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View Full Version : China, testing the waters....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2012, 06:31 AM

China's foreign ministry said that the ships entered the disputed waters to carry out maritime surveillance and that for the first time China was carrying out a mission of "law enforcement over its maritime rights".

"It reflects our government's jurisdiction over the Diaoyu islands," it said in a statement. The ministry has used similar language in the past.

The islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, are near potentially huge maritime gas and oil fields.

Sensing obama's weakness the world's dictators decide now is a good time to start making moves(China over territory, Iran over nukes, ME over religion). He started off by apologising to the world(apology tour) for our evils now he ignores the rest of the world while trying to keep his job to continue his corruption. The truth of the damage this arrogant POS has inflicted upon this nation will only come to light afer he has been booted out .Even then it will take many years to find out much of it. -Tyr