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red states rule
09-21-2012, 02:56 AM
As the liberal media "reports" how this election is over and Obama has it won - please consider how the same liberal media "reported" on the Scot Walker recall election just a few months ago

Please watch the video and compare to how these "reporters" are saying the same things about the Presidential election


09-21-2012, 11:55 AM
I would rather celebrate Great Moments in Rude Punditry. :poke:


09-21-2012, 01:30 PM
No need to listen, or watch the Liberal Moments. All anyone needs to do is listen to Obama as he leads all of those shown in the video collection of LIES to know.

If it looks like a Lie, Smells like a Lie, Walks like a Lie, and Talk like a LIE.

If OBAMA or anyone representing him does any of the above. We can be sure. IT'S A LIE.


09-21-2012, 01:37 PM
The great thing IMO about the recall election was that he won by MORE votes the second time around.

09-21-2012, 01:44 PM
The great thing IMO about the recall election was that he won by MORE votes the second time around.

Trigg. Agreed. Notice. Not one of those liberals who appeared in the video stepped out...AFTER the election to claim WE WERE WRONG.

red states rule
09-22-2012, 04:56 AM
Deep blue libs like Gabby always ignore the clear bias of the media and look away when they blow it like they did with the WI recall

Here is more from the MSNBC crowd and their clear disappointment with the results

and how Obama is the "big winner" and how "big money" won


09-22-2012, 03:33 PM
A long time friend of mine emailed this video to me this morning.

It actually says so much. It nearly takes away all of the Denial, and Bluster of today's, present day Liberal idea's.

It comes in cartoon form, and was made the year after I was born.

But...it says so much. For those who honestly believe Obama isn't trying to pull the wool over their eyes with Honesty.


red states rule
09-23-2012, 04:13 AM
The beat goes on with the Obama cheering section known as MSNBC.

Chris Matthews Says 'Unemployment Was Well Past 10%' When Obama Took Office - It Was Only 7.8%



red states rule
09-23-2012, 05:23 AM
and when you are on DNCTV - NEVER bring up facts that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi ran DC for the first 2 years of Obama's term
