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View Full Version : Most recent Religion of Peace murders for Allah..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-05-2012, 08:54 PM
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2012.10.05 (Douentza, Mali) - Islamists fire on a civilian vehicle, killing two passengers

2012.10.05 (Jalingo, Nigeria) - Fundamentalists bomb a bar, killing at least one person.

2012.10.04 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Mujahid bombers take out five Iraqis.

2012.10.03 (Magas, Ingushetia) - Four Russian policemen are ambushed and killed by Religion of Peace extremists.

2012.10.03 (Aleppo, Syria) - Three suicide car bombings by al-Nusra terrorists leave nearly fifty dead.

2012.10.02 (Mubi, Nigeria) - At least twenty-six Christian students are singled out and executed by Islamists at their campus. Some are shot, others have their throats cut.


* Sources (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/Sources.htm) for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


10-05-2012, 09:26 PM
This civil war in Syria has added up quite a deathtoll -- it was 25,000 a couple weeks ago.

That's fine with me -- the more Syrians kill each other the fewer Syrians there are, which is probably a general plus for the world. And certainly for Israel. I don't think we should get involved at all there, not till they are down to 14 or 15 left.

Muslims all seem to really love killing each other; they do it everywhere, constantly.

I have no problem with this as long as they don't do it here. Enjoy.

10-06-2012, 07:43 AM
I get the feeling some of you here wouldn't think twice about sticking a knife in my back just because I am Muslim. Your obsession with hate will eventually destroy you.

10-06-2012, 07:46 AM
I get the feeling some of you here wouldn't think twice about sticking a knife in my back just because I am Muslim. Your obsession with hate will eventually destroy you.

Still trying this crap, huh? Why do you get insulted when people point out the sick individuals and animals in Islam, that kill, rape & maim people? Why even get the remotest defensive when you aren't a sick individual and not violent?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-06-2012, 09:20 AM
I get the feeling some of you here wouldn't think twice about sticking a knife in my back just because I am Muslim. Your obsession with hate will eventually destroy you.

So posting the truth riles you up, eh?
Here, this should interest you , its from Australia, where you live .

Muslim Immigrants Five Times More Likely to Commit Crimes than AustraliansPosted by Daniel Greenfield (http://frontpagemag.com/author/dgreenfield/) Bio ↓ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#bio) on Sep 27th, 2012 Comments ↓ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#comments)
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http://c481901.r1.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/art-1-20Tim-20Cartwright-620x349-300x168.jpg (http://c481901.r1.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/art-1-20Tim-20Cartwright-620x349.jpg)
According to the Victorial Police Commissioner. (http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/sorry_for_telling_us_the_truth_about_african_crime _rates/)..

Sudanese and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn. The most common crimes committed by Somali and Sudanese-born Victorians are assault and robbery illustrating the trend towards increasingly violent robberies by disaffected African youths.
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Are they mugging Australians because they are “disaffected” (http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/african-youth-crime-concern-20120819-24glt.html#ixzz27LWjxIV8)or because they make money that way?

‘Property is one of the issues, so they’re stealing iPhones or money or things of value,” Mr Cartwright said.
Apparently their disaffection takes the specific form of stealing iPhones. How oddly specific.

red states rule
10-06-2012, 09:26 AM
I get the feeling some of you here wouldn't think twice about sticking a knife in my back just because I am Muslim. Your obsession with hate will eventually destroy you.

Remember -do on others before they do on to you

10-06-2012, 07:36 PM
Still trying this crap, huh? Why do you get insulted when people point out the sick individuals and animals in Islam, that kill, rape & maim people? Why even get the remotest defensive when you aren't a sick individual and not violent?

All I see is a list of crimes (which are also crimes in Islamic law) which are being promoted as being the blame of Islam when nothing could be further from the truth. That offends me greatly. I don't like being accused of being a terrorist because of my faith because that's what you do every time you blame the actions of criminals on Islam.

