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Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:08 PM
I am hoping that the debates will show America the man that Mitt Romney really seems to be. The one who cares about this country AND the people in it. Laugh if you want, but when he speaks, I see a good spirit/soul in his eyes.

Does any else think the debates are our best hope to see him elected? Or do you all think that Obama will smooth-talk his way into a win?

09-20-2012, 02:12 PM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

How well do you know Romney? It sounds like you are buying into the MSM's caricature of him.

09-20-2012, 02:20 PM
Three in four Americans feel little or no personal connection to Romney


I'm not alone and it has something to do with this...... Romney's remarks dismissing nearly half of Americans as self-identified victims who are dependent on government...... and thinking we have a right to food too oh my.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:25 PM
Three in four Americans feel little or no personal connection to Romney


I'm not alone and it has something to do with this...... Romney's remarks dismissing nearly half of Americans as self-identified victims who are dependent on government...... and thinking we have a right to food too oh my.

Since when do we need a personal connection with the man in the Oval Office? What I want, and you should want, is a real leader, a person who can bring our economy back, and one who can keep us safe as possible. And hopefully, one who doesn't lie to us, like the current guy.
I'll be happy having "personal connections" with the people actually in my life. I'll bet these are the same people who think they really know George Clooney and he cares about them. :rolleyes:

09-20-2012, 02:31 PM
I don't see the debates changing much. Most debates seem to be orchestrated.
I think Romney can win by getting out and engaging the public in honest discourse. Which has been sadly missing from recent political campaigns, where candidates deliver scripted remarks in front of carefully chosen audiences.
Romney's best chance as damage control is to go off script and interact with real people. Let him answer tough, unscreened questions.

09-20-2012, 02:32 PM
Romney's best chance as damage control is to go off script and interact with real people. Let him answer tough, unscreened questions.

Isn't that where his big problem came from now. Don't think that would work, this guy needs more script and to stick to it better.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2012, 02:34 PM
I don't see the debates changing much. Most debates seem to be orchestrated.
I think Romney can win by getting out and engaging the public in honest discourse. Which has been sadly missing from recent political campaigns, where candidates deliver scripted remarks in front of carefully chosen audiences.
Romney's best chance as damage control is to go off script and interact with real people. Let him answer tough, unscreened questions.

I tend to think that debates can really help. They potentially reach a lot of people at one time.
Of course he is going all over meeting with people in town halls, etc. I tried to go to one but it was too crowded. What kind of venue did you have in mind?

09-20-2012, 02:48 PM
I tend to think that debates can really help. They potentially reach a lot of people at one time.
Of course he is going all over meeting with people in town halls, etc. I tried to go to one but it was too crowded. What kind of venue did you have in mind?

Open rallies in large venues. No screened audiences. You show up and listen.
I will never forget listening to my husband describe a Bush rally he went to with his dad in 2004. Everything was scripted.
Like those shots they put in TV -- "hey you, cute blonde, you stand here. Older man, you stand here. Wave your signs on cue."
Kerry rallies were the same way.

09-20-2012, 06:08 PM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.What the F have YOU been watching??? Have you ever seen Obama go off the teleprompter?? He is a FUCKING idiot without his TP.. Romney can speak without one and Obama is unable to articulate anything without one.. YOU really need to grow up and actually pay attention. I would have thought you would at some time but alas no such luck.......

09-20-2012, 06:10 PM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

That's hilarious! Have you ever seen Obama speak without a teleprompter? "Ummmm.... Uhhhh... What I meant was... Ummmm..." It really is sad to see how much he falls from grace without his 2 little friends helping him speak.

09-20-2012, 06:13 PM
Three in four Americans feel little or no personal connection to Romney


I'm not alone and it has something to do with this...... Romney's remarks dismissing nearly half of Americans as self-identified victims who are dependent on government...... and thinking we have a right to food too oh my.

And 60% feel the same about Obama. And like Clint Eastwood said, Conservatives tend to keep their beliefs close to their chest, no need to thump their chests and run around like monkeys before election time.

Bottom line though, Obama has failed, and said himself in 2009 that if he couldn't fix the economy in 3 years that he deserves to be called "Former Mr. President". Well, he ain't done shit with the economy, and has hurt more than that. He is a complete and utter failure and has our country in chaos, and as a further result, it's upsetting more around the world. I'm sorry, he needs to go. Sweet words from a teleprompter doesn't fix our country.

09-20-2012, 06:15 PM
What the F have YOU been watching??? Have you ever seen Obama go off the teleprompter?? He is a FUCKING idiot without his TP.. Romney can speak without one and Obama is unable to articulate anything without one.. YOU really need to grow up and actually pay attention. I would have thought you would at some time but alas no such luck.......

I repeated your post as I replied without reading the rest of the thread! LOL Be easy on her, you're replying to a child. She'll learn more as she grows older and matures.

09-20-2012, 06:33 PM
I repeated your post as I replied without reading the rest of the thread! LOL Be easy on her, you're replying to a child. She'll learn more as she grows older and matures.

I would have thought she would have grown a little by now but she hasn't. I also would have thought with her going into the military she would have grown but nope not at all. I think you follow cadet, they are close to the same age and i tell yaa they are worlds apart..... I guess thats the difference between a "make your own decisions but remember there are consequences toyour actions" vs a "do what you wnat " upbringing......

09-20-2012, 06:41 PM
I would have thought she would have grown a little by now but she hasn't. I also would have thought with her going into the military she would have grown but nope not at all. I think you follow cadet, they are close to the same age and i tell yaa they are worlds apart..... I guess thats the difference between a "make your own decisions but remember there are consequences toyour actions" vs a "do what you wnat " upbringing......

I define "child" in a different manner than age. Cadet comes off as a mature young man.

I too thought ROTC and basic and military would have changed LN too. Sadly it's just a gig and a way of paying for school for some. Keep in mind, it was just a short time ago that she was proud to have the burning of the US flag as her avatar. Personally, I don't even joke about that. It's her right, but not becoming of a military member. That's why I still refer to her as a child. But I do think she'll mature. I've seen moments from her.

And yes, parenting is HUGE. I honestly can't speak for LN, but I know Cadet has parents that seem to be grounded, mature, secure, honest & everything else needed to instill proper skills in a child, hence him coming off as such a good young man. :salute: :beer:

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 06:48 PM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

Not that I expect non bias, but too many errors for it to be something else.

Romney, like Obama got rich. Clearly if democrats knew Romney, they would use a disinfectant on those typing fingers. Mitt actually started out with nearly nothing. The fact that he, like Oprah Winfrey learned how to earn a lot of money does not brand either as a bad person. What is meant by speaker is Obama knows how to move his face to the left, read what is on the teleprompter, quickly turn the opposite side and read that teleprompter and bark in a cadence some find pleasing.

Romney uses two teleprompters too. Watch how you can't see Romney in the act of using either. Romney speaks to all of the audience. Watch him speak to the center (no teleprompter) and you don't ever catch Obama speaking to his center. Romney will surprise democrats who will be forced to actually watch him in the debates. Watch to see how Obama flings his head back and forth but that Romney is a professional speaker.

Oh, and Romney to date has created far more jobs directly than has Obama.

09-20-2012, 06:52 PM
He inherited a million bucks from dear olddads death. I wouldn't call that starting out with nothing. He came from money. <o:p></o:p>

Robert A Whit
09-20-2012, 06:58 PM
I don't see the debates changing much. Most debates seem to be orchestrated.
I think Romney can win by getting out and engaging the public in honest discourse. Which has been sadly missing from recent political campaigns, where candidates deliver scripted remarks in front of carefully chosen audiences.
Romney's best chance as damage control is to go off script and interact with real people. Let him answer tough, unscreened questions.

It is bad enough that the media swoons over the inept Obama who has NEVER shown actual skill with his two teleprompters. Reading to an audience is an art. Forget the words, those are creations of his speech writer teams. His head writer was trained by the same speech writer who wrote for JF Kennedy.

There are good books on how to do this. A lot of training goes into a good speech. When the teleprompters shut down for Obama, he comes to a DEAD halt. Watch h im HALT on youtube. There are examples there.

Romney is fluid in the use of those aids.

Who engages the entire audience? Romney does. Why doesn't Obama engage all of the audience.

He looks to me as if he never got trained in giving speeches.

Any actor can deliver lines. Obama shows us how that works.

09-20-2012, 07:08 PM
He inherited a million bucks from dear olddads death. I wouldn't call that starting out with nothing. He came from money. <o:p></o>

LiberalNation. Thank you. I really do enjoy it when people like you unknowingly expose your jealousy so easily. Sounds like you and Obama share the same weak, less honest interests where both of you show your hatred for anyone who becomes successful, or wealthy.

How many unsuccessful, poor people in your life would you go to for a Job, or a Loan...other than those terrible rich folks in Banks?

Can you name One Poor Person, or Unsuccessful person you would trust to provide funds to pay your bills, or provide food for your family...other than using their Food stamps?

Obama depends on Wealthy People to fund his campaigns, just as Romney does. But isn't it kinda hypocritical of you to call wealthy people terrible names....if they aren't giving Obama money???

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2012, 07:14 PM
That's hilarious! Have you ever seen Obama speak without a teleprompter? "Ummmm.... Uhhhh... What I meant was... Ummmm..." It really is sad to see how much he falls from grace without his 2 little friends helping him speak.

"Just words" as obama has stated. I would like to point out "words" spoken about him by his supporters giving high praise about his fantastic Speaking ability. He is a great and fantastic Speaker they say!
Truth shows that is a lie. He is a great reader! When not reading words other people wrote he is a far less than average Speaker and its been proven many times by his "speaking" when not --READING! Speaking his own thoughts gives a true read on his abilities and that has shown that he is simply atrocious ! Fact..-Tyr

09-20-2012, 07:20 PM
"Just words" as obama has stated. I would like to point out "words" spoken about him by his supporters giving high praise about his fantastic Speaking ability. He is a great and fantastic Speaker they say!
Truth shows that is a lie. He is a great reader! When not reading words other people wrote he is a far less than average Speaker and its been proven many times by his "speaking" when not --READING! Speaking his own thoughts gives a true read on his abilities and that has shown that he is simply atrocious ! Fact..-Tyr

Obama is a fantastic speaker. Just ask him.

He does give a great speech. But being able to read, or remember the words DOES NOT MEAN the speaker KNOWS what he is talking about.

Even little children in Day-care can recite Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. But you can be certain. None of them know how to spell Twinkle as good as Chris Matthews with his "TINGLE".

09-20-2012, 11:17 PM
He inherited a million bucks from dear olddads death. I wouldn't call that starting out with nothing. He came from money. <o:p></o>

Have you checked into Obama's background? He comes from money also.

red states rule
09-21-2012, 03:17 AM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

Eloquent speaker?


red states rule
09-21-2012, 03:19 AM
Three in four Americans feel little or no personal connection to Romney


I'm not alone and it has something to do with this...... Romney's remarks dismissing nearly half of Americans as self-identified victims who are dependent on government...... and thinking we have a right to food too oh my.

There is a entitlement mentality sweeping the nation LN

Since Gabby refused to respond to the following post on another thread, maybe you will give it a shot

When libs take about people paying their fair share please explain how it is fair that....

the top 1% pay about 40% of all Federal Income tax collected

the top 5% pay about 60% of all Federal Income tax collected

the top 25% pay about 80% of all Federal Income tax collected

while the bottom 50% pay about 3% of all Federal Income tax collected

When you add in the 47% that pay nop federal income taxes at all, it is not hard to see a very small minority of people are paying the taxes

How can you possibly demand they pay more?

09-21-2012, 02:29 PM
He inherited a million bucks from dear olddads death. I wouldn't call that starting out with nothing. He came from money. <o:p></o>

LiberalNation. Sad to see how you have been conditioned, or almost programmed to constantly repeat the known, liberal, dnc talking points that other, equally uninformed easily led liberals do so often as well.
Other than showing how uninformed you actually are. You also, unknowingly project that kind of liberal jealousy we have been seeing for years whenever...liberals who will NEVER be Wealthy, or Successful...who come to forums on the Internet to complain, and accuse always do.

So what? How would you live your life if someone you knew left you a Million or Two? Would you come here and play they typical Hollywood, Obama game as FILTHY RICH, but putting everyone down because they are Rich???
Can't have it both ways. So. STAY BROKE, and UNSUCCESSFUL to be welcomed, and liked by those who are just like you.

red states rule
09-22-2012, 05:08 AM
Hey LN cat got your tounge? Cough up that furrball and tell us again about Obama being such an eloquent speaker and your answer on my tax question

Unless you are pulling a Gabby and you have beocme "bored" and decided to move on :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2012, 09:49 AM
Eloquent speaker?


Fantastic video but that didnt have all of his gaffes and it missed a few major ones too, such as his saying to an interviewer , "my muslim faith" and the interviewer had to correct him with you mean your Christian faith. There are many more, "57 states", "most beautiful sound I ever heard, the muslim evening call to prayers", Veterans day Memorial day mix up, etc.
The guy is a fraud , his religion and his entire media crafted image..-Tyr

09-22-2012, 09:53 AM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

I agree: Obama is a perfect debater. Anything less than perfection in his debate performance will be a failure.

Eloquent speaker?

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Repeat after me: "Obama is a perfect debater and Romney is gaffe prone." If Romney makes it through the debate without a major gaffe, it should be considered a win from his perspective.

09-22-2012, 10:02 AM
Really, cuz I just see some rich guy who hates on all us who weren't born rich.

Obama will win the debates, he is a more eloquent speaker than mitt.

Obama is going to get blown away in the debates unless they've figured out how to make teleprompter contact lenses.

"Uh, I say Uh, you didn't build that" ring any bells?

red states rule
09-22-2012, 12:03 PM
I guess the questions became to jard for LN to deal with. It is fun to watch the so called smart people run away when reality hits them in the face