have close ties to jihadi groups and push to reduce anti-terrorism investigations.
The visits were discovered by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which compared the Obama White House’s visitor records (http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/disclosures/visitor-records) with its database of Islamist advocacy groups.
For example, the records show that officials from the Council on American Islamic Relations have visited the White House 20 times, according to the organization’s report (http://www.investigativeproject.org/3777/a-red-carpet-for-radicals-at-the-white-house).

Members of CAIR were invited to the White House, even though an April 2009 FBI statement said the bureau “does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner” because of its ties to the Hamas jihadi group.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/22/report-islamist-radicals-find-warm-welcome-in-obama-white-house/#ixzz2AAH9IZNL

obama invites and embraces his friends CAIR . CAIR that has ties to and supports terrorists organizations!-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 05:49 PM
WAR ain't my word, Homey. Ax Mr. Tire bout that one

The name is not Tire, dildo.
Its spelled Tyr.... three letters , not that hard..;)-Tyr

10-23-2012, 07:15 PM
WAR ain't my word, Homey. Ax Mr. Tire bout that one

Dilloduck. You have no need to pretend to be illiterate using words like Ax, and Homey. I thought you were that way long before you tried to play that game.

You probably call human beings from the age of 1 till they are 21 Chilrens too!

Even if you don't. No need for you to show us what you think you are. We already knew it.

10-23-2012, 08:12 PM
Dilloduck. You have no need to pretend to be illiterate using words like Ax, and Homey. I thought you were that way long before you tried to play that game.

You probably call human beings from the age of 1 till they are 21 Chilrens too!

Even if you don't. No need for you to show us what you think you are. We already knew it.

a muslim terrorist, right ? ( and liberal)

10-23-2012, 08:37 PM
a muslim terrorist, right ? ( and liberal)

Did I say that? HOMEY?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 08:28 AM

This has been a week of attempted advances for the Islamization of America (and Britain as well). Those who think it isn’t happening should ponder the case of Wegmans, a supermarket in Rochester, N.Y. Wegmans has put up a sign (http://www.whec.com/news/stories/S2561824.shtml?cat=565) asking customers buying pork or alcohol not to use a particular checkout line when a Muslim teenager is on duty as the cashier. Only after public pressure from readers of my site AtlasShrugs.com and Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch.org did the sign come down.
This was more Islamization of the marketplace. This is a pattern. If you don’t want to handle meat that’s not halal, work for a Muslim butcher. Don’t take a job at Wegmans, Wal-Mart or Target. But this Muslim cashier’s special line was not about that. It was about imposing Islam on non-Muslims. Muslims are seeking special accommodations for a “special class.” (Islamic law places Muslims in a special class, giving them rights that non-Muslims do not have.
This was part of a systematic campaign to impose the Shariah on the secular marketplace. Muslim workers suing Disney (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/08/sharia-in-america-imposing-islam-on-disney.html) over its 60-year-old dress code or Muslim cashiers strong-arming Wal-Mart and Target over their refusal to handle meat that is not halal is all part of a much larger supremacist effort. It has succeeded in Europe, which is all but doomed. They mean to replicate it here. This is well-documented in my book, “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.” (http://superstore.wnd.com/books/Current-Affairs/Stop-the-Islamization-of-America-A-Practical-Guide-To-The-Resistance-Autographed-Hardcover)

How did the Nazis construct an Aryan identity? | South African ... (http://www.sahistory.org.za/article/human-rights-issues-during-and-after-world-war-ii-focus-nazi-germany-grade-12-0)

<CITE>www.sahistory.org.za/.../human-rights-issues-during-and-after-world...</CITE>Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fsAzibKF8nUJ:www.sahistory.org.za/article/human-rights-issues-during-and-after-world-war-ii-focus-nazi-germany-grade-12-0+nazi%3D+aryan&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
You +1'd this publicly. Undo (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)
He used the word 'Aryan' to describe his idea of a 'pure German race' or Herrenvolk. The 'Aryan race' had a duty to control the world. The Nazis believed that ...

Folks this crap goes on around the nation 24/7.. mostly unreported. They want special exemptions for them! Which actually means that everybody accept them as superior beings!!!!
THINK ABOUT THAT! The Aryans, Nazi's were special superior beings too! Remember and they too hated the Jews and wanted to control the world..
Two undeniable common traits I bet there are more... --Tyr

10-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Christian lawyers and judges better get to work. We also need to convert more people to Chirstianity and have more Christian babies. That outta do it

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 10:07 AM
Christian lawyers and judges better get to work. We also need to convert more people to Chirstianity and have more Christian babies. That outta do it

Best take care of that murdering abortion law first that the socialist/lib/dems work so damn hard to keep foisted upon us methinks.. -Tyr

10-24-2012, 10:43 AM
Best take care of that murdering abortion law first that the socialist/lib/dems work so damn hard to keep foisted upon us methinks.. -Tyr

I think that is where lawyers and judges come in.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 10:09 PM
I think that is where lawyers and judges come in.

Damn judges are the ones that created the mess to start with. Roe vs. Wade was a completely dumbass bullshat decision. Denying the right to life for convenience sakes. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 10:17 PM

Thank you Geert Wilders<O:P></O:P>

Thank you for giving the last recorded words of the Young Lady eternal presence on the ideological long march against the made up ilah (god) Allah, his self-proclaimed prophet Muhammad and the intellectually shallow and irrational religion of Islam (submission) that practices evil taqiyya (dissembling deception) with deadly results.<O:P></O:P>

Her last recorded words have eternal presence that will remind us of the eternal vigilance against the dhimmi danger that America faces from fellow traveler apologists for the self-proclaimed religion of peace (peace without opposition), and bend over backwards shallow thinking dhimmitude in the U. S. State Department.<O:P></O:P>

The Qur'an of the crescent moon ilah (god) Allah inspired the Islamic (submissive) mindset that caused the early death of almost 3,000 people, including Melissa Doi, the Young Lady whose last words will live forever to remind us of the dhimmi danger America and the world face from the Islamic fundamentalists who are top-rung-of-the-ladder Muslim (submitter) true believers of Islam (submission) and shariah (law), which is radical. <O:P></O:P>

The Fundamental Spirit of Islam Is Radical Evil<O:P></O:P>

Evil is fundamental to shariah and Islam (submission). Convert, or pay the dhimmi jizya tax… or die.

Click the link, read the info..-Tyr

10-25-2012, 09:30 AM
Damn judges are the ones that created the mess to start with. Roe vs. Wade was a completely dumbass bullshat decision. Denying the right to life for convenience sakes. --Tyr

How do you plan to circumvent judges ?

10-25-2012, 09:50 AM
How do you plan to circumvent judges ?

Didn't you hear? Impeachment.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 09:51 AM
How do you plan to circumvent judges ?

Who ever said that I did?
Leading questions may serve your purpose but will rarely mislead me unless I already want to go that direction.
Judges are not eternal and times change. Roe vs. Wade needs to be revisited. Its not like SCOTUS decisions have never been overturned by a later SCOTUS decision..
However lets get the threat of Sharia law ever being established here put to rest before we tackle other issues.
For Sharia law is a vey grave threat to us!!!! Wouldnt you agree??---Tyr

10-25-2012, 09:52 AM
Didn't you hear? Impeachment.

We impeaching the whole supreme court now ? Sweet. ( but dont we have to replace them with more judges? :laugh:)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 09:56 AM
Didn't you hear? Impeachment.

Wow, make shat up then get your buddy to discuss it with you as if it were true.
How does a man ever get the massive amount of integrity which you have?? -Tyr

10-25-2012, 10:08 AM
Wow, make shat up then get your buddy to discuss it with you as if it were true.

As was noted by glockmail on another thread about how we should fire 4 of the Supreme Court Justices I decided to check on how Supreme court Justices can be removed from thier position which is normally a lifetime appointment.
We have that by at least two justices but I maintain that its possibly by more than that. Those two that I cited are clearly guilty IMHO.-Tyr

Actually the Constitution allows the legislator to impeach them simply for bad behavior. It is a much lower standard than "high crimes and misdemeanors" and should therefore be used much more often. But the legislature has historically lacked the balls to remove judges, and in return judges have given them free reign to usurp the Constitution.

I agree wholeheartedly...

What did I make up?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 10:15 AM
What did I make up?

You editted out parts of my quotes. I havent time now to go look them up but clearly you chose to edit those quotes. Context and additional replies along with those quotes reveal I've never maintained that we can just impeach 4 SCOTUS justices without true and just cause... Dishonesty seems to be a virtue with you and your posting here IMHO.
What thread are those quotes from? And why didnt you discuss it there or did you? -Tyr

10-25-2012, 10:23 AM
You editted out parts of my quotes. I havent time now to go look them up but clearly you chose to edit those quotes. Context and additional replies along with those quotes reveal I've never maintained that we can just impeach 4 SCOTUS justices without true and just cause... Dishonesty seems to be a virtue with you and your posting here IMHO.
What thread are those quotes from? And why didnt you discuss it there or did you? -Tyr

I edited for brevity and left clear links for people to make up their own minds. I also never suggested you wanted to impeach "4" justices.

You know, when you're in the hole and you keep digging? It just gets deeper.


And yes, the premise of that thread was thoroughly debunked.

10-25-2012, 12:45 PM
hahaha--you're getting funnier al the time---actually 9/11 really DID happen tho---the reason why is explained in bin laden's declarationof war. Have you read it ?

I can't claim to have ever made a point of studying either the writings or the videos of Osama bin Laden, no, Dilloduck. If you feel you can enlighten us from a more expert perspective ...

I've just seen the effects of what he and his type get up to.

10-25-2012, 12:48 PM
I can't claim to have ever made a point of studying either the writings or the videos of Osama bin Laden, no, Dilloduck. If you feel you can enlighten us from a more expert perspective ...

I've just seen the effects of what he and his type get up to.


10-25-2012, 12:59 PM
I can't claim to have ever made a point of studying either the writings or the videos of Osama bin Laden, no, Dilloduck. If you feel you can enlighten us from a more expert perspective ...

I've just seen the effects of what he and his type get up to.

Drummond.. Please, stand-by for the natural, expected, predictable, liberal excuses. Better known as Obama Lies, from Dillo, and anyone else here who feels a need, or limited responsibility to make up more lies to cover up, and defend the existing lies from the Liberal, Democrats here in this nation.

Obama and company are now, pulling out all of the STOPS, when it comes to accusations, name calling, and all based on lies they create to impress the Illiterate, and under-educated who always vote for them.

10-25-2012, 01:28 PM
Drummond.. Please, stand-by for the natural, expected, predictable, liberal excuses. Better known as Obama Lies, from Dillo, and anyone else here who feels a need, or limited responsibility to make up more lies to cover up, and defend the existing lies from the Liberal, Democrats here in this nation.

Obama and company are now, pulling out all of the STOPS, when it comes to accusations, name calling, and all based on lies they create to impress the Illiterate, and under-educated who always vote for them.:clap:

Not exactly a surprise, aboutime. Are they fit for anything else ?

10-25-2012, 01:31 PM

That was quick, Dilloduck. Do you have a little library of this stuff waiting in the wings for us, to be called upon instantly ?

10-25-2012, 01:33 PM

Not exactly a surprise, aboutime. Are they fit for anything else ?

OH YES! They are very fit for something else. Problem is. When they run out of Kool-aid. They become Alcoholics, or Inhale a White Powdery stuff that is permitted for sale, and use by the new OBAMA HEALTH CARE bill which includes POT as a phony cure for STUPIDITY Liberally speaking, of course.

Remember. When you ask if they are FIT. Depends on what the meaning of FIT is!

10-25-2012, 01:40 PM
OH YES! They are very fit for something else. Problem is. When they run out of Kool-aid. They become Alcoholics, or Inhale a White Powdery stuff that is permitted for sale, and use by the new OBAMA HEALTH CARE bill which includes POT as a phony cure for STUPIDITY Liberally speaking, of course.

Remember. When you ask if they are FIT. Depends on what the meaning of FIT is!


Points well taken ! And of course, from their addled 'thinking', this is their idea of 'enlightened' conduct in their version of an 'ideal' Society ...

The rest of us lead meaningful and productive lives. Where things get done. Where decency has meaning.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 06:45 PM
I edited for brevity and left clear links for people to make up their own minds. I also never suggested you wanted to impeach "4" justices.

You know, when you're in the hole and you keep digging? It just gets deeper.


And yes, the premise of that thread was thoroughly debunked.

"edited for brevity", yea sure..--:laugh:-Tyr

Like this quote from you ,

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http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=587727#post587727)

Amazing that you now agree with Anton's post after YOU having said the above comment " that it's stupid and pointless to bring it up".. when replying to me
Quite contradictary but hey its you, so we expect that..-Tyr

Look genius. things at play here I being stupid and pointless and wanting to see the transcripts. It's really that simple.

In my first thread, I was "simply stupid." You then asked, "Why do you agree with obama keeping all that hidden??" I agree with keeping it hidden

And you speak of integrity. :laugh:
your quote above nothing added but edited for brevity.. :laugh2:--Tyr

<!-- edit note -->
Last edited by fj1200; Yesterday at 09:46 PM.

10-25-2012, 06:52 PM

Points well taken ! And of course, from their addled 'thinking', this is their idea of 'enlightened' conduct in their version of an 'ideal' Society ...

The rest of us lead meaningful and productive lives. Where things get done. Where decency has meaning.

Ironically, my end goal is one they I expect they support: To neutralize the terror threat against the US and its interest. However, their approach lacks focus. One way mammoth sized projects get completed is to reject distractions and extraneous information. If information is extraneous, testing its correctness is itself a distraction. An efficient system only tests correctness after filtering for relevance.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 07:03 PM

Points well taken ! And of course, from their addled 'thinking', this is their idea of 'enlightened' conduct in their version of an 'ideal' Society ...

The rest of us lead meaningful and productive lives. Where things get done. Where decency has meaning.

Right my friend.... Where the TRUTH is valued and honored. Where it is not considered noise and a distraction..

10-25-2012, 07:17 PM
hahaha--you're getting funnier al the time---actually 9/11 really DID happen tho---the reason why is explained in bin laden's declarationof war. Have you read it ?

So, are you agreeing in the main? Or are you saying that the US should stand down or should have stood down, because of this?

10-25-2012, 07:19 PM
If they controlled all the Muslims I might be impressed-----that Bani Sadr guy in Iraq was sorta tough but none of them show the real leadership that I think Islam needs

and that would be? Got a leader, cause I doubt they're going to follow you, Duck.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 07:56 PM
and that would be? Got a leader, cause I doubt they're going to follow you, Duck.

