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09-20-2012, 05:53 PM
Our future!


09-20-2012, 06:23 PM
Our future!


She doesn't stand a chance...she's obviously a black-hating, anti-Obama racist. :rolleyes:

09-20-2012, 06:27 PM
What she said - "I learned the value of personal responsibility". I love her!

And that one line will have liberals hating her. How dare someone expect people to have personal responsibility!

If people did, this world would be so much better, and the welfare system wouldn't be draining us. Lack of personal responsibility is what keeps way too many Democrats in office today.

09-20-2012, 07:12 PM
She doesn't stand a chance...she's obviously a black-hating, anti-Obama racist. :rolleyes:

Poor, poor Missileman. Hope your disease gets better soon.

09-20-2012, 07:21 PM
Poor, poor Missileman. Hope your disease gets better soon.

It very well might, but your inability to recognize sarcasm is terminal.

red states rule
09-21-2012, 03:37 AM
and what has been the reaction of liberals to Mia Love's rising star?

Rising Republican star Mia Love's Wikipedia page was vandalized overnight with racist and sexist epithets.

The attack comes as Democrats and liberal media outlets criticize or downplay the GOP's effort at showcasing diversity at their convention in Tampa.

Love, a Utah city mayor and congressional candidate who is black, delivered a brief but rousing address Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention. The daughter of Haitian immigrants told her family story, throwing in some jabs at President Obama's "divided" America for good measure.

Bloggers were quick to spot some inflammatory changes to her Wikipedia page that night. Though the changes have since been removed, screen grabs posted to various websites show one section called her a "dirty, worthless whore" who sold out to big business. Another section again called her a "sell-out" to the "right wing hate machine," before accusing her of being exploited "like the House N----- she truly is."

Love's campaign has not responded to a request for comment from FoxNews.com.

The Wikipedia page changes came as the party's other non-white stars in Tampa were either criticized or played down this week.

The opening night roster was stocked with a slew of Hispanic and black speakers. They included former Democratic Alabama Rep. Artur Davis, Love, Texas Senate candidate Ted Cruz, and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval. New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are set to speak Wednesday.

But on Tuesday, MSNBC appeared to gloss over much of the minority politicians' addresses.
Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative Media Research Center and senior editor with Newsbusters.com, said the only minority speaker who got significant air time on MSBNC from 7 p.m. until the end of the lineup was South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who is Indian-American.
He said he understands the media have to cover Tropical Storm Isaac but suggested there should be a priority on highlighting minority speakers at the RNC.

"There's been this undercurrent in the media that the Republican Party has a diversity problem, that they're not reaching out to minorities," he said. "It's been something you've heard about for months. Well, this is the Republican Party reaching out. If they're reaching out and nobody covers it, who's seeing them do it?"

Still, Noyes said he expects full coverage for Rice on Wednesday night and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Thursday night.

It comes after Los Angeles Democratic Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Tuesday dismissed GOP efforts to reach out to Hispanic voters.

"You can't just trot out a brown face or a Spanish surname and expect that people are going to vote for your party, or your candidate," he said during a press conference.


09-21-2012, 01:59 PM
It very well might, but your inability to recognize sarcasm is terminal.

You forgot to mention the differences between what you describe as Sarcasm, and what I call it.

Your sarcasm is the Liberal, Obama, democrat kind of sarcasm that allows all of you to claim "IT'S SARCASM, or COMEDY" whenever you intentionally attempt to destroy anyone who disagree's with your brainwashed liberal policies.

Call it whatever you will. Most of us have seen, and heard it before. You just haven't caught up with everyone else yet.

09-21-2012, 02:00 PM

Robert A Whit
09-21-2012, 02:52 PM
I enjoyed her talk to the convention and once again found another black for republicans.

Reading some of the vile names hurled at Mia Love by democrats I presume, who had done it to Gen. Colin Powell and Condeeleza rice when they were in the Bush admin. Supposedly both were "House" .. N words.

