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09-25-2012, 02:21 PM
He blames the violence on a 14 minute video. Sure, the idiot who made a movie and the footage have surely forced these animals to riot and kill.

The Obama administration had originally suggested that the video in question—which the New York Times said was a trailer for a movie entitled “The Innocence of Muslims”—may have been responsible for inspiring a mob to attack the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11 and to kill U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

But, upstaged by a Libyan no less:

However, the Libyan prime minister said last week that the attack on the U.S. consulate was pre-planned. Also, the chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday that not only was the attack planned but also that there was reason to believe it had been carried out by al Qaeda or an al Qaeda-affiliated group and that he had seen no evidence that there had even been a demonstration outside the consulate before the attack.


Then he downplays terrorism. Surely there is no problem with Islamic terrorism throughout the world!

NEW YORK — Speaking at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, President Obama portrayed the deaths of four Americans in Libya as a result of inflamed tensions over an anti-Islam movie produced in the U.S., rather than a terrorist attack.

Although his administration in recent days acknowledged that the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were caused by a terrorist act on Sept. 11, Mr. Obama didn’t mention terrorism as the likely cause in front of the international audience. He focused much of his speech instead on promoting religious tolerance and free speech, blaming the anti-Islam film for the anti-U.S. outbursts while cautioning that there is never an excuse for violence.


President Obama: The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! People are getting trampled, beaten and killed around the world - and his concern is whether people are insulting the pedophile prophet????? Don't get me wrong, I understand that peace will only come when EVERYONE is involved. But please, one side has a non-American uploading a video to youtube, the other is rioting and killing, and his priority is to condemn and protect insults to Islam? At one point, although he wasn't my cup of tea, I acknowledged that he was our Commander in Chief. But how do you have courage, honor and wisdom when your highest leader is comforting the other side? He is not the CiC, he is the Apologist in Command


09-25-2012, 06:09 PM
He blames the violence on a 14 minute video. Sure, the idiot who made a movie and the footage have surely forced these animals to riot and kill.

But, upstaged by a Libyan no less:


Then he downplays terrorism. Surely there is no problem with Islamic terrorism throughout the world!


President Obama: The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! People are getting trampled, beaten and killed around the world - and his concern is whether people are insulting the pedophile prophet????? Don't get me wrong, I understand that peace will only come when EVERYONE is involved. But please, one side has a non-American uploading a video to youtube, the other is rioting and killing, and his priority is to condemn and protect insults to Islam? At one point, although he wasn't my cup of tea, I acknowledged that he was our Commander in Chief. But how do you have courage, honor and wisdom when your highest leader is comforting the other side? He is not the CiC, he is the Apologist in Command


I like to think that our best soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have courage, honor and wisdom regardless of whom is CiC. That is why they serve despite political foibles, incompetence and a host of other flaws found in the US. They have courage, honor, loyalty, integrity and a host of other character traits that our fearless leaders sometimes do not.

09-25-2012, 06:21 PM
He blames the violence on a 14 minute video. Sure, the idiot who made a movie and the footage have surely forced these animals to riot and kill.

But, upstaged by a Libyan no less:


Then he downplays terrorism. Surely there is no problem with Islamic terrorism throughout the world!


President Obama: The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! People are getting trampled, beaten and killed around the world - and his concern is whether people are insulting the pedophile prophet????? Don't get me wrong, I understand that peace will only come when EVERYONE is involved. But please, one side has a non-American uploading a video to youtube, the other is rioting and killing, and his priority is to condemn and protect insults to Islam? At one point, although he wasn't my cup of tea, I acknowledged that he was our Commander in Chief. But how do you have courage, honor and wisdom when your highest leader is comforting the other side? He is not the CiC, he is the Apologist in Command


Actually yesterday Obama said this:


Obama: 'No doubt' attack on US Consulate in Libya was terrorism
By Amie Parnes - 09/24/12 05:46 PM ET

NEW YORK – President Obama said Monday “there’s no doubt” that the attack on a U.S. Consulate in Libya earlier this month “wasn’t just a mob action.”

In an interview with ABC’s "The View," Obama — who is in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly — was asked if the Benghazi assault was indeed terrorism.

"There's no doubt that the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn't just a mob action,” Obama said. “What's clear is that, around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there.”...

