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View Full Version : Muslims fight back!

09-21-2012, 06:41 PM
Sorry right wing haters. Not what you were expecting! :)
Libyans, still with revolutionary blood in their veins have taken matters into their own hands to expel an Al Qaeda inspired group from their city.

(Reuters) - Pro-government demonstrators stormed the headquarters of the Islamist Ansar al-Sharia militia in the Libyan city of Benghazi on Friday, aiming to evict fighters from the site, Reuters witnesses said.
Ansar al-Sharia has been linked to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans died. It denies involvement.
Friday's action against the group appeared to be part of a coordinated sweep of militia headquarters buildings by police, government troops and activists following a mass public demonstration against militia units earlier in the day.
Chanting "Libya, Libya", hundreds of demonstrators entered, pulling down militia flags and torching a vehicle inside the compound, the group's main base in Benghazi.
The crowd waved swords and even a meat cleaver, crying "No more Al Qaeda!" and "The blood we shed for freedom shall not go in vain!"
"After what happened at the American consulate, the people of Benghazi had enough of the extremists," said demonstrator Hassan Ahmed. "They did not give allegiance to the army. So the people broke in and they fled."
There was no sign of resistance from the militia at the compound, once the base of forces of former leader Muammar Gaddafi.

"It looks like they (militia fighters) wanted to defuse the situation so they fled," Ahmed said.
"This place is like the Bastille. This is where Gaddafi controlled Libya from, and then Ansar al-Sharia took it over. This is a turning point for the people of Benghazi."
The demonstrators also took over a compound belonging to the Abu Slim Brigade, another independent militia, and another compound belonging to Ansar al-Sharia.
Thousands of Libyans had earlier marched in Benghazi in support of democracy and against the Islamist militias that Washington blames for the assault on its consulate. Hundreds of Ansar al-Sharia supporters held their own protest.
The "Rescue Benghazi day" demonstration called for the government to disband armed groups that have refused to give up their weapons since the NATO-backed revolution last year.
"It's obvious that this protest is against the militias. All of them should join the army or security forces as individuals, not as groups," medical student Ahmed Sanallah, 27, said. "Without that there will be no prosperity and no success for the new Libya."

Although the main demands of the marchers did not mention the attack on the U.S. consulate, it seems to have provided a strong impetus for the authorities to rally support behind the country's weak government.
U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens was well liked, and many Libyans condemned the attack on the consulate despite being angered by the anti-Islamic U.S.-made film that triggered it.
Some protesters' placards in English read: "We demand justice for Stevens" and "Libya lost a friend".

Others had mixed views.
"I am out today to defend Benghazi. Killing the ambassador is a completely separate thing," said 26-year-old Amjad Mohammed Hassan, a network engineer.
"I don't give a damn about the killing of the ambassador because the Americans offended the Prophet. I am just here for Benghazi."
Benghazi, 1,000 km (600 miles) from Tripoli across largely empty desert, is controlled by various armed groups, including some comprised of Islamists who openly proclaim their hostility to democratic government and the West.
Some are identified by local people as being among those who were at the consulate protest last week. U.S. officials have described the violence as a "terrorist attack".
Abu Al-Qaa, a demonstrator at the Ansar al-Sharia counter-demonstration on Friday, said Stevens had been "preparing for the entry of American troops into Libya".
"The will of the Prophet was to expel infidels from Muslim lands so that Muslims prevail. Terrorizing your enemy is one of Islam's tenets," he said.
He said he had fought American troops in Iraq where he was arrested, sent back to Gaddafi's Libya and jailed for three years. One banner at the Ansar al-Sharia demonstration read: "Day to rescue Benghazi or day to rescue America?"


09-21-2012, 08:22 PM
After they kill Americans. Just because they decided to expel Al Qaeda doesn't make them less of Animals, at least those involved in the perpetual violence within Islam.

09-21-2012, 10:04 PM
After they kill Americans. Just because they decided to expel Al Qaeda doesn't make them less of Animals, at least those involved in the perpetual violence within Islam.

There it is---what everyone begs to see and now you mock it ? How high do you wanna raise that bar, Jimbo ?

09-21-2012, 10:29 PM
"I am out today to defend Benghazi. Killing the ambassador is a completely separate thing," said 26-year-old Amjad Mohammed Hassan, a network engineer.
"I don't give a damn about the killing of the ambassador because the Americans offended the Prophet. I am just here for Benghazi."

