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View Full Version : 14 year old girl shot by Taliban

Abbey Marie
10-09-2012, 09:48 AM
I don't even know what to say anymore. And yes, done in the name of Islam.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Taliban gunmen in Pakistan shot and seriously wounded on Tuesday a 14-year-old schoolgirl who rose to fame for speaking out against the militants, authorities said.
Malala Yousufzai was shot in the head and neck when gunmen fired on her school bus in the Swat valley, northwest of the capital, Islamabad. Two other girls were also wounded, police said.
Yousufzai became famous for speaking out against the Pakistani Taliban at a time when even the government seemed to be appeasing the hardline Islamists.

red states rule
10-09-2012, 09:52 AM
I don't even know what to say anymore. And yes, done in the name of Islam.

Another example of the religion of peace and the defenders of the terrorists will come up with their usual lame excuses

Meanwhile a young child is damn near killed and may never recover from the scars the bastards inflicted on her

10-09-2012, 09:52 AM
Shame she got shot, but on the bright side a) she was a schoolgirl (as in, she has been able to go to school) and b) she spoke out against the militants which resulted in popularity (i.e. the people are more than welcoming to the idea of trashing the militants.

This shooting will only galvanised those in the area against the militants, one would hope.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2012, 10:00 AM
Shame she got shot, but on the bright side a) she was a schoolgirl (as in, she has been able to go to school) and b) she spoke out against the militants which resulted in popularity (i.e. the people are more than welcoming to the idea of trashing the militants.

This shooting will only galvanised those in the area against the militants, one would hope.

WOW, thats some kind of ffed up reasoning you have there. As there isnt a bright side to the young girl getting horribly shot IMHO..-Tyr

10-09-2012, 10:06 AM
WOW, thats some kind of ffed up reasoning you have there. As there isnt a bright side to the young girl getting horribly shot IMHO..-Tyr

Ofcourse the incident is horrid, but there is a bright side.

This girl would not of been shot if she had not spoken out against the Taliban, the fact that she courageously did (and it seems to of been a popular opinion) is a good sign.

The only way the Taliban can fight back is with bombs and bullets, as that'll do them no good, lets hope this feeling of deficiency against them is widespread, and deepening.

red states rule
10-09-2012, 10:06 AM
WOW, thats some kind of ffed up reasoning you have there. As there isnt a bright side to the young girl getting horribly shot IMHO..-Tyr

I wonder if Noir thinks there was a bright side to 9/11?

10-09-2012, 10:07 AM
WOW, thats some kind of ffed up reasoning you have there. As there isnt a bright side to the young girl getting horribly shot IMHO..-TyrI would say that if this horrible occurence could have a good out look it would be what Noir said. IF it galvanizes the moderates against the taliban and forces them out of their area I would say that is definitely a GOOD thing. If however everything stays status quo than it is a tragedy!!!!!

Every movement needs its martyrs!! If she is the one shining star out of a horrible event that can light a fire under the down trodden people than so be it!!! If you can't seperate that out than you have no foresight!!!

10-09-2012, 10:10 AM
I wonder if Noir thinks there was a bright side to 9/11?You know RSR there was a bright side to 911 it actually made EVERYONE in the US at least for a short period of time ONE NATION not a group of different peoples WE were all ONE and it galvanized us to act as one, so YES RSR There was a bright side to 911 and if you can't see that bury your head back in the sand!!!:poke:

red states rule
10-09-2012, 10:13 AM
You knwo RSR there was a bright side to 911 it actually made EVERYONE in the US at least for a short period of time ONE NATION not a group of different peoples WE were all ONE and it galvanized us to act as one, so YES RSR There was a bright side to 911 and if you can't see that bury your head back in the sand!!!:poke:

Yea we were one nation until libs valued their political ambitions over defending the nation

I remember well Dems calling our troops Nazi's, Pol Pot, saying the war is over, and thinking Pres Bush knew the attack was coming

Yea, libs sided with Pres Bush for a few months, then their quest for power took over and that was all that mattered to them

As it always does

and lets not forget how the NY Times, MSNBC, CNN, and the Washington Post's unwavering support of Pres Bush and the war on terror

Yes Nukeman I remember how "united" we were after 9/11

10-10-2012, 01:59 PM
I don't even know what to say anymore. And yes, done in the name of Islam.

