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View Full Version : Its started, muslims demand extradition of Islam criticisers!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-30-2012, 09:57 AM
Its started , muslims after the arab spring-Islamic surge-- now demand extradition of those that darE insult tHeir ffing wicked GD RELIGION!-Tyr


Egypt Coptic Christian Maikel Nabil charged with “insulting” Islam, Germany requested to send home
Joseph Mayton | 30 September 2012

Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil is charged with “insulting” Islam while in Germany.
CAIRO: Egyptian Coptic Christian activist Maikel Nabil, who is known internationally as the first prisoner of conscience in the post-Hosni Mubarak Egypt after the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) jailed him for “insulting the military” now faces charges of insulting Islam, he reported on Saturday while in Germany.

The Egyptian government have requested that the German government return Nabil as soon as possible so he can stand on the charges, Egypt’s Youm al-Saba’a newspaper reported.
He is being accused of “contempt of the Islamic religion and abuse of the divine.” Also among the charges, the newspaper reported are “insulting the Prophet and his followers.”
The lawsuit against Nabil says that he “consistently” insults Islam through his online activities, including his Twitter account.
We now see the audacity and insanity of these worthless maggots..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-30-2012, 12:06 PM

Monday Sep 24, 2012
Suicide Bombers 'martyrs' according to UK taxpayer-supported charity

The Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association (CADFA) was founded in 2004. CADFA claims to “promote awareness about the human rights situation in Abu Dis” (a village in the West Bank) through “friendship links and twinning”. In reality, CADFA is a highly-politicised organisation that uses human rights as a facade to shield its apologism for terror and vicious anti-Israel sentiment.

For many years now, far-Left groups have adopted humanitarian fronts in order to legitimise their hard-line anti-Israel sentiment. Those who follow the machinations of the anti-Israel networks have watched as groups hijack interfaith dialogue, anti-war, anti-fascism, among others. The ‘twinning’ of education establishments is yet another victim of such exploitation – in particular, schools and universities.

In lobbying for twinning initiatives, anti-Israel groups claim an interest in the mutual exchange of ideas, and express solidarity with those trying to claim an education in areas of conflict. But twinning schools and universities with their counterparts in the Palestinian territories has allowed extremist groups to legitimise their anti-Israel rhetoric, and gives them the chance to indoctrinate the students of twinned establishments with visceral anti-Israel propaganda.
Just more proof of leftists allied with muslims. Perhaps its high time we star targeting the leftist scum as well as the muslim terrorists. This is in the UK and the overthrow and destruction of the western world/culture in that nation is very close at hand IMHO.--Tyr