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09-19-2012, 05:47 PM
This story involves the husband of one of my 'nieces', she's the daughter of my 30+ year friend, that lives next door. All these guys will be ok, though the captain is probably not going to any more fires, the skin is gone from his hand:


Gary firefighters injured after being blown down stairway by flashover

GARY | One Gary firefighter was taken to a hospital burn center in Chicago on Tuesday and two were treated locally after being blown down the stairway of a burning, vacant two-story building.

Capt. Timothy Haines, a 21-year veteran of the Gary Fire Department, was taken by ambulance to the Loyola University Hospital burn center in Maywood, a fire official said. Haines, who is in stable condition, suffered second-degree burns to his left hand, a burn on the top of his head and a cut on his head, Division chief James Stanton said.

Firefighter Jonathan Kalina, a seven-year department veteran, was treated at a local hospital for a contusion on his left arm, Stanton said.

A 14-year department veteran, Engineer Robert Grady, also was treated locally for burns to his ears and neck, Stanton said. The fourth firefighter in the stairwell was not injured.

The firefighters were in the storefront building at 1545 Delaware St., which has apartments on the upper level, when they were blown down the stairs by a flashover, Stanton said...

We said our prayers over and over until Jaime found out Jon was OK. Perhaps a few for the Captain from the board?

Coming more from a 'police family,' there was always a running joke, "Firemen are 48 on, 72 off. During those 48 they cook, develop recipes, and work out, and are admired by women. They have the best accommodations the city can provide. The police? They got the target range, in a 95 year old building, (until the new one was built with a fitness room Bally's would envy)." Now mind you, the brother, uncle and cousin have plenty of firefighter friends they joked about with. "What is with you guys? 2 garage fires in a month? Both burnt to the ground. WTF? LOL!) The joke is, look around your garage for 'flammables', especially your "attached garage!"

Seriously dangerous job, whether in Gary, IN or a tree lined suburb, fire is non-discriminatory.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2012, 06:01 PM
This story involves the husband of one of my 'nieces', she's the daughter of my 30+ year friend, that lives next door. All these guys will be ok, though the captain is probably not going to any more fires, the skin is gone from his hand:


We said our prayers over and over until Jaime found out Jon was OK. Perhaps a few for the Captain from the board?

Coming more from a 'police family,' there was always a running joke, "Firemen are 48 on, 72 off. During those 48 they cook, develop recipes, and work out, and are admired by women. They have the best accommodations the city can provide. The police? They got the target range, in a 95 year old building, (until the new one was built with a fitness room Bally's would envy)." Now mind you, the brother, uncle and cousin have plenty of firefighter friends they joked about with. "What is with you guys? 2 garage fires in a month? Both burnt to the ground. WTF? LOL!) The joke is, look around your garage for 'flammables', especially your "attached garage!"

Seriously dangerous job, whether in Gary, IN or a tree lined suburb, fire is non-discriminatory.

People sometimes forget that firemen do a lot more than rescue stranded cats from trees That "lot more" includes risking their lives. Their massive number of losses 9/11 proves that although it was proven thousands of times before..-Tyr

09-19-2012, 06:08 PM
This story involves the husband of one of my 'nieces', she's the daughter of my 30+ year friend, that lives next door. All these guys will be ok, though the captain is probably not going to any more fires, the skin is gone from his hand:


We said our prayers over and over until Jaime found out Jon was OK. Perhaps a few for the Captain from the board?

Coming more from a 'police family,' there was always a running joke, "Firemen are 48 on, 72 off. During those 48 they cook, develop recipes, and work out, and are admired by women. They have the best accommodations the city can provide. The police? They got the target range, in a 95 year old building, (until the new one was built with a fitness room Bally's would envy)." Now mind you, the brother, uncle and cousin have plenty of firefighter friends they joked about with. "What is with you guys? 2 garage fires in a month? Both burnt to the ground. WTF? LOL!) The joke is, look around your garage for 'flammables', especially your "attached garage!"

Seriously dangerous job, whether in Gary, IN or a tree lined suburb, fire is non-discriminatory.

Amen Kathianne. Firefighters, and Police officers are the ONE LINE OF DEFENSE every American can see, and appreciate every day.

Thank you for reminding everyone.
By the way. I also subscribe to Firefighters magazine. My youngest son became an EMT after his years in uniform.
His 24 hour shifts are spent more as Ambulance service, or transport for tummy aches, and Drug O.D.'s.
A Thankless job most often.

09-19-2012, 07:06 PM
I remember a woman approaching me at a military funeral and getting in my face and asked "how can you possibly support having someone send your husband into harm's way....it must be just awful for you".

I responded with ... "I believe it's just as hard on the wives of firemen and policemen".

She had no comeback to that. Very few people think of firemen and policemen as putting their lives on the line every day like a soldier, but I do.

God Bless any individual who is willing to put their life on the line for another.

09-19-2012, 10:20 PM
One of my husband's best friends from high school joined the California Highway Patrol. He was assisting a stranded motorist on I-15 out in the desert when his vehicle was rammed by a driver estimated to be going over 90 mph. He suffered severe back injuries and was off work for more than a year. The woman driving the car claimed she was not at fault and CHP didn't pursue a case.
Fortunately, the couple the officer was helping got a lawyer, sued and won damages, which they shared.

I am thankful for police, fire and first responders every day.