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View Full Version : Obama: I need more than one term

red states rule
09-23-2012, 05:18 AM
Now Obama says he ALWAYS said change would take more then one term. Can any Obama supporter post any link confirming this statement? I remember Obama promising the Earth, Moon, and the stars in 2009 - and a majority of voters were suckered into buying what Obama was selling

President Obama told supporters in Wisconsin today that he needs more that one term to make the kinds of changes that Washington needs.

"From the day I ran for this office last year -- er, four years ago, it seems like just last year -- I've always said change take more than one term, one president, one party," Obama said at a fundraiser in Milwaukee.

Again casting the race against Mitt Romney as a stark choice between two visions of government, Obama said the election can break up the gridlock in Washington that has frustrated some of his plans.

"We've got what it takes to succeed," Obama said. "but what's preventing us from realizing that potential is the politics in Washington. Part of what this election is about is giving people the voice to break that deadlock. It may be harder but it leads to the better place."


Obama must have forgotten this stetement he made in this interview


Obama has to believe a majority of voters are idiots and will believe anything he tells them

09-23-2012, 06:26 AM
He lied.... or he forgot

Which one??

LOL :lol::dance::lol:

red states rule
09-23-2012, 06:29 AM
He lied.... or he forgot

Which one??

LOL :lol::dance::lol:

If you listen to the liberal media (Obama's base)

WE expected too much from Obama. WE took his comments out of context. WE are too blame for settting the bar too high for Obama

After a;; he is only human and not the Messiah some were conditioned to think he was

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-23-2012, 09:15 AM
Sue he forgot. When you lie like a damn rug its hard to remember your lies. Supposedly he had all this hard drug use as a youngman and it didnt negatively affect his brain! That would be a true miracle, maybe thats why they think him a messiah, eh? -:laugh:-Tyr

red states rule
09-23-2012, 09:19 AM