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View Full Version : Colonial sins return to haunt world powers.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2012, 06:13 PM

By NBC News' Ian Johnston, Nancy Ing and Ploy Bunlueslip
LONDON — It is a court case that could reverberate round the world: Three elderly Kenyans are suing the U.K. government for torture inflicted by the colonial regime during the African country's struggle for independence.
If the Kenyans win — a ruling on the case is expected later this week — claims from others involved in the so-called Mau Mau uprising are highly likely and experts say it could set a precedent that would help victims of abuses in other countries that were once part of the British Empire.
The court case could also attract the attention of President Barack Obama. In his book “Dreams From My Father,” Obama said he was told by his step-grandmother Sarah that his Kenyan grandfather Onyango was held for six months in a detention camp by the colonial authorities. “When he returned … he was very thin and dirty. He had difficulty walking, and his head was full of lice,” Obama wrote.
Here we see the future. What world powers? Of course Britain and America! Who would or could have such authority?? Why, later it would be the World Court taking on America of course! Wouldnt that be an infringement upon the National sovereignty of America? Sure, but that will be overcome.. so they plan...
The Brits are doomed if they do not stop this madness. Liberal/leftists's wet dream come true..Possibly muslim too since Britain established the Jewish state of Israel!-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2012, 07:44 PM

By NBC News' Ian Johnston, Nancy Ing and Ploy Bunlueslip
LONDON — It is a court case that could reverberate round the world: Three elderly Kenyans are suing the U.K. government for torture inflicted by the colonial regime during the African country's struggle for independence.
If the Kenyans win — a ruling on the case is expected later this week — claims from others involved in the so-called Mau Mau uprising are highly likely and experts say it could set a precedent that would help victims of abuses in other countries that were once part of the British Empire.

The court case could also attract the attention of President Barack Obama. In his book “Dreams From My Father,” Obama said he was told by his step-grandmother Sarah that his Kenyan grandfather Onyango was held for six months in a detention camp by the colonial authorities. “When he returned … he was very thin and dirty. He had difficulty walking, and his head was full of lice,” Obama wrote.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In other words Onyango returned exactly like he was before he went away! After spending a few months with a new woman a couple hundred miles away!--:laugh:-Tyr

Here we see the future. What world powers? Of course Britain and America! Who would or could have such authority?? Why, later it would be the World Court taking on America of course! Wouldnt that be an infringement upon the National sovereignty of America? Sure, but that will be overcome.. so they plan...
The Brits are doomed if they do not stop this madness. Liberal/leftists's wet dream come true..Possibly muslim too since Britain established the Jewish state of Israel!-Tyr

Obama had some quite nasty relatives ,eh?-Tyr