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View Full Version : Romney contracts foot in mouth disease

09-12-2012, 08:58 PM
Poor guy, keeps shooting himself in the foot.


The Republican presidential candidate came under fire from Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday for politicizing the outbreak of deadly violence in the Middle East, including the breaching of the American Embassy in Cairo and an attack on the American Consulate in Libya, which claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomatic workers.

The danger for Romney is that his response to the Middle East attacks feeds into a consensus among the news media that his campaign to unseat Obama is in serious trouble. For the fourth time in recent months, prominent conservatives have gone public with fretting over the direction of Romney's campaign—a panic set off most recently by conservative radio host Laura Ingraham's suggestion Monday (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=At2bnu1dICgcbAW99dd3ENxg24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTFkZWg zYnZwBG1pdANCbG9nIEJvZHkEcG9zAzIEc2VjA01lZGlhQmxvZ 0JvZHlBc3NlbWJseQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTM1MHJ0MDBjBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDZTY4YjFmMGYtMTY0Yi0zZGJhLWIxMGItOGY3OTFjOT kwMmZkBHBzdGNhdANwb2xpdGljc3x0aGV0aWNrZXQEcHQDc3Rv cnlwYWdl;_ylv=0/SIG=13kqnvsjv/EXP=1348710990/**http%3A//www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/10/laura-ingraham-gop-obama-shut-down-party_n_1871911.html) that if Romney can't beat Obama then the Republican Party should be "shut down." On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal editorial board piled on (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AnxGhj.quihnmuYUMxohbdNg24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTFkNWJ 1MDBuBG1pdANCbG9nIEJvZHkEcG9zAzMEc2VjA01lZGlhQmxvZ 0JvZHlBc3NlbWJseQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTM1MHJ0MDBjBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDZTY4YjFmMGYtMTY0Yi0zZGJhLWIxMGItOGY3OTFjOT kwMmZkBHBzdGNhdANwb2xpdGljc3x0aGV0aWNrZXQEcHQDc3Rv cnlwYWdl;_ylv=0/SIG=13nam363f/EXP=1348710990/**http%3A//online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444100404577643521720749982.html%3 Fmod=googlenews_wsj), suggesting Romney could lose the election because he's been too vague when it comes to explaining his policies.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2012, 09:00 PM
Poor guy, keeps shooting himself in the foot.


Who did he catch it from obama or biden?

His reply was far better than the ffing asshat that apologises everytime anybody even looks hard at us!

09-12-2012, 09:09 PM
You read that entire article in less than two minutes? Wow, perhaps you aren't a blithering idiot after all. :rolleyes:

09-12-2012, 09:41 PM
Complete and utter bullsh*t. I posted on this board after Romneys p.c.about how impressed I personally was with his statement, and so were some family members. The media was jumping his ass the minute he was done speaking.

Now he has turned this political? Pleeaaase!!! Ari F. (Bush's press guy) just reminded Anderson Cooper( resident moron at CNN) that Kerry regularly ripped Bush in that campaign while a war was going on. Also,Obama also felt it all right to go campaining in Vegas today.Talk about a disrespectful president.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2012, 09:44 PM
Complete and utter bullsh*t. I posted on this board after Romneys p.c.about how impressed I personally was with his statement, and so were some family members. The media was jumping his ass the minute he was done speaking.

Now he has turned this political? Pleeaaase!!! Ari F. (Bush's press guy) just reminded Anderson Cooper( resident moron at CNN) that Kerry regularly ripped Bush in that campaign while a war was going on. Also,Obama also felt it all right to go campaining in Vegas today.Talk about a disrespectful president.

Kerry called our troops terrorists and rapists. Then he had the gall to criticise Romney. That bastard is lucky he didnt get hung for treason! He damn sure was guilty of it!-Tyr

09-12-2012, 09:59 PM
Kerry called our troops terrorists and rapists. Then he had the gall to criticise Romney. That bastard is lucky he didnt get hung for treason! He damn sure was guilty of it!-Tyr

The medias and Democrats pokes at Romney are most likeley in fear of just how presidential he came off. They are pushing this as a mess up while I view it a win. What republican would actually not be impressed with him for stating that America would not apologise for her freedoms? None that I know.

John Kerry needs to take up bottling ketchup or catsup:coffee:

09-12-2012, 10:09 PM
Since when is being honest and looking Presidential sticking ones foot in their mouth.

I find the contrast between Romney's response and Obama's response striking. Romney stands up, denounces the attacks and the fact that our embassy apologized about a video some individual made, as if it's our fault. He then takes questions from the media.

Obama avoids any questions from the media whatsoever.

Romney was looking much more Presidential.

09-12-2012, 10:28 PM
Since when is being honest and looking Presidential sticking ones foot in their mouth.

I find the contrast between Romney's response and Obama's response striking. Romney stands up, denounces the attacks and the fact that our embassy apologized about a video some individual made, as if it's our fault. He then takes questions from the media.

Obama avoids any questions from the media whatsoever.

Romney was looking much more Presidential.


red states rule
09-15-2012, 08:46 AM
Poor guy, keeps shooting himself in the foot.


Gabby we all know you hate Mitt, and you are going to vote for Obama


09-15-2012, 09:52 AM
Political miscalculation at worst. Not foot in mouth.
In any case Romney was right to blast the immediate response from the consulate which was to apologize. And they attack Romney for responding before all the facts were known?

red states rule
09-15-2012, 09:55 AM
Political miscalculation at worst. Not foot in mouth.
In any case Romney was right to blast the immediate response from the consulate which was to apologize. And they attack Romney for responding before all the facts were known?

Why should have Mitt "waited"? We are less then 60 out from the election and now it is frowned upon for a candidate to offer up his opinion on the top news story of the day?

Mitt was correct for going after another failure of this manchild President. Like Carter, Obozo now has a failed foreign policy as well as a failed economic policy

09-15-2012, 10:03 AM
Why should have Mitt "waited"? We are less then 60 out from the election and now it is frowned upon for a candidate to offer up his opinion on the top news story of the day?

Mitt was correct for going after another failure of this manchild President. Like Carter, Obozo now has a failed foreign policy as well as a failed economic policy
I don't think he should have waited. Did you read my entire post or just the first sentence? Mitt was indeed correct.

red states rule
09-15-2012, 10:06 AM
I don't think he should have waited. Did you read my entire post or just the first sentence? Mitt was indeed correct.

I should have been clearer - the post was not directed at you but the liberal media who are openly campaigning for Obama

Please accept my apology for not being clearer