Follow, hell Im ahead of him.. Many are praying for this Satan disciple to appear!-Tyr


Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."
Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Dillo wants that --one great leader!! Right Dillo? :laugh:--Tyr

10-25-2012, 10:07 PM
Follow, hell Im ahead of him.. Many are praying for this Satan disciple to appear!-Tyr


Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."
Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Dillo wants that --one great leader!! Right Dillo? :laugh:--Tyr

NOTICE EVERYONE: Ahmadinejad...better known as Dinnerjacket IS the 12TH all right.

Think of him while walking your dog down the street. And when your dog stops to Leave a little pile of turds.

TWELVE TURDS to be exact. Then remember. All of that was deposited there as a tribute to the Little Devil Lookalike Ahmadinejad.

Let No Good Iranian Turd Go to Waste. Ahmadinejad is the Iranian Pooper Scooper Champion.

10-26-2012, 01:09 AM
NOTICE EVERYONE: Ahmadinejad...better known as Dinnerjacket IS the 12TH all right.

Think of him while walking your dog down the street. And when your dog stops to Leave a little pile of turds.

TWELVE TURDS to be exact. Then remember. All of that was deposited there as a tribute to the Little Devil Lookalike Ahmadinejad.

Let No Good Iranian Turd Go to Waste. Ahmadinejad is the Iranian Pooper Scooper Champion.

Have you really descended into the murky depths of poop jokes?

red states rule
10-26-2012, 03:20 AM

10-26-2012, 07:11 AM
"edited for brevity"

Dude, learn to quote, make an actual point, and throw the shovel out of the hole. We'll all be better off for it.

10-26-2012, 08:07 AM
and that would be? Got a leader, cause I doubt they're going to follow you, Duck.

damn---and I was so hoping for a pied piper sorta thing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 09:24 AM
damn---and I was so hoping for a pied piper sorta thing.

Or that 12th Imam sort of thingy, right?--:laugh: Which is as pied piper like as one can get. Right?

10-26-2012, 03:08 PM
Or that 12th Imam sort of thingy, right?--:laugh: Which is as pied piper like as one can get. Right?

Pied Piper, 12th Imam....Both Leading all of the Deadliest Rats. Ahmadinejad's photo is in the KORAN, next to the definition of RAT.

10-26-2012, 05:09 PM
Pied Piper, 12th Imam....Both Leading all of the Deadliest Rats. Ahmadinejad's photo is in the KORAN, next to the definition of RAT.

I think they are all going to kill each other anyway.

10-26-2012, 05:30 PM
I think they are all going to kill each other anyway.

Which is what I am hoping for, save Israel, who is not actively seeking to eliminate anyone or individuals. Hopefully the rest will create terrorists exponentially and continue to blow one another up as they have been.

10-26-2012, 05:37 PM
Which is what I am hoping for, save Israel, who is not actively seeking to eliminate anyone or individuals. Hopefully the rest will create terrorists exponentially and continue to blow one another up as they have been.

They pretty actively sought out the Hamas leaders the other day. They can defend themselves quite well.

10-26-2012, 05:41 PM
They pretty actively sought out the Hamas leaders the other day. They can defend themselves quite well.

Yep, never said they couldn't defend themselves against terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who sent over 70 unprovoked rockets into Israel the other day. We can only hope that those groups would be destroyed and sent to Allah.

10-26-2012, 05:42 PM
I think they are all going to kill each other anyway.

If they can do that without hurting, or killing Israeli's. I hope they all decide to do it soon.

Just imagine the World headlines after that happens. "Peace in the Middle East. Ding, dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!"

10-26-2012, 07:15 PM
If they can do that without hurting, or killing Israeli's. I hope they all decide to do it soon.

Just imagine the World headlines after that happens. "Peace in the Middle East. Ding, dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!"

How about civilians who don't live in Israel ? Are we back to hoping everyone in the mideast dies except for the Israelis ?

10-26-2012, 07:19 PM
How about civilians who don't live in Israel ? Are we back to hoping everyone in the mideast dies except for the Israelis ?

Dilloduck. A good SNIPER'S bullet, and aim. Rarely, if ever hit innocent civilians. No matter where they live.

By the way. Only YOU used that expression here..."Are we back to hoping everyone in the mideast dies?"

Aside from you. Who else suggested, or even said such a terrible thing?

10-26-2012, 07:28 PM
Dilloduck. A good SNIPER'S bullet, and aim. Rarely, if ever hit innocent civilians. No matter where they live.

By the way. Only YOU used that expression here..."Are we back to hoping everyone in the mideast dies?"

Aside from you. Who else suggested, or even said such a terrible thing?

The post before mine was only concerned about Israelis.
They aren't using only sniper rifles but maybe you could offer that up as a suggestion.

10-26-2012, 07:32 PM
The post before mine was only concerned about Israelis.
They aren't using only sniper rifles but maybe you could offer that up as a suggestion.

Dilloduck. Making excuses for civilians who launch rockets, and carry shoulder mounted grenades, or walk into crowded zones of women and children....just to PUSH the button on their BOMB BELT....is not qualification enough to avoid....pretend civilians, who even hide behind children to avoid that SNIPER SHOT...they all deserve.

10-26-2012, 07:43 PM
Dilloduck. Making excuses for civilians who launch rockets, and carry shoulder mounted grenades, or walk into crowded zones of women and children....just to PUSH the button on their BOMB BELT....is not qualification enough to avoid....pretend civilians, who even hide behind children to avoid that SNIPER SHOT...they all deserve.

Ya ya --kill em all.

10-26-2012, 07:45 PM
Ya ya --kill em all.

Now you really do sound like a Terrorist, Ahmed Dilloduck???

10-26-2012, 09:38 PM

Strange cartoon. Israel is the one with the big guns (made in USA) and the largest piece, not the Palestinians.

Yep, never said they couldn't defend themselves against terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who sent over 70 unprovoked rockets into Israel the other day. We can only hope that those groups would be destroyed and sent to Allah.

Holding Gaza under siege for 5 years with regular incursions is not provocative?

10-26-2012, 10:16 PM
Strange cartoon. Israel is the one with the big guns (made in USA) and the largest piece, not the Palestinians.

Holding Gaza under siege for 5 years with regular incursions is not provocative?

jafar. Would you feel the same about such Strange Cartoons if the artist depicted HAMAS Rockets aimed at Israel...every day, every week, every month, and every year since 1946? That would be FACTUAL, and you wouldn't like it...would you?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 11:12 PM
Strange cartoon. Israel is the one with the big guns (made in USA) and the largest piece, not the Palestinians.

Holding Gaza under siege for 5 years with regular incursions is not provocative?

Iran doesnt want big guns they want some nukes. Nukes can murder millions in a flash!
You are rooting for the wrong team. God will not allow his people(the Jews) to be utterly destroyed..-Tyr

10-27-2012, 12:37 PM
Anyone notice how 'jafar' pops in, and pops out...depending on how much TRUTH he must respond to here?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2012, 02:12 PM
Another example of somebody that gets it!

http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/roth/121026 (http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/roth/121026)

By Laurie Roth (http://www.debatepolicy.com/columns/roth)

What encourages, inspires, guides, and promotes tyrannical and criminal expressions of Islam? Sharia Law, that's what! The bottom line is that Sharia Law is Islam's skeletal structure, their constitution and legal code. It works in concert with the daily declarations of clerics and imams who reflect the dictates and orders of the Koran and Sharia Law. There is nothing hidden with Sharia Law and the caliphate push of Islam behind it. It is a dictatorial, theocratic government control device meant to herd people like cattle — control, beat, and slaughter them, if necessary — for "orders" sake.

Just some of the core values taught and enforced worldwide with Sharia Law include the following, which I have screamed about for years on my show and in other articles:

* Those converting to another faith should be executed.
* Islamic husbands can beat and rape their wives, marry many women, then divorce anyone of them for any reason. The wife cannot get out of her situation. She is trapped.
* Gays are to be executed.
* Rape victims are to be stoned if they do not have four supporting witnesses.
* Sharia Law supports beatings and dismembering of body parts for a variety of offenses, including stealing.
* You are to be killed if you criticize the prophet Mohammed.

In the news just this year, Sharia Law has inspired tons of nightmares. I have heard of a couple sentenced to death in Pakistan because they danced and sang at a wedding.
This woman gets it .... do you??--Tyr

10-27-2012, 02:35 PM
Don't worry---it's illegal in America.

10-27-2012, 02:42 PM
Don't worry---it's illegal in America.

Dilloduck. Now, you really do sound more like Obama, and Holder. Difference is. Despite anything they do being Illegal. They do it anyway, and tell people like you "Don't worry." That's exactly how they expect the uninformed, uneducated to react. You are just obeying Unlawful orders.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2012, 02:45 PM
Don't worry---it's illegal in America.

Not if you and other appeasors get your way ! It must be outlawed and faced with a united strong stand or else it will creep in . Just like it did in Britian.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2012, 03:16 PM

October 26, 2012
The Democratic Party, the enemy within & why Obama must go!

<MAP name=article_menu><AREA href="javascript:window.print()" shape=rect coords="0,0, 31,33"><AREA href="../../column_sender.php?columnist=jacobs&date=121026" shape=rect coords="41,0, 76,33"><AREA href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.renewamerica.com%2Fc olumns%2Fjacobs%2F121026&t=The+Democratic+Party%2C+the+enemy+within+%26+why +Obama+must+go%21" shape=rect coords="5,41, 70,64"></MAP>http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/print_email_share.gif
By Jake Jacobs (http://www.debatepolicy.com/columns/jacobs)

This past week after my Academy and College teaching I headed off to Election 2012 Campaign events to participate in the Battle to keep our Republic from being destroyed by Barack Obama and his Progressive, Socialist, Collectivist BIG government minions who have lied their way into office and perpetuated deception upon deception attempting to dupe the American people into believing the Democratic Party is the Party of Life and Liberty.

They are not!

They are THE Party of DEATH,

the Party of Roe v. Wade, the Party of slavery, the party of deficit and debt, the Party of appeasement to Militant Muslims, the party of 9/11 Libya cover-up, the party against Israel, the party of the ACLU, the party of political correctness, the party of illegal immigration, the party of reverse discrimination, the party of Hollywood, the party of the Elite media, the party of University professors, the party of abortion and contraceptive mandates & the Party of Communism.
Click the link and read more, this guy knows his stuff..-Tyr

10-27-2012, 06:10 PM
If Sharia Law ever becomes legal in the US, we deserve it.

10-27-2012, 06:53 PM
If Sharia Law ever becomes legal in the US, we deserve it.

What do you mean WE? You sound like such a coward. You'd welcome it to please your needs to remain dependent, and never need to be held responsible for anything in life by staying Poor, and Unsuccessful for the Master of your life...Government who will kill you, if you disobey.

10-28-2012, 12:22 PM
If Sharia Law ever becomes legal in the US, we deserve it.

An interesting assertion. One that Sharia Law supporters (i.e Muslims) would happily echo.

Abbey Marie
10-28-2012, 12:33 PM
If Sharia Law ever becomes legal in the US, we deserve it.

I could speculate on your reason, but can you just tell us why you feel this way?

10-28-2012, 12:46 PM
I could speculate on your reason, but can you just tell us why you feel this way?

Because we have every available tool prevent it. If we don't use them ------.

Abbey Marie
10-28-2012, 12:51 PM
Because we have every available tool prevent it. If we don't use them ------.

Wouldn't you consider public awareness of the potential problem to be one available tool? If so, you should be happy to see all the threads here about it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2012, 12:53 PM
Because we have every available tool prevent it. If we don't use them ------.

No, we only have the Constitution and thats under attack daily by our government.

We need a united front, ironclad laws and active engagement against their subversion.-Tyr

10-28-2012, 01:08 PM
No, we only have the Constitution and thats under attack daily by our government.

We need a united front, ironclad laws and active engagement against their subversion.-Tyr

We are the government-----We're responsible.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2012, 01:27 PM
We are the government-----We're responsible.

The majority of citizens did not want the Healthcare crap that was forced upon us.
How did that work out given your quoted declaration above?
Government can and often does go against the best interests of "we the people".
Sharia law and that must not happen! For there will be total destruction should it ever happen..-Tyr

10-28-2012, 01:49 PM
The majority of citizens did not want the Healthcare crap that was forced upon us.
How did that work out given your quoted declaration above?
Government can and often does go against the best interests of "we the people".
Sharia law and that must not happen! For there will be total destruction should it ever happen..-Tyr

Whose fault is it when the government acts against the will of the people ?

10-28-2012, 03:07 PM
Because we have every available tool prevent it. If we don't use them ------.

Wouldn't you consider public awareness of the potential problem to be one available tool? If so, you should be happy to see all the threads here about it.

We are the government-----We're responsible.

Sounds like a yes to me! And we very well should make every citizen aware of any potential conflicts with our laws and the constitution and any shariah law coming into America at all.

10-28-2012, 05:04 PM
What do you mean WE? You sound like such a coward. You'd welcome it to please your needs to remain dependent, and never need to be held responsible for anything in life by staying Poor, and Unsuccessful for the Master of your life...Government who will kill you, if you disobey.

That happens with any tyranny. No need for dodgy Sharia interpretation for that. All you need is a good tinpot dictator who is willing to kill anyone who doesn't agree with him.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2012, 06:25 PM
Whose fault is it when the government acts against the will of the people ?

Once upon a time it was the people's fault but now its the government's fault because they wield such great power now and the Executive branch (one man) has shown that to be the case. With obama's actions its been brought out clearly into the light of day and can no longer be ignored! For it looks to be the case that only a revolution can stop the government from becoming a dictatorship if obama is not sent packing and pronto! This election will be the deciding factor if we remain an Representative Republic based upon our Constitution or a third world hellhole based upon what obama envisions for our nation. He got elected but he didnt get voted to be dictator. Even Ceasor found out that too damn far is just too damn far! Obama's agenda and attitude would put that of CEASOR'S TO SHAME IMHO. He fails to realise trhat we actually still have patriots and his asshat, liberal, communist loving supporters are not the majority! Since he is a damn traitor , he is not my president. F--HIM.. -Tyr

10-28-2012, 06:53 PM
We are the government-----We're responsible.

Not according to the Democrats and Obama. The WE THE PEOPLE thing is just something like the Constitution, that get's in the way of Liberal, Democrat, Progressive politicians who Ignore, and Disobey that document because THEY SAY...They are the Government, and WE THE PEOPLE should always DO AS THEY SAY.

True we put them in office. But they know how to cheat to get there...despite how we vote. Best example. BARRACK H. OBAMA.