This says it all.

09-21-2012, 10:35 PM
This says it all.

Onlyto close minded bigots. There were really a lot more things said in the article.

Anton Chigurh
09-21-2012, 10:41 PM
Sorry right wing haters.Is that "haters of the right wing" which, Muslims ARE as right wing as you can get? Or is it "Right wing American haters of Muslims?"

You understand that the MOST "right wing" of Americans is far to the left of Islam, right?

Imbecile. Are you proud that Muslims helped Hitler, sharing his credo of eradicating the Jews?

You're just a troll, you have no idea of what's really going on and I bet you're not even a Muslim.






Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-21-2012, 10:59 PM
They've been fighting back and killing innocent people all along Jafar. Thats the problem .-Tyr

Recent--Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2012.09.21 (Nawa, Afghanistan) - Woman and children are among five people exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2012.09.21 (Sinai, Israel) - Terrorists shoot fire at a group of IDFsoldiers providing water to migrants, killing one.
2012.09.21 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslims detonate a car bomb to punish businesses for staying open during an Islamic holy day.
2012.09.20 (Basilan, Philippines) - Abu Sayyaf gunmen shoot dead four unarmed laborers.
2012.09.20 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Two Religion of Peace suicide bombers detonate in a restaurant, taking out fifteen patrons.
2012.09.20 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A children's doctor is among six Iraqis who lose their lives to Muslim terrorists.

09-21-2012, 11:51 PM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2012, 12:10 AM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

^^^^^What are you, 10-12 years old? This is the type of comment we get from a genius that is , "smarter than you are" and isnt shy about anouncing it. Good grief, my nephew's 12 year old son speaks better , more mature than that..
Now about those haters, are the muslims that are murdering innocent people all over the world loving them or hating them?-Tyr

09-22-2012, 12:34 AM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

Gabby, do you really think the attack on the compound was a show of support for America? Seriously???

That's what this administration wants you to believe, but do you really think Libya would thumbs their noses at all the other countries who are hating on America right now?

09-22-2012, 06:11 AM
There it is---what everyone begs to see and now you mock it ? How high do you wanna raise that bar, Jimbo ?

Mock it? One group riots and kills. Another group riots and pushes another out. Sorry, just because one "seemingly" does something advantageous towards Americans doesn't mean I am suddenly going to support ANY violent actions by normal citizens going against law. War is hell, I am not here to judge that, it's above my pay grade. But I will judge our equals, citizens, those who fight, abuse and kill in the name of religion and lawlessness.

Besides, did I EVER rise a bar or say you should? All I've said all along is that if one is to merely condemn freedom of speech and insults, they most CERTAINLY should be condemning murderous acts equally if not 50x more.

09-22-2012, 06:14 AM
Onlyto close minded bigots. There were really a lot more things said in the article.

A person looking at reality is a bigot? How about the literal lack of intelligence of another, incapable of reading and only having the courage to try and mock those he writes with on a message board? Don't act like you're better than others on here, Dillo, please don't do that. I really don't think others here have sent pictures of their wiener to others unsolicited, so you have NO room to try and mock in the manner you are. Debate and be sarcastic is one thing, but if you are going to try and humiliate others, I will speak the truth and use my intelligence, facts and common sense to make you look 10x more foolish in the process.

red states rule
09-22-2012, 06:14 AM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

So what should America do Gabby? Obama's world wide apology tour did not work - what would you you do?

Meanwhile The US Seante voted down a blil that would cut off billions going to the countries that hate us and murdered US citizens

and yes - there were some Republicans that voted with the majority of Dems to keep the money flowing

red states rule
09-22-2012, 06:16 AM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

Gaby, I am surprised you have not blamed Bush for the attacks. The only thing these people know and understand is force and all your hand holding and coddeling will have no effect on them

09-22-2012, 06:17 AM
Haters gonna hate. Attempt to throw them a curve ball and they still gonna hate. Ain't no way around it. Haters gonna hate what they gonna hate.