Truth is that for the news clips, he wants 'youtube.' For the record, he finally told the truth, but most don't pay attention. The UN was a campaign speech.

09-25-2012, 06:23 PM
I like to think that our best soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have courage, honor and wisdom regardless of whom is CiC. That is why they serve despite political foibles, incompetence and a host of other flaws found in the US. They have courage, honor, loyalty, integrity and a host of other character traits that our fearless leaders sometimes do not.

I'd like to think that our best soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines were all given the opportunity to vote in the Presidential election. We know from the past that many are disenfranchised and given the administration's behavior in Ohio it will be repeated again.

09-25-2012, 07:33 PM
We are all aware, and constantly reminded that Obama, and his surrogates, even our U.N. Ambassador make up excuses, to cover the excuses they use to BLAME everyone else without ever...admitting a mistake, or lie.

Obama IS a great speaker...when the words have been written for him to read. But, anyone who believes the words Obama speaks is representative of his ACTUAL, HONEST feelings, or thoughts....NEEDS THEIR HEAD EXAMINED, or an excuse of their own to explain their own Stupidity.

09-25-2012, 07:45 PM
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! People are getting trampled, beaten and killed around the world - and his concern is whether people are insulting the pedophile prophet????? Don't get me wrong, I understand that peace will only come when EVERYONE is involved. But please, one side has a non-American uploading a video to youtube, the other is rioting and killing, and his priority is to condemn and protect insults to Islam? At one point, although he wasn't my cup of tea, I acknowledged that he was our Commander in Chief. But how do you have courage, honor and wisdom when your highest leader is comforting the other side? He is not the CiC, he is the Apologist in Command

peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

09-25-2012, 08:09 PM
peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

Sorry, the truth hurts, huh? What Muhammed did by marrying a 6yr old girl and having sex with a 9yr old is TEXTBOOK PEDOPHILIA. Save your crap about different eras, the brain, puberty and bodies simply weren't different back then. I'm sorry THE FACTS make you feel insulted, but what you are asking is for people to deny history to appease your wishes, and that ain't happening from me.

And peace will only come when insults stop? You prove what I say about animals. People are insulted a million times a day in America and all is fine, but too many Muslims turn into animals when insulted and want to beat people, maim them or murder them.

You expect us to deny history, ignore the facts and bite our tongues - or risk violence from animals? Think about what you're saying. OUR religion teaches us to turn the other cheek if we're insulted, walk away. Tis a shame that too many Muslims feel violence is the answer for words they don't like. But we have a Constitution here in the USA and rights that perhaps millions have died to preserve. I'll be damned if I allow them rights to be usurped to appease Islam.

09-25-2012, 08:19 PM
We are all aware, and constantly reminded that Obama, and his surrogates, even our U.N. Ambassador make up excuses, to cover the excuses they use to BLAME everyone else without ever...admitting a mistake, or lie.

Obama IS a great speaker...when the words have been written for him to read. But, anyone who believes the words Obama speaks is representative of his ACTUAL, HONEST feelings, or thoughts....NEEDS THEIR HEAD EXAMINED, or an excuse of their own to explain their own Stupidity.

I think one would be hard pressed to argue he's a great speaker during his presidency. Indeed, for the most part, his utterances have fallen on fallow ground.

His pronouncements on the latest regarding Middle East are lame, even in UN. No statesman is he. He'll blame Hillary, she deserves that back pat.

09-25-2012, 11:58 PM
peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

Why would you want the speaker to take more responsibility than the listener?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-26-2012, 08:25 AM
peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

Your declaration that peace will come when people stop insulting religions is an insult to most people's intelligence. Because within the same sentence you point out that its Islam that you are defending and demanding be immuned from any examination that yields critical results. That is a demand that Islam be recognised as perfect and therfore everybody must be subservient to it. Then you proceed to declare that the rioting and murder are always going to happen when anybody dares utter even the slightest criticism of Islam and muhamboy! Again a demand and a threat! Next you speak of hatred and try to justify extreme violence/murder by blaming others for speaking freely and not bowing to Islam! As if the Islamists's murdering hatred is somehow exempt yet mere words of truth or even hatred from others are worse and its valid to punish those that speak them. In short you condone murder as just punishment for criticism of Islam. Well dude, f-Islam , Allah is a creation of Satan and mohamboy was a damn pervert. Send some of your righteous murdering thugs for me. I have something for them and I will not be a helpless target like they love to attack and murder!. Some of us Americans are damn fed up with all this demanding that we bow down to allah and mohamboy the pervert.. I am one of them and I am not afraid at all.. .-:flyflag: -Tyr

09-26-2012, 06:06 PM
peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

You are proving my argument. While most Muslims are not terrorists, do not want violence, they understand and tacitly support those that do. It's a conundrum.