10-28-2012, 07:45 PM
Once upon a time it was the people's fault but now its the government's fault because they wield such great power now and the Executive branch (one man) has shown that to be the case. With obama's actions its been brought out clearly into the light of day and can no longer be ignored! For it looks to be the case that only a revolution can stop the government from becoming a dictatorship if obama is not sent packing and pronto! This election will be the deciding factor if we remain an Representative Republic based upon our Constitution or a third world hellhole based upon what obama envisions for our nation. He got elected but he didnt get voted to be dictator. Even Ceasor found out that too damn far is just too damn far! Obama's agenda and attitude would put that of CEASOR'S TO SHAME IMHO. He fails to realise trhat we actually still have patriots and his asshat, liberal, communist loving supporters are not the majority! Since he is a damn traitor , he is not my president. F--HIM.. -Tyr

Better stick with the revolution idea. Denial doesn't work.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2012, 08:38 PM
Better stick with the revolution idea. Denial doesn't work.

I am not the one in denial.. I see all too clearly. You attempt to belittle it all, so the denial lies with you.
I take a stand openly and without fear. I spit into the eye of all that Islam stands for. How many others can and do openly make that stand? I dont play.. I am the kind of enemy that they fear the most. The kind that seeks to exspose them by putting the TRUTH out there for others to see and understand..-Tyr

10-28-2012, 09:23 PM
Better stick with the revolution idea. Denial doesn't work.

Dilloduck. Odd that you, of all people would come here to talk to us about Denial not working.

We've all know it hasn't worked for you, or anyone who supports Obama since he denied Lying...despite all the proof to the contrary.

10-29-2012, 03:42 PM
Dilloduck. Odd that you, of all people would come here to talk to us about Denial not working.

We've all know it hasn't worked for you, or anyone who supports Obama since he denied Lying...despite all the proof to the contrary.

I'm not an Obama supporter--you really need to work on facts.

red states rule
10-29-2012, 03:45 PM
I'm not an Obama supporter--you really need to work on facts.

You do love terrorists, have a hard on for terrorists - so why not suport Obama and complete the trifecta?

10-29-2012, 05:32 PM
I'm not an Obama supporter--you really need to work on facts.

Okay Dilloduck. If you are not an Obama supporter. Maybe today is the day you should actually try to prove that to everyone else here, who have been given the impression, and shown proof..by your words. That you are now LYING to all of us.

10-29-2012, 05:52 PM
Okay Dilloduck. If you are not an Obama supporter. Maybe today is the day you should actually try to prove that to everyone else here, who have been given the impression, and shown proof..by your words. That you are now LYING to all of us.

Not everyone who disagrees with some of the crap you post is an Obama supporter...grow up!

Here's a novel idea...how about YOU post links to the posts of Dillo's that show support for Obama or Obama's policies.

...Bullshit argument of why you shouldn't have to in 3...2...1

10-29-2012, 05:54 PM
Not everyone who disagrees with some of the crap you post is an Obama supporter...grow up!

Here's a novel idea...how about YOU post links to the posts of Dillo's that show support for Obama or Obama's policies.

...Bullshit argument of why you shouldn't have to in 3...2...1

I got a better, novel idea. You and Dilloduck become kissin cousins, and all of your problems go away.

10-29-2012, 05:58 PM
I got a better, novel idea. You and Dilloduck become kissin cousins, and all of your problems go away.

I had your chicken shit ass pegged to almost the second!

10-29-2012, 06:01 PM
I had your chicken shit ass pegged to almost the second!

Good for you. Now that you cleared that up for yourself. What's next? Show us how easily someone who Pegs Chickenshit works.

10-29-2012, 06:11 PM
Good for you. Now that you cleared that up for yourself. What's next? Show us how easily someone who Pegs Chickenshit works.

I'm certain that posts 861 and 863 demonstrated how easy it is.

10-29-2012, 06:14 PM
I'm certain that posts 861 and 863 demonstrated how easy it is.

If you insist. Now what would you like to prove?

10-29-2012, 06:17 PM
If you insist. Now what would you like to prove?
No one needs to prove anything to you, until you prove something yourself!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-30-2012, 06:33 PM
This is why I take my stand!!!!


A 70-year-old Australian granny write to explaining how her home, which she deemed her paradise, has been lost, thanks to Muslim immigrants. Here's her story:I am a 69-year-old grandma, 5 foot 1 inch tall.One day, I was in a Big W store and the loudspeaker said rails of cloths at chuck out price, so I walked over. A six-foot man pushed me into the racks as I went to get something, I just managed to save myself as a lady caught me from behind.I said, "Excuse me, what do you think your are doing?" He replied, "I want clothes." I said, "So do I. Where are you from?" He said, "Afghanistan".I said, "Well, in this country, people do NOT push little old ladies about." He bent down and said to me, "when we take over and we will. I will remember your face. I will have you buried up to your neck and stoned to death. Now get out my way." And he just started grabbing everything, people just got out his way, he was like a man possessed.On another day, walking in our town centre going up to the cathedral, I came across some Middle Eastern men formed a chain across the pavement. I had to walk into the oncoming traffic, and as I did, they spat at my feet.On another occasion, going to a government office, I had to walk through this chopping centre plaza, a district that has been taken over by Muslims and Africans. As I was walking, they started jutting their chins up at me and yelling in their language. The security man walked me back to the shops on the other side. As I got in my car I notices a black man about nearly 7-feet tall, a giant, his eyes were bulging. He had a big leather belt and was slapping it in his palm. I locked my doors and stared the engine. He was coming for me. I just went. Had I knocked him over, I would have kept going.At my library, there were tons of blacks people. Some Muslims came to the hall next door, I was sitting, ordering a book from the library girl. A young black kid came in and punched the back of my chair so hard that it nearly knocked my chair over. He laughed and walked away.The girl said, "Hey you!" I said, "NO, don't. If you do, he will wait for me when I get out."My life in my beloved country is over, they have won, Australia as we knew no longer exists! How I weep, my paradise gone.

10-30-2012, 07:02 PM
No one needs to prove anything to you, until you prove something yourself!

Children should still be seen, and not heard. Now. Prove something about Yourself.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 09:31 AM
Do not think that they just bomb, murder and maim. They fight total war. They use political influence to cost opponents their jobs !

India: Kashmir protests after Facebook 'slur'

http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/63790000/jpg/_63790626_63790625.jpg Authorities shut down a Facebook page allegedly containing morphed pictures
Continue reading the main story (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#story_continues_1) Related Stories

Anti-film protests hit Kashmir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/news/world-asia-india-19633226)

Muslims in Indian-administered Kashmir have protested against Facebook posts which they say insult Islam.
Police have arrested three people, all Hindus, from the Kishtwar district for allegedly running a "campaign" against Islam on the social networking site.
Two of the men are government teachers. Authorities said they had been dismissed from their jobs.
Police were put on alert after Muslim leaders called for a shutdown in the valley on Tuesday.
On Monday Muslim protestors clashed with relatives of the three men who allegedly put up the Facebook posts in Kishtwar, Doda and Bhaderwah districts.
This will soon be happening here. Facebook just recently started enforcing its on censorship policy and you can bet CAIR applied pressure for it to do so. Muslims in USA are already trying to get blasphemy laws enacted.!!!
The muslims ally with socialists/leftists and together they use intimidation to get officials to yield. America is not immuned. This is a warning of what we will face on a massive scale in the future. Recent arrests in Britain of opponents(EDL) of the muslim scourge there POINT TO HOW THEY GET GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO YIELD AND HELP THEM DESTROY OPPOSITION TO THIER AGENDA.
Another reason that I take my stand..-Tyr

10-31-2012, 01:06 PM
How do we stop it?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 05:03 PM
How do we stop it?

We do not stop it by pretending its not a real problem.
I suggest first step is to be pro-active against the Islamist agenda. We can do that by passing laws specificly aimed at stopping Sharia law . Sharia law is what they will seek to supplant our laws with. They do that everywhere they go. --Tyr

10-31-2012, 05:25 PM
We do not stop it by pretending its not a real problem.
I suggest first step is to be pro-active against the Islamist agenda. We can do that by passing laws specificly aimed at stopping Sharia law . Sharia law is what they will seek to supplant our laws with. They do that everywhere they go. --Tyr

All we have to do is enforce the laws that we already have on the books. If we can't or won't do that we are screwed anyway.

10-31-2012, 05:33 PM
All we have to do is enforce the laws that we already have on the books. If we can't or won't do that we are screwed anyway.

Who would you suggest be appointed to ENFORCE the present laws already in effect?
Obviously. Obama and Holder cannot be trusted, or depended upon to enforce, follow, or even recognize the laws they are systematically breaking, and ignoring.
So...Dilloduck. Any suggestions?

10-31-2012, 08:41 PM
Who would you suggest be appointed to ENFORCE the present laws already in effect?
Obviously. Obama and Holder cannot be trusted, or depended upon to enforce, follow, or even recognize the laws they are systematically breaking, and ignoring.
So...Dilloduck. Any suggestions?

We elect people in America. When a law is broken there is a process to be followed. If that doesn't happen we better look at the people we elect or the parties that finance them.

10-31-2012, 08:49 PM
We elect people in America. When a law is broken there is a process to be followed. If that doesn't happen we better look at the people we elect or the parties that finance them.

I didn't elect HOLDER. The A.G. of the U.S. Obama appointed him. And we all know. Both Holder, and Obama have broken, if not ignored the U.S. Constitution, and the Laws BOTH are sworn to Obey, and Protect.

Seems a little late to use the excuse "better look at the people we elect"...don't you think?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 09:05 PM
All we have to do is enforce the laws that we already have on the books. If we can't or won't do that we are screwed anyway.

Part of that is true.. Yet we need to address this problem with a united strong front early on. Too little too late will not do when it comes to this destructive menace.-Tyr

10-31-2012, 09:27 PM
Part of that is true.. Yet we need to address this problem with a united strong front early on. Too little too late will not do when it comes to this destructive menace.-Tyr

I'm all ears----how do we address this problem with a united strong front ?

10-31-2012, 09:34 PM
I didn't elect HOLDER. The A.G. of the U.S. Obama appointed him. And we all know. Both Holder, and Obama have broken, if not ignored the U.S. Constitution, and the Laws BOTH are sworn to Obey, and Protect.

Seems a little late to use the excuse "better look at the people we elect"...don't you think?

It's the only "excuse" we have. How do you suggest we proceed ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2012, 10:04 PM
I'm all ears----how do we address this problem with a united strong front ?

First we educate the American citizenry to the great danger and why it must be actively opposed . As of now most Americans havent a clue to just how serious it is and that thanks to our government covering it up--an agenda they have that points to another dire threat but that has little to do with Islam itself, other than the alliance made.
We simply must make it the primary focus of the Republican party and its candidates . After all it truly is about our very survival. So its not like we are wanting to push a side issue to the forefront. Having made the public aware we then proceed to pass stronger laws to limit Islam in our nation. Since Islam is a quasi militant political /religious entity it should not get all the religious rights other religions here enjoy. By that I mean its political arm/Sharia law should not enjoy such protection. Sharia law must be outlawed and anybody practicing or endorsing it should be immediately jailed. Thats what the end result must be.. Notice that I stated only Sharia law only not Islam in general. That distinction is very relevant !! -Tyr

11-01-2012, 07:35 AM
We can do that by passing laws specificly aimed at stopping Sharia law .

QUICK, ratify the Constitution...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 07:50 AM
QUICK, ratify the Constitution...


Snide remarks reveal your bias and lack of understanding of the problem. I expected no less.

By the way ,send that comment to your boy obama that seems to think it hasnt ever been ratified .. . Your boy because you cleverly defend him by belittling strong opposition to him. I see it and do not care that others may not see it. I've seen how socalled enlightened moderates have actually defended leftist policies for decades. You are no exception.. You play games here and wear a false image.-Tyr

11-01-2012, 08:03 AM
Snide remarks reveal your bias and lack of understanding of the problem. I expected no less.

By the way ,send that comment to your boy obama that seems to think it hasnt ever been ratified .. . Your boy because you cleverly defend him by belittling strong opposition to him. I see it and do not care that others may not see it. I've seen how socalled enlightened moderates have actually defended leftist policies for decades. You are no exception.. You play games here and wear a false image.-Tyr

:laugh: You slay bro'. It's funny how only your "understanding" is understanding.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:15 AM
:laugh: You slay bro'. It's funny how only your "understanding" is understanding.

No, what is funny is how you dismiss my linked facts and so often spin away from the topic to make snide remarks about me. Especially when those facts shoot your usual deluded sense of moderation and appeasement all to hell. You are the exactly type that learn to keep their mouths shut during WW2 BECAUSE IF THEY DIDNT SOME REAL PATRIOT TAUGHT THEM HOW TO.
Your false image here gives you no cover with me. Thats what keeps you so pissed and what I find to be a real treasure...-TYR

11-01-2012, 08:20 AM
No, what is funny is how you dismiss my linked facts and so often spin away from the topic to make snide remarks about me. Especially when those facts shoot your usual deluded sense of moderation and appeasement all to hell. You are the exactly type that learn to keep their mouths shut during WW2 BECAUSE IF THEY DIDNT SOME REAL PATRIOT TAUGHT THEM HOW TO.
Your false image here gives you no cover with me. Thats what keeps you so pissed and what I find to be a real treasure...-TYR

1. Which of your linked facts did I dismiss?
2. I'm not pissed, I'm amused.
3. Everything in the middle is not very well expressed as a coherent thought relevant to the topic.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:38 AM
1. Which of your linked facts did I dismiss?

Apparently all of them given your , "QUICK, ratify the Constitution" comment..
Your words, clearly indicating that we already have all the protection we need.
A position that indicates you havent got a damn clue but think your supposed great enlightenment supersedes all.
I usually find that arrogance to be funny but in this case its just pathetic..-Tyr

11-01-2012, 08:46 AM
Apparently all of them given your , "QUICK, ratify the Constitution" comment..
Your words, clearly indicating that we already have all the protection we need.
A position that indicates you havent got a damn clue but think your supposed great enlightenment supersedes all.
I usually find that arrogance to be funny but in this case its just pathetic..-Tyr

That's a bit vague isn't it? You should be able to detail which of them I've dismissed if you're going to make the claim. And yes, we have all the protection that we need; "Congress shall make no law...," Incorporation, and all that Constitutional stuff. Oh, and of course eternal vigilance that is always required.

Will points 2 and 3 be forthcoming?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:12 AM
That's a bit vague isn't it? You should be able to detail which of them I've dismissed if you're going to make the claim. And yes, we have all the protection that we need; "Congress shall make no law...," Incorporation, and all that Constitutional stuff. Oh, and of course eternal vigilance that is always required.

Will points 2 and 3 be forthcoming?