No. Not in the name of Islam.

Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said his group was behind the shooting.
"She was pro-West, she was speaking against Taliban and she was calling President Obama her ideal leader," Ehsan said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

It was purely political. She was against the Taliban.

May Allah forgive her and admit her to the lofty place in Paradise reserved for Martyrs.

10-10-2012, 02:19 PM
No. Not in the name of Islam.

It was purely political. She was against the Taliban.

May Allah forgive her and admit her to the lofty place in Paradise reserved for Martyrs.

Sure, and the Taliban NEVER pervert Islam and institute Shariah Law and abuse women... Shariah comes directly from RELIGION and anyone that dares defy the way THEY want their religious beliefs, children or not, will be executed or beaten.

10-10-2012, 03:12 PM
No. Not in the name of Islam.

It was purely political. She was against the Taliban.

May Allah forgive her and admit her to the lofty place in Paradise reserved for Martyrs.

Forgiven her for what?

10-10-2012, 03:15 PM
I wonder if Noir thinks there was a bright side to 9/11?

Not that I can think of, no, but that's as an outsider, as Nukemen suggested, having been on the 'inside' there may I been sparks had a positive effect.

Edit - Though I guess, looking at a *really* big picture of it all, if 9/11 hadn't happened, then we may not be in Afghan now, and the Taliban would probably still be in power etf, as would the vile dictator Hussein. But yeah.

10-10-2012, 03:27 PM
One of my relatives that I have nothing to do with anymore always said, "Them sand niggers (aka Arabs) are all alike." Some of you sound just like her.

10-10-2012, 03:27 PM
This reminds me of the 14yr old mentally disabled girl in Pakistan, who was imprisoned for ripping up a Quran. A child. And they feared for her life as a result, and many wanted her sentenced for a long time or beaten. Any adult that wants such actions against a child, for doing something against their religion, is an animal.

Then we have the 8yr old girl from Jafar's neck of the woods, Australia, calling for global Muslim domination and how kids should rise up to fight.

It's not just the Taliban, children are victims all over and are also pawns.

10-10-2012, 04:21 PM
Sure, and the Taliban NEVER pervert Islam and institute Shariah Law and abuse women... Shariah comes directly from RELIGION and anyone that dares defy the way THEY want their religious beliefs, children or not, will be executed or beaten.

You have no argument from me about the Taliban. They are vicious and cruel and in no way represent or follow my Religion of Islam. None of their law is Sharia law. You can be jailed and beaten just for shaving in Taliban controlled areas.

Forgiven her for what?

Her sins. We all sin. All Muslims ask for forgiveness every day. My small prayer may (God willing) help her have some Mercy and Forgiveness in her afterlife.

10-10-2012, 04:46 PM
Her sins. We all sin. All Muslims ask for forgiveness every day. My small prayer may (God willing) help her have some Mercy and Forgiveness in her afterlife.

You believe your god will condemn this little girl to an eternity of damnation, so you're trying to help that not happen?

I don't even know where to start with that =/

10-10-2012, 09:31 PM
You believe your god will condemn this little girl to an eternity of damnation, so you're trying to help that not happen?

I don't even know where to start with that =/

You really don't understand at all. Don't you pray for people, especially the souls of the dead?

10-10-2012, 09:36 PM
You really don't understand at all. Don't you pray for people, especially the souls of the dead?

No, I do not.

10-11-2012, 12:47 AM
No, I do not.

So what is wrong with asking God to reward her?

10-11-2012, 06:07 AM
So what is wrong with asking God to reward her?

Well for starters there's the idea that you know better than a god. Surely the god should know whether or not to show mercy, without your input.
I'd say it would be a pretty pathetic god, if humans could changes its mind like that.

10-11-2012, 06:43 AM
Well for starters there's the idea that you know better than a god. Surely the god should know whether or not to show mercy, without your input.
I'd say it would be a pretty pathetic god, if humans could changes its mind like that.

A God that answers your prayers is the best God!

10-11-2012, 07:07 AM
A God that answers your prayers is the best God!

....who do you think knows what is best, you or your god?

