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View Full Version : RIP Bubba

09-22-2012, 07:58 AM
Many of you know my eldest brother, Jeff, who posted here for quite awhile but hasn't been online in quite some time. He lives in Georgia, and of course got himself a Bulldog Pup many years ago. He was the most beautiful creature on Earth. I've wanted a Bulldog all my life. I fell in love with Bubba when Jeff and Laura visited NJ and brought him along. They get 'em cheap down there, but they're very expensive up north. My wife and I laughingly offered him $1200 for his dog, and Jeff was like "Hell, here ya go, I'll go back home and buy 2 of them!" But of course that didn't happen, Bubba was his baby. Down the road, I stayed with Jeff and Laura for nearly 2 months, and Bubba was my guardian, along with my own pup, Jerome, my beloved Pug. And while I was there, that's when I got my Chihuahua, Porter.

Anyway, Bubba passed away this morning. I am absolutely heartbroken, for Bubba, for my own selfish reasons, and for Jeff and his entire family. Their hearts have got to be crushed. That dog was older than both of his sons living at home. That's all them boys ever knew, even if they may have taken him for granted at their ages. I'm sure them little boys are besides themselves this morning, as is the entire family. Bubba wasn't just a pet, he WAS family, as are my dogs.

I can't even call Jeff right now as it's made me emotional, and I know when the time comes to my house, I'm going to just want to be alone for awhile.

Please say a small prayer for Bubba and family, and keep Jeff and family in your thoughts as they ease through broken hearts this week.

09-22-2012, 08:05 AM
I just went and told my wife, and she saw the tears in my eyes and said "He was just a dog".

While I'm not angry with her, I want to say, he was not JUST a dog. When you let an animal into your home, and love and cherish them, and baby them, and sleep with them - they are family. No one will EVER convince me otherwise.

09-22-2012, 08:17 AM
I just went and told my wife, and she saw the tears in my eyes and said "He was just a dog".

While I'm not angry with her, I want to say, he was not JUST a dog. When you let an animal into your home, and love and cherish them, and baby them, and sleep with them - they are family. No one will EVER convince me otherwise.

hey.... Wiccan Liberal and I lost our Calico Cat a couple weeks ago and BOTH of us were crying.... you're in Good Company...

09-23-2012, 07:16 PM
My first mini-schnauzer was 17 when she died. That was in 2001 and I still cry when I talk about her. How can anyone not cry for the death of a being that loved you unconditionally?????

09-23-2012, 07:32 PM
RIP Bubba. Anyone who has ever had a pet knows. Pet's become part of the family. Sometimes taken more seriously than children in many cases because...they NEVER GROW UP.

Remember those great days when we all could swear...." MY PET UNDERSTANDS, AND WE TALK!"