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View Full Version : How baseball defines life

10-13-2012, 11:56 AM
The eternal magic of Major League Baseball presented itself again Friday night.
The St. Louis Cardinals, who trailed 6-0 early in the game and were down to their last strike on five different occasions in the ninth inning, somehow found a way to rally for win over the favored Washington Nationals.

I discussed this with my daughter this morning. How you can be on the very edge of a dismal setback and still find a way to win your personal battle.
My dad raised me in this manner, using baseball as a microcosm of life in general. There will always be wins and losses, but there is always a chance to succeed somewhere down the line.

Baseball, like life itself, can be totally awesome if you allow it to.
There are no political parties in baseball. No liberals or conservatives. Just winners and losers, and the life lessons you learn from understanding why it happened.

Above everything, two lessons to be learned for all time:
A -- God is a Dodgers fan. Why else would the sky be Dodger Blue?
B -- The Yankees and Giants suck. Always. :cool: