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10-14-2012, 05:27 PM
And not Rush, but David Limbaugh. Sort of been stated already, but he says it much more eloquently.

My Quick Take on the Debate

I got bounced off Twitter again tonight for what I suppose was excessive tweeting so here is my summary take at the end:

Biden was disgracefully rude; and the moderator both allowed him to get away with it and contributed to that disgraceful atmosphere herself, through her own interruptions and her own persistent, and argumentative follow-ups with Ryan -- not Biden. Every time Ryan gained momentum, making a substantive point, Biden strategically interrupted him, and many times Ryan was scoring the moderator interrupted him too, as if she were collaborating with Joe. People may think Biden won on passion and was equal or had a slight edge on substance, but I am convinced it wouldn't have been as close on substance if Biden had not been permitted to talk over Ryan as much. Biden did do a fairly good job defending an indefensible record, and Ryan acquitted himself very well on substance, despite being repeatedly interrupted. Biden was derisive, sneering and disrespectful even concerning the most sensitive subjects from Iran to abortion. I wish Ryan had not been so deferential, but from what I'm seeing of initial shock polls, it appears that Biden's strategy has backfired. People should not make the mistake of thinking Biden's passion led to his rudeness. This was clearly premeditated in an effort to counter what the Obama analysts deemed was Obama's greatest failing in the debate. Ryan came across as very respectful, thoughtful, and intelligent. I think Ryan began very well, and closed very well because he was allowed to develop and articulate his points with less interruption. When the playing field was level, i.e, free of interruption which moments were few and far between -- Ryan bested Biden. I think this debate tees up the next two for Romney and Obama and I think Obama will try to be as aggressive as Biden, but probably less rude, once he discovers the public didn't approve of it. Biden did help Obama in the sense of providing him the best possible answers, though factually incorrect and demagogic, for Obama's failed record. So Biden's performance, as flawed as it was, will not help Team Obama tonight and may have hurt it, but it will help Obama prepare for the next two debates.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-14-2012, 05:42 PM
And not Rush, but David Limbaugh. Sort of been stated already, but he says it much more eloquently.


I agree with that analysis. At first Biden interruptins ,laughing , sneering angered me but then I realised it likely angered millions of others that saw it for what it was! So I laughed at Biden every time he interrupted and sneered. By the time the debate was over I was as happy as a hungry dog that has found a big juicy bone.-;)-Tyr

red states rule
10-14-2012, 05:44 PM
Mean Joe: The Face of the Democrat Party (http://www.debatepolicy.com/daily/2012/10/12/mean_joe_the_face_of_the_democrat_party)



10-14-2012, 07:29 PM
I honestly enjoyed watching Biden make such a total fool of himself for almost the entire 90 minutes.
He reminded me of the 70's, when GOLDY HAWN squeeked, and laughed from behind her door with that HUGE silly smile.

He made me laugh so hard at times. I almost felt a need to get up, go out with my wife, and stop at the Nearest 7-11, just to be reminded of Joe's words about needing to Understand, or Speak with an Indian accent while I ordered a SLURPY.

If Biden is Obama's...Honest to Goodness, Number two man. DEAR GOD.....Please protect Mister Obama with everything you have.

Joe is just a JOKE.

10-16-2012, 06:46 AM
have I missed any future debates scheduled with at least REASONABLY un-biased moderators who actually 'moderate'? Why do conversatives agree to have generally TERRIBLE moderators at the debates?

10-16-2012, 08:07 AM
I agree with Limbaugh's assessment. It showed that Ryan won't flinch when bullied and ganged up on. We need more politicians like him.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 09:06 AM
I agree with Limbaugh's assessment. It showed that Ryan won't flinch when bullied and ganged up on. We need more politicians like him.

Rush Limbaugh is a very brilliant man. If the leftists had him on their dumbass side we'd be in real trouble. But hey, they have obama and the genius Joe Biden..-:laugh:
A habitual ego-driven liar and his sidekick an habitual blithering fool.
Good times in the debates..:beer:--Tyr

10-16-2012, 02:04 PM
Rush Limbaugh is a very brilliant man. If the leftists had him on their dumbass side we'd be in real trouble. But hey, they have obama and the genius Joe Biden..-:laugh:
A habitual ego-driven liar and his sidekick an habitual blithering fool.
Good times in the debates..:beer:--Tyr

Tyr. Be careful when you talk about Limbaugh. That upsets the Liberal, Mentally Unstable balance with threats of honesty, and truth they still can't handle...unless someone else gives them permission to Think.