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Abbey Marie
09-28-2012, 04:32 PM
Wanna bet she is an OWS sympathizer who votes non-Conservative in England or California?

Kelly Osbourne is typically the one dishing out the fashion critiques on
the Emmy red carpet. But this year, she was the target of some fashion
policing over a $250,000 manicure that some considered wasteful and tacky.

Osbourne was the person who brought attention to the manicure...
and writing, "About to get a $250k manicure w nail polish made w blk
diamonds" before she reported for E! on the Emmy red carpet. "I have a
big mouth & i know it! I just don't like knowing that I have
unintentionally offended anyone! If its intentional I don't give a
S***," she wrote.

Not everyone accepted her defense. "A $250knail polish isn't classified as an 'experience,'" responded one fan. "It cld hve fed a 3rd world country."

09-28-2012, 04:51 PM
Wanna bet she is an OWS sympathizer who votes non-Conservative in England or California?

Abbey, please tell me you know who Kelly Osbourne is. It totally explains her behavior.

09-28-2012, 05:39 PM
Wanna bet she is an OWS sympathizer who votes non-Conservative in England or California?

Abbey. This young woman Kelly, is the product of Ozzie Ozborne. A former rock star that walks around proud of his LOBOTOMY. Only he doesn't know it, or hasn't realized it yet.
His wife has been a judge on America's Got Talent, and some other shows. But Kelly is nothing more than the SPOILED BRAT most Americans WISH they were.

I do agree. She is probably a sympathizer..much like the SLUT Madonna, and Loose Lady Ga Ga, who's new idol is named FLUKE. All members of the recently formed AMERICAN SLUT BRIGADE, and MONICA CLINTON Wannabe club.

Abbey Marie
09-28-2012, 09:10 PM
Abbey, please tell me you know who Kelly Osbourne is. It totally explains her behavior.

Sure, I saw her on The Osbournes, and on Fashion Police now. I'm not really trying to understand her behavior. I am trying to point out that she fits the mold of limousine liberals who expect everyone else to sacrifice to be green, and be taxed to the hilt.