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View Full Version : Obama buys prison after being denied funds by Congress, another end run around Congre

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2012, 08:17 PM

In 2010, the Obama administration and Durbin floated the idea of moving some Guantanamo prisoners to the Illinois facility, but the proposal was opposed by Congressional Republicans as well as civil liberties and human rights groups, and the House later voted overwhelmingly to prevent the transfer of any Gitmo prisoner to the U.S.

Republicans blasted the news on Tuesday.

Wolf, whose committee funds the DOJ, had led the charge to deny the use of funds for the sale, partly by classifying them as an earmark.

“Today’s actions are just the latest in series of disconcerting moves by this Justice Department, including its handling of the Fast and Furious Operation, allowing nepotism in hiring, its questionable dismissal of voting rights cases and the politicization of decisions that benefit special interest groups,” Wolf said in a statement. “This may be the most disreputable Justice Department in modern history.”

“This back-door move by the Obama Administration to open Thomson and reject the will of Congress and the American people is dangerously irresponsible, and will be met with the full and unfettered opposition of the Appropriations Committee,” Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) said in a statement.
Boy dictator ends runs around Congress yet again. In addition to his ignoring Federal court rulings and using executive orders illegally. he gives CongresS yet again the middle finger. Then pretends that its not for Gitmo detainees, let him get a second tErm and those scum will be moved there. He is so arroGant that his being refused will be ignored and he'll do as he damn well pleases. -Tyr

10-02-2012, 08:47 PM
Since Obama and company are intentionally disobeying Congress, and the Constitution.

It is fitting that Obama is making preparations for a place to Stay....come January, after Michelle and the girls go back to Chicago, and he can have the PRISON all to himself as the LEADER of the GITMO terrorist gang.

If Americans...from all walks of life continue to REFUSE to see, or recognize what this SLEEZE-BALL pretend Little Boy is trying to do to this nation. They deserve whatever he will dish out...if they vote for him.

OBAMA is writing the book on IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, and BETRAYAL. But it doesn't bother him because. He's really not smart enough to know any different.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2012, 08:48 AM
Since Obama and company are intentionally disobeying Congress, and the Constitution.

It is fitting that Obama is making preparations for a place to Stay....come January, after Michelle and the girls go back to Chicago, and he can have the PRISON all to himself as the LEADER of the GITMO terrorist gang.

If Americans...from all walks of life continue to REFUSE to see, or recognize what this SLEEZE-BALL pretend Little Boy is trying to do to this nation. They deserve whatever he will dish out...if they vote for him.

OBAMA is writing the book on IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, and BETRAYAL. But it doesn't bother him because. He's really not smart enough to know any different.

The guy should have been sunk because of his arrogance long ago. His being a dem and his claiming to be black has saved him just as was the intention when he made the claim. His heritage is arab, white, black yet he gets to play ALL BLACK for cover! Its worked becase we have a sold out dem party, a sold out media and far to many corrupt government officials .-Tyr