They despised the Colin Powell address to the UN and so forth. Oh when he gave it, most Ds were fine as an Italian suit over the speech. They knew what Hillary said, what Kerry said so backed the war with Iraq. Soon as word got out that vast stores of WMD grew legs and walked over the border to Syria according to General Sada who claimed Saddam flew them over the border and published a book on this, they tried to drive the stake into the heart of Bush whom they had hated even before he was sworn in.

Mia Love may end up in the cabinet of a R president. Clearly somebody like King Obama wants no part of the smart woman.:salute:

09-21-2012, 04:26 PM
You forgot to mention the differences between what you describe as Sarcasm, and what I call it.

Your sarcasm is the Liberal, Obama, democrat kind of sarcasm that allows all of you to claim "IT'S SARCASM, or COMEDY" whenever you intentionally attempt to destroy anyone who disagree's with your brainwashed liberal policies.

Call it whatever you will. Most of us have seen, and heard it before. You just haven't caught up with everyone else yet.

Your first clue should have been the sarcasm smiley at the end of my statement. You also might familiarize yourself even a little bit about my politics before you pass judgement. You won't be able to find a single post of mine that supports anything liberal, Obama, or Democrat, so your assessment of my sarcasm is based solely on your imagination.

09-21-2012, 04:55 PM
Your first clue should have been the sarcasm smiley at the end of my statement. You also might familiarize yourself even a little bit about my politics before you pass judgement. You won't be able to find a single post of mine that supports anything liberal, Obama, or Democrat, so your assessment of my sarcasm is based solely on your imagination.

Oh Missileman, just admit it! You are a closet liberal who plans to vote for Obama in November! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Aboutime's assessment of your sarcasm is only one many things based solely on his imagination.

I have read about Mia Love and like her and what she stands for. I do doubt her ability to win state office in Utah, though. It's not the most tolerant state in the union and has a very small minority population.

I have to wonder why anyone believes that those who would deface a Love website would be liberals. Since racist white supremacists normally tend to be Republicans.

09-21-2012, 06:33 PM
What she said - "I learned the value of personal responsibility". I love her!

And that one line will have liberals hating her. How dare someone expect people to have personal responsibility!

If people did, this world would be so much better, and the welfare system wouldn't be draining us. Lack of personal responsibility is what keeps way too many Democrats in office today.

She'll be grouped with Condi Rice, JC WATTS, Clarence Thomas and many others and Branded an Aunt Jemima for it..

I say she sends just the message that is needed today...


Let her get some seasoning.... She sounds like a Winner...

Robert A Whit
09-21-2012, 07:45 PM
She'll be grouped with Condi Rice, JC WATTS, Clarence Thomas and many others and Branded an Aunt Jemima for it..

I say she sends just the message that is needed today...


Let her get some seasoning.... She sounds like a Winner...

Star Parker and Thomas Sowell among others should prove we have that huge tent and all are welcome. But listen to democrats and they despise those types.

09-21-2012, 09:49 PM
Your first clue should have been the sarcasm smiley at the end of my statement. You also might familiarize yourself even a little bit about my politics before you pass judgement. You won't be able to find a single post of mine that supports anything liberal, Obama, or Democrat, so your assessment of my sarcasm is based solely on your imagination.

So now you are telling me I am not permitted to play the game, while you use sarcasm that is only for you to use?

Darn. I thought this was a forum where people can say whatever they want...either sarcastically, or seriously. And it's up to the reader to determine the difference.

09-21-2012, 10:20 PM
so now you are telling me i am not permitted to play the game, while you use sarcasm that is only for you to use?

Darn. I thought this was a forum where people can say whatever they want...either sarcastically, or seriously. And it's up to the reader to determine the difference.

<cough> <cough> (cough) bullshit!</cough></cough>

red states rule
09-22-2012, 05:03 AM
Oh Missileman, just admit it! You are a closet liberal who plans to vote for Obama in November! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Aboutime's assessment of your sarcasm is only one many things based solely on his imagination.

I have read about Mia Love and like her and what she stands for. I do doubt her ability to win state office in Utah, though. It's not the most tolerant state in the union and has a very small minority population.

