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View Full Version : Muslims protest google, bad news for google..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-14-2012, 07:29 PM

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Muslims protest 'age of mockery' as thousands descend on Google HQThousands of Muslims have pledged a series of protests against Google HQ for a "hateful and offensive" anti-Islam video, saying they now live in an "age of mockery".http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02368/GOOGLE3_2368443b.jpg
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The scene outside the Google offices in Buckingham Palace Road, London. Photo: GEOFF PUGH

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Protest outside Google HQ in Buckingham Palace Road organised by the Muslim Action Forum. Photo: GEOFF PUGH

By Jennifer O'Mahony (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/jennifer-omahony/)

3:52PM BST 14 Oct 2012
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A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the first in an orchestrated attempt to force the company to remove an anti-Islamic film from website YouTube in Britain.

Thousands had travelled from as far afield as Glasgow to take part in the demonstration, ahead of a planned million-strong march in Hyde Park in coming weeks.

Anger over 'The Innocence of Muslims', an American-produced film which insults the Prophet Mohammad and demeans Muslims, according to protesters, remains available to watch on the website YouTube, a subsidiary of Google.
This could be serious problem for google. Google is very liberal . If they unite to take action then google wil likely fold to meet their demands.. This could end up being very big.. -Tyr

10-14-2012, 07:36 PM
Hell--we can get more people to line up for a new Iphone.

10-16-2012, 04:32 PM
Let's give 'em something SERIOUS to talk about from Obama.....3995