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red states rule
10-15-2012, 03:42 AM
Obama's first (and only term) in his own words


10-15-2012, 09:55 PM
Wow, he's done much, I expected the condensed version to have......well a lot less in it!
so we have heard what he has said, now lets look at what he has done..............................
he created a bill that orders people to purchase a product under the threat of punitive taxation if they do not.
that's it.
four years and that's it!!
I've done more on a wet weekend in the fingerlakes!!

10-16-2012, 05:14 AM
I'll just add:

"I believe marriage is something between a man and a woman."

"I will cut the deficit in half by going through the budget line by line"

"I will create millions of new good paying jobs."

"I will sit down with Ahmedinejad and squash the nuclear problem in Iran."

"I will close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay"

"I will give the prisoners at Gitmo civilian trials in US courts."

"If we pass the stimulus bill the unemployment rate will not go over 8%"

10-16-2012, 06:04 AM
Super condensed version...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 08:40 AM
Super condensed version...


ABJECT FAILURE WITH ARROGANT AND MEDDLING WIFE that thinks to tell families how to eat and how to raise their own kids...--Tyr

10-16-2012, 04:19 PM
Can't get more CONDENSED than this.... 3993 for Obama's accomplishments.

Robert A Whit
10-16-2012, 04:42 PM
I wish democrats could see those seeking a top job the same way they evaluate ships captains.

Bear in mind that in the US Navy, when a ships captain so much as bumps another ship, he will lose his job. Some of them have judicial action.

Presidents must have been trained. Some claim you can't be trained to be president. Well that is pure ignorance talking. I can't tell hou how many times some democrat told me they can't be trained. This is the process.

You impress the locals who elevate you to maybe city council. Then mayor. Then you get elected for a state legislative spot.

Obama simply skipped all the way to the top in his state and became a Senator. But Senators do not manage. They create laws. Seldom do they discard laws. The courts may force them to back down.

The next on the list for qualifications is Governor. Ronald Reagan came to DC after training in CA for 8 years to learn to govern. Clinton showed up well trained to be president. i don't approve Clintons policies but The man was trained. Democrats could have elected Gov. Richardson a well schooled Democrat but they rushed to judgement and ended up with an empty suit.

Even Hillary knew more about government than Obama did. But Obama is an illusionist. He is little more than that green guy that was in the Wizard of Oz that also got exposed.

While it is true that his present experience has given him that experience, the man by his words in my opinion still has not learned any lessons to the point he has to be kept.

HE must go.

His way is bad for this country.

Look, nobody wants the sick or old to be tossed under the trains wheels.

But is that the task of the Fed Government?

States must be involved in schools. But why the Feds?

I once believed in the Feds role in schools. But after 74 years of this nonsense, I figured that DC is a place that those refusing to learn rush to govern.

Read that again. They refuse to learn how to govern.

Look at the low esteem the public has for congress?

You can't watch this show Obama has put on for 4 years, run down congress then approve what Obama did. That makes no sense. Obama had as we all know the most friendly to him congress for 2 full years. And he got his tit in the wringer and was taken to the USSC. They had to fix his law and call it a tax.

I would hot hire Obama to captain a ship, pilot an airplane nor to manage the USA. Look, Senators are like airplane passengers. They decide where they want to fly to then get onto the right airplane. But they don't fly it.

Obama has no clue how to work with congress. even a congress that ranks so low in public esteem. He does more to keep congress ranked low than any president in recent memory.

10-16-2012, 05:21 PM
Condensed version of Dubya's first term (for comparison purposes):



10-16-2012, 05:25 PM
Condensed version of Dubya's first term (for comparison purposes):



I guess that dispels any notion that Obama had to govern under more adverse conditions than any other recent President.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 05:46 PM
Condensed version of Dubya's first term (for comparison purposes):



That is one damn stupid post. About right considering who made it!-Tyr

10-16-2012, 07:12 PM
The U.S.S. Obama....a tribute3996 A growing Navy for the Enemy lover.

Robert A Whit
10-16-2012, 07:42 PM
Obama keeps on ticking. I compare him and this photo to the energizer bunny.

10-17-2012, 03:31 PM
Obama keeps on ticking. I compare him and this photo to the energizer bunny.

Robert. I agree with you. You forgot to mention how our Beloved, Veteran Loving Obama has sent out FORM LETTERS to the families of those Americans shown under those STARS and STRIPES.

10-17-2012, 04:52 PM
Condensed version of Dubya's first term (for comparison purposes):



Hmmm, interesting. There have been deaths in our military force with both President Bush and obama. But if a comparision is to made in the difference in the two, Bush responded to a terrorist attack with military force, obama responded to a terrorist attack by sending his UN ambassador out to lie about a YouTube video and make an apology commercial in Pakistan.

10-17-2012, 07:24 PM
The following is the True, Condensed Version of Obama's First Term........

In case you missed it. Here it is again....in SLOW MOTION............................

Thank you for watching. Invisible Lies have results.