Sorry, can not read your small print..-Tyr

11-01-2012, 09:14 AM
First we educate the American citizenry to the great danger and why it must be actively opposed . As of now most Americans havent a clue to just how serious it is and that thanks to our government covering it up--an agenda they have that points to another dire threat but that has little to do with Islam itself, other than the alliance made.
We simply must make it the primary focus of the Republican party and its candidates . After all it truly is about our very survival. So its not like we are wanting to push a side issue to the forefront. Having made the public aware we then proceed to pass stronger laws to limit Islam in our nation. Since Islam is a quasi militant political /religious entity it should not get all the religious rights other religions here enjoy. By that I mean its political arm/Sharia law should not enjoy such protection. Sharia law must be outlawed and anybody practicing or endorsing it should be immediately jailed. Thats what the end result must be.. Notice that I stated only Sharia law only not Islam in general. That distinction is very relevant !! -Tyr

Why make it only a Republican issue and why deny the religion equal protection when it is only Sharia law that you are afraid of ? Sharia law and any religious law is superceded by COTUS already.

11-01-2012, 09:24 AM
Sorry, can not read your small print..-Tyr

I have heard that a lack of logic and rational thought is first symptomatic in being unable to read.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:25 AM
Why make it only a Republican issue and why deny the religion equal protection when it is only Sharia law that you are afraid of ? Sharia law and any religious law is superceded by COTUS already.

It will be a Republican only issue because the dem party and its libs/leftists have allied with the muslims. ALLIED WITH THE ENEMY WHICH THEY SO OFTEN DO!

We need more specific laws in this case because the Constitution is so open to interpretation and SCOTUS should be a safeguard of last resort not first! Preemption being preferable to remedy after the fact.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 09:30 AM
I have heard that a lack of logic and rational thought is first symptomatic in being unable to read.

Obvious that you only --heard it-- and did not read it , because you know firsthand just how true it is!-:laugh2:-Tyr

Now are you done issuing lame insults , because I can beat you at that too.-Tyr

11-01-2012, 09:33 AM
It will be a Republican only issue because the dem party and its libs/leftists have allied with the muslims. ALLIED WITH THE ENEMY WHICH THEY SO OFTEN DO!

We need more specific laws in this case because the Constitution is so open to interpretation and SCOTUS should be a safeguard of last resort not first! Preemption being preferable to remedy after the fact.-Tyr

Specific laws can be ignored just as easily as general ones.

and please link to where democrats support Sharia law.

11-01-2012, 09:37 AM
Obvious that you only --heard it-- and did not read it , because you know firsthand just how true it is!-:laugh2:-Tyr

Now are you done issuing lame insults , because I can beat you at that too.-Tyr

Yeah, that was a good one, I only "heard" it. :rolleyes: You do, however, win at self delusion... so, congratulations. :2up:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 10:17 AM
Specific laws can be ignored just as easily as general ones.

and please link to where democrats support Sharia law.

So you say... I guess we should always shoot for more vague laws then , right?-:laugh:
What is becoming more and more obvious is that you prefer to deal with the problem after it becomes bigger and has caused more suffering. The big question is why you prefer that..
As prevention is always preferable to any cure!
Do you work for CAIR?? SERIOUS QUESTION... --Tyr

11-01-2012, 10:30 AM
So you say... I guess we should always shoot for more vague laws then , right?-:laugh:
What is becoming more and more obvious is that you prefer to deal with the problem after it becomes bigger and has caused more suffering. The big question is why you prefer that..
As prevention is always preferable to any cure!
Do you work for CAIR?? SERIOUS QUESTION... --Tyr

Yes and I'm Bin laden's son too seeking to impose Sharia law on the whole world !! MUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
Geeze dude----get a clue.

11-01-2012, 02:40 PM
Specific laws can be ignored just as easily as general ones.

and please link to where democrats support Sharia law.

Dilloduck. Consult with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, spokeperson from the DNC who represents Obama, who silently HOPES to CHANGE American lives by ignoring our laws, and Constitution...in order to BOLSTER the Muslim Brotherhood techniques of Destroy, Destroy, and Destroy....FROM WITHIN.

11-01-2012, 03:52 PM
Dilloduck. Consult with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, spokeperson from the DNC who represents Obama, who silently HOPES to CHANGE American lives by ignoring our laws, and Constitution...in order to BOLSTER the Muslim Brotherhood techniques of Destroy, Destroy, and Destroy....FROM WITHIN.

Just link me to where the DNC supports Sharia Law.

11-01-2012, 03:57 PM
Just link me to where the DNC supports Sharia Law.

No need to supply a link for you. The DNC would never allow such instructions to become public. But since you asked.

Study a little of OBAMA. Read his books, and be surprised to learn something you and others constantly have denied about him.

Get back to us when you see WHO the real fools are. Then, create an HONEST link for yourself.

11-01-2012, 04:51 PM
Now are you done issuing lame insults , because I can beat you at that too.-Tyr

There is absolutely no doubt that you are the king of lame insults...sorry fj1200, but Tyr wins.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 05:51 PM
There is absolutely no doubt that you are the king of lame insults...sorry fj1200, but Tyr wins.

How about that promised visit bluffboy. Lameass threats that are then welched on are far worse IMHO..
Candyasses never face up to those that call their bluffs.-:laugh:-
Looks to me like I won that one too.. :laugh2:-Tyr

11-01-2012, 07:44 PM
How about that promised visit bluffboy. Lameass threats that are then welched on are far worse IMHO..
Candyasses never face up to those that call their bluffs.-:laugh:-
Looks to me like I won that one too.. :laugh2:-Tyr

You are still assuming too much.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 08:00 PM
You are still assuming too much.

Feel free to prove it anytime since its entirely your choice to make but know that your reception if you make that drastic mistake will teach you the errors of your ways..
I dont play around about such business..consider that as a gentle warning..
You know I posted a thread in the steelcage about all this , but Abbey closed it..
How about we start another thread there instead of you trying to shit on my threads up here like you've been doing.-Tyr

11-01-2012, 09:09 PM
Feel free to prove it anytime since its entirely your choice to make but know that your reception if you make that drastic mistake will teach you the errors of your ways..
I dont play around about such business..consider that as a gentle warning..
You know I posted a thread in the steelcage about all this , but Abbey closed it..
How about we start another thread there instead of you trying to shit on my threads up here like you've been doing.-Tyr

If someone disagrees with you, you bitch. If someone agrees with you, you bitch. You claimed you would beat fj1200 in a lame insult contest, I stuck up for you, and now you accuse my of shitting on your thread? WTF?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2012, 10:03 PM
If someone disagrees with you, you bitch. If someone agrees with you, you bitch. You claimed you would beat fj1200 in a lame insult contest, I stuck up for you, and now you accuse my of shitting on your thread? WTF?

Best move you'd ever make would be to agree with me. I doubt if you have the "smarts" to ever truly do that but hey ,miracles do happen..-Tyr

11-02-2012, 05:37 AM
There is absolutely no doubt that you are the king of lame insults...sorry fj1200, but Tyr wins.

Bummer, three internets have already been deleted from my account. :(

11-02-2012, 12:52 PM
If someone disagrees with you, you bitch. If someone agrees with you, you bitch. You claimed you would beat fj1200 in a lame insult contest, I stuck up for you, and now you accuse my of shitting on your thread? WTF?

Missileman. You should go back and read most of your own posts here. Then tell us about Bitching, and being Lame.

11-02-2012, 02:16 PM
Missileman. You should go back and read most of your own posts here. Then tell us about Bitching, and being Lame.

You still reign supreme in the baseless accusations arena.

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 03:13 PM
Feel free to prove it anytime since its entirely your choice to make but know that your reception if you make that drastic mistake will teach you the errors of your ways..
I dont play around about such business..consider that as a gentle warning..
You know I posted a thread in the steelcage about all this , but Abbey closed it..
How about we start another thread there instead of you trying to shit on my threads up here like you've been doing.-Tyr

Feel free to have at it in the Cage, but we will not tolerate threats. If someone threatens you or yours in a PM, please report it to staff and we will deal with it.

Thank you for trying to contain these things in the Cage, though. That is what we are trying to accomplish.

11-02-2012, 03:18 PM
Feel free to have at it in the Cage, but we will not tolerate threats. If someone threatens you or yours in a PM, please report it to staff and we will deal with it.

Thank you for trying to contain these things in the Cage, though. That is what we are trying to accomplish.

No idea why you'd be thanking him...it was his threatening posts that shut down two steel cages threads.

11-02-2012, 04:29 PM
You still reign supreme in the baseless accusations arena.

Darn. And here I was getting the impression that ONLY YOU fit that description.

Maybe you should try telling somebody who cares.

Abbey Marie
11-02-2012, 04:49 PM
No idea why you'd be thanking him...it was his threatening posts that shut down two steel cages threads.

For taking the matter to the Cage, instead of all over substantive threads. If that is not what he did, I stand corrected.

11-03-2012, 09:50 AM
Just link me to where the DNC supports Sharia Law.

I thought I'd take this challenge up ..

Though Aboutime's answer to you is doubtless correct, even I - who by no stretch of the imagination can be called 'expert' on American politics - well know that Lefties are highly sympathetic to Muslim causes. A certain Ken Livingstone, former London mayor, invited one Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to London, as a guest of the city, more than once (!!) .. and this character had particularly hardline Muslim views. See ..


London Mayor Ken Livingstone has invited a Muslim cleric, whose trip to Britain triggered a heated controversy, to come back later this year.

Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi came under attack after describing Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel as "martyrs".

But the Crown Prosecution Service later said that there was not enough evidence to justify prosecuting him on the grounds of his speeches.

Mr Livingstone apologised to his guest and branded the criticism "hysteria".

Speaking on Monday at a conference in London's City Hall on Islamic women's right to wear the hijab or headscarf, the mayor said: "On behalf of the people of London, I would like to apologise to the Sheikh for the outburst of xenophobia in sections of the media.

"It is not the first time it has happened," he continued.
This is what Leftie trash get up to 'in the name of the People (.. whether or not the People are at all likely to approve ..).

So, now to American politics. What HAVE the Democrats been up to ?


Ingrid Mattson was invited to speak at the Democratic Convention in Denver. She is president of the Islamic Society of North America, a large organization linked (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6178) to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is waging “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions,” according to the MB’s own words (http://www.investigativeproject.org/document/id/20). The ISNA was also named as an unindicted co-conspirator (http://jihadwatch.org/archives/021773.php) in a Hamas terror funding case last year.

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch lists (http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022342.php) 17 specific items which show Mattson to be a Jihad sympathizer and an Islamic Supremacist, each backed up by quotes and sources. I consider this post by Spencer to be a must-read article.

.. Mattson praises the Jihadist, Maududi: “…. So far, probably the best work of Tafseer [Quranic commentary] in English is by Maulana Abul A’la Maududi.’” Spencer gives several examples of Maududi’s own writing which show Maududi fully supports offensive Jihad warfare and the worldwide imposition of Sharia.


In just a few days, the Democratic National Convention “kick off events” week will include its first ever “Jumah (Arabic for gathering) at the DNC” – three Islamic-centered events beginning with a Friday afternoon prayer and sermon, an evening Islamic banquet and an all-day Islamic festival.

Many of the individuals scheduled to speak during the DNC week have extremely spurious backgrounds, including, astonishingly, support for Al Qaeda and for the U.S. State Department-designated terrorist organization, Hamas.

The celebrity Imam or “Grand Imam” slated for the event is Imam Siraj Wahhaj ....

As this article will demonstrate, Wahhaj has a thirty-year, well-documented history of supporting terror and preaching religious and racial intolerance against Americans. For decades, Wahhaj has preached violence and insurrection against the U.S. with the goal of replacing the Constitution with shari’ah law, as the law of the land.

“Wherever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason- for one reason only- to establish Allah’s deen [Islam as a complete way of life], as a servant of Allah.”

11-03-2012, 10:25 AM
Not exactly an unbiased source there Drum. Notice how todays date is in the header and the date of the article is Aug 29th ? I'm sure there are are some extreme leftists wackos dealing with some nuts but I still haven't seen Sharia Law supported by the DNC platform.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 12:58 PM
Not exactly an unbiased source there Drum. Notice how todays date is in the header and the date of the article is Aug 29th ? I'm sure there are are some extreme leftists wackos dealing with some nuts but I still haven't seen Sharia Law supported by the DNC platform.

Thats not a refutation of his proof and do you deny that the DNC HAS EMBRACED THE MUSLIM AGENDA?

11-03-2012, 01:12 PM
Thats not a refutation of his proof and do you deny that the DNC HAS EMBRACED THE MUSLIM AGENDA?

Nobody in the DNC, being lead by Debbie Wasserman Schultz...in the name of Obama is smart enough to REFUTE anything since. They have no idea what that word means.
It took them twenty years just for Jesse Jackson to introduce, and hold classes for the un-educated, on how to spell DISENFRANCHISED.

Besides. It would be dishonest for any Democrat to Refute, what everyone else knows to be the Truth.

11-03-2012, 01:31 PM
Thats not a refutation of his proof and do you deny that the DNC HAS EMBRACED THE MUSLIM AGENDA?


Doesn't say a thing about supporting the Muslim Agenda.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2012, 06:52 PM

Doesn't say a thing about supporting the Muslim Agenda.

Dude, if a man invited KKK members to his house for a party and planned special festivities for them you can bet your ass he has no problem with their damn agenda. Doesnt mean he announces it to others or writes it down somewhere. Drummond posted the info about the muslims invitation and the religious festivities set up with and specificly for the muslims. You arent this damn dense but you often pretend to not see as a tactic. Intentional blindness is also a tactic Jafar uses often. Interesting that you use it so often as well.-Tyr

11-03-2012, 07:54 PM
Dude, if a man invited KKK members to his house for a party and planned special festivities for them you can bet your ass he has no problem with their damn agenda. Doesnt mean he announces it to others or writes it down somewhere. Drummond posted the info about the muslims invitation and the religious festivities set up with and specificly for the muslims. You arent this damn dense but you often pretend to not see as a tactic. Intentional blindness is also a tactic Jafar uses often. Interesting that you use it so often as well.-Tyr

Politicians will lie about anything for votes and NONE has embraced Sharia Law. ZERO. To claim the DNC supports Sharia Law and is being really sneaky about it is pure nonsense.

11-03-2012, 08:40 PM
Politicians will lie about anything for votes and NONE has embraced Sharia Law. ZERO. To claim the DNC supports Sharia Law and is being really sneaky about it is pure nonsense.

Exactly Dilloduck. Now you know why most of us call the DNC, and Obama SNEAKY. But it's not pure nonsense. If it was. You wouldn't have mentioned it. Would you?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:19 PM
Politicians will lie about anything for votes and NONE has embraced Sharia Law. ZERO. To claim the DNC supports Sharia Law and is being really sneaky about it is pure nonsense.