Abbey Marie
10-11-2012, 02:49 PM
One of my relatives that I have nothing to do with anymore always said, "Them sand niggers (aka Arabs) are all alike." Some of you sound just like her.

You think that posting about this abomination, sounds like that?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2012, 07:01 PM
You think that posting about this abomination, sounds like that?

Apparently he does.. What we seeso often is people dead set against other peoplr criticising Islam and it does nt matter if those criticisms are true! I've had to deal with such deluded people hundreds of times. -Tyr

10-11-2012, 08:15 PM
You have no argument from me about the Taliban. They are vicious and cruel and in no way represent or follow my Religion of Islam. None of their law is Sharia law. You can be jailed and beaten just for shaving in Taliban controlled areas.

Here's the thing, Jafar. Propaganda has it that 'Islam is a religion of peace' .. and I don't doubt you heard this claim broadcast, at some time, when you were in my country, busily enjoying the company at the 'George' ....

Nonetheless ... and surely, 'mysteriously' by your reckoning, Jafar, we KEEP seeing manifestations of groupings springing up from Islamic roots, that are highly aggressive, brutal, cruel, murderous. The Taliban is one such. The terrorists they once happily played host to, Al Qaeda, are another. And you are well aware that I could take time out to greatly expand on that list if I chose to.

So a 14 year old girl has been shot by the Taliban. For them, I suppose it's the equivalent of 'just another day at the office' ... another cruelty, another oppression, another attempted murder. Just as others rain death and destruction against others they have no 'approval' of ... like, say, Hamas against Israelis.

In the case of the girl, she chose the outrageous step of having AN EDUCATION. Well, what's an Islamic despot to do, actually TOLERATE the existence of a 'mere' woman who'd rather not be oppressed into lifelong ignorance ?

The Taliban's vision of Islam, Jafar - I suggest - gets to the essence of what Islam intended soon after its creation. What they want is a Society run as Islamic societies were run many hundreds of years ago, with all the old, in fact ancient, attitudes intact. Zero progress, the implementation instead of the form of Dark Age from which humanity has been progressing to better itself from being in step with !

I reject your wish to see the Taliban distanced from 21st century Islam. Islam is ANTI progress, and all the Taliban are doing is being true to 'Islam's soul'. The Taliban is surely an honest representation of what Islam leads to, where no modern influences encroach upon it.

10-11-2012, 08:23 PM
A God that answers your prayers is the best God!

Indeed ?

If SATAN answered a prayer, would that make Satan worth worshipping ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2012, 08:29 PM
Here's the thing, Jafar. Propaganda has it that 'Islam is a religion of peace' .. and I don't doubt you heard this claim broadcast, at some time, when you were in my country, busily enjoying the company at the 'George' ....

Nonetheless ... and surely, 'mysteriously' by your reckoning, Jafar, we KEEP seeing manifestations of groupings springing up from Islamic roots, that are highly aggressive, brutal, cruel, murderous. The Taliban is one such. The terrorists they once happily played host to, Al Qaeda, are another. And you are well aware that I could take time out to greatly expand on that list if I chose to.

So a 14 year old girl has been shot by the Taliban. For them, I suppose it's the equivalent of 'just another day at the office' ... another cruelty, another oppression, another attempted murder. Just as others rain death and destruction against others they have no 'approval' of ... like, say, Hamas against Israelis.

In the case of the girl, she chose the outrageous step of having AN EDUCATION. Well, what's an Islamic despot to do, actually TOLERATE the existence of a 'mere' woman who'd rather not be oppressed into lifelong ignorance ?

The Taliban's vision of Islam, Jafar - I suggest - gets to the essence of what Islam intended soon after its creation. What they want is a Society run as Islamic societies were run many hundreds of years ago, with all the old, in fact ancient, attitudes intact. Zero progress, the implementation instead of the form of Dark Age from which humanity has been progressing to better itself from being in step with !

I reject your wish to see the Taliban distanced from 21st century Islam. Islam is ANTI progress, and all the Taliban are doing is being true to 'Islam's soul'. The Taliban is surely an honest representation of what Islam leads to, where no modern influences encroach upon it.

Taliban and Al QAEDA represent the core principles of Islam. Complete with its oppressive , iron discipline and lack of mercy which is always applified by its hardcore believers. As such they joyfully practice Jihad and will murder as easily as you or I would take Sunday stroll. Islam teaches that action is just and commanded by Alllah. Jafar knows this well but will not admit it.-Tyr

10-11-2012, 08:48 PM
Taliban and Al QAEDA represent the core principles of Islam. Complete with its oppressive , iron discipline and lack of mercy which is always applified by its hardcore believers. As such they joyfully practice Jihad and will murder as easily as you or I would take Sunday stroll. Islam teaches that action is just and commanded by Alllah. Jafar knows this well but will not admit it.-Tyr

Are you an authority on Islam now ? Even muslims themselves don't agree on who best represents the core values of Islam. Why don't you let go of the hate and put some effort into a realistic way to put an end to the Taliban and al qaeda?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Are you an authority on Islam now ? Even muslims themselves don't agree on who best represents the core values of Islam. Why don't you let go of the hate and put some effort into a realistic way to put an end to the Taliban and al qaeda?

Recognising and openly admitting the problem is a must. So far the number of people, you included , that like to belittle the problem, belittle the great danger prevents a real attempt at forming a plan to counter Islam's goal of destroying us!
Al qaeda and Taliban are a serious problem but so is the rest of Islam because the rest of Islam basicly supports Jihad and does overwhelmingly pursue the goal of total domination of the world by Islam. That total domination represents the forced conversion and deaths of many , many millions of innocent people before its accomplished. Islam knows this and has decided that its a very, very small price to pay to establish Islam as the only religion in the world! Ignoring or denying this is foolhardy and extremely dangerous to not just our nation's survival but to the lives of tens of millions of innocent people. In Islam's 1400+ years it has killed over 270 million people and thats the low estimate!-Tyr

10-23-2012, 11:19 AM
Are you an authority on Islam now ? Even muslims themselves don't agree on who best represents the core values of Islam. Why don't you let go of the hate and put some effort into a realistic way to put an end to the Taliban and al qaeda?

... well, indeed. Let's become less alert to the dangers Islamic terrorism poses, let's remove the motivational edge that best serves as a defence against it ... and just wait around for the next atrocity .. eh ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2012, 12:30 PM
... well, indeed. Let's become less alert to the dangers Islamic terrorism poses, let's remove the motivational edge that best serves as a defence against it ... and just wait around for the next atrocity .. eh ?

Which he often advocates... -Tyr

10-24-2012, 03:12 PM
I've asked Dilloduck, twice now, whether he's a Muslim. On neither occasion have I received any answer.

Asking now for the third time .. Dilloduck, are you a Muslim ?

If you decide you'd still rather not answer this direct question, would you care to say WHY ?

10-24-2012, 03:29 PM
I've asked Dilloduck, twice now, whether he's a Muslim. On neither occasion have I received any answer.

Asking now for the third time .. Dilloduck, are you a Muslim ?

If you decide you'd still rather not answer this direct question, would you care to say WHY ?

Drummond. I suspect you may be correct. But then. As a recovering Alcoholic. I learned long ago. How to get over the Denial, and accept how I was destroying myself with a bottle.

Sounds like Dilloduck may be there now.

10-24-2012, 07:19 PM
I've asked Dilloduck, twice now, whether he's a Muslim. On neither occasion have I received any answer.

Asking now for the third time .. Dilloduck, are you a Muslim ?

If you decide you'd still rather not answer this direct question, would you care to say WHY ?

What if he is a Muslim. It seems like an irrelevant question to me.

10-24-2012, 08:35 PM
What if he is a Muslim. It seems like an irrelevant question to me.

Surely the answer is obvious. A 'yes' answer would explain the direction his answers take, provide an insight into the level of prejudicial thinking that may be at work. Readers could weigh factors such as this into their judgment of what worth certain answers hold. Such answers could be more fairly judged in their fairest possible context.

For example - and in your favour - has been your own well-known, self-advertised, support of Islam. We at least know where we stand with you. We know that you will speak for Islam, presenting it in as good a light as you can, whenever you can, since you're effectively a form of cheerleader for Islam. This in turn - and as you've seen for yourself - allows us all to reach a proper determination of what you tell us.