You may be right to an extent, Gabs. But if you follow the yellow brick road, who condemns what and who stands up for what... I think you might see that even the curve ball is meant to be a poke with a stick, and then further observation into the curve ball shows the indifference in Libya and their self serving interests and their outright hatred for America is right there and hasn't diminished in the least. And why? Because some guy made a film and placed it on Youtube? I'm too tired to find his name again, but look it up, he ain't American and doesn't represent ANY of us, but the entire Islamic population would have us killed if they could.

09-22-2012, 06:19 AM
Personally, I think the pictures above are a bit offensive, to me, and DEFINITELY to Jafar, Abso or any Muslims reading. But they remain. I stand for freedom of speech AND peace. If someone wants to wish death on us or condemn us over a few cartoons, so be it. If someone were to do similar with Jesus or Mary, I'll shrug my shoulders, shake my head, and move on.

red states rule
09-22-2012, 06:20 AM
When dealing with terrorists - this is the only method that works


red states rule
09-22-2012, 06:23 AM
Personally, I think the pictures above are a bit offensive, to me, and DEFINITELY to Jafar, Abso or any Muslims reading. But they remain. I stand for freedom of speech AND peace. If someone wants to wish death on us or condemn us over a few cartoons, so be it. If someone were to do similar with Jesus or Mary, I'll shrug my shoulders, shake my head, and move on.

I can't recall the last time Christains rioted, murdered, and burned down buildings over a cartoon of Jesus or God

Or the Bible being burned

Or "art" like a crucifix in a jar of urine

09-22-2012, 07:38 AM
Lets not forget.... on October 7th, 1985 how the Brave Soldier of Allah fought the Powerful Great Satan....


We see how courageous the Warriors of Allah really are....

09-22-2012, 12:14 PM
Onlyto close minded bigots. There were really a lot more things said in the article.

A person looking at reality is a bigot? How about the literal lack of intelligence of another, incapable of reading and only having the courage to try and mock those he writes with on a message board? Don't act like you're better than others on here, Dillo, please don't do that. I really don't think others here have sent pictures of their wiener to others unsolicited, so you have NO room to try and mock in the manner you are. Debate and be sarcastic is one thing, but if you are going to try and humiliate others, I will speak the truth and use my intelligence, facts and common sense to make you look 10x more foolish in the process.

Dillo, with all of your lengthy and well thought out posts in the past few months, I'm absolutely shocked you didn't write a few paragraphs telling us why you like to send the ladies pictures of your winkie dinkie! I mean, with the bigotry and foul words being used by the scourge benefiting from the freedom of speech here in the USA, I thought for sure you would capitalize on the moment to tell the masses how you find the time amongst your awesome posts to take pictures of "little johnny" to share with the gals!

09-22-2012, 12:47 PM
I can't recall the last time Christains rioted, murdered, and burned down buildings over a cartoon of Jesus or God

Or the Bible being burned

Or "art" like a crucifix in a jar of urine

It's a different culture that reacts in a different way.
Muslims would never accept any of their religious leaders being pedophiles. Much less hide them and prevent their prosecution, like the Catholic Church has always done.

RSR, if you want an example of different cultures, go to Mexico and put up a sign that says you know who the big drug suppliers are and have come to prosecute them. No one would care if you did that where you live. But I bet you get a different response in Mexico.

09-22-2012, 01:42 PM
Dillo, with all of your lengthy and well thought out posts in the past few months, I'm absolutely shocked you didn't write a few paragraphs telling us why you like to send the ladies pictures of your winkie dinkie! I mean, with the bigotry and foul words being used by the scourge benefiting from the freedom of speech here in the USA, I thought for sure you would capitalize on the moment to tell the masses how you find the time amongst your awesome posts to take pictures of "little johnny" to share with the gals!

My God you're a desperate SOB for having to resort to that kinda bullshit. I've never seen you sink lower than this. Maybe you need to finish detoxing. Go ahead--spread some bullshit about me. This is more than validation that you have nothing. I promise not to chop off your head.

09-22-2012, 02:28 PM
My God you're a desperate SOB for having to resort to that kinda bullshit. I've never seen you sink lower than this. Maybe you need to finish detoxing. Go ahead--spread some bullshit about me. This is more than validation that you have nothing. I promise not to chop off your head.

Desperate? Hardly, I've TRIED non-stop to engage you in serious discussion, and what did you tell me? That you didn't need to prove anything to anyone and ignored what I asked of you? And then continued to call everyone bigots and have more fun worrying about petty things in this world than death and destruction?