They heartily embrace that element and must promise something in return for their votes. Apparently you think they court the muslim vote with empty promises but I do not. For unless they are completely crazy they know that the muslims can not be played that way..-Tyr

11-04-2012, 12:24 PM
They heartily embrace that element and must promise something in return for their votes. Apparently you think they court the muslim vote with empty promises but I do not. For unless they are completely crazy they know that the muslims can not be played that way..-Tyr

Poltiticans are completely crazy but not crazy enough to endorse Sharia Law.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:31 PM

After the committee spent 45 minutes debating how many people could speak and for how long, Muslim families asked the district to close down on two holidays — Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan; and Eid-al Adha, which marks the end of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. They said there is a valid secular reason to close, citing the fact that about 18,000 Muslim students are enrolled in the school district — about 7 percent of the population — and they're forced to take off those days. The district currently closes on several Jewish and Christian holidays and cites large absenteeism as the reason.
"It's about fairness, respect and inclusion," said Ghazala Salam, Florida community relations director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^No sir, they wouldnt ever try to get Sharia law here. Just like they wouldnt ever try to force the observance of their religious holidays by schools , etc..
Another example of why I take my stand.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:34 PM
Poltiticans are completely crazy but not crazy enough to endorse Sharia Law.

It will start by local city/county/school etc yielding that will grow until federal government yields. -Tyr

11-04-2012, 12:35 PM

After the committee spent 45 minutes debating how many people could speak and for how long, Muslim families asked the district to close down on two holidays — Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan; and Eid-al Adha, which marks the end of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. They said there is a valid secular reason to close, citing the fact that about 18,000 Muslim students are enrolled in the school district — about 7 percent of the population — and they're forced to take off those days. The district currently closes on several Jewish and Christian holidays and cites large absenteeism as the reason.
"It's about fairness, respect and inclusion," said Ghazala Salam, Florida community relations director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^No sir, they wouldnt ever try to get Sharia law here. Just like they wouldnt ever try to force the observance of their religious holidays by schools , etc..
Another example of why I take my stand.-Tyr

When Hendrix died we tried to get it made into a holiday. Big Deal.

11-04-2012, 12:37 PM
It will start by local city/county/school etc yielding that will grow until federal government yields. -Tyr

No one is endorsing Sharia Law in your post------

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:42 PM
No one is endorsing Sharia Law in your post------

I never stated they were just that they will start with religious holidays then after enough concessions are made over a number of years they'l move up to Sharia law.. You cant cut the entire forest down in one swipe, you begin by cutting down the first tree.-Tyr

11-04-2012, 12:44 PM
I never stated they were just that they will start with religious holidays then after enough concessions are made over a number of years they'l move up to Sharia law.. You cant cut the entire forest down in one swipe, you begin by cutting down the first tree.-Tyr

So as I have been saying---no political party endorses Sharia Law. It would be political suicide.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 12:47 PM
So as I have been saying---no political party endorses Sharia Law. It would be political suicide.

Apparently the muslims dont believe that. They've outright called for laws against blasphemy!
As usual they will simply not give up..-Tyr

11-04-2012, 01:00 PM
Apparently the muslims dont believe that. They've outright called for laws against blasphemy!
As usual they will simply not give up..-Tyr

Which political party do they think supports Sharia Law ?

11-04-2012, 01:12 PM
So as I have been saying---no political party endorses Sharia Law. It would be political suicide.

Dilloduck. The Liberal, Democrat, Intentional Silence, and the MSM's avoidance of Sharia Law...SPEAKS VOLUMES, more than actually making any statements.

That's how OBL worked to infest this nation, and exactly how Obama, and the Democrats perpetuate the Infestation...SILENTLY.

11-04-2012, 01:41 PM
The district currently closes on several Jewish and Christian holidays and cites large absenteeism as the reason.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just like they wouldnt ever try to force the observance of their religious holidays by schools , etc..

Is that the imposition of Christian and Jewish law?

11-04-2012, 01:54 PM
Is that the imposition of Christian and Jewish law?

fj. NO! No more than the reasons the Saudi's, Iraqi, Iranian, Al Queda, and Taliban STOP everything when they PRAY TO MECCA!

11-04-2012, 01:56 PM

11-04-2012, 02:04 PM
Not exactly an unbiased source there Drum. Notice how todays date is in the header and the date of the article is Aug 29th ? I'm sure there are are some extreme leftists wackos dealing with some nuts but I still haven't seen Sharia Law supported by the DNC platform.

As I said before, Aboutime answered you on the point of how directly (or otherwise) the DNC would be willing to openly admit that they supported Sharia Law.

However, Dilloduck, I recognise the way the Left works. I posted my example of the ex-London mayor, Ken Livingstone, who'd invited a 'radical' Muslim cleric to London as a guest of the city. He did that not once but twice. When he wasn't racially abusing a Jewish reporter, that is ...

Just as Livingstone did in London, so your own DNC has ALSO done. The actions are equivalent to each other, essentially copies of each other. And, as you've sarcastically alluded to in the past, the UK has been 'sold out' to Muslims over here.

So you can readily see (unless you insist on not doing so ?) that the DNC plans for America what our Left-wing have already worked to achieve in the UK.

This link dates back to 2008. Our Labour Party was in power back then, and had been, for eleven continuous years. So ...


Islamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.

A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court's decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of 'smaller' criminal cases in future.

The revelations sparked uproar yesterday, with warnings that the fundamental principle of equal treatment for all - the bedrock of British justice - was being gravely undermined.

Critics fear Britain's Islamic hard-liners will now try to make sharia law the dominant legal system in Muslim neighbourhoods, and warn that women often receive less favourable treatment at the hands of the traditional Islamic courts.
The issue erupted into a major controversy earlier this year after the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams claimed publicly that formal recognition of sharia law 'seemed unavoidable', and Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips gave his backing to the use of Islamic courts to deal with family, marital and financial disputes.

Sharia courts have operated unofficially for years among Britain's Muslim communities but until now their rulings could not be enforced, relying instead on parties agreeing voluntarily.

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal panels, set up by lawyer Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, are now operating in London, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham and Nuneaton, with more planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Mr Siddiqi said: 'We realised that under the Arbitration Act we can make rulings which can be enforced by county and High Courts. 'The Act allows disputes to be resolved using alternatives like tribunals. This method is called alternative dispute resolution, which for Muslims is what the sharia courts are.'

Labour COULD have tightened up our laws to shut out this sort of thing, but after ELEVEN YEARS IN POWER, Muslim influence was clearly gaining ground.

As our Left do, so do yours, and so WILL yours. Your DNC show no sign of failing to be an equivalent of our own Labour Party.

Well, do they ??

11-04-2012, 02:25 PM
As I said before, Aboutime answered you on the point of how directly (or otherwise) the DNC would be willing to openly admit that they supported Sharia Law.

However, Dilloduck, I recognise the way the Left works. I posted my example of the ex-London mayor, Ken Livingstone, who'd invited a 'radical' Muslim cleric to London as a guest of the city. He did that not once but twice. When he wasn't racially abusing a Jewish reporter, that is ...

Just as Livingstone did in London, so your own DNC has ALSO done. The actions are equivalent to each other, essentially copies of each other. And, as you've sarcastically alluded to in the past, the UK has been 'sold out' to Muslims over here.

So you can readily see (unless you insist on not doing so ?) that the DNC plans for America what our Left-wing have already worked to achieve in the UK.

This link dates back to 2008. Our Labour Party was in power back then, and had been, for eleven continuous years. So ...


Labour COULD have tightened up our laws to shut out this sort of thing, but after ELEVEN YEARS IN POWER, Muslim influence was clearly gaining ground.

As our Left do, so do yours, and so WILL yours. Your DNC show no sign of failing to be an equivalent of our own Labour Party.

Well, do they ??

again---no American political party DARES to support Sharia Law.
How many thieves have had their hands amputated in England in the past 10 years ?

11-04-2012, 02:43 PM
Dilloduck. Are you sure you aren't just gabby, pretending to be as dumb as her????

11-04-2012, 03:40 PM
again---no American political party DARES to support Sharia Law.
How many thieves have had their hands amputated in England in the past 10 years ?

It's done by slow, creeping degrees.

The implementation of a growing climate which says that to show intolerance to Islam is racist.

The introduction of views stated by Imans which, in a spirit of 'progressiveness', the DNC shows itself to be tolerant and inclusive towards ...

... and the tolerance of other features by those areas in America with Left-leaning authorities. Permitting more and more mosques, say. Permitting rabble-rousing marches, in the name of 'freedom of expression'. Deference to them via welfare payments, say, the inference being that they should be regarded highly sympathetically and with generosity of spirit.

It's through means such as these that an increasing climate of tolerance is created, built upon, to the point where - eventually - Muslims push AGAIN AND AGAIN for yet more appeasement.

And tolerance of Sharia Courts will ultimately follow, and with it, sympathetic debates saying that deference to Sharia Law is itself mandated.

Watch it happen, Dilloduck. Should Obama win, that is ...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 03:40 PM
As I said before, Aboutime answered you on the point of how directly (or otherwise) the DNC would be willing to openly admit that they supported Sharia Law.

However, Dilloduck, I recognise the way the Left works. I posted my example of the ex-London mayor, Ken Livingstone, who'd invited a 'radical' Muslim cleric to London as a guest of the city. He did that not once but twice. When he wasn't racially abusing a Jewish reporter, that is ...

Just as Livingstone did in London, so your own DNC has ALSO done. The actions are equivalent to each other, essentially copies of each other. And, as you've sarcastically alluded to in the past, the UK has been 'sold out' to Muslims over here.

So you can readily see (unless you insist on not doing so ?) that the DNC plans for America what our Left-wing have already worked to achieve in the UK.

This link dates back to 2008. Our Labour Party was in power back then, and had been, for eleven continuous years. So ...


Labour COULD have tightened up our laws to shut out this sort of thing, but after ELEVEN YEARS IN POWER, Muslim influence was clearly gaining ground.

As our Left do, so do yours, and so WILL yours. Your DNC show no sign of failing to be an equivalent of our own Labour Party.

Well, do they ??

Bravo.. --:clap:
Our leftists are doing and will do the same , as you well know..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 03:43 PM
Which political party do they think supports Sharia Law ?

Which party courts them , has many leftist members and you have your answer!--Tyr

11-04-2012, 03:47 PM
It's done by slow, creeping degrees.

The implementation of a growing climate which says that to show intolerance to Islam is racist.

The introduction of views stated by Imans which, in a spirit of 'progressiveness', the DNC shows itself to be tolerant and inclusive towards ...

... and the tolerance of other features by those areas in America with Left-leaning authorities. Permitting more and more mosques, say. Permitting rabble-rousing marches, in the name of 'freedom of expression'. Deference to them via welfare payments, say, the inference being that they should be regarded highly sympathetically and with generosity of spirit.

It's through means such as these that an increasing climate of tolerance is created, built upon, to the point where - eventually - Muslims push AGAIN AND AGAIN for yet more appeasement.

And tolerance of Sharia Courts will ultimately follow, and with it, sympathetic debates saying that deference to Sharia Law is itself mandated.

Watch it happen, Dilloduck. Should Obama win, that is ...

Drummond. It seems obvious here, and based on personal experience over many years, at other forums. People like Dilloduck refuse to believe, or even contemplate thinking about such things that are SO REAL.
Based on previous times. It has been my experience that Dilloduck, and others who deny such things. Always resort to calling such things as "SKY IS FALLING" or "CRYING WOLF" as a means of attempting to make anyone who says such things....feel insulted, or laughed at...based on the Low Mentality of the accuser.

Much like the Denial bunch who still exist and do not want to forget...The Attacks on 9-11, were all pre-arranged, and set up by BUSH, including how NO PLANES, but Missiles brought down those buildings....on TIMED Explosive devices.

Same people who say JFK was shot by two, or three shooters, and FDR knew all about Pearl Harbor.

The DUMB just keep getting Dumber. And they come here...TO PROVE IT. Which explains why Dilloduck won't accept TRUTH.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2012, 06:59 PM
When Hendrix died we tried to get it made into a holiday. Big Deal.

How many people did Hendrix advocate murdering to further his agenda??-Tyr

11-04-2012, 07:52 PM
I think we can move this to a conspiracy thread. No one advocates Sharia Law. Pure speculation and fear mongering.

11-04-2012, 07:55 PM
I think we can move this to a conspiracy thread. No one advocates Sharia Law. Pure speculation and fear mongering.

Move the thread based on a few pages, or it took you 60+ pages to determine that? :coffee:

Just fucking with ya!

11-04-2012, 08:12 PM
Move the thread based on a few pages, or it took you 60+ pages to determine that? :coffee:

Just fucking with ya!

I scientifically examined every post.

Congrats on the Steelers :laugh:

11-04-2012, 08:16 PM
I scientifically examined every post.

Congrats on the Steelers :laugh:

I know of at least one person, my brother in law, who thinks the Steelers winning was a conspiracy too!

11-05-2012, 10:46 AM
I know of at least one person, my brother in law, who thinks the Steelers winning was a conspiracy too!

I've heard the NFL endorses Sharia Law. Maybe that was just the Saints.

11-05-2012, 04:06 PM
I've heard the NFL endorses Sharia Law. Maybe that was just the Saints.

Dilloduck. So now. You are telling us...YOU are a member of the NFL? I never doubted your support.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-05-2012, 08:02 PM
I've heard the NFL endorses Sharia Law. Maybe that was just the Saints.

The "Saints" would be the last team to endorse it.-:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 09:39 AM
Goddamn traitor won reelection! This is why I take my stand!
Now we will see his muslim side that he has had to hide come out and America will suffer which is his main agenda.. I accept no traitor as my President!-Tyr

11-07-2012, 10:08 AM
Goddamn traitor won reelection! This is why I take my stand!
Now we will see his muslim side that he has had to hide come out and America will suffer which is his main agenda.. I accept no traitor as my President!-Tyr

I haven't heard him yell " Allah Akbar" yet.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 10:37 AM
I haven't heard him yell " Allah Akbar" yet.

You shouldnt expect too either. Muslims in hiding do their dirty work undercover. Is the reason they go undercover and deny their faith.. Besides why yell Allah Akbar when Executive Orders CAN AND WILL DO THE TRICK..-Tyr

11-07-2012, 04:31 PM
You shouldnt expect too either. Muslims in hiding do their dirty work undercover. Is the reason they go undercover and deny their faith.. Besides why yell Allah Akbar when Executive Orders CAN AND WILL DO THE TRICK..-Tyr

Tyr. I fully expect to hear Obama yell "Allah Akbar" the first time he realizes he can't blame BUSH for his own stupidity.