No reasonable thinker can regard such insights as being a bad thing.

10-24-2012, 08:43 PM
Surely the answer is obvious. A 'yes' answer would explain the direction his answers take, provide an insight into the level of prejudicial thinking that may be at work. Readers could weigh factors such as this into their judgment of what worth certain answers hold. Such answers could be more fairly judged in their fairest possible context.

For example - and in your favour - has been your own well-known, self-advertised, support of Islam. We at least know where we stand with you. We know that you will speak for Islam, presenting it in as good a light as you can, whenever you can, since you're effectively a form of cheerleader for Islam. This in turn - and as you've seen for yourself - allows us all to reach a proper determination of what you tell us.

No reasonable thinker can regard such insights as being a bad thing.

Horseshit----your demand to know my religion is an example of YOUR prejudicial thinking at work. "Muslim in Denial" is my favorite so far.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 08:45 PM
Surely the answer is obvious. A 'yes' answer would explain the direction his answers take, provide an insight into the level of prejudicial thinking that may be at work. Readers could weigh factors such as this into their judgment of what worth certain answers hold. Such answers could be more fairly judged in their fairest possible context.

For example - and in your favour - has been your own well-known, self-advertised, support of Islam. We at least know where we stand with you. We know that you will speak for Islam, presenting it in as good a light as you can, whenever you can, since you're effectively a form of cheerleader for Islam. This in turn - and as you've seen for yourself - allows us all to reach a proper determination of what you tell us.

No reasonable thinker can regard such insights as being a bad thing.

Dillo still dodging, Thats leads me to think that he is. Still both he and Jafar are fairly honest in their replies. I doubt either one is a jihadist. Dillo is kinda elusive guy and slips and slides with his replies. Jafar just shoots it right at ya and doesnt care what you think about it. Hell, he is kinda like me in that!! I bet that comparison rankles his kankles.:laugh2:--Tyr

10-24-2012, 09:42 PM
Dillo still dodging, Thats leads me to think that he is. Still both he and Jafar are fairly honest in their replies. I doubt either one is a jihadist. Dillo is kinda elusive guy and slips and slides with his replies. Jafar just shoots it right at ya and doesnt care what you think about it. Hell, he is kinda like me in that!! I bet that comparison rankles his kankles.:laugh2:--Tyr

I am a jihadist Tyr. :p

10-24-2012, 09:46 PM
I am a jihadist Tyr. :p

I'd call it a tie...Tyr is a Gee, head-up-his-ass-ist!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2012, 09:53 PM
I'd call it a tie...Tyr is a Gee, head-up-his-ass-ist!

And missileman is a cow-ard - ist , punk-ass-ist! That issues challenges then begs off.:laugh2:--Tyr

10-25-2012, 05:01 AM
And missileman is a cow-ard - ist , punk-ass-ist! That issues challenges then begs off.:laugh2:--Tyr

You assume too much!

10-25-2012, 06:05 AM
Are we all 'ists now?

Meanwhile, Malala is "doing well" apparently.

LONDON (Reuters) - A Pakistani girl shot in the head by Taliban gunmen is "not out of the woods" but is doing well and has been able to stand for the first time, doctors at the British hospital treating her said on Friday.

Also, if you hadn't noticed there were rallies in her support.


Less support for these brutal people is a good thing. Pakistan should send the Taliban packing back over the border.

10-25-2012, 01:11 PM
Horseshit----your demand to know my religion is an example of YOUR prejudicial thinking at work. "Muslim in Denial" is my favorite so far.

Your charge is ridiculous. How on earth could I DEMAND an answer from you ?

What I have done is to ask you a particular question a number of times. You have evaded answering it for that same number of times. Further, you've evaded offering, as was asked, any rationale as to why you prefer not to answer.

But here's the thing. You claim I have 'prejudicial thinking' at work. Now, what's the best way to counter prejudicial thinking ? Well .. why not offer up a dose of FACT to counter it ?

I mean, you do have that capability, surely ? Eh ?

... yes .. ?

By the way, I don't recall using the words 'Muslim in Denial' in any post to you. Can you show me where I did ?

10-25-2012, 01:16 PM
Are we all 'ists now?