09-26-2012, 06:25 PM
peace will only come when people like you stop insulting the religion of other's, the history of Islam has nothing to do with you and has not affected you in anyway, so when you insult our religion and our prophet, you should expect that some radicals will always react, as much as you or I or anyone else don't like it, but there will always be radicals, and i believe that the two basic causes of any crimes are hatred and need, so if you incite hatred then you should expect crimes, and when crimes happens as a direct consequence to your so called freedom of speech, say all you want but you take a part of the responsibility for the violence since you are the one who started it in the first place.

abso. You are a religious Hypocrite. Plain and simple. YOU come here to admonish others, telling us to stop insulting your religion. But none of us are permitted....according to you, and others like you, to defend our religious beliefs that have been trampled, burned, and destroyed....and NOT ONE OF US, as CHRISTIANS....has ever aimed Rockets on your home. Nor have we ever sent TERRORISTS in airplanes to DESTROY MECCA.

So SHUT UP. You are disgusting, and the only hatred we see here. COMES FROM YOU.

09-26-2012, 06:27 PM
abso. You are a religious Hypocrite. Plain and simple. YOU come here to admonish others, telling us to stop insulting your religion. But none of us are permitted....according to you, and others like you, to defend our religious beliefs that have been trampled, burned, and destroyed....and NOT ONE OF US, as CHRISTIANS....has ever aimed Rockets on your home. Nor have we ever sent TERRORISTS in airplanes to DESTROY MECCA.

So SHUT UP. You are disgusting, and the only hatred we see here. COMES FROM YOU.

The really sad part, he doesn't think he's hateful.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-26-2012, 06:54 PM
Obama at the UN spoke a whole 90 seconds about Iran and its threats to world peace with its attempt to develope nukes but gave over 5 minutes to apologising for a cartoonish film made by an Egyptian here in America that angered idiot muslims and caused riots and deaths.. Now the leaders of Pakistan and Indonesia call for blasphemy laws to protect Islam and its perverted murderous founder mohamboy the child molester. They then proceed to lecture us on free speech , human rights and tolerance!!!!! All of which they and their religion deny anybody unlucky enough to be under their dictatorial control. Its insanity on parade and Islam leads the way. But make no mistake its also murder on the way too. Islam is all about murder and control. That hey dare make such demands of us a sovereign nation points directly to the treason and appeasing obama has been doing since his first world apology tour in which he agreed with and apologised for all Americas great evil deeds against the rest of the world!

09-26-2012, 07:59 PM
I don't hold Islam accountable for the actions of the extremists ... just like I don't hold the gun accountable for what the shooter does. There are people who practice Islam who are not violent, just as there are gun owners who are not violent.

There are people of all faiths that take parts of that faith and twist it, and unfortunately, the less educated are easily manipulated to follow the "leader's" interpretation of that faith. I truly support every individual's right to worship whatever religion they choose, as long as it does not infringe upon another's rights. I will fight against any religion that wants to enslave/convert the masses.

We have to quit blaming the religion itself, and blame those that are perverting the religion.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-26-2012, 08:58 PM
I don't hold Islam accountable for the actions of the extremists ... just like I don't hold the gun accountable for what the shooter does. There are people who practice Islam who are not violent, just as there are gun owners who are not violent.

There are people of all faiths that take parts of that faith and twist it, and unfortunately, the less educated are easily manipulated to follow the "leader's" interpretation of that faith. I truly support every individual's right to worship whatever religion they choose, as long as it does not infringe upon another's rights. I will fight against any religion that wants to enslave/convert the masses.

We have to quit blaming the religion itself, and blame those that are perverting the religion.

The extremists are for the greater part only considered to be extemists by infidels(non-believers).
A really good study of Islam will reveal this fact and American muslims are by far the tamest of the lot . 1.5 billion muslims worldwide and America has how many? A few million(?).