Come to think of it. Picture Mrs. Obama running through the White House, chasing Barry with a huge Butcher Knife..yelling the same thing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 08:08 PM
Watch how our new extremely flexible president keeps his promise to the ffing Russian dictator.
Another thing his supporters ignored. How many of our nukes wil he destroy? Exactly how weak will he make us?
Stay tuned folks , we got at least fours years of destruction coming and after that who knows, he may just Executive Order himself as dictator. I hope Im still alive to someday laugh at the morons that did this to our nation.

11-07-2012, 08:37 PM
Watch how our new extremely flexible president keeps his promise to the ffing Russian dictator.
Another thing his supporters ignored. How many of our nukes wil he destroy? Exactly how weak will he make us?
Stay tuned folks , we got at least fours years of destruction coming and after that who knows, he may just Executive Order himself as dictator. I hope Im still alive to someday laugh at the morons that did this to our nation.

Tyr. After seeing what took place yesterday. I can only bring myself to thinking more about how to protect our Five grandchildren, who are now, still unable to understand, or even know what DEBT will mean for them. If, and when they ever are old enough to have a job.

What most of us need to be aware of, and keep a watchful eye on is; How Obama and Holder. With the assistance of Democrats in the Senate attempt to Avoid, Ignore, and Disobey our Constitution without being punished.

Seems right now would be the perfect time for Congress to INDICT Obama, Holder, and Hillary for the WILLFUL deaths of those four Americans in Benghazi.
Congress, and the American people should not allow Obama to just IGNORE, and allow that story to go Unanswered.

If there are any Republican members of Congress. And even Democrat members of Congress who insist THEY ARE WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE. They should all forget about the PARTISANSHIP, and Bring Obama to justice...with Holder being Impeached, and Fired first.

11-07-2012, 08:40 PM
Goddamn traitor won reelection! This is why I take my stand!
Now we will see his muslim side that he has had to hide come out and America will suffer which is his main agenda.. I accept no traitor as my President!-Tyr:clap::clap::clap:

11-07-2012, 08:45 PM
I haven't heard him yell " Allah Akbar" yet.

Perhaps he felt that his grovelling foreign tour, early on in his first term .. not forgetting his disgusting 'curtsey' to the Saudi ruler .. effectively covered him in that regard ?

So, anyway. Time for a silly question.

Who, here, trusts Obama NOT to sit on his hands while Iran finally gets itself some nukes ?

Any takers ?

11-07-2012, 08:49 PM

Tyr, and Drummond. We can call him almost anything we like. But it falls on deaf ears, and using that word Traitor...normally wouldn't be so hard to prove....since only TWO WITNESSES are needed.

Problem is. Numbnuts O is still the Pretend President, and too many other NUMB-MINDED Americans Love him. Because they are afraid to announce their real feelings. Knowing their NUMB-MINDED friends would Disown them, Label them, and call them Racists.

And we can't have that kind of stuff happening....unless we tell the truth that hurts their feelings. They aren't smart enough to understand anyway.

11-07-2012, 09:05 PM
Tyr, and Drummond. We can call him almost anything we like. But it falls on deaf ears, and using that word Traitor...normally wouldn't be so hard to prove....since only TWO WITNESSES are needed.

Problem is. Numbnuts O is still the Pretend President, and too many other NUMB-MINDED Americans Love him. Because they are afraid to announce their real feelings. Knowing their NUMB-MINDED friends would Disown them, Label them, and call them Racists.

And we can't have that kind of stuff happening....unless we tell the truth that hurts their feelings. They aren't smart enough to understand anyway.:clap::clap:

Nicely put.

For what it's worth ... I watched some of the BBC's coverage of the election. They came up with an interesting statistic. Now, apparently, the vast majority of black Americans vote for the Democrats .. and back in 2004, the percentage was put at 88 percent. Now, when Obama was their candidate, back in 2008, that percentage went up to NINETY FIVE percent.

Assuming the same is true this time around, maybe Obama's victory is directly attributable to outright racist voting ?

Another thought. I migrated to this forum from another US Conservative site like this one, several months ago (as Tyr can tell you). Some of its members were adamant that they would refuse to vote for Romney because he wasn't Conservative enough. I wonder if this feeling was at all widespread, and because of voter dissatisfaction with Romney, Obama has maybe won by default ?

11-07-2012, 09:23 PM

Nicely put.

For what it's worth ... I watched some of the BBC's coverage of the election. They came up with an interesting statistic. Now, apparently, the vast majority of black Americans vote for the Democrats .. and back in 2004, the percentage was put at 88 percent. Now, when Obama was their candidate, back in 2008, that percentage went up to NINETY FIVE percent.

Assuming the same is true this time around, maybe Obama's victory is directly attributable to outright racist voting ?

Another thought. I migrated to this forum from another US Conservative site like this one, several months ago (as Tyr can tell you). Some of its members were adamant that they would refuse to vote for Romney because he wasn't Conservative enough. I wonder if this feeling was at all widespread, and because of voter dissatisfaction with Romney, Obama has maybe won by default ?

Thank you Drummond. You said it perfectly, and correctly. However. We non Democrats here in the Colonies are not permitted to express ourselves, or feelings quite the way you did.
Nobody there in the U.K, would call you a racist for expressing your opinion about the U.S. Elections. But we....Well, when we say such things.
We are instantly candidates for BIGOTRY, and RACISM due to our skin color, and the color of Mr. Obama's skin.

Trends here seem to be. Unless you have Brown skin. You have no business discussing, or trying to correct any known problems related to race, racism, or racists. All of which instantly qualify you to become the target of anyone who learns...you disagree with Mister Obama for ANY REASON. But they know.
If you do disagree with Obama policies. That's not really why you disagree. According to the REAL RACISTS who are Black. Just mentioning the word RACE is all they need to BRING THE WRATH of the NEW, OBAMA, BLACK PANTHERS down on you.

11-07-2012, 09:45 PM
Thank you Drummond. You said it perfectly, and correctly. However. We non Democrats here in the Colonies are not permitted to express ourselves, or feelings quite the way you did.
Nobody there in the U.K, would call you a racist for expressing your opinion about the U.S. Elections. But we....Well, when we say such things.
We are instantly candidates for BIGOTRY, and RACISM due to our skin color, and the color of Mr. Obama's skin.

Trends here seem to be. Unless you have Brown skin. You have no business discussing, or trying to correct any known problems related to race, racism, or racists. All of which instantly qualify you to become the target of anyone who learns...you disagree with Mister Obama for ANY REASON. But they know.
If you do disagree with Obama policies. That's not really why you disagree. According to the REAL RACISTS who are Black. Just mentioning the word RACE is all they need to BRING THE WRATH of the NEW, OBAMA, BLACK PANTHERS down on you.

Yes, well .. !! .. you don't need me to tell you how disgusting all of this is.

Sounds like a racist fascism at work. What's next .. jackboot sales ? The emergence of armbands with custom-designed swastikas on them ?

If your version of Socialism parallels our own, you can expect a propaganda offensive like nothing you've ever seen before - and an insistence on certain 'tolerance' to issues such as immigration, State handouts to the UNdeserving, which will invite INtolerance if that tolerance isn't forthcoming.

But I also worry about foreign policy. What if Iran manages to get away with an attempt at genocide against Israel, because Obama sits around, buying them all the remaining time they need to get some nukes ?

Just how many otherwise avoidable deaths will the world see because of this election outcome ? Could it, perhaps, actually be reckonable in the MILLIONS ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2012, 09:54 PM

Nicely put.

For what it's worth ... I watched some of the BBC's coverage of the election. They came up with an interesting statistic. Now, apparently, the vast majority of black Americans vote for the Democrats .. and back in 2004, the percentage was put at 88 percent. Now, when Obama was their candidate, back in 2008, that percentage went up to NINETY FIVE percent.

Assuming the same is true this time around, maybe Obama's victory is directly attributable to outright racist voting ?

Another thought. I migrated to this forum from another US Conservative site like this one, several months ago (as Tyr can tell you). Some of its members were adamant that they would refuse to vote for Romney because he wasn't Conservative enough. I wonder if this feeling was at all widespread, and because of voter dissatisfaction with Romney, Obama has maybe won by default ?

Yes, thats where I met you at my friend. Those that refused to vote for Romney because of him not being conservative enough or because he is a Mormon are likely to have just doomed this nation to third world status or even worse! Just about anybody would have been an improvement on obama. But the blacks likely voted for him by 95 % majority again! Gots ta have dat free ride, the lazy bastards..-Tyr

11-07-2012, 10:05 PM
Yes, thats where I met you at my friend. Those that refused to vote for Romney because of him not being conservative enough or because he is a Mormon are likely to have just doomed this nation to third world status or even worse! Just about anybody would have been an improvement on obama. But the blacks likely voted for him by 95 % majority again! Gots ta have dat free ride, the lazy bastards..-Tyr


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-08-2012, 09:51 PM
Yes, well .. !! .. you don't need me to tell you how disgusting all of this is.

Sounds like a racist fascism at work. What's next .. jackboot sales ? The emergence of armbands with custom-designed swastikas on them ?

If your version of Socialism parallels our own, you can expect a propaganda offensive like nothing you've ever seen before - and an insistence on certain 'tolerance' to issues such as immigration, State handouts to the UNdeserving, which will invite INtolerance if that tolerance isn't forthcoming.

But I also worry about foreign policy. What if Iran manages to get away with an attempt at genocide against Israel, because Obama sits around, buying them all the remaining time they need to get some nukes ?

Just how many otherwise avoidable deaths will the world see because of this election outcome ? Could it, perhaps, actually be reckonable in the MILLIONS ?

It could be in the millions if he destroys the powrr of this nation which is his intent and his policies so far have shown that to be true.. For this nation has at great costs kept the wolves at bay since WW2 ended. These policies and the great harm that they cause are not accidents/mistakes by him but rather deliberate actions that bear the fruit which he wishes! How many Americans that flat out said no to us entering WW2 only saw their huge mistake after Pearl Harbor was attacked? Obama is no saviour , he is a destroyer! A muslim in hiding..-Tyr

11-09-2012, 02:31 PM
It could be in the millions if he destroys the powrr of this nation which is his intent and his policies so far have shown that to be true.. For this nation has at great costs kept the wolves at bay since WW2 ended. These policies and the great harm that they cause are not accidents/mistakes by him but rather deliberate actions that bear the fruit which he wishes! How many Americans that flat out said no to us entering WW2 only saw their huge mistake after Pearl Harbor was attacked? Obama is no saviour , he is a destroyer! A muslim in hiding..-Tyr

Tyr. I am checking something out right now. But my wife said, she just heard the Obama administration is so dead-set against Coal for creating electrical power. They are forcing some 400 Individual Coal powered Electrical generating plants to close before 2014.

If those Americans who voted for Obama are HAPPY now. Just wait till we all get those notices in the mail from the ENERGY department, announcing how our ELECTRIC, and other utility bills that need Electricity....are about to go up...with the CARBON TAXES Mister Obama promised 95% of Americans...would not see any Increases in their TAXES.

Anyone, from either party. Who has the ability to actually THINK in real time should see the following:

These are the NO NEW TAXES Obama promised:

GASOLINE TAXES...Possibly more than 6 dollars a gallon


Unemployment going higher.
All of those FORMER members of the U.S. Military...out of work


Anyone care to offer an answer?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2012, 11:06 PM
Tyr. I am checking something out right now. But my wife said, she just heard the Obama administration is so dead-set against Coal for creating electrical power. They are forcing some 400 Individual Coal powered Electrical generating plants to close before 2014.

If those Americans who voted for Obama are HAPPY now. Just wait till we all get those notices in the mail from the ENERGY department, announcing how our ELECTRIC, and other utility bills that need Electricity....are about to go up...with the CARBON TAXES Mister Obama promised 95% of Americans...would not see any Increases in their TAXES.

Anyone, from either party. Who has the ability to actually THINK in real time should see the following:

These are the NO NEW TAXES Obama promised:

GASOLINE TAXES...Possibly more than 6 dollars a gallon


Unemployment going higher.
All of those FORMER members of the U.S. Military...out of work


Anyone care to offer an answer?

My friend, good Americans will pay the vast majority of it while the lazy bastards that gave the traitor another 4 years sit back in thier free house, eating free food, free medical care and spending a free cash check sing praises and beg for more. Such people truly deserve what they too will eventualy get. The damn shame is others will suffer because such useless vermin are allowed to live and breed like rabbits. I have no pity for such people, I hope they all rot in hell-Tyr

11-12-2012, 09:39 AM
Tyr. I am checking something out right now. But my wife said, she just heard the Obama administration is so dead-set against Coal for creating electrical power. They are forcing some 400 Individual Coal powered Electrical generating plants to close before 2014.

Do you have an update yet?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-18-2012, 08:35 PM
Does anybody else want to openly take a stand against this false government???? Against its Unconstitutional acts? Against the traitor now in charge?
Just thought it a good thing to ask to see who exactly will stand on moral principles and upholding the Rule of Law and our Constitution and which people are still too afraid to openly declare as I have done?--Tyr

11-18-2012, 08:39 PM
Does anybody else want to openly take a stand against this false government???? Against its Unconstitutional acts? Against the traitor now in charge?
Just thought it a good thing to ask to see who exactly will stand on moral principles and upholding the Rule of Law and our Constitution and which people are still too afraid to openly declare as I have done?--Tyr

So what will your first initiative be? All this talk is interesting, but what are you going to DO?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-18-2012, 08:50 PM
So what will your first initiative be? All this talk is interesting, but what are you going to DO?

We could start by doing everything legal and within the law. By organising groups to protect the Constitution. By speaking out without fail , by stopping this spreading fear the federal government has so effectively applied. Remember in our Representative Republic the federal government is supposed to fear WE THE CITIZENS and our vote but now it the reverse is true! This is all due to the massive corruption and powermad actions our federal government takes and never has it been worse than when obama stepped in. In short he is a damn traitor. We should give him exactly zero support and not an ounce of respect. Thats a good start. Every damn body support the TEA PARTY AND TREAT THE DEMS LIKE THE DAMN SCUM THEY ARE IMHO.

11-18-2012, 09:01 PM
We could start by doing everything legal and within the law. By organising groups to protect the Constitution. By speaking out without fail , by stopping this spreading fear the federal government has so effectively applied. Remember in our Representative Republic the federal government is supposed to fear WE THE CITIZENS and our vote but now it the reverse is true! This is all due to the massive corruption and powermad actions our federal government takes and never has it been worse than when obama stepped in. In short he is a damn traitor. We should give him exactly zero support and not an ounce of respect. Thats a good start. Every damn body support the TEA PARTY AND TREAT THE DEMS LIKE THE DAMN SCUM THEY ARE IMHO.

Enough faucet drips and he might just be impeached. Many say the Benghazi and Iran drone cover-ups are worse than Watergate. A low approval rating is politically like a weak immune system, scandals are more likely to bring him down as his approval rating drops. I do however think it may take three years to disgrace Obama. If the economy gets really bad, Obama could become the Democrats Nixon and Hoover rolled into one.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-18-2012, 09:07 PM
Do you have an update yet?