Meanwhile, Malala is "doing well" apparently.


Also, if you hadn't noticed there were rallies in her support.


Less support for these brutal people is a good thing. Pakistan should send the Taliban packing back over the border.

I'm glad you can agree with me about the Taliban and their brutality. The Taliban, needless to say, are truly terrible examples of what Muslims can be capable of.

Ah, now, if ONLY there weren't any number of other groupings for whom I could make just the same point !!

Don't you agree ?

10-25-2012, 01:20 PM
Dillo still dodging, Thats leads me to think that he is. Still both he and Jafar are fairly honest in their replies. I doubt either one is a jihadist. Dillo is kinda elusive guy and slips and slides with his replies. Jafar just shoots it right at ya and doesnt care what you think about it. Hell, he is kinda like me in that!! I bet that comparison rankles his kankles.:laugh2:--Tyr

I certainly agree, Tyr.

Mind you .. does evasiveness count as evidence of honest responsiveness ? Arguable ..

But never mind, I see your point.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 05:53 PM
Your charge is ridiculous. How on earth could I DEMAND an answer from you ?

What I have done is to ask you a particular question a number of times. You have evaded answering it for that same number of times. Further, you've evaded offering, as was asked, any rationale as to why you prefer not to answer.

But here's the thing. You claim I have 'prejudicial thinking' at work. Now, what's the best way to counter prejudicial thinking ? Well .. why not offer up a dose of FACT to counter it ?

I mean, you do have that capability, surely ? Eh ?

... yes .. ?

By the way, I don't recall using the words 'Muslim in Denial' in any post to you. Can you show me where I did ?

Dillo thinks you demand because you did not accept his ignoring your question. You see certain people think it only right that they get to ask all the questions.
Apparently he has decided hiding stuff like obama does is the way to go. Whats good enough for the bamster is good enough for me is his stand perhaps.
I mean , why would it matter that your cook is or even used to be a cannibal, right??-:laugh2:--Tyr

10-25-2012, 06:03 PM
Dillo still dodging, Thats leads me to think that he is. Still both he and Jafar are fairly honest in their replies. I doubt either one is a jihadist. Dillo is kinda elusive guy and slips and slides with his replies. Jafar just shoots it right at ya and doesnt care what you think about it. Hell, he is kinda like me in that!! I bet that comparison rankles his kankles.:laugh2:--Tyr

Tyr. It might just be possible. Dilloduck is so much like Obama. He really doesn't know what, or how to answer your question without making up a lie to cover up his ignorance.

Dillo has no personal reason to be responsible, or to answer any questions. That's just how Liberals Roll. Never put themselves in any positions to answer any questions. That way, they avoid being held responsible at all costs.

It's much easier to just allow the Dillo's of the world to think. They are so much smarter than everyone else. Because they are Unable to answer honest questions. Being unaware of, or unfamiliar with the words Truth, or Honesty. Not part of their daily vocabulary.

Give Dillo a break. His/Her HERO is trying to lie his way into four more years of Fooling American Black Citizens.

10-25-2012, 06:57 PM
I'm glad you can agree with me about the Taliban and their brutality. The Taliban, needless to say, are truly terrible examples of what Muslims can be capable of.

Ah, now, if ONLY there weren't any number of other groupings for whom I could make just the same point !!

Don't you agree ?

That goes with anyone who uses tyranny to lord their power over people, no matter the religion they claim to follow.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2012, 07:06 PM
That goes with anyone who uses tyranny to lord their power over people, no matter the religion they claim to follow.

Really, then why does Islam teach to use force/violence to advance its agenda?-Tyr

10-26-2012, 01:12 AM
Really, then why does Islam teach to use force/violence to advance its agenda?-Tyr

I was never forced to become a Muslim Tyr.

red states rule
10-26-2012, 03:09 AM
I was never forced to become a Muslim Tyr.

Then may I suggest you publicly announce your intention to become a Christian and you will be on the receving end of the religion of Peace

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 10:02 AM
I was never forced to become a Muslim Tyr.

