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View Full Version : Out-of-touch media complains that Romney isn't a regular guy

09-19-2012, 08:29 PM
Only our totally unbiased watchdog media could turn the burning of U.S. embassies, in countries where Barack Obama had recently supported mob revolts, into Mitt Romney’s blunder.

Journalists couldn’t risk having Obama’s campaign slogan "Osama is dead" being amended with "and so is our ambassador."

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)


Sometimes the author just nails it, with a precision that can't be topped.

(by Ann Coulter)

09-19-2012, 10:30 PM
A -Romney is not a regular guy. He is a wealthy guy who has always been wealthy.

B - Osama is dead. If Bush could base his 2004 reelection campaign around the idea that 9-11 only happened once, why can't Obama base his campaign around killing bin Laden? As all politicians know, patriotic subterfuge is always more successful than facts.

C -- Ann Coulter has always been more successful at nailing men than facts.

red states rule
09-20-2012, 02:23 AM
A -Romney is not a regular guy. He is a wealthy guy who has always been wealthy.

B - Osama is dead. If Bush could base his 2004 reelection campaign around the idea that 9-11 only happened once, why can't Obama base his campaign around killing bin Laden? As all politicians know, patriotic subterfuge is always more successful than facts.

C -- Ann Coulter has always been more successful at nailing men than facts.

A - Romney EARNED his money Gabby and has a history of putting people to work, creating wealth for individuals, and unleashing the power of the private sector. Were you this concerned over John Kerry being wealthy? Of course the difference here is Mitt earned his wealth and Kerry married his. But knowing you as I do, I am willing to bet the ONLY difference that matters to you is the party affiliation of the two people invloved

B - Yes OBL is dead and that was a good accomplishment. However please explain how the death of OBL will help the unemployed, people having to pay $4/gal for gas, record number of people on food stamps, millions still; losing their home, excuse the crippling debt Obama has racxked up, the cvonsecutive trillion dollar plus deficits, the soraing food and energy costs, and Obama desire to redistribute the waealth around. Can you show me ONE homeless person who goes to sleep at night under a bridge thinking how great his/her life is now that OBL is dead?

Kerry made the 2004 election about foreign policy Gabby and it was all the Dems wanted to talk about. So that is why Bush made the election about 9/11.

C- Now when Obama's horrible economic record is brought up, libs like you want to talk about Mitt's tax returns or his wealth. And of course the Obama supporters like you also pull out the worn out Bush did it card and Obama inheritied card when faced with the economic reality of Obama's policies.