I could post daily lists of crimes in the US and Europe and blame them on Christians, but I'm just not that obsessed with spreading BS about the place to make a point nobody really cares about.

10-06-2012, 07:56 PM
All I see is a list of crimes (which are also crimes in Islamic law) which are being promoted as being the blame of Islam when nothing could be further from the truth. That offends me greatly. I don't like being accused of being a terrorist because of my faith because that's what you do every time you blame the actions of criminals on Islam.

I could post daily lists of crimes in the US and Europe and blame them on Christians, but I'm just not that obsessed with spreading BS about the place to make a point nobody really cares about.

If they mouthed anything close to the kind of bravado they post in nearly any US company, they would be fired in short order. Don't let a few uneducated trailer dwellers shape your view about the US. Since Tyr admitted being a barfly, I think you are safe in the US as long as you avoid honky-tonks. Do you really care what a few drunk blowhards bloviate about?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-06-2012, 07:57 PM
All I see is a list of crimes (which are also crimes in Islamic law) which are being promoted as being the blame of Islam when nothing could be further from the truth. That offends me greatly. I don't like being accused of being a terrorist because of my faith because that's what you do every time you blame the actions of criminals on Islam.

I could post daily lists of crimes in the US and Europe and blame them on Christians, but I'm just not that obsessed with spreading BS about the place to make a point nobody really cares about.

Why does it offend you? Are you one of the radical terrorist types? If not then you shouldnt be offended by the truth.-Tyr

10-06-2012, 08:00 PM
Remember -do on others before they do on to you

ah yes--our American motto !

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-06-2012, 08:04 PM
If they mouthed anything close to the kind of bravado they post in nearly any US company, they would be fired in short order. Don't let a few uneducated trailer dwellers shape your view about the US. Since Tyr admitted being a barfly, I think you are safe in the US as long as you avoid honky-tonks. Do you really care what a few drunk blowhards bloviate about?

haha, now you have put me living in a trailer and being a drunk.. Gonna shock my wife to find out our 4 bedroom brickhome is a trailer. :laugh:
First thing she gonna want to know is where are the damn wheels.
This is your best method of countering my posts, attack me by making up damn lies!??
That list you are creating from thin air is getting longer as I keep posting more truth that you dislike. Go for it dude, it clearly reveals so much more about you than it does about me.
What race did you say those muslims were?-:laugh2:--Tyr

By the way I started a list on you just now.
Here is the first truth.
1. An obvious muslim apologist..that sucks up big time..

10-06-2012, 08:08 PM
All I see is a list of crimes (which are also crimes in Islamic law) which are being promoted as being the blame of Islam when nothing could be further from the truth. That offends me greatly. I don't like being accused of being a terrorist because of my faith because that's what you do every time you blame the actions of criminals on Islam.

I could post daily lists of crimes in the US and Europe and blame them on Christians, but I'm just not that obsessed with spreading BS about the place to make a point nobody really cares about.

Well, then don't reply to me with that crap. I never blame all of Islam and I don't have an issue with peaceful people, regardless of religion. "I" solely and always point out the scum and animals that are abusing women, killing women, killing anyone, over petty shit, and claim they are doing so in the name of their religion. Whether you like it or not, there are millions of these people, and you simply can't write off each and every one of them as being non-Muslims simply because you disagree with their actions. No more than I can write off the actions of a Christian that kills in the name of his religion. Difference is, today, and by an overwhelming majority, these atrocities are being done by people in the name of Islam and they even pervert the religion to support their actions. I'm sorry if you take issue with that. I too wish the entire Islamic community would finally rise up against these animals, stop the killings, stop the abuse of women and stop the rioting.

If they mouthed anything close to the kind of bravado they post in nearly any US company, they would be fired in short order. Don't let a few uneducated trailer dwellers shape your view about the US. Since Tyr admitted being a barfly, I think you are safe in the US as long as you avoid honky-tonks. Do you really care what a few drunk blowhards bloviate about?

Posting facts about atrocities happening around the world is not bravado. It's simply pointing out facts and taking issue with them. I'm unsure what a US company has to do with this, but of course I keep my personal beliefs to myself within the confines of an employer. When on a personal website, specifically there to discuss politics and today's hot topics, I speak out there about the things around the world I take issue with. And lastly, I'm hardly uneducated and sure as shit am not a trailer dweller. Take issue with the passion of one's post if you like, but unless I'm reading this wrong, and I apologize if I am, there's no need to cut into my intelligence or similar because you disagree with the content of my posts. And this uneducated hillbilly will still tell you that the FACTS I post cannot be disputed. These things happen. They happen in many Islamic countries. It happens in the name of Islam. People are killed for petty reasons. Women are oppressed and beaten for the smallest of offenses. I will continue the speak the facts as they arise, even if some see it in some strange way as bravado.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-06-2012, 08:18 PM
Well, then don't reply to me with that crap. I never blame all of Islam and I don't have an issue with peaceful people, regardless of religion. "I" solely and always point out the scum and animals that are abusing women, killing women, killing anyone, over petty shit, and claim they are doing so in the name of their religion. Whether you like it or not, there are millions of these people, and you simply can't write off each and every one of them as being non-Muslims simply because you disagree with their actions. No more than I can write off the actions of a Christian that kills in the name of his religion. Difference is, today, and by an overwhelming majority, these atrocities are being done by people in the name of Islam and they even pervert the religion to support their actions. I'm sorry if you take issue with that. I too wish the entire Islamic community would finally rise up against these animals, stop the killings, stop the abuse of women and stop the rioting.

Posting facts about atrocities happening around the world is not bravado. It's simply pointing out facts and taking issue with them. I'm unsure what a US company has to do with this, but of course I keep my personal beliefs to myself within the confines of an employer. When on a personal website, specifically there to discuss politics and today's hot topics, I speak out there about the things around the world I take issue with. And lastly, I'm hardly uneducated and sure as shit am not a trailer dweller. Take issue with the passion of one's post if you like, but unless I'm reading this wrong, and I apologize if I am, there's no need to cut into my intelligence or similar because you disagree with the content of my posts. And this uneducated hillbilly will still tell you that the FACTS I post cannot be disputed. These things happen. They happen in many Islamic countries. It happens in the name of Islam. People are killed for petty reasons. Women are oppressed and beaten for the smallest of offenses. I will continue the speak the facts as they arise, even if some see it in some strange way as bravado.

Jim, Jafar defends his religion. Tailfins apparently defends his own ego and love of appeasing..Of the two, Jafar has been far more sincere, intelligent and less prone to making personal attacks on the poster because of being too stupid to properly discuss the topic. Tailfins is just pathetic but hey its a free world. At least it is here where Islam does not rule!-Tyr

red states rule
10-07-2012, 07:05 AM
ah yes--our American motto !

Damn right. People like you still have not learned the lessons from pearl Harbor and 9/11

Of course without people like you, terrorists would have no useful idiots to depend on in their war on America

10-07-2012, 07:13 AM
Posting facts about atrocities happening around the world is not bravado. It's simply pointing out facts and taking issue with them. I'm unsure what a US company has to do with this, but of course I keep my personal beliefs to myself within the confines of an employer. When on a personal website, specifically there to discuss politics and today's hot topics, I speak out there about the things around the world I take issue with. And lastly, I'm hardly uneducated and sure as shit am not a trailer dweller. Take issue with the passion of one's post if you like, but unless I'm reading this wrong, and I apologize if I am, there's no need to cut into my intelligence or similar because you disagree with the content of my posts. And this uneducated hillbilly will still tell you that the FACTS I post cannot be disputed. These things happen. They happen in many Islamic countries. It happens in the name of Islam. People are killed for petty reasons. Women are oppressed and beaten for the smallest of offenses. I will continue the speak the facts as they arise, even if some see it in some strange way as bravado.

