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View Full Version : Woman to lead basic training at scandal plagued base

09-16-2012, 12:11 AM
Here is an interesting situation that I would love to hear opinions from vets on.
At Lackland AFB in San Antonio, several drill instructors have been dismissed and prosecuted for sexual assaults on female recruits. When the head of basic training was unable to reverse the situation, he was replaced by a female.
I generally think it is a good idea. If you have a bunch of neanderthal DIs who can't keep it in their pants, obviously they need to go. And why not replace them with women?
I would like to know how some of you think male recruits will respond to female DIs.


09-16-2012, 12:41 AM
Here is an interesting situation that I would love to hear opinions from vets on.
At Lackland AFB in San Antonio, several drill instructors have been dismissed and prosecuted for sexual assaults on female recruits. When the head of basic training was unable to reverse the situation, he was replaced by a female.
I generally think it is a good idea. If you have a bunch of neanderthal DIs who can't keep it in their pants, obviously they need to go. And why not replace them with women?
I would like to know how some of you think male recruits will respond to female DIs.


Yep...everyone knows that women in positions of authority, like say teacher for instance, never get involved sexually with males under them...uh...wait a minute.

The solution is simple, though not considered politically correct. Separate training of male and female recruits with male DIs for male recruits and female DIs for female recruits.

09-16-2012, 12:52 AM
Gabby, I have to agree with MM. An ethical person, male or female would do.

09-16-2012, 12:57 AM
Here is an interesting situation that I would love to hear opinions from vets on.
At Lackland AFB in San Antonio, several drill instructors have been dismissed and prosecuted for sexual assaults on female recruits. When the head of basic training was unable to reverse the situation, he was replaced by a female.
I generally think it is a good idea. If you have a bunch of neanderthal DIs who can't keep it in their pants, obviously they need to go. And why not replace them with women?
I would like to know how some of you think male recruits will respond to female DIs.


um, it is the morality of the DI, not the gender, that matters. Otherwise, it's just sexism.

09-16-2012, 06:00 AM
I would like to know how some of you think male recruits will respond to female DIs.

If the woman outranks you it would merely be a case of "Yes Ma'am" and getting on with what she told you to do.

09-16-2012, 07:18 AM
Here is an interesting situation that I would love to hear opinions from vets on.
At Lackland AFB in San Antonio, several drill instructors have been dismissed and prosecuted for sexual assaults on female recruits. When the head of basic training was unable to reverse the situation, he was replaced by a female.
I generally think it is a good idea. If you have a bunch of neanderthal DIs who can't keep it in their pants, obviously they need to go. And why not replace them with women?
I would like to know how some of you think male recruits will respond to female DIs.


Well, it's not like nobody ever told the military that mixed gender training was going to cause problems like this. That discussion was held long, long ago. If you think this is an awful situation, just wait until women get into combat ...

As has already been stated, how about they fill the position with persons of moral character and principle regardless of gender? I realize that to most liberals, words like morality, honor, integrity, respect, trust, and loyalty have flexible meanings but to some of us, those words have the weight of PRINCIPLE behind them. I'll take a person (male or female) who has those words in their vocabulary and knows what they mean, apply them in their daily activities, and try to live their lives by them over some hypocritical idiot who thinks those words are merely obsolete philosophical concepts.

09-16-2012, 10:19 AM
Well, it's not like nobody ever told the military that mixed gender training was going to cause problems like this. That discussion was held long, long ago. If you think this is an awful situation, just wait until women get into combat ...

As has already been stated, how about they fill the position with persons of moral character and principle regardless of gender? I realize that to most liberals, words like morality, honor, integrity, respect, trust, and loyalty have flexible meanings but to some of us, those words have the weight of PRINCIPLE behind them. I'll take a person (male or female) who has those words in their vocabulary and knows what they mean, apply them in their daily activities, and try to live their lives by them over some hypocritical idiot who thinks those words are merely obsolete philosophical concepts.

The problem is that sorting folks into those categories often happens after the horse is out of the barn.

09-16-2012, 10:54 AM
The solution is simple, though not considered politically correct. Separate training of male and female recruits with male DIs for male recruits and female DIs for female recruits.

Wasn't meant to be a male vs. female or liberal vs. conservative thing. I was merely asking for opinions. Of which missileman offer a very concise and intelligent response. Most likely too intelligent for the Pentagon to consider. :rolleyes:

09-16-2012, 11:56 AM
Wasn't meant to be a male vs. female or liberal vs. conservative thing. I was merely asking for opinions. Of which missileman offer a very concise and intelligent response. Most likely too intelligent for the Pentagon to consider. :rolleyes:

H0: The decision produces the desired results
HA: The decision does not produce the desired results

Do the necessary qualitative and/or quantitative analysis to reject either the null or alternative hypothesis.

It's amazing how the above can cut through boat loads of bullcrap, posturing and "perception management".

09-16-2012, 10:12 PM
H0: The decision produces the desired results
HA: The decision does not produce the desired results

Do the necessary qualitative and/or quantitative analysis to reject either the null or alternative hypothesis.

It's amazing how the above can cut through boat loads of bullcrap, posturing and "perception management".

Where did you steal this from? :p

09-17-2012, 05:06 AM
Where did you steal this from? :p
Despite its lack of dominion, logic is in the public domain. :croc: