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09-17-2012, 08:18 PM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


09-17-2012, 08:20 PM
Thanks gabby. He must have met you...IN PERSON, and expressed his Disdain to you personally.

Wish I had been there to Applaud, and Agree with him.

09-17-2012, 08:57 PM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


Here's what he said and I totally agree with it.

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what.All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.

I am not a billionaire, and I don't even identify with these type of people. People who vote for a President because he promises them free stuff ... are just too far out there for me to identify with.

09-17-2012, 09:06 PM
Here's what he said and I totally agree with it.

I am not a billionaire, and I don't even identify with these type of people. People who vote for a President because he promises them free stuff ... are just too far out there for me to identify with.

Sassy, I agree with his saying that there are a certain % that are with Obama, no matter what. Not all of them are on entitlements, some just see taxes as 'doing good.' I don't get it, but that is true. Now ask most of those do-gooders who is Speaker of the House, what is Obama's ME policy, etc., they will look at you like, huh?

He shouldn't have implied that everyone for Obama was on the dole. IMO. These are unforced errors and they are costing him.

09-17-2012, 09:14 PM
Sassy, I agree with his saying that there are a certain % that are with Obama, no matter what. Not all of them are on entitlements, some just see taxes as 'doing good.' I don't get it, but that is true. Now ask most of those do-gooders who is Speaker of the House, what is Obama's ME policy, etc., they will look at you like, huh?

He shouldn't have implied that everyone for Obama was on the dole. IMO. These are unforced errors and they are costing him.

I didn't get that he said they are on entitlements ... just that they believe the government should step in and take care of everyone ... whether they are on entitlements themselves or not. You have to admit that most Democrats/liberals, those who voted for Obama truly do want more government involvement....which leads to everyone being dependent on the government. Maybe not having themselves dependent, but having the masses dependent so they can be controlled.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2012, 09:18 PM
Sassy, I agree with his saying that there are a certain % that are with Obama, no matter what. Not all of them are on entitlements, some just see taxes as 'doing good.' I don't get it, but that is true. Now ask most of those do-gooders who is Speaker of the House, what is Obama's ME policy, etc., they will look at you like, huh?

He shouldn't have implied that everyone for Obama was on the dole. IMO. These are unforced errors and they are costing him.

His point was accurate but the media is going to twist and spin everything he says. He may as well just say what he thinks. If he starts trying to placate the media he will lose as surely as water is wet. Americans, the majority hate what the media has become. I know that I do and with a passion!-Tyr

Anton Chigurh
09-17-2012, 09:19 PM
Ell ohh ell.

09-17-2012, 09:29 PM
So Romney tells the truth and you think this is going to outrage people while the economy suffers and the middle east is on fire. Both because of our current President's policies.

09-17-2012, 09:41 PM
So Romney tells the truth and you think this is going to outrage people while the economy suffers and the middle east is on fire. Both because of our current President's policies.

To many non-wealthy people, the video will be further proof that Romney is not one of them and doesn't want to be.
I can't see how anything Obama has done contributes to the Middle East being "on fire." That conflict has been going on for centuries.
The economy is the primary issue. Obama has not done a good job with it. If you are a voter, do you want to take a chance with someone who might make it worse?
Obama is a wealthy guy who used to be poor. Romney is a wealthy guy who was born into wealth. It's all he knows.
If you are poor or middle class, who would you believe in?

09-17-2012, 09:48 PM
To many non-wealthy people, the video will be further proof that Romney is not one of them and doesn't want to be.


And I guess Obama would enjoy being "non wealthy"? Riiiigghhhhht.:rolleyes:

09-17-2012, 09:51 PM
Most national office holding politicians (both sides) are wealthy. And they spend their political careers making sure they stay that way.

09-17-2012, 09:52 PM
To many non-wealthy people, the video will be further proof that Romney is not one of them and doesn't want to be.
I can't see how anything Obama has done contributes to the Middle East being "on fire." That conflict has been going on for centuries.
The economy is the primary issue. Obama has not done a good job with it. If you are a voter, do you want to take a chance with someone who might make it worse?
Obama is a wealthy guy who used to be poor. Romney is a wealthy guy who was born into wealth. It's all he knows.
If you are poor or middle class, who would you believe in?

Obama was never poor.

09-17-2012, 09:56 PM
I didn't get that he said they are on entitlements ... just that they believe the government should step in and take care of everyone ... whether they are on entitlements themselves or not. You have to admit that most Democrats/liberals, those who voted for Obama truly do want more government involvement....which leads to everyone being dependent on the government. Maybe not having themselves dependent, but having the masses dependent so they can be controlled.

Certainly, without a doubt. Many of the 'rich' like Warren Buffet say they should be taxed more, yet fail to write the check, anytime they would like. These are the same folks that if the government started to tax like France, can afford to go abroad. They would too, just like the mega wealthy in France are doing.

09-17-2012, 10:03 PM
To many non-wealthy people, the video will be further proof that Romney is not one of them and doesn't want to be.
I can't see how anything Obama has done contributes to the Middle East being "on fire." That conflict has been going on for centuries.
The economy is the primary issue. Obama has not done a good job with it. If you are a voter, do you want to take a chance with someone who might make it worse?
Obama is a wealthy guy who used to be poor. Romney is a wealthy guy who was born into wealth. It's all he knows.
If you are poor or middle class, who would you believe in?

Im not wealthy. the quote tells me that he realizes he can't convert people who want to be seen as victims and want handouts from the President. I dont want any of that myself. Maybe you shouldnt assume that all poor and middle class people want handouts.

09-17-2012, 10:06 PM
Most national office holding politicians (both sides) are wealthy. And they spend their political careers making sure they stay that way.

And yet, you dont think the fact that politicians want to keep you dependent on government isnt an indictment of the entitlement mentality helping the rich stay rich and in power.

red states rule
09-18-2012, 02:29 AM
I do hope Mitt does not back off his statement. First he was talking about the tax code where a ever increasing minority pays the ever gorwing majority of taxes

Second, he is correct. I do hope the 53% wake up and undersatnd they are footing the bill bill the other 47%. I for one am tired of the free ride so many people get. People who will vote for Obama thinking they are going get "freedies" from the government

Third, did the liberal media devote such coberage to Obama's "spread the wwealth around" comment? No, they simply "explained" his comment to the gullible masses

Finally, it is amazing to watch the Obama lap dogs in the media react when Mitt speaks the truth about the Obama campaign stratagy

red states rule
09-18-2012, 03:37 AM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


Actually Gabby these are some the REAL issues of this election - not the usual liberal issue of "compassion" measured by how much money you take from the producers and give it to the nonproducers


09-18-2012, 05:57 AM
Just because someone points out that HALF the population doesn't pay taxes and is in some way dependent on THOSE TAXES, tell me that these people should be called out. Romney did NOT show disdain for poor he only pointed out true numbers. If you think Obama's team has not looked at those same number and said "hey we can count on almost 47% of the populace due to their dependence on us is great".

Gabs do we really need the people who vote, voting for their OWN gov't assistance. thats like a hundred times worse than public sector unions...

Ran across this and feel it is very appropiate..

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him president."

The foregoing is attributed to an article published in the Czech Republic.

Funny when you see where the article came from..

09-18-2012, 06:25 AM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


Let's see: So you want a President that will COMMISERATE with your poverty. It doesn't matter if he CAUSED your poverty.

09-18-2012, 07:33 AM
If you are poor or middle class, who would you believe in?

certainly not the guy who's screwed things up so many times in the last four years.....

09-18-2012, 07:44 AM
Just like to say, who DOESN'T have a bit of disdain for poor? The vast majority are there because of themselves. (stupid with money, etc.) And those on food stamps and safety net programs haven't realized that IT'S TEMPORARY TO HELP YOU GET ON YOUR FEET!!!! NOT A LIFESTYLE!!!!
And this being said, those programs are what's screwing America.

Here's a story, I know a guy, who's living off of every safety net program there is. He applies for jobs he'll never get, just so he can stay on unemployment. He does nothing with his life. Every time he's accidentally gotten a job he hurts himself and sues them for the injury. Now he wonders why noone will hire him. This man is one of my ex's father. I almost punched him when i learned of this. Why should a peice of shit get treated better then me for not doing anything?

Dem view- Lets tax the shit out of people who try, and give everything to the ones that don't. Brilliant. Makes me feel as though I'd be better off not trying. I'd certainly get more money for it. Why do i try? Oh, that's right, BECAUSE I CARE!!!

Abbey Marie
09-18-2012, 08:57 AM
Romney needs to understand one very important thing:

People cannot handle the truth.

How sad that a candidate cannot speak the truth without endangering his election.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2012, 10:04 AM
And I guess Obama would enjoy being "non wealthy"? Riiiigghhhhht.:rolleyes:

NO, he just preaches that message to the ignorant masses. Typical liberal arrogance on parade. He teaches take all the wealth from the wealthy but that always includes exemptions for the chosen few! Always has . He promotes destruction to create chaos so as to reap plunder and to remake our nation. The plunder gotten so far has seved to further weaken our nation! If given another term he wil finish the job and leftists know this. Thats why they back him, blacks back him for his claimed blackness and his continued FREEBIES! American muslims back him because he loves them and secretly tries to further their cause. Whats that sweetest sound he ever heard!??-Tyr

09-18-2012, 10:09 AM
Romney needs to understand one very important thing:

People cannot handle the truth.

How sad that a candidate cannot speak the truth without endangering his election.

If he can find a copy, should play 'Life of Julia' which was to be a central part of his campaign message. But, Ooopss! Cannot be found, though parodies abound on youtube.

09-18-2012, 10:28 AM
It has been a long-term goal of the left, to get at least half the population to a point where they pay no income taxes at all.

Once that is achieved, the left can be assured that none of their bills to increase income taxes by 10%, 20%, 50% or whatever, will EVER be voted down by a majority, since the increases will never apply to the majority. And that most of their other tax increases will be able to ride on the coattails of that major fact.

Many philosophers have pointed out that, in a pure democracy, the majority has it in their power to disenfranchise and enslave the minority. That is exactly the left's goal.

09-18-2012, 10:35 AM
I did find the slideshow:


09-18-2012, 11:35 AM
To many non-wealthy people, ...

You do know that taking more money from 'wealthy' people will create more 'non-wealthy' people?

And so less money in the 'wealthy' peoples' pockets means less money in MY family's pocket because we CATER TO THE WEALTHY people with our business! Poor people are not the ones buying $25+ cigars by the stick...

I would rather provide a service or product and convince wealthy to hand over their hard-earned money LEGALLY rather than force it from them and not benefit my business, only benefiting the lazy and unwilling to work (ya know those welfare recipients who have fresh manicures, new Escalades, perfect clothes, shoes and new weaves). Oh and lining the pockets of politicians...

Gabby, your idiot-logic is now getting to the point that I wonder how natural seletion hasn't taken care of you by now. Although your preference of government type allows the stupid to survive.

09-18-2012, 01:41 PM
The Leaning Liberal, Democrat press, with all of the Liberal Democrats are just showing their true colors. Pretending to be angry, while performing the assigned Obama duties of further separating, or dividing America by insisting Romney is DISSING Americans.

It's all just part of the extended, perpetual plan laid-out by Democrats back in the sixties by LBJ, and other liberals who didn't want BLACK AMERICANS to know, learn, or understand...how Democrats depend on Black Americans...who live in Ghetto's to remain Under, or Un-educated so much. They are always instantly drawn to LYING Politicians like Obama..who promise them everything, but Deliver Nothing...in return for their brokered Votes.

Democrats, led by Obama and Wasserman Schultz NEED Black Americans to DEPEND on Govt. Which is why Obama needs Black Americans, and White Americans to increase their needs for Welfare, Food stamps, and all other forms of Govt. handouts.

Actually. Obama and Democrats practice, and excel at the EXTORTION GAME they play against the Under educated.

Keep them Dumb, Uninformed, or Unable to get a good education and they will FOREVER vote Democrat. Because they ARE NOT SMART enough to do anything else.

09-18-2012, 01:45 PM
Wait, some people think they have the audacity to be entitled to food? Outrageous.

09-18-2012, 01:47 PM
Wait, some people think they have the audacity to be entitled to food? Outrageous.

Thanks Noir. Twisting it to meet your lowest of low standards, and low educational background only works in Hand Grenades, and Darts.

If we listened to people like you...who now insist Romney wants people to starve...based on your low-life accusations. We could only hope YOU get to feel that audacity in person...FIRST.

09-18-2012, 02:38 PM
Thanks Noir. Twisting it to meet your lowest of low standards, and low educational background only works in Hand Grenades, and Darts.

If we listened to people like you...who now insist Romney wants people to starve...based on your low-life accusations. We could only hope YOU get to feel that audacity in person...FIRST.

I had to dig so deep to twist his words, almost out of all regignition to what he actually said -

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.

Some people in America (47% by Romney's numbers), believe they are entitled to food.

For what its worth i think Romney is pointing out something that's both obvious, and relevant. But he has done it *so* badly. I mean he really couldn't have chosen worse words.

09-18-2012, 02:55 PM
To many non-wealthy people, the video will be further proof that Romney is not one of them and doesn't want to be.
I can't see how anything Obama has done contributes to the Middle East being "on fire." That conflict has been going on for centuries.
The economy is the primary issue. Obama has not done a good job with it. If you are a voter, do you want to take a chance with someone who might make it worse?
Obama is a wealthy guy who used to be poor. Romney is a wealthy guy who was born into wealth. It's all he knows.
If you are poor or middle class, who would you believe in?

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy—always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

Gabby, are you going to deny that a lot of people vote based on how much "free stuff" they're going to get? Romney isn't out of touch, what he is doing is something truely extraordinary for a politician, he is telling the truth. One people don't like to admit.

Half of the US population pays NO federal imcome tax. HALF!!! Even if you take out older people living off of Social Security that is a shit load of people. Those people are going to VOTE for anyone who promises to keep it that way and the people promising that are Democrates.

Obama went into office with NO foreign policy experience and NO economic experience. The man was a community organizer (what ever the hell that is). I thought Romney was the man to help the economy 4 year ago and Obama has proven me right over and over.

09-18-2012, 03:13 PM
Portrait of a freeloader who can't take responsibility for himself:

Age 5 - Begins public school as the child of a serving officer in the U.S. Navy.

Age 17 - Gets first W2 minimum wage job, after 12 years of public education, pays income taxes and social security and medicare and disability and unemployment insurance. Continues off and on for the next 4 years while in public university.

Age 21 - Graduates from public university, gets W2 job, picks up paying all of the above taxes again. Starts saving for retirement with first paycheck.

Age 24 - Buys first house. Pays property taxes every year from this point forward. Never buys more house than he can afford, never misses or is late with a payment from his point forward.

Age 30 - Has a child.

Age 33 - Child starts public school (Yes, before age 3, in preschool)

Age 34 - Is laid off, draws unemployment for about 6 weeks. Gets new W2 job, goes on paying taxes.

Age 36 - Is laid off again, draws unemployment for 4 weeks while starting own business and getting first client. Now pays twice as much Social Security in the form of Self-Employment Tax. Does so for 10 years.

Age 47 - Takes another W2 job, while keeping his business going in the evenings and weekends and on vacation days. Pays lots of taxes.

Age 48 - Child graduates from public high school. He continues paying taxes that fund the public high school.

Age 48 - Is told by the Romney campaign that he's a freeloader who won't take responsibility for himself and that he has an entitlement mentality because he's used various public services over the course of his life, and plans to draw on the Social Security and Medicare that he has been paying into for over 30 years, and will pay into for another 17 years before becoming eligible.


This is most of my peers (more or less). Writ large, it's the story of the American middle class from 1945 to 2012.

09-18-2012, 04:04 PM
Good response and the correct venue:


09-18-2012, 04:07 PM
Here's the video on 'redistribution' that Romney and Cavuto were referring to:


09-18-2012, 04:32 PM
How is Romney speaking to Fox "a correct venue?" Because he can do damage control without someone questioning him?

One of Romney's problems with the middle class is that they feel no empathy with him. Many see Romney as an advocate of the wealthy class who will favor his own if he gets elected.
A recording of Romney confirming such is not going to help him.

09-18-2012, 04:41 PM
How is Romney speaking to Fox "a correct venue?" Because he can do damage control without someone questioning him?

One of Romney's problems with the middle class is that they feel no empathy with him. Many see Romney as an advocate of the wealthy class who will favor his own if he gets elected.
A recording of Romney confirming such is not going to help him.

Not Fox, Cavuto. Hate to break this to you Gabby, but a bellweather of the political you are not.

09-18-2012, 04:49 PM
Not Fox, Cavuto. Hate to break this to you Gabby, but a bellweather of the political you are not.

I have always admitted this. But Romney is being interviewed on Fox News. I doubt they are asking him probing questions.

09-18-2012, 04:51 PM
I have always admitted this. But Romney is being interviewed on Fox News. I doubt they are asking him probing questions.

You didn't listen, did you? Are you familiar with Cavuto? Doesn't seem like it. Hasn't a thing to do with Fox.

09-18-2012, 06:30 PM
Wait, some people think they have the audacity to be entitled to food? Outrageous.

yeah. It is audacity when all the rest of us have to work for our food.

09-18-2012, 06:40 PM
One of Romney's problems with the middle class is that they feel no empathy with him. Many see Romney as an advocate of the wealthy class who will favor his own if he gets elected.
A recording of Romney confirming such is not going to help him.

I would venture to say that most, if not all, of the people on this board are middle class. I certainly am and he speaks to me.

I work everyday with people who freeload off our government and "work the system". You work in public education YOU have to see this everyday.

He isn't confirming his advocacy for the wealthy. He is stating a FACT, people who want free stuff are going to vote for democrates because that is the group handing the stuff out.

We are in debt in this country and going even deeper every day. As a country we need to cut spending, a way to do that is to cut entitlments and get people back to work.

There are people, I see everyday, who have never worked and don't want to. Those people will NOT vote republican because they don't want the gravy train to end. They don't want to see cuts in WIC, free college, free housing, free healthcare or the fraud stopped with food stamps.

The truth is sometimes hard to hear and it's refreshing coming from a politician

09-18-2012, 06:46 PM
Portrait of a freeloader who can't take responsibility for himself:

Age 5 - Begins public school as the child of a serving officer in the U.S. Navy.

Age 17 - Gets first W2 minimum wage job, after 12 years of public education, pays income taxes and social security and medicare and disability and unemployment insurance. Continues off and on for the next 4 years while in public university.

Age 21 - Graduates from public university, gets W2 job, picks up paying all of the above taxes again. Starts saving for retirement with first paycheck.

Age 24 - Buys first house. Pays property taxes every year from this point forward. Never buys more house than he can afford, never misses or is late with a payment from his point forward.

Age 30 - Has a child.

Age 33 - Child starts public school (Yes, before age 3, in preschool)

Age 34 - Is laid off, draws unemployment for about 6 weeks. Gets new W2 job, goes on paying taxes.

Age 36 - Is laid off again, draws unemployment for 4 weeks while starting own business and getting first client. Now pays twice as much Social Security in the form of Self-Employment Tax. Does so for 10 years.

Age 47 - Takes another W2 job, while keeping his business going in the evenings and weekends and on vacation days. Pays lots of taxes.

Age 48 - Child graduates from public high school. He continues paying taxes that fund the public high school.

Age 48 - Is told by the Romney campaign that he's a freeloader who won't take responsibility for himself and that he has an entitlement mentality because he's used various public services over the course of his life, and plans to draw on the Social Security and Medicare that he has been paying into for over 30 years, and will pay into for another 17 years before becoming eligible.


This is most of my peers (more or less). Writ large, it's the story of the American middle class from 1945 to 2012.

There is a safety net for the very reasons you have put here. These are not the freeloaders

A safety net used for unemployment or sickness.

The problem comes when the safety net becomes a way of life.

Someone who knows how many hours they can work and still collect the free money

Someone who KNOWS who the baby daddy is, but doesn't tell so they can receive free stuff and still live with the father.

From your story you don't work with the freeloaders, you don't see them everyday. I do and personally I am sick of getting up at 4:30 in the morning, DRIVING TO WORK, and watching them milk the system because it is so full of holes that a child could take advantage of it.

09-18-2012, 06:56 PM
Wait, some people think they have the audacity to be entitled to food? Outrageous.

I had to dig so deep to twist his words, almost out of all regignition to what he actually said -

Some people in America (47% by Romney's numbers), believe they are entitled to food.

For what its worth i think Romney is pointing out something that's both obvious, and relevant. But he has done it *so* badly. I mean he really couldn't have chosen worse words.I don't believe Romney stated that they feel "entitled to food" that was on here. Now you darn good and well what was meant by the comment. Yes people NEED food but they are NOT entitled to have me feed them!!! That is the difference.. If I CHOOSE to help them taht is my decision. I should NOT have to choose between generic and name brand so someone receiving food stamps can get name brand of whatever they want.. Thats the problem there is soo much widespread abuse that some of us have become quite jaded.. Sorry I am tired of seeing it myself. I make choices to by less expensive foods to stay in budget due to the amount of taxes taken out yet someone on assistance who does not pay taxes eats better then my family because they get FREE food at my expense........

I am all for helping but there has to be limits!!!!!!!!!

09-18-2012, 07:04 PM
So Romney tells the truth and you think this is going to outrage people while the economy suffers and the middle east is on fire. Both because of our current President's policies.

avatar. Very much on point. Obama and company are probably cheering about this video about Romney because it TAKES THE HEAT off of the White House Lie Committee who were looking for more ways to COVER THEIR ASS about the FIASCO that became the Murder of a U.S. Ambassador.
Obama and the White House staff...needed a day or two to create MORE EXCUSES, or Better put....LIES, to cover their ineptness, and downright disregard for the lives of Americans.
To make matters worse. Nothing Romney said in that "SUPER SECRET" video recorded by the Lying, Hate filled Mother Jones staff was anything but HONEST, and CORRECT.

Not something Obama, or any Democrat wanted to let the American people know...this close to the election.

09-18-2012, 08:52 PM
Ran across this and feel it is very appropiate..

"...Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him president."

Funny when you see where the article came from..

Ah, pen!

This guy is a maestro.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2012, 09:08 PM
Man , what a godsend!
Renews my faith in Romney!!! Guy thinks like me!!!

09-18-2012, 09:34 PM
I don't believe Romney stated that they feel "entitled to food" that was on here. Now you darn good and well what was meant by the comment. Yes people NEED food but they are NOT entitled to have me feed them!!! That is the difference.. If I CHOOSE to help them taht is my decision. I should NOT have to choose between generic and name brand so someone receiving food stamps can get name brand of whatever they want.. Thats the problem there is soo much widespread abuse that some of us have become quite jaded.. Sorry I am tired of seeing it myself. I make choices to by less expensive foods to stay in budget due to the amount of taxes taken out yet someone on assistance who does not pay taxes eats better then my family because they get FREE food at my expense........

I am all for helping but there has to be limits!!!!!!!!!

Yep, those of us that are scrambling to make ends meet, often unsuccessfully, but are not accepting anything from the government even if qualified, resent when others use the system to buy the luxuries we can't.

Now Pringles may not be a luxury for those working and earning enough to buy them, but for many they are. So are Dove Bars, etc. When one is making just enough to cover their utilities, gas, insurance, and required homeowners fees, what's left over is for food. For a month. If that is $80, that's it. Oh yeah, includes soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toilet paper. Stews, soups, and chilis are the menu. Put as many beans in as possible, keep meat at minimum. Buy the clearance stuff at 65% off, go home and cook/freeze.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2012, 09:44 PM
Yep, those of us that are scrambling to make ends meet, often unsuccessfully, but are not accepting anything from the government even if qualified, resent when others use the system to buy the luxuries we can't.

Now Pringles may not be a luxury for those working and earning enough to buy them, but for many they are. So are Dove Bars, etc. When one is making just enough to cover their utilities, gas, insurance, and required homeowners fees, what's left over is for food. For a month. If that is $80, that's it. Oh yeah, includes soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toilet paper. Stews, soups, and chilis are the menu. Put as many beans in as possible, keep meat at minimum. Buy the clearance stuff at 65% off, go home and cook/freeze.

You should see the government food shopping carts in my neck of the woods. I and my wife shop wisely to save money but we see the magic card users loading up high dollar items without even bothering to look at the price.See them in the checkout line just laughing ,talking , havent a care in the world, ca-ching there comes the tally , $268 , out come the gubbermint card and easy peasy. Another vote bought for dems and obama. Same thing as was with the free obama cell phone. I didnt get offered one, Im not dark enough mind you!;)
Gotta laugh ,does no good to cry and laughing helps stop me from beating tha hell out of some people that have betrayed this great nation...-Tyr

09-18-2012, 10:37 PM
Wait, some people think they have the audacity to be entitled to food? Outrageous.

They are entitled to food, Noir. Just as I am. Why am I not on food stamps? Why are you not on food stamps?

I have no problem helping those who CANNOT, under any circumstances help themselves.....like my stepdaughter who is 28 years old, Downs Syndrome, the mind of a 5 year old, had a stroke when she was 10 years old that took away her ability to swallow anything! These are the type of people I think we should help!

NOT THE ABLE BODIED/MINDED people that are abusing the system. Throwing more money at the problem will not correct the decay of society that makes people think it is the job of the wealthy to take care of them.

09-18-2012, 10:42 PM
How is Romney speaking to Fox "a correct venue?" Because he can do damage control without someone questioning him?

One of Romney's problems with the middle class is that they feel no empathy with him. Many see Romney as an advocate of the wealthy class who will favor his own if he gets elected.
A recording of Romney confirming such is not going to help him.

Kinda like the recording of Obama promising Russia that after he gets elected for second term he will be more flexible with his negotiations with them? How does that make you feel about your guy, Gabby?

09-18-2012, 10:45 PM
They are entitled to food, Noir. Just as I am. Why am I not on food stamps? Why are you not on food stamps?

I have no problem helping those who CANNOT, under any circumstances help themselves.....like my stepdaughter who is 28 years old, Downs Syndrome, the mind of a 5 year old, had a stroke when she was 10 years old that took away her ability to swallow anything! These are the type of people I think we should help!

NOT THE ABLE BODIED/MINDED people that are abusing the system. Throwing more money at the problem will not correct the decay of society that makes people think it is the job of the wealthy to take care of them.

Why do people abuse the system? Because there is practically no one to make sure they don't. Government agencies are woefully understaffed and underfunded.
Also, you rarely hear about those who don't abuse the system. It's not a good story. You only hear about the few that take advantage of the system.

09-18-2012, 10:50 PM
Why do people abuse the system? Because there is practically no one to make sure they don't. Government agencies are woefully understaffed and underfunded.
Also, you rarely hear about those who don't abuse the system. It's not a good story. You only hear about the few that take advantage of the system.

And what has this current administration done to address the abuse? Nothing. At least Romney sees it and wants to change it. He is not going to take food away from those who truly need it....he is just going to change the entitlement mindset .... and put in programs that ensure the entitlements are earned.

As for the Government being woefully understaffed and underfunded ... I don't believe that for one minute. I think they are inefficient which leads to waste and gives the illusion that they are underfunded.

When you have community organizers running the programs and not experienced business minded people, there will be massive abuse and waste.

09-18-2012, 10:51 PM
Why do people abuse the system? Because there is practically no one to make sure they don't. Government agencies are woefully understaffed and underfunded.
Also, you rarely hear about those who don't abuse the system. It's not a good story. You only hear about the few that take advantage of the system.

I applied and accepted food stamps last summer. From what I could observe, most didn't need them or were making very poor priority choices. Their toddlers were snacking on primo O's instead of Cheerio's, virtually the same product, but dollars in difference regarding cost. While I was and still am wearing the same clothes I owned when I lost my position, many were wearing premium brand names on shoes and jeans. Yes, Coach was evident, which truly is wrong.

Were there many like myself? Of course. Most I'd say. However the others were a significant presence, close to half.

09-18-2012, 10:56 PM
My girlfriends son, who is in his 40's, had to go to jail for selling drugs. When he got out he was on probation and moved in with her (she's in her 60's and on social security). While he was living with her he was going around town and stealing things, bringing them home and cutting them up for scrap. She went out of town and when she came back he had scrapped most of her corral fencing used for her horses.

She thought she had been saved from the nightmare because he got caught shoplifting. She thought he would go to jail. NOPE!!! They put him out with an ankle bracelet. She moved out of her house and filed bankruptcy. He stayed as a squatter and has been there for the last year.



09-18-2012, 11:02 PM
Excuse me Sassy Laddy, but why did she allow him to move back in with her in the first place? That was her FIRST mistake. Followed by many more.
She should have turned him in for stealing the first time. And she sure shouldn't have left her own home.
It is difficult to help people who won't help themselves.

09-18-2012, 11:27 PM
Excuse me Sassy Laddy, but why did she allow him to move back in with her in the first place? That was her FIRST mistake. Followed by many more.
She should have turned him in for stealing the first time. And she sure shouldn't have left her own home.
It is difficult to help people who won't help themselves.

Excuse me Gabby....He is her son and she wanted to help him thinking that he would change his life after he got out of jail. She didn't find out that he was stealing until he was arrested. She filed bankruptcy because she lost her job and at 67 years of age no one wants to hire her. She is on Social Security and it was not enough to pay her mortgage. That is what happens when someone doesn't plan well for their future.

She is not the one on Food Stamps ... the criminal is on food stamps. She is helping herself ... she cut her expenses so that she is able to live on her SS rather than applying for food stamps.

09-19-2012, 03:28 PM
We all know. Or at least most of us know from experience. How the libs, dems, and progressives MUST INSIST Romney has expressed DISDAIN for poor people.

We also know. If not for the lies they create. They would have nothing to talk about.

Notice how the LIBS are pretending to be so concerned about the POOR, they claim Romney holds contempt, and disdain for. ONLY because Obama, and Democrats in Congress...insist that such LIES are true. And Democrats always follow, and listen to those whom are much SMARTER than the average Democrat voter. They are incapable of THINKING on their own. Which is why they NEED, and WANT Government to provide everything for them.

I still believe. A larger percentage of American citizens are so UNINFORMED, and EASILY LED. They will once again vote for Obama because they have two fears.

ONE. They fear losing all of the guaranteed FREEBIES from Obama and the Dems, and
TWO. They fear being labeled as Racists if they DARE to disagree with Obama in any way because THEY CAN'T THINK ON THEIR OWN.

09-19-2012, 05:08 PM
I find it amusing people can claim Romney dislikes poor people when he goes out of his way to personally serve others in need.

09-19-2012, 07:20 PM
I'm going to 'steal' some stuff from a site that both Avatar and I post on. Why? Because these tales need to be out there.

I'll say upfront, I don't worship or even like Glen Beck. He goes bombastic too often. He doesn't here, he's got the stories:


09-19-2012, 07:23 PM
The previous was a group, vets. This is an individual.


09-19-2012, 07:32 PM
We all know. Or at least most of us know from experience. How the libs, dems, and progressives MUST INSIST Romney has expressed DISDAIN for poor people.

We also know. If not for the lies they create. They would have nothing to talk about.

Notice how the LIBS are pretending to be so concerned about the POOR, they claim Romney holds contempt, and disdain for. ONLY because Obama, and Democrats in Congress...insist that such LIES are true. And Democrats always follow, and listen to those whom are much SMARTER than the average Democrat voter. They are incapable of THINKING on their own. Which is why they NEED, and WANT Government to provide everything for them.

I still believe. A larger percentage of American citizens are so UNINFORMED, and EASILY LED. They will once again vote for Obama because they have two fears.

ONE. They fear losing all of the guaranteed FREEBIES from Obama and the Dems, and
TWO. They fear being labeled as Racists if they DARE to disagree with Obama in any way because THEY CAN'T THINK ON THEIR OWN.

Most Americans want no one, certainly not children or the elderly to go hungry. They'd give of their own pantries, that is what they'd rather do, than see suffering. The problem comes with Obama specifically, government in a broader sense of dependency.

No, I'm not saying to eliminate EBT or WIC or disability. I am saying however that there should be timelines and rules for the first two. Yes, some for the 3rd too.

In this regard I'm going to play it like Ryan, this is a conversation we need to have in the open, so both recipients and payers know what's going down.

09-19-2012, 07:39 PM

09-19-2012, 08:20 PM
I watched all of those and listened to Glenn Beck on his radio show the next day. He was very apologetic regarding how he has lambasted Romney in the past. After doing the interviews he feels like Romney could be our next George Washington ... a man true to his values and a make committed to service.

09-19-2012, 08:23 PM
Glen explains why he's changed his stance on Romney:


09-19-2012, 08:29 PM
I watched all of those and listened to Glenn Beck on his radio show the next day. He was very apologetic regarding how he has lambasted Romney in the past. After doing the interviews he feels like Romney could be our next George Washington ... a man true to his values and a make committed to service.

I don't know about George Washington, but the man certainly seems grounded in the work ethic, make that ethics in general. Yeah, sort of GW like.

red states rule
09-20-2012, 02:38 AM
It is amazing how so many libs and RINO's cannot handle someone telling the truth. I see examples of the entitlement mentality everyday at work

I read letters how people DEMAND they be allowed to keep a house they cannot pay for. I see their financial worksheet where they pay over $100/month for their cable and internet. Over $200 for "entertainment", and more on credit cards

If I had to decide between paying the mortgage or the cable, eating out and credit cards - the mortgage would win everytime

Yes their is a huge entitlement mentality and I have no doubt that many of the Obama voters expect some "reward" from Obama at the expense of the producers

Remember this classic example from 2008? I wonder if she has gotten a check every month from the White House to pay for her gas and mortgage?


red states rule
09-20-2012, 02:56 AM
Why do people abuse the system? Because there is practically no one to make sure they don't. Government agencies are woefully understaffed and underfunded.
Also, you rarely hear about those who don't abuse the system. It's not a good story. You only hear about the few that take advantage of the system.

Government agencies are understaffed and underfunded? What planet do you live on Gabby? During the 4 years of Obama government has increased in its size and cost

There have been countless examples of money being wasted and people getting busted bilking the US taxpayer

Why didn't anyone at the IRS catch that over 22,000 tax refund checks were sent to the SAME address. Or Federal inmates getting first time home buyers tax credit checks

Obama and the Dems have made it much easier to go on the handout list and Obama has divided this nation into two groups

The producers and the takers

09-20-2012, 08:12 PM
I think Romney's service is a stark contrast to Obama who doesnt even help his brother when he's in need.

09-20-2012, 09:27 PM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


Distraction is what Democrats are best at.

Next thing you know, the Democrats will be finding something wrong with Romney's after shave... or dig up the fact that when he was 2 years old, he kicked a little old lady

We've already heard about Mrs Romney's horse...

But let's look at the 800 pound gorilla in the room, shall we?

We currently have 8.3 percent unemployment... it's actually much higher but that figure only counts those people who are drawing unemployment.. many have exhausted their unemployment benefits... Another number we should attach to this is a number of approximately 4... that is the number of years that the unemployment figure has been over 8 percent... this has not been the case since the Great Depression. Obama wants to be like FDR, he now will have the same economic track record... one of colossal failure.

The average length of time it takes to find a job has risen to a record. Many people are unable to find work or must settle for much lower paying jobs just to make ends meet.

For the first time in American History, the bond rating of the American Government was downgraded and is being downgraded yet again

In less than 3 years, the federal debt has doubled. Obama and the Democrats have borrowed more money than all the past presidents combined.

A record number of people are now on food stamps

In January, the sequestration cuts begin. That means a 20 percent cut in defense and cuts to major programs that many people are now dependent on. Partly because Congress can't get its act together and partly because Obama has show an appalling lack of leadership

Democrats will instinctively point the finger of blame at Bush, but it's been nearly four years since he was president. This is Obama's economy now.

And you want to give Obama another four years to do more of the same? Perhaps you have an overpowering urge to be destitute and have your children live in a future that will make the happenings in Europe pale by comparison but I don't.

But, yes, you're right. Romney said something that was taken out of context by a hostile press.... that's why we should give Presidente Incompetente another four years.

red states rule
09-21-2012, 03:07 AM
Distraction is what Democrats are best at.

Next thing you know, the Democrats will be finding something wrong with Romney's after shave... or dig up the fact that when he was 2 years old, he kicked a little old lady

We've already heard about Mrs Romney's horse...

But let's look at the 800 pound gorilla in the room, shall we?

We currently have 8.3 percent unemployment... it's actually much higher but that figure only counts those people who are drawing unemployment.. many have exhausted their unemployment benefits... Another number we should attach to this is a number of approximately 4... that is the number of years that the unemployment figure has been over 8 percent... this has not been the case since the Great Depression. Obama wants to be like FDR, he now will have the same economic track record... one of colossal failure.

The average length of time it takes to find a job has risen to a record. Many people are unable to find work or must settle for much lower paying jobs just to make ends meet.

For the first time in American History, the bond rating of the American Government was downgraded and is being downgraded yet again

In less than 3 years, the federal debt has doubled. Obama and the Democrats have borrowed more money than all the past presidents combined.

A record number of people are now on food stamps

In January, the sequestration cuts begin. That means a 20 percent cut in defense and cuts to major programs that many people are now dependent on. Partly because Congress can't get its act together and partly because Obama has show an appalling lack of leadership

Democrats will instinctively point the finger of blame at Bush, but it's been nearly four years since he was president. This is Obama's economy now.

And you want to give Obama another four years to do more of the same? Perhaps you have an overpowering urge to be destitute and have your children live in a future that will make the happenings in Europe pale by comparison but I don't.

But, yes, you're right. Romney said something that was taken out of context by a hostile press.... that's why we should give Presidente Incompetente another four years.

If I were a liberal and an Obama supporter I would dismiss the current situation with:

1) Racist CEO's and business owners refuse to hire so they can make Pres Obama look bad

2) Gas prices and the current unemployment situation are the new norm in the global economy. Besides America had it to easy for too long and now must face reality

3) You cannot expect Obama to fix the "mess" Bush created in 8 years in a mere 4 years

4) The economy would be in great shape if not for the House Republicans blocking the very bills that would restore economic prosperity

5) It is a proven economic fact that the use of Foods Stamps "stimulates" the economy

6) You are clearly a racist who cannot tolerate a black man as President

Did I leave anything out?

09-21-2012, 06:30 AM
If I were a liberal and an Obama supporter I would dismiss the current situation with:

1) Racist CEO's and business owners refuse to hire so they can make Pres Obama look bad

2) Gas prices and the current unemployment situation are the new norm in the global economy. Besides America had it to easy for too long and now must face reality

3) You cannot expect Obama to fix the "mess" Bush created in 8 years in a mere 4 years

4) The economy would be in great shape if not for the House Republicans blocking the very bills that would restore economic prosperity

5) It is a proven economic fact that the use of Foods Stamps "stimulates" the economy

6) You are clearly a racist who cannot tolerate a black man as President

Did I leave anything out?

You probably should work something in about gays in the military and energy from wind turbines....

09-21-2012, 02:36 PM
A video tape has surfaced of Romney speaking at a gathering of very wealthy donors. During which he talks of how he identifies much more with them than constituents of the middle and poor classes.
Romney says Obama only represents the non-wealthy. But if Romney is elected, he will represent his fellow rich brethren.

Wonder what Romney will have to say about this...


Too bad for you gabby. That video that surfaced was a WELCOME opportunity Romney couldn't have asked for himself.

In fact. Mother Jones...who took the video secretly. Actually did ALL OF AMERICA a huge favor.

Finally. Romney was caught....TELLING THE TRUTH, and the MSM, led by the Liberal, Democrats who thought they had that MAGIC BULLET....failed terribly to HIDE the video.

Now. People like you are wringing your hands, saying "AH-HA!" without realizing Romney TOLD MORE TRUTH in that video than any of you, or Obama ever wanted the American people to know, or hear.

So. Please. Find other video's like this. At last. America has an honest opportunity to listen to someone else, other than Obama, and his lies.

red states rule
09-22-2012, 05:10 AM
Looks like all the incoming facts has caused Gabby to excute her usual tactal retreat. She will give up here and move on to other threads

She is the classic drive by poster. She stops, fires off a few shots, then drives away