And the person sending the pictures would be low, and it's not bullshit and you know damn well it isn't. I suppose maybe you should think twice next time before you just continually insult those trying to engage you in serious discussion and taking the time to write passionate and well thought out posts. You rub off on them and they reply in kind eventually.

And I have nothing? I've been making lengthy post after lengthy post and all YOU have been doing is ignoring them or making ignorant one liner replies.

As for finishing detoxing, I'm doing just that. I'm not proud of my actions, but I admit them and face them head on. And in the worst throws of my sickness, I will run the cleanest circles around you in ANY debate, whether serous or sarcasm. Nothing you can possibly say can embarrass me.

And as far as chopping heads off, we know that won't happen in reality. But metaphorically speaking, engage me in a debate or a real discussion, and my wit and intelligence will cut your head off and leave you lying in scraps for the others that put up with your one liner bullshit.

09-22-2012, 02:36 PM
Bring it on

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2012, 02:37 PM
Dillo, with all of your lengthy and well thought out posts in the past few months, I'm absolutely shocked you didn't write a few paragraphs telling us why you like to send the ladies pictures of your winkie dinkie! I mean, with the bigotry and foul words being used by the scourge benefiting from the freedom of speech here in the USA, I thought for sure you would capitalize on the moment to tell the masses how you find the time amongst your awesome posts to take pictures of "little johnny" to share with the gals!

Wow, little johnny pics. Is this part of his supposed great debate skills and briliance I've heard mentioned about him before I ever came here?
Little Wee Willie pics !?? What a laugh!!!! --Tyr

09-22-2012, 02:45 PM
Wow, little johnny pics. Is this part of his supposed great debate skills and briliance I've heard mentioned about him before I ever came here?
Little Wee Willie pics !?? What a laugh!!!! --Tyr

LMAO--reduced to 3rd grade shit---Little wee willie ???:laugh2:

09-22-2012, 02:49 PM
LMAO--reduced to 3rd grade shit---Little wee willie ???:laugh2:

You have my sincerest apologies, Dilloduck.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2012, 03:10 PM
LMAO--reduced to 3rd grade shit---Little wee willie ???:laugh2:

No jethro, third grade shit would be trying to show your wee willie to a girl to try to make an impression. I believe the comment was about you sending pics of your wee willie to girls to try to get a date. :laugh:
I'm not the guilty party, you are. Reading comprehension problem flaring up again is it?-;)
Even when attempting to defend yourself you type out a one liner.;)
How about you stop trying to rest on your supposed great rep and actually posts detailed replies for a change.
Yes sir, Jim is right about that..--Tyr

09-22-2012, 03:49 PM
Tyr, please, "I" was very out of line, please let that discussion drop, out of respect for me. I don't want MY garbage to continue, if at all possible.

Anton Chigurh
09-22-2012, 05:51 PM
Personally, I think the pictures above are a bit offensive, to me, and DEFINITELY to Jafar, Abso or any Muslims reading.My point in posting them was, all of them were found searching google images, with simple search term "mohammed cartoons." All I selected for re-posting have been on the web at least four years, with some of them even older.

Where were the riots and killings over the literally thousands of such images I found within seconds? Where's the Obama menstruation, telling google to pull them down like they are the "video" that's being blamed for violent extremists being violent?

See the nonsense of it now, gabbys of the world?

Anton Chigurh
09-22-2012, 10:47 PM

red states rule
09-23-2012, 03:07 AM
It's a different culture that reacts in a different way.
Muslims would never accept any of their religious leaders being pedophiles. Much less hide them and prevent their prosecution, like the Catholic Church has always done.

RSR, if you want an example of different cultures, go to Mexico and put up a sign that says you know who the big drug suppliers are and have come to prosecute them. No one would care if you did that where you live. But I bet you get a different response in Mexico.

So now terrorists are part of a culture? Seems you do go out of your way to defend those people who want you and your family dead Gabby. Last I checked, the pedophiles in the Church are going to JAIL Gabby - but you still use that as a crutch in your "responses"

Of course Gabby I would get the same reaction by puting up a sign in Little Italy (that is in NY Ms Smart One) that says I know who the members of The Commission are and I have come to see them charged for their crimes.