He doesnt need one. If its bad for the nation obama will do it . Thats enough. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-18-2012, 09:09 PM
Does anybody else want to openly take a stand against this false government???? Against its Unconstitutional acts? Against the traitor now in charge?
Just thought it a good thing to ask to see who exactly will stand on moral principles and upholding the Rule of Law and our Constitution and which people are still too afraid to openly declare as I have done?--Tyr


I listed 5 numbers , I doubt if I get three that say yes and make their stand with me.
And that is exactly why we are in the shape that we are in!!--Tyr

11-19-2012, 07:32 AM
He doesnt need one. If its bad for the nation obama will do it . Thats enough. -Tyr

So we need to "take our stand" against internet falsehoods? No wonder you're having a tough go of it here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2012, 06:55 PM
So we need to "take our stand" against internet falsehoods? No wonder you're having a tough go of it here.

Would be wise to stand against any falsehoods, dont ya think? I am not having a tough go here. Why on earth would you think otherwise? Our nation is the one having a tough go at it.. And that thanks to obama's deliberate destructive policies. You'd be wise to take the right stand but I doubt you ever will. You are too busy trying to prove something. What I havent a clue but you sure enjoy the attempt.. :laugh:--Tyr

11-19-2012, 07:44 PM
Would be wise to stand against any falsehoods, dont ya think? I am not having a tough go here. Why on earth would you think otherwise? Our nation is the one having a tough go at it.. And that thanks to obama's deliberate destructive policies. You'd be wise to take the right stand but I doubt you ever will. You are too busy trying to prove something. What I havent a clue but you sure enjoy the attempt.. :laugh:--Tyr

but yet you call Obama a Muslim ?

11-19-2012, 09:31 PM
but yet you call Obama a Muslim ?

Dilloduck. Most all of us know how much you reject the TRUTH. Let's see you prove otherwise for once.

11-19-2012, 09:57 PM
Does anybody else want to openly take a stand against this false government???? Against its Unconstitutional acts? Against the traitor now in charge?
Just thought it a good thing to ask to see who exactly will stand on moral principles and upholding the Rule of Law and our Constitution and which people are still too afraid to openly declare as I have done?--Tyr

So it was ok for Bush to stomp all over your rights and your constitution, but as soon as a black guy who is a Democrat with the middle name "Hussein" is President, the gloves come off?

11-19-2012, 10:01 PM
So it was ok for Bush to stomp all over your rights and your constitution, but as soon as a black guy who is a Democrat with the middle name "Hussein" is President, the gloves come off?

JAFAR. If you were somebody who mattered, lived in this nation, and actually didn't have a Mellon for a brain who always wants to stir up trouble.

You might get an answer. But. Thus far. You haven't answered ONE QUESTION honestly without asking another.

GO PLAY WITH YOUR HAMAS BROTHERS. Ask them to let you wear an Explosive Vest, and prove how much of a hero you THINK you are.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2012, 11:25 PM
So it was ok for Bush to stomp all over your rights and your constitution, but as soon as a black guy who is a Democrat with the middle name "Hussein" is President, the gloves come off?

Sir, I do not abide traitors. His race matters not a damn whit for obama is a damn traitor. I would not care if he was Native American like my grandfather was, treason is treason. The fact that he is a member of the traitorous dem party just redoubles my resolve to never show him an ounce of respect and he is not my president! F-him.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2012, 11:31 PM
but yet you call Obama a Muslim ?

Why not? He himself said, "my muslim faith" in a video interview and the interviewer had to correct him. A man does not make such a staement and it be a mistake. I've never made such a mistake claiming a religion that I was not. Obama got excused for that and his quoted words where he stated --in the end he would always stand with Islam. He is also on record saying "the most beautiful sound I ever heard was the muslim afternoon call to prayers".

11-19-2012, 11:38 PM
Sir, I do not abide traitors. His race matters not a damn whit for obama is a damn traitor. I would not care if he was Native American like my grandfather was, treason is treason. The fact that he is a member of the traitorous dem party just redoubles my resolve to never show him an ounce of respect and he is not my president! F-him.-Tyr
That's funny because the closest thing I've ever heard to sedition and insurrection came from you. The only thing keeping you from committing treason is that you're a coward. Do you look in the mirror to muster the gumption to make such accusations?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 12:07 AM
That's funny because the closest thing I've ever heard to sedition and insurrection came from you. The only thing keeping you from committing treason is that you're a coward. Do you look in the mirror to muster the gumption to make such accusations?

Still defending your boy obama, right because he is a muslim in hiding. HAHA, me a coward. I speak my mind more honestly than 99 % of the other men here or anywhere else in the world! That pisses you off, well get used to it pedro Im not stopping anytime soon. How about some more of your muslim appeasing crap? Say, what religion are you anyways? Got a prayer rug handy? You first started attacking me because I so strongly oppose Islam and even after running away to heal your batterd little ego you come back and start again with the subject being Islam. Strange how that works out. This compulsion to defend Islamic terrorist scum has you firmly by your monkey and you cant help yourself. Dont fret so amigo, we all have our crosses to bear. To bad yours is siding with our nation's greatest enemy= Islam. All the while you pretend not doing that..-:laugh2:-Tyr

11-20-2012, 12:34 AM
Still defending your boy obama, right because he is a muslim in hiding. HAHA, me a coward. I speak my mind more honestly than 99 % of the other men here or anywhere else in the world! That pisses you off, well get used to it pedro Im not stopping anytime soon. How about some more of your muslim appeasing crap? Say, what religion are you anyways? Got a prayer rug handy? You first started attacking me because I so strongly oppose Islam and even after running away to heal your batterd little ego you come back and start again with the subject being Islam. Strange how that works out. This compulsion to defend Islamic terrorist scum has you firmly by your monkey and you cant help yourself. Dont fret so amigo, we all have our crosses to bear. To bad yours is siding with our nation's greatest enemy= Islam. All the while you pretend not doing that..-:laugh2:-Tyr
I didn't mention Obama. That you resolved that from my allegation only corroborates the truth in your treachery against the United States of America.

11-20-2012, 07:31 AM
Would be wise to stand against any falsehoods, dont ya think? I am not having a tough go here. Why on earth would you think otherwise? Our nation is the one having a tough go at it.. And that thanks to obama's deliberate destructive policies. You'd be wise to take the right stand but I doubt you ever will. You are too busy trying to prove something. What I havent a clue but you sure enjoy the attempt.. :laugh:--Tyr

That doesn't even make any sense considering that the falsehood in question is at's assertion that BO is forcing 400 power plants to close by 2014; We're still waiting for him to "look into it."

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 08:45 AM
I didn't mention Obama. That you resolved that from my allegation only corroborates the truth in your treachery against the United States of America.

haha, what do you think the petitions of secession are about here genius? The current federal government and --guess who-- obama! So you didnt have to mention him by name . He is the guy attempting to destroy the Constitution , that you ignore that points to your support . Two + two equals four everytime Hoss. This new movement to severe ties with the federal government is to be laid directly at that traitor's feet and now you to defend him start calling me a traitor. Our allegiance is supposed to be to the nation, our Constitution and not to any one specific administration, you and others give it to this administration, thats the real treason. I dare say ,its you far more likely to be the traitor! So keep your silly treachery allegations to yourself. I'm not the one supporting the man, I support the Constitution. Nice try, but no cigar. Pathetic that you tried but I understand. Anything to paint me black, right?
States should leave and reform a Constitutional based Republic, the Republic that we see has been destroyed. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 09:37 AM
<CENTER>The "Tree of Liberty" letter
From Thomas Jefferson to William Smith</CENTER>
Paris, November 13, 1787 DEAR SIR, -- I am now to acknoledge the receipt of your favors of October the 4th, 8th, & 26th. In the last you apologise for your letters of introduction to Americans coming here. It is so far from needing apology on your part, that it calls for thanks on mine. I endeavor to show civilities to all the Americans who come here, & will give me opportunities of doing it: and it is a matter of comfort to know from a good quarter what they are, & how far I may go in my attentions to them. Can you send me Woodmason's bills for the two copying presses for the M. de la Fayette, & the M. de Chastellux? The latter makes one article in a considerable account, of old standing, and which I cannot present for want of this article. -- I do not know whether it is to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it: & very bad. I do not know which preponderate. What we have lately read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a chief magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been disposed towards one: & what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. (1)Wonderful is the effect of impudent & persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, & what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independent 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century & a half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. (2)What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusetts: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen-yard in order. I hope in God this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted. -- You ask me if any thing transpires here on the subject of S. America? Not a word. I know that there are combustible materials there, and that they wait the torch only. But this country probably will join the extinguishers. -- The want of facts worth communicating to you has occasioned me to give a little loose to dissertation. We must be contented to amuse, when we cannot inform.

Jefferson understood that free men could only endure illegal and oppressive government as long as they could see remedy coming . Once that remedy was surely thought and known to be not be forthcoming he advised refreshing the Tree of Liberty! How close are we to that point or rather how far are we past that point? Each citizen should decide this carefully. Currently number (1) that I numbered and resized above is in play in full force! We as citizens must understand the depth and purpose of such a massive lying campaign! -Tyr

11-20-2012, 03:31 PM
haha, what do you think the petitions of secession are about here genius?
moot expressions of free speech. You oughta just make up some tshirts; at least then you'd produce something.

States should leave and reform a Constitutional based Republic, the Republic that we see has been destroyed. --Tyr
So we should rebuild the same constitutional republic we had before. You bringing back slavery too? Or how about not having presidential term limits-- you want to see if Obama could win again in 2016. :laugh: I don't think you've thought this all through yet.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 07:40 PM
moot expressions of free speech. You oughta just make up some tshirts; at least then you'd produce something.

So we should rebuild the same constitutional republic we had before. You bringing back slavery too? Or how about not having presidential term limits-- you want to see if Obama could win again in 2016. :laugh: I don't think you've thought this all through yet.

I did not mention slavery but you did! Why? There is no slavery here now! You just wanted to toss a cockroach into the stew. Simply pathetic. A shill appeasor like you so desperately needing to lie and misrepresent my words.

How moot those exspressions of free speech are is up for consideration. To me it represents "We the People" telling obama to stop his dictatorial ways. Giving him fair warning and even asking for redress of our grievances. Asking him to stop drasticly altering our form of government and stop attempting to shred our Constitution. To you the obama apologist all is just peachy.

Each state can secede from the Union and the ones that want our Constitution can reform into a new Representative Republic, the others can wallow in thier ignorance , misery and sold out, bought out glory with obama. No violence necessary at all. Of course obama would start some is my opinion. A peaceful departure and an equally peaceful reunification eliminating this false government. All Constitutional.. You try to be clever but just as with the muslims you go about defending obama too. And you have the audacity to call me a traitor! Im not the one idolising a damn scum bastard like obama and cheering on his unconstitutional actions. You are! Go ahead, play your word games while you roundabout defend obama same way you defend muslims. You do not fool me one little bit.
That you disagree and belittle that free exspression of grievances and warning to obama as being moot reveals perhaps more than you cared to. And that you offer the proposition that obama could run for a third term reveals much more. Did you get a Matthews leg thrill when you typed that? You may fool some here but not me.. -Tyr

11-20-2012, 08:19 PM
I did not mention slavery but you did! Why? There is no slavery here now! You just wanted to toss a cockroach into the stew. Simply pathetic. A shill appeasor like you so desperately needing to lie and misrepresent my words.

How moot those exspressions of free speech are is up for consideration. To me it represents "We the People" telling obama to stop his dictatorial ways. Giving him fair warning and even asking for redress of our grievances. Asking him to stop drasticly altering our form of government and stop attempting to shred our Constitution. To you the obama apologist all is just peachy.

Each state can secede from the Union and the ones that want our Constitution can reform into a new Representative Republic, the others can wallow in thier ignorance , misery and sold out, bought out glory with obama. No violence necessary at all. Of course obama would start some is my opinion. A peaceful departure and an equally peaceful reunification eliminating this false government. All Constitutional.. You try to be clever but just as with the muslims you go about defending obama too. And you have the audacity to call me a traitor! Im not the one idolising a damn scum bastard like obama and cheering on his unconstitutional actions. You are! Go ahead, play your word games while you roundabout defend obama same way you defend muslims. You do not fool me one little bit.
That you disagree and belittle that free exspression of grievances and warning to obama as being moot reveals perhaps more than you cared to. And that you offer the proposition that obama could run for a third term reveals much more. Did you get a Matthews leg thrill when you typed that? You may fool some here but not me.. -Tyr
It is rendered moot by the Texas v white ruling of 1869; which stated the means by which a state can leave the union: multilateral agreement among the many States and Congress, or revolution (that'd be treason). So you see, a petition drive within a handful of states accomplishes nothing because you need a supermajority; and given the results of the last election-- not gonna happen. It's very reminscent of the birther movement; probably the same crowd. :tinfoil:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 09:23 PM
It is rendered moot by the Texas v white ruling of 1869; which stated the means by which a state can leave the union: multilateral agreement among the many States and Congress, or revolution (that'd be treason). So you see, a petition drive within a handful of states accomplishes nothing because you need a supermajority; and given the results of the last election-- not gonna happen. It's very reminscent of the birther movement; probably the same crowd. :tinfoil:

No . that would not be treason if it came about to stop treason by any administration. You act as if thats not possible. You choose blindness and it comforts you while I choose truth and seek justice. You'd rather ignore than confront, some of us arent that damn cowardly. We would and will take a stand when the time is right. We choose to do so within the law while you seek for us to use lawlessness so you can claim righteousness. Pathetic really.
Nobody has spoke a word about his birth when speaking about leaving the Union. Yet you toss that in.. Whats they matter, can you not feel secure unless you toss in a red herring too?-Tyr

11-20-2012, 10:31 PM
No . that would not be treason if it came about to stop treason by any administration. You act as if thats not possible. You choose blindness and it comforts you while I choose truth and seek justice. You'd rather ignore than confront, some of us arent that damn cowardly. We would and will take a stand when the time is right. We choose to do so within the law while you seek for us to use lawlessness so you can claim righteousness. Pathetic really.
Nobody has spoke a word about his birth when speaking about leaving the Union. Yet you toss that in.. Whats they matter, can you not feel secure unless you toss in a red herring too?-Tyr. sorry to rain reason and fact on your kook parade, but any attempt to overthrow the govt of the USA, or its officers, is treason. Of course, if you succeed you're a patriot. However, i doubt you'll muster much of an offense against the US military. I'd bet pounds to pennies that you're more likely to find yourself under a psych observation than leading an armed resistance. But hey, nobody's stopping you...because you have done nothing...because you don't have a plan. You've already failed and you haven't even began. Oh gosh- That's gotta be frustrating for you. No pity though.
So back to the facts-- The legal means to remove the president is found in Article II of the constitution (you know, the document you claim to defend). The house impeaches and the senate tries the case. That is the law. The supreme law of the land. Been that way for hundreds of years.