I have to wonder why anyone believes that those who would deface a Love website would be liberals. Since racist white supremacists normally tend to be Republicans.
Once again Gabby ignores how libs treat conservative blacks.

When you have the head of the NAACP leveling racal slurs toward Justice Thomas, and Herman Caine.

Libs throwing Oreo cookies at Michael Steele when he ran for the US Senate in MD

Or libs saying Colin Powel was a house boy and Condi Rice was an Aunt Jemima

Gabby, it is clear libs have their own special way of showing their respect and tolerance toward black conservatives. The same type of respect and tolerance you have for many of the conservative posters here at DP

Robert A Whit
09-22-2012, 02:03 PM
Once again Gabby ignores how libs treat conservative blacks.

When you have the head of the NAACP leveling racal slurs toward Justice Thomas, and Herman Caine.

Libs throwing Oreo cookies at Michael Steele when he ran for the US Senate in MD

Or libs saying Colin Powel was a house boy and Condi Rice was an Aunt Jemima

Gabby, it is clear libs have their own special way of showing their respect and tolerance toward black conservatives. The same type of respect and tolerance you have for many of the conservative posters here at DP

I am always amazed at the phony case that republicans are the ... ahem, "racists" made by democrats.

By what right do they claim credit for anti racial changes?

A great case study on civil rights can be found in the library of congress where the democrats battles to halt them are crystal clear.

There is no basis, NONE at all, that republicans are racists.

Blacks back Democrats not because of civil rights, but they realized if they wanted plenty of free goodies paid for, hopefully by rich republicans (their target group) the way to grab the goodies was to support democrats. Actualy in a nutshell, blacks want socialism.

Face it. Socialism has great rewards if you refuse to be a producer.
Capitalism makes a country strong. Socialism makes it weaker.

09-22-2012, 04:16 PM
I am always amazed at the phony case that republicans are the ... ahem, "racists" made by democrats.

By what right do they claim credit for anti racial changes?

A great case study on civil rights can be found in the library of congress where the democrats battles to halt them are crystal clear.

There is no basis, NONE at all, that republicans are racists.

Blacks back Democrats not because of civil rights, but they realized if they wanted plenty of free goodies paid for, hopefully by rich republicans (their target group) the way to grab the goodies was to support democrats. Actualy in a nutshell, blacks want socialism.

Face it. Socialism has great rewards if you refuse to be a producer.
Capitalism makes a country strong. Socialism makes it weaker.

Robert. Very well said, and right on the mark. But most of us know that tactic, and recognize it as the Democrat Way of pretending they are not RACISTS by always pointing an accusing finger at others. Namely Republicans.
And they also know. If any Republican dares to attempt discussions about the blatant Liberal Racism. They use the tactic of stopping all related discussions, or debates UP FRONT with their instant RACIAL accusations.
That reason alone is probably the most obvious reason so many Americans were Neary FORCED to vote for Obama the first time.
Democrats threatened anyone who disagreed, or didn't support Obama as being RACISTS because of the color of his skin.
WE KNOW IT...THEY KNOW IT. But few of them have the Back-bone, or Courage to honestly say what they really think. So. They will vote for Obama again....thinking it saves FACE, and makes them look less RACIST.

red states rule
09-23-2012, 03:11 AM
I am always amazed at the phony case that republicans are the ... ahem, "racists" made by democrats.

By what right do they claim credit for anti racial changes?

A great case study on civil rights can be found in the library of congress where the democrats battles to halt them are crystal clear.

There is no basis, NONE at all, that republicans are racists.

Blacks back Democrats not because of civil rights, but they realized if they wanted plenty of free goodies paid for, hopefully by rich republicans (their target group) the way to grab the goodies was to support democrats. Actualy in a nutshell, blacks want socialism.

Face it. Socialism has great rewards if you refuse to be a producer.
Capitalism makes a country strong. Socialism makes it weaker.

Gabby also ignores the fact it was Dems who opposed the Civil Right bill (Al Gore Sr was one of the opponents) and without the votes of Republicans, it would not have passed

But facts mean little to Gabby. Only the "facts" she reads/hears on MSNBC, the Obama website, Media Matters, and the Daily Kos