Not all are , most are born into it. Where you, born into it? If born into it then the choice was made by the parents not the child. Of course its so rigid and intolerant that after a that many years as a child being indoctrinated very few leave it. Because of "force of habit" and the knowledge that the penalty for leaving is death..-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 10:04 AM
I was never forced to become a Muslim Tyr.

Not all are , most are born into it. Were you, born into it? If born into it then the choice was made by the parents not the child. Of course its so rigid and intolerant that after that many years as a child being indoctrinated very few leave it. Because of "force of habit" and the knowledge that the penalty for leaving is death..-Tyr

10-26-2012, 11:25 AM
Not all are , most are born into it. Where you, born into it? If born into it then the choice was made by the parents not the child.

Such is the case in all religions.

the knowledge that the penalty for leaving is death..-Tyr

What is the opposite of "eternal life"?

Abbey Marie
10-26-2012, 11:52 AM
Such is the case in all religions.

What is the opposite of "eternal life"?

Yet only one religion I know will hurt you if you convert.

10-26-2012, 12:58 PM
Yet only one religion I know will hurt you if you convert.

This will be denied as "not in the Quran" " not by true Muslims" and other crap, and yet there are endless stories of deaths out there, and endless stories from converts who had to sneak away and out of countries to save their lives.

10-26-2012, 02:22 PM
I was never forced to become a Muslim Tyr.

I was never forced to become a Christian, jafar. But no other person I have ever known in my sixty-five years ever Threatened me, or promised to kill me if I decided to become another religion. Can you say the same about being a Muslim?

Probably not. Because you. Like so many others we have learned about. FEAR being labeled, or targeted for Daring to even Think of changing.

10-26-2012, 02:45 PM
Yet only one religion I know will hurt you if you convert.

No argument, but that wasn't the point. If Tyr had been born to Muslim parents, he'd be an advocate for Islam and not Christianity...and just as insistent that Islam is the truth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 05:32 PM
No argument, but that wasn't the point. If Tyr had been born to Muslim parents, he'd be an advocate for Islam and not Christianity...and just as insistent that Islam is the truth.

Thats true but it only proves the force and intolerance of the religion not the correctness
of it. What are attempting to prove with these comments about Islam? That its no better or no worse than any other religion?

10-26-2012, 07:12 PM
Thats true but it only proves the force and intolerance of the religion not the correctness
of it. What are attempting to prove with these comments about Islam? That its no better or no worse than any other religion?

Your disbelief in Islam is grounded in your birth into Christianity. As I've stated on other occasions, your disbelief, my disbelief, Muslims belief...none of those things establishes or disestablishes the truth as it relates to religion. Better or worse is dependent on what the truth is, don't you think? If you're right, Islam is worse. If you're both wrong, Islam is worse. What if Islam is right?

10-26-2012, 08:38 PM
Your disbelief in Islam is grounded in your birth into Christianity. As I've stated on other occasions, your disbelief, my disbelief, Muslims belief...none of those things establishes or disestablishes the truth as it relates to religion. Better or worse is dependent on what the truth is, don't you think? If you're right, Islam is worse. If you're both wrong, Islam is worse. What if Islam is right?

Missileman. The best way to handle this question would be. I will not question your beliefs, and you should not question mine. Or anyone else's for that matter.

Once again. Because this world is made up of billions of different people, all with different beliefs, and mind-sets.

The one, and only logical answer to solving, accepting, and allowing others to believe as they want. Is simply to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

I won't bother you, and you won't bother me. As long as we agree not to hurt, or destroy each other.

Abbey Marie
10-26-2012, 09:50 PM
This will be denied as "not in the Quran" " not by true Muslims" and other crap, and yet there are endless stories of deaths out there, and endless stories from converts who had to sneak away and out of countries to save their lives.

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of hearing it. When they condemn and punish these folks I might actually start to believe it. Until then, it sounds like a whole lot of hollow, crappy excuses.

Abbey Marie
10-26-2012, 09:52 PM
Your disbelief in Islam is grounded in your birth into Christianity. As I've stated on other occasions, your disbelief, my disbelief, Muslims belief...none of those things establishes or disestablishes the truth as it relates to religion. Better or worse is dependent on what the truth is, don't you think? If you're right, Islam is worse. If you're both wrong, Islam is worse. What if Islam is right?

