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View Full Version : "Bigoted" To Call Obama Unintelligent or Lazy

red states rule
10-09-2012, 06:04 AM
The use of the race card is gettting rather boring, but the liberal media "sees" racism in damn near everythign these days. These "journalists" are having a fit over Obama losing and are grasping at anything to try and change the subject

Your thoughts?


10-09-2012, 07:35 AM
The race card is wearing out, it has been overplayed.
To the fanatical liberal totalitarian everything is about race.
If I ask a customer buying beer for ID and reject him because it has expired I am doing my job.
If he is black I am racist.
That Zimmerman kid in Florida was racist because he reported more black crimes to police than white crimes!

i guess the fanatics thing we should stand by and ignore crimes by minorities until we reach a quota of reports of whites committing crimes!!

I'm sure some fanatical liberal totalitarian will now label me a racist!!
ive never been called a racist by a minority!!
Just by wealthy white liberals who live in all white suburbs!!

red states rule
10-09-2012, 07:37 AM