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View Full Version : Unexpectedly!

09-17-2012, 09:01 AM
The news keeps getting worse:


UPDATE: The Empire Fed manufacturing index fell to -10.41 versus expectations of a -2.00 reading (http://www.businessinsider.com/empire-fed-september-2012-9#) and a prior reading last month of -5.85. New orders tumbled to -14.0 from -5.0 last month.
Shipments were flat at 2.8.
Prices paid rose to 19.2 from 16.5 last month.
Prices received also rose to 5.3 from last month's reading of 2.4.
The employment index dropped more than 12 points to 4.3 (this year's lowest reading so far)...

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/empire-fed-september-2012-9#ixzz26jfMLBIO

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2012, 09:13 AM
The news keeps getting worse:


Of course it is always --UNEXPECTED-- with OBAMA and his admin. !
Which is a sure sign of how damn delusional they are or pretend to be. Main stream media right there with them too, in that fantasy world of a liberal/socialist pigpen..
Clearly points to the reality that these idiots belive their own damn lies! AND THATS SCARY AS HELL......-Tyr