Right about what? The 72 virgins? Killing infidels? Marrying 9 year olds? I sure hope not.

10-26-2012, 09:55 PM
Then may I suggest you publicly announce your intention to become a Christian and you will be on the receving end of the religion of Peace

Christianity never made sense to me and is full of contradictions and weird stuff. Islam is straightforward and easy to understand.

Not all are , most are born into it. Where you, born into it? If born into it then the choice was made by the parents not the child. Of course its so rigid and intolerant that after a that many years as a child being indoctrinated very few leave it. Because of "force of habit" and the knowledge that the penalty for leaving is death..-Tyr

I made a choice to be a Muslim at age 29. My parents are "born again" Christians.

This will be denied as "not in the Quran" " not by true Muslims" and other crap, and yet there are endless stories of deaths out there, and endless stories from converts who had to sneak away and out of countries to save their lives.

Well.... it's not in the Qur'aan. Death just for conversion is a law made up by bad men.

I was never forced to become a Christian, jafar. But no other person I have ever known in my sixty-five years ever Threatened me, or promised to kill me if I decided to become another religion. Can you say the same about being a Muslim?

Probably not. Because you. Like so many others we have learned about. FEAR being labeled, or targeted for Daring to even Think of changing.

I've never been threatened and anyone who did would be beaten down with demands for proof from Islamic scripture or STFU.

Your disbelief in Islam is grounded in your birth into Christianity. As I've stated on other occasions, your disbelief, my disbelief, Muslims belief...none of those things establishes or disestablishes the truth as it relates to religion. Better or worse is dependent on what the truth is, don't you think? If you're right, Islam is worse. If you're both wrong, Islam is worse. What if Islam is right?

I don't believe Tyr's belief is by birth. His mind has been poisoned by preachers with a militant agenda to spread hate against Muslims to paint their religion as the better one. I have heard it all before. My father has been fed that same crud that Tyr has been fed by his priest.

10-26-2012, 10:17 PM
Right about what? The 72 virgins? Killing infidels? Marrying 9 year olds? I sure hope not.

What if Allah is God and the Koran accurately expresses Allah's desires of Muslims? I concur with your hope not, but it doesn't answer the question.

Abbey Marie
10-26-2012, 10:39 PM
What if Allah is God and the Koran accurately expresses Allah's desires of Muslims? I concur with your hope not, but it doesn't answer the question.

Of course we cannot know until it is too late. Faith is what we have until then.

But I will say that the idea of a God who wants us to be forced to worship Him makes no sense. God is omnipotent and can just have us all walking around worshipping Him if he wanted that. No need for a violent middle man.

Neither does it make sense that God would use women as a heavenly reward for killing.

I'll stake everything on it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 11:01 PM
Your disbelief in Islam is grounded in your birth into Christianity. As I've stated on other occasions, your disbelief, my disbelief, Muslims belief...none of those things establishes or disestablishes the truth as it relates to religion. Better or worse is dependent on what the truth is, don't you think? If you're right, Islam is worse. If you're both wrong, Islam is worse. What if Islam is right?

Islam is not right so the --what-if- has no meaning at all. I had to make a decision on Islam and I made it . Ididnt flip a coin instead I researched the subject. That has lead to me to not just think but to know that Islam is wrong.
No loving God would instruct humans to murder and enslave other humans in his name! Islam has far too many extreme negatives for it to be correct..-Tyr

10-26-2012, 11:18 PM
Islam is not right ..-Tyr

You can't prove it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2012, 11:27 PM
You can't prove it.

I proved it to myself, that was enough. Each person has to make decisions on issues they view important. I made mine on Islam. Of course one can not prove it to a person that has already rejected that truth. You reject it , fine by me. I am not converting people here. I was putting out truth backed up by actions that they take involving murdering innocent people. Then its up to the readers to decide. I take no votes on it nor do I keep a list. Truth always stands on its own..
Do you think Allah wanted those heroes to go shoot that 14 year old girl?
They thought so and that speaks volumes ..-Tyr

10-27-2012, 09:26 PM
No loving God would instruct humans to murder and enslave other humans in his name!

Exactly right!

Do you think Allah wanted those heroes to go shoot that 14 year old girl?

Definitely not. Do you?