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Mr. P
05-25-2007, 01:47 PM
Have a nice Memorial Day weekend folks!

All I ask is you remember and reflect on what it's really all about.

Mr. P

Pale Rider
05-25-2007, 05:02 PM
Have a nice Memorial Day weekend folks!

All I ask is you remember and reflect on what it's really all about.

Mr. P

Thank you Mr. P. I know the conservatives will. But you may or may not have noticed, I had to resurrect this thread from the bottom of the board. Tells you a lot doesn't it pard?

05-25-2007, 05:07 PM

A day to remember....Our past and present military members...

Thank you..

05-25-2007, 05:24 PM
There's a lot of wonderful Memorial Day links at this site, this one I like:


...The words to "Taps" are:

Day Is Done,
Gone the Sun,
From the Earth,
From the Hill,
From the Sky,
All Is Well,
Safely Rest,
God Is Nigh

When Taps is played at dusk, it has a completely different meaning than when Taps is played during the day. No soldier really wants to hear it played during daylight. For when the bugle plays Taps in the daylight...that means a soldier has fallen...There is a belief among some that Taps is the clarion call to open the gates of heaven for the fallen warrior and letting them know to "Safely Rest"...

Of course, Memorial Day is about remembering the sacrifices that our military men and women have made over the last 229 years. We are still a young nation, but one that has made many sacrifices to remain free. We should also take time to remember the families who have lost loved ones....

05-25-2007, 05:32 PM
Day Is Done,
Gone the Sun,
From the Earth,
From the Hill,
From the Sky,
All Is Well,
Safely Rest,
God Is Nigh

That's my son's scout troop's closing prayer. So Memorial Day is a weekly thing with us here.

Pale Rider
05-25-2007, 05:37 PM
There's a lot of wonderful Memorial Day links at this site, this one I like:


When I was stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, they would play Taps over a base wide public address system. Everyone was required to stop and face the flag and salute during this, even if you were driving, you were required to stop. I never minded it. Hearing Taps always did, does, and always will, tug at my heart.

05-25-2007, 05:51 PM
There's a lot of wonderful Memorial Day links at this site, this one I like:


Blackfive is one of my favorites too.

05-25-2007, 05:56 PM
Blackfive is one of my favorites too.

He has some awesome 'Remember' posts. I also love nearly all his music pics. Then there is Michael Yon. ;)

05-25-2007, 06:31 PM
Day Is Done,
Gone the Sun,
From the Earth,
From the Hill,
From the Sky,
All Is Well,
Safely Rest,
God Is Nigh

That's my son's scout troop's closing prayer. So Memorial Day is a weekly thing with us here.

My daughter learned to play this on the piano last Memorial Day. My dad like it, he was in Vietnam.

05-25-2007, 06:33 PM
When I was stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, they would play Taps over a base wide public address system. Everyone was required to stop and face the flag and salute during this, even if you were driving, you were required to stop. I never minded it. Hearing Taps always did, does, and always will, tug at my heart.

Thats a nice base, I drove through one day with a friend who was stationed there.

Pale Rider
05-25-2007, 06:37 PM
Thats a nice base, I drove through one day with a friend who was stationed there.

I was there from 1984 to 1987. There was CenCom, (Central Command), and RedCom, (Rediness Command), there when I was there, along with three F-16 fighter trainding wing squadrons under the 61st Tactical Fighter Training Wing. There were other things going on too like JCSE, (Joint Command Service Engagement). All the elite fighting forces of the different branches. I had a ball in Florida, and liked MacDill AFB. The base had it's own private beach. It was awesome.

Mr. P
05-25-2007, 06:56 PM
When I was stationed at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, they would play Taps over a base wide public address system. Everyone was required to stop and face the flag and salute during this, even if you were driving, you were required to stop. I never minded it. Hearing Taps always did, does, and always will, tug at my heart.

We did the same at Fort Bragg, N.C. About 5 or 6 P.M. I think it was. It was normal to see a four lane road come to a stop and everyone out of the cars saluting.

Thanks for brining this thread from the bottom of the board, Pale. I was starting to think no one gave a crap. Thanks to the rest of you that have posted also. :salute:

05-25-2007, 06:59 PM
We did the same at Fort Bragg, N.C. About 5 or 6 P.M. I think it was. It was normal to see a four lane road come to a stop and everyone out of the cars saluting.

Thanks for bringing this thread from the bottom of the board, Pale. I was starting to think no one gave a crap. Thanks to the rest of you that have posted also. :salute:

Phooey...I knew the thread was there..
I was just waiting till we got a little closer to Memorial day..
Ya silly thing...


Abbey Marie
05-25-2007, 09:07 PM
Have a nice Memorial Day weekend folks!

All I ask is you remember and reflect on what it's really all about.

Mr. P

Thanks, Mr. P. :salute:

05-25-2007, 09:18 PM
Good call Mr. P. I've got friends who are not coming back home from the Middle East. I'll remember them this weekend.

Pale Rider
05-25-2007, 10:04 PM
We did the same at Fort Bragg, N.C. About 5 or 6 P.M. I think it was. It was normal to see a four lane road come to a stop and everyone out of the cars saluting.

Thanks for brining this thread from the bottom of the board, Pale. I was starting to think no one gave a crap. Thanks to the rest of you that have posted also. :salute:

Leave it to us old vets Mr. P. And don't think I've forgotten about that moonshine either... :laugh2:

05-25-2007, 10:26 PM
Thank you Mr. P. I know the conservatives will. But you may or may not have noticed, I had to resurrect this thread from the bottom of the board. Tells you a lot doesn't it pard?

Yeah..........it tells me it's Friday and not Monday, which is Memorial Day....but nice dig.