I was specifically referring to Tyr. He actually impedes the GOP/conservative cause with his Alex Jones hysteria and raw prejudice. Before 9/11 there was some success in getting Arab Americans to support the GOP, electing Spencer Abraham to the US Senate in Michigan. We don't need another demographic voting 90+% Democrat.

red states rule
10-07-2012, 07:27 AM
I was specifically referring to Tyr. He actually impedes the GOP/conservative cause with his Alex Jones hysteria and raw prejudice. Before 9/11 there was some success in getting Arab Americans to support the GOP, electing Spencer Abraham to the US Senate in Michigan. We don't need another demographic voting 90+% Democrat.

and we all know how Dems and the liberal media turned on Spencer Abraham. I did not see any outrage from the usual sources taking issue with how he was treated

Of course that "R" at the end of his name probably had something to do with it

And as long as Dems want to roll over to the MUslims every chance they get, they will have the support of Muslims. Until we are all converted or dead - which ever comes first

red states rule
10-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2012.10.05 (Douentza, Mali) - Islamists fire on a civilian vehicle, killing two passengers

2012.10.05 (Jalingo, Nigeria) - Fundamentalists bomb a bar, killing at least one person.

2012.10.04 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Mujahid bombers take out five Iraqis.

2012.10.03 (Magas, Ingushetia) - Four Russian policemen are ambushed and killed by Religion of Peace extremists.

2012.10.03 (Aleppo, Syria) - Three suicide car bombings by al-Nusra terrorists leave nearly fifty dead.

2012.10.02 (Mubi, Nigeria) - At least twenty-six Christian students are singled out and executed by Islamists at their campus. Some are shot, others have their throats cut.


* Sources (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/Sources.htm) for individual incidents can be provided upon request.



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2012, 10:53 AM
Damn right. People like you still have not learned the lessons from pearl Harbor and 9/11

Of course without people like you, terrorists would have no useful idiots to depend on in their war on America

Tailfins is worse about that IMHO. He dislikes my truths presented about Islam because they are negatives and might offend Islam, he is a true appeasor. Then speaks of how we should welcome them into the Republican party. The fool thinks that we should compete with the Dems for their votes! Hows that for stupidity, competing for the favors of an entity that has the ultimate goal of destroying you! He is a denier and an appeasor and thats why he started his little list on me here. I stand in direct opposition to his Neville Chamberlain IDIOTCY!!
So far he has me listed as A RACIST, BIGOT, CRIMINAL, DRUNK, LIAR , LIVING IN A TRAILER . ALL because I post the truth about Islam. Obvious for anybody here to read and discover his obsession with protecting America's enemy-Islam , simply because he is too damn stupid to see the threat. He is so dumb he tried to bait me with his post about Islam being a "nigger religion" proving that he will try anything to discredit those that oppose Islam's agenda and goal of destroying this nation. I have little patience with his obvious stupidity and personal attacks on me trying to discredit me personaly to winsome imagined victory for Islam. Its DELUDED APPEASORS like him that will be the doom of this nation if not put in their places and faced openly and with determination.--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2012, 10:58 AM
I was specifically referring to Tyr. He actually impedes the GOP/conservative cause with his Alex Jones hysteria and raw prejudice. Before 9/11 there was some success in getting Arab Americans to support the GOP, electing Spencer Abraham to the US Senate in Michigan. We don't need another demographic voting 90+% Democrat.

SEE POST NUMBER 18 . YOU FOOLISHLY WANT TO COURT THEM!!!! YOUR OBSESSION IS DANGEROUS to the survival of this nation yet you attempt to PAINT ME BLACK FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH AND POSTING INFORMATIVE LINKS TO BACK UP MY OPINIONS. Rather than attempt to refute my posts you decide to start a campaign to discredit my character by making up lies and attempting traps that you thought ever so clever..
Falsely attacking the character of the messenger rather than addressing the message is a tactic most often employed by liberals and cowards. Which are you ?
You sir , are a damn rascal and a liar to boot!--Tyr