Im not claiming to be righteous-- you just feel that way because I am right and you are wrong. That's why, when I present evidence to support my claim, you offer empty rhetoric and falsehoods. I have consistory confronted your falsities with factual and indisputable evidence. Not only have you not refuted the evidence to my claim, you keep repeating the same falsehoods...at this point I doubt you could win a debate wih a magic eight ball. Signs point to no!

Since you seek justice, here's a link to check (http://www.fbi.gov)out.
I'm sure they'd love to discuss your views on the subject.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2012, 11:25 PM
. sorry to rain reason and fact on your kook parade, but any attempt to overthrow the govt of the USA, or its officers, is treason. Of course, if you succeed you're a patriot. However, i doubt you'll muster much of an offense against the US military. I'd bet pounds to pennies that you're more likely to find yourself under a psych observation than leading an armed resistance. But hey, nobody's stopping you...because you have done nothing...because you don't have a plan. You've already failed and you haven't even began. Oh gosh- That's gotta be frustrating for you. No pity though.
So back to the facts-- The legal means to remove the president is found in Article II of the constitution (you know, the document you claim to defend). The house impeaches and the senate tries the case. That is the law. The supreme law of the land. Been that way for hundreds of years.

Im not claiming to be righteous-- you just feel that way because I am right and you are wrong. That's why, when I present evidence to support my claim, you offer empty rhetoric and falsehoods. I have consistory confronted your falsities with factual and indisputable evidence. Not only have you not refuted the evidence to my claim, you keep repeating the same falsehoods...at this point I doubt you could win a debate wih a magic eight ball. Signs point to no!

Since you seek justice, here's a link to check (http://www.fbi.gov)out.
I'm sure they'd love to discuss your views on the subject.

You have proved nothing other than your ego leads you to think that you have. I do not have to refute this nothing you attempt to prove. We are talking about states seceding not discussing impeaching the president. That you keep tossing in drivel means nothing, of which you are fast becoming a master. Your red herrings and blather about other issues score nothing. States can secede Hoss, the question is what can the president do about it other than USE FORCE. My suggestion is that they start forming their own militias and then just leave the Union to reform into a new Republic that honors the original Constitution , its purpose and the Rule of Law. That this action be done in an orderly and peaceful manner to cast off the treasonous government that now rules the land. Your implying that we as citizens have no right to leave state by state is wrong. The matter is not settled. The fact that you belittle the people seeking the redress of grievances against an all too powerful and Unconstitutional federal government headed by a traitor puts you squarely in the same boat as your boy obama. You are either too stupid, too cowardly or too damn selfishly greedy to understand but hey I expected that. For you defend murdering muslim scum too . Actually you strike me as a globalist type that expects great rewards from the coming socialist government. If so, then its you that is a traitor. You have fooled others here but not me, never me. I've dealt with your type before. All talk, lying out tha ass to get what they want with no true sense of justice. Just that all powerful ego driven goal to get all that you want and to hell with anybody else.. In short a dishonorable SOB.. -Tyr

11-21-2012, 03:03 AM
You have proved nothing other than your ego leads you to think that you have. I do not have to refute this nothing you attempt to prove. We are talking about states seceding not discussing impeaching the president. That you keep tossing in drivel means nothing, of which you are fast becoming a master. Your red herrings and blather about other issues score nothing. States can secede Hoss, the question is what can the president do about it other than USE FORCE. My suggestion is that they start forming their own militias and then just leave the Union to reform into a new Republic that honors the original Constitution , its purpose and the Rule of Law. That this action be done in an orderly and peaceful manner to cast off the treasonous government that now rules the land. Your implying that we as citizens have no right to leave state by state is wrong. The matter is not settled. The fact that you belittle the people seeking the redress of grievances against an all too powerful and Unconstitutional federal government headed by a traitor puts you squarely in the same boat as your boy obama. You are either too stupid, too cowardly or too damn selfishly greedy to understand but hey I expected that. For you defend murdering muslim scum too . Actually you strike me as a globalist type that expects great rewards from the coming socialist government. If so, then its you that is a traitor. You have fooled others here but not me, never me. I've dealt with your type before. All talk, lying out tha ass to get what they want with no true sense of justice. Just that all powerful ego driven goal to get all that you want and to hell with anybody else.. In short a dishonorable SOB.. -Tyr
What's the title of this thread-- "I take my stand, you?" Started by you. Yet you accuse me of egotism. I think we've found the first entry in your psych eval-- prone to egomaniacal transference.
The matter of unilateral secession was settled in the 1860's. That's not my opinion Tyr, that's a fact and you refuse to face it, let alone address it. My opinion is that the legal and peaceful way of acheiving your goal is untenable in the current political climate; leaving you only revolution. You know that; that's why your posts are rife with violent lexicon. Rhetoric isn't for me though; I'm more fond of simile and analogy-- so here's a little something to illustrate the situation.

It's like we're in a boxing match. I land nearly every punch with surgical precision. You keep stumbling back stunned and unable to process why you got hit. So you come back, swing wildly and leave yourself wide-open for yet another wallop. Round after round, beat down. The cheers have gone silent, the weak of stomach have long since looked away, but a few keep watching and wincing with each strike. Murmurs from the crowd give way to a desperate plea for the fight to be stopped, but the ref lets it go on-- no doubt curious if your pride will outlast whatever shred of dignity you still have left. You outta take that blade you flaunt and use it to cut your eye. Nothing short of medical intervention can end this for you now. Ding!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2012, 09:13 AM
What's the title of this thread-- "I take my stand, you?" Started by you. Yet you accuse me of egotism. I think we've found the first entry in your psych eval-- prone to egomaniacal transference.
The matter of unilateral secession was settled in the 1860's. That's not my opinion Tyr, that's a fact and you refuse to face it, let alone address it. My opinion is that the legal and peaceful way of acheiving your goal is untenable in the current political climate; leaving you only revolution. You know that; that's why your posts are rife with violent lexicon. Rhetoric isn't for me though; I'm more fond of simile and analogy-- so here's a little something to illustrate the situation.

It's like we're in a boxing match. I land nearly every punch with surgical precision. You keep stumbling back stunned and unable to process why you got hit. So you come back, swing wildly and leave yourself wide-open for yet another wallop. Round after round, beat down. The cheers have gone silent, the weak of stomach have long since looked away, but a few keep watching and wincing with each strike. Murmurs from the crowd give way to a desperate plea for the fight to be stopped, but the ref lets it go on-- no doubt curious if your pride will outlast whatever shred of dignity you still have left. You outta take that blade you flaunt and use it to cut your eye. Nothing short of medical intervention can end this for you now. Ding!

First, your self-proclaimed victory is premature Hoss. I read your blather but feel none of your imagined punches. You shouldnt try to talk about fighting when its you that would never do it. You are solidly in the obama camp although you pretend not to be. That pretty much makes your words meaningless because dishonor taints everything about a man. Then we have your magnificent ego that forced your little vacation has led you back to try to regain your pride here. However you picked the wrong horse to try to cripple. You speak of the crowd going silent as if you need a crowd to applaud you while I speak honestly and need nobody's approval of my words.

Yes, this is my thread and I take my stand. It is against a tyrannical out of control Federal government and those that support it, that would include you. The fact that I will not take your bait and give you true cause to declare me a outlaw fustrates you but you keep trying. I hold that any of the states have the right to leave the Union when that Union , that powerful corrupt government , has turned on the Republic and the Constitution , you declare otherwise because you are a fool, a liar and still pissed from our other little encounters which you lost.

Dont fret it son, when you grow up and change your dumbass ways you too may someday become a man!
Obviously the matter of states leaving the Union is not settled or else we wouldnt be discussing states petitioning to do so now! A fact that you belittle because your sense of justice and support of the Constitution is for show only. But to some of us its part of our very souls! We will not accept a traitorous president in any way at all. The fact that obama has caused serious consideration of states and their citizens leaving the Union seems to be lost on you. I do not know for sure if thats because you are stupid, lazy or too damn greedy to care. Doesnt matter, you are marked as one of the cowardly fools in my book.

Do continue to show your true stripe Hoss. People need to see how our nation has got to the state that it is currently in. By people like you thinking as you do. Pretending to be patriotic but really just looking out for their own selfish interests. Your posts put you squarely in that camp IMHO. ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN. -TYR

11-21-2012, 03:37 PM
First, your self-proclaimed victory is premature Hoss. I read your blather but feel none of your imagined punches. You shouldnt try to talk about fighting when its you that would never do it. You are solidly in the obama camp although you pretend not to be. That pretty much makes your words meaningless because dishonor taints everything about a man. Then we have your magnificent ego that forced your little vacation has led you back to try to regain your pride here. However you picked the wrong horse to try to cripple. You speak of the crowd going silent as if you need a crowd to applaud you while I speak honestly and need nobody's approval of my words.

Yes, this is my thread and I take my stand. It is against a tyrannical out of control Federal government and those that support it, that would include you. The fact that I will not take your bait and give you true cause to declare me a outlaw fustrates you but you keep trying. I hold that any of the states have the right to leave the Union when that Union , that powerful corrupt government , has turned on the Republic and the Constitution , you declare otherwise because you are a fool, a liar and still pissed from our other little encounters which you lost.

Dont fret it son, when you grow up and change your dumbass ways you too may someday become a man!
Obviously the matter of states leaving the Union is not settled or else we wouldnt be discussing states petitioning to do so now! A fact that you belittle because your sense of justice and support of the Constitution is for show only. But to some of us its part of our very souls! We will not accept a traitorous president in any way at all. The fact that obama has caused serious consideration of states and their citizens leaving the Union seems to be lost on you. I do not know for sure if thats because you are stupid, lazy or too damn greedy to care. Doesnt matter, you are marked as one of the cowardly fools in my book.

Do continue to show your true stripe Hoss. People need to see how our nation has got to the state that it is currently in. By people like you thinking as you do. Pretending to be patriotic but really just looking out for their own selfish interests. Your posts put you squarely in that camp IMHO. ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN. -TYR
I believe it was fj who first referred to your "blather"-- More parroted transference. It me who wont take your bait; you wont accept a challenge. Ad hominem attacks and other assorted Logical fallacies is all you've got. It's no wonder you refuse to debate me, You're a walking talking fallacy...correction, you're standing, immovable. You recuse yourself from any discussion of information which challenge your view. You're ignorant at best.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2012, 06:42 PM

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/themes/Gateway-Pundit-Wordpress-Theme/images/btn-prev-post.jpg (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/un-ambassador-rice-wrong-again-us-popularity-in-arab-world-plummeted-under-obama/)
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/themes/Gateway-Pundit-Wordpress-Theme/images/btn-next-post.jpg (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/mitt-romney-continues-to-lead-obama-in-latest-rasmussen-poll/)

Obama’s Freedom of Permissible Speech Bows Before Islam.
http://thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/free-speech2.jpg (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/obama-uses-mideast-chaos-to-attack-our-constitutional-rights/free-speech2/)
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. The framers of our Constitution knew that power lay within those allowed to define (and restrict) such things as “evil”. Thus, the first stone cemented in the fortress of our Bill of Rights safeguarded against those who would abuse that power. Freshly removed from the oppression of a ruling elite rationing liberty through a prejudiced and punishing fist, Americans were returned their God-given right to hear, see, and speak under their own free will. The First Amendment gives us the freedom to speak and debate and determine for ourselves what defines evil. We do not let evil define itself to us.
Islamic Outrage Against America’s Freedom of Speech
On September 11, 2012 violent Islamists stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/egyptian-islamists-scale-us-embassy-walls-and-torch-american-flag/), removed our American flag, torched it, and replaced it with their own black flag of Islam.
U.S. Embassy Denounces America’s Right of Free Speech…White House Is Silent
The response from the Obama administration was to let the U.S. Embassy denounce (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/on-9-11-obama-administration-apologizes-to-islamists-and-attacks-the-constitution/), to the entire planet, our First Amendment right of Free Speech.
Here is the U.S. Embassy’s press release (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/good-grief-us-embassy-in-egypt-apologizes-after-islamists-storm-its-walls-torch-flag/):

U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Our citizens gave this traitor more time to destroy. Our government attempts to limit our free speech by giving Islam exemption from any criticisms. Thats why I take my stand, the man proves his treason. He has no authority despite his position to try to limit my right of free speech . I'll speak out against Islam and its murdering campaign despite anything that scum says or does. FF-HIM!! -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2012, 06:46 PM
I believe it was fj who first referred to your "blather"-- More parroted transference. It me who wont take your bait; you wont accept a challenge. Ad hominem attacks and other assorted Logical fallacies is all you've got. It's no wonder you refuse to debate me, You're a walking talking fallacy...correction, you're standing, immovable. You recuse yourself from any discussion of information which challenge your view. You're ignorant at best.

Keep on crying dude and proclaiming your false victory. :laugh2:
The more you post the more you reveal your false face. I find that simply delightful!
You launched the first attack but as usual you fail. I find it funny as hell that you attempt to defeat TRUTH.
That you think yourself clever enough to hide your true agenda and your deceit.--:laugh:-Tyr

11-21-2012, 07:15 PM
All of us should remember, over the next four years. How Mister Obama's legacy probably won't be viewed positively by History books.

I mention this as a reminder that Obama WILL be remembered. Even more than Jimmy Carter, for his success at the destruction of the United States, as the One, and Only Sitting, Elected STOOGE that managed to fool so many.

When History mentions Obama. ACORNS will always come to mind. And Historic examples of Hatred, combined with Ignorance, and a deep Racism that will never go away...will, if this nation survives. Be a huge DIRTY SMEAR on the Human Race. And not even Socialism, Marxism, or Communism will be strong enough to reverse it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2012, 07:23 PM
All of us should remember, over the next four years. How Mister Obama's legacy probably won't be viewed positively by History books.

I mention this as a reminder that Obama WILL be remembered. Even more than Jimmy Carter, for his success at the destruction of the United States, as the One, and Only Sitting, Elected STOOGE that managed to fool so many.

When History mentions Obama. ACORNS will always come to mind. And Historic examples of Hatred, combined with Ignorance, and a deep Racism that will never go away...will, if this nation survives. Be a huge DIRTY SMEAR on the Human Race. And not even Socialism, Marxism, or Communism will be strong enough to reverse it.

My friend, obama plans on being able to rewrite history as the victor. That is after he destroys our nation. The smucks havent figured it out yet. As usual they will only after its too late. --Tyr