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View Full Version : Romney vs. Obama alternate debate (sort of)

10-15-2012, 11:21 PM
Supposed to be satire. But contains an uncomfortable amount of truth. And proof why the 2012 general election will not have a winner. Since either way, the American public will be stuck with a loser.

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dX_1B0w7Hzc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

10-16-2012, 07:28 AM
Supposed to be satire. But contains an uncomfortable amount of truth. And proof why the 2012 general election will not have a winner. Since either way, the American public will be stuck with a loser.

Why so glum? The main problem is the US government spends too much money. The second problem is too many businesses are over-regulated where expanding and hiring people isn't profitable. Most of the American public work in the private sector. More will have jobs and the ones that have a job will have a better working environment because companies will have to focus on employee retention again.

10-16-2012, 07:59 AM
^^ Respectfully disagree. The main problem is a voting population who makes terrible choices.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 09:15 AM
^^ Respectfully disagree. The main problem is a voting population who makes terrible choices.

And a big part of that is that a huge segment of the voting population have been bought lock, stock and barrell by government freebies= dem socialist give away programs. These voters vote only for those promising to keep those programs and promising to increase the giving. That hurts the entire nation and is a vicious cycle. Basicly the vast majority of the black population votes dem for that reason! Of course the dems made sure that was legal vote buying with our tax dollars! We all suffer because of it....-Tyr

10-16-2012, 09:45 AM
^^ Respectfully disagree. The main problem is a voting population who makes terrible choices.It's not that they make terrible choices, it's that they get thier information from politicle ad's. So it's that they make decisions on terrible data.. Of course they are too stupid and lazy to actually look for information themselves..

10-16-2012, 11:17 AM

There is another debate tonight. I know you missed the last one and instead relied on the news media to tell you what was said.

This time how about listening to both sides argue their points. Become an informed voter.

10-16-2012, 01:13 PM
It's not that they make terrible choices, it's that they get thier information from politicle ad's. So it's that they make decisions on terrible data.. Of course they are too stupid and lazy to actually look for information themselves..

Nukeman nails it again.
Too many voters are swayed by negative ads and bombastic claims. Like some weeping actress who appears on a TV ad: "I am currently homeless. My husband left me, my children are sick and my son's dog died. This is all because of GOP/Dem policies. If you don't vote for Obama/Romney this November, I will have to pimp my 14 year old daughter just to buy Ramen for dinner."

Vote your conscience, based on how YOU feel. Don't let someone else make your decision for you.

Robert A Whit
10-16-2012, 01:34 PM
My point will be made by telling you a bit of my story.
I grew up as a Democrat. When politics was discussed, my mother made sure I knew republicans were SOBS, crooks and in general as bad as Hitler.
Now, kids might rebel. I was not a pain in the ass to my parents. I was not perfect at all. I did my share of teen pranks and stuff I am not proud of today.

But I was a damned loyal democrat.

I voted straight Democrat from John Kennedy forward until my final democrat, "Jimmah" Carter.
I switched to Reagan whom I had refused to support when he was the governor. He converted me.

I admire great thinking. I won all the volumns of the Great books in 1964 in a contest.

I have them today.

I found that as a Democrat, a lot of my training involved teaching me to hate. I was to hate the rich people. I was to mock them. I was to call them dirty scum bags.

I don't do that today to democrats who in my view simply did not learn to accept full responsibilty for their own care and upkeep. They depend on the rich to take care of them. Some think they depend on the government. A lot of that is true. But in the main, they want the rich to pay for their goverment. Repeat. Democrats expect the rich to pay for government so they get the benefits. When the rich demand some benefits, democrats get angry. How dare the rich try to get a break in government? I see this in their words.

William E. Simon a former treasury head put out a book. Too bad schools don't make this book part of their education of students. I suggest you pull out all stops trying to locate that book and read it two times. A time for truth is the name of the book.

Siomehow or the other, my education had never used the small books by Thomas Paine in my formal education. I found out about his books and bought them. They make a lot of sense.

I learned that the only way to get all you want from government is to pay through the ass for what they do.

If you want a lot of war, buy them lots of tanks and airplanes and ships. Given all those toys, who can resist using them. Even Obama has used those weapons. Don't let the man shit any of you. He set out to pass Bush in number of troops killed and he is well on his way. Notice that the Media once made a huge deal when troops died yet it is sort of hazy to most people how many troops die under Obama. The media soft peddles it. Notice that Code Pink is not as disruptive? Troops get killed daily for Obama. They are pretty pissed off at Obama I am told and plan a huge backlash against him this election.

Ass kissing Generals must look like they support Obama.

I admit being misguided up to about age 40. Imagine living to middle age and still believing that crap democrats teach?

I bear the burden today of that. I voted for people who put us more under socialism and I am ashamed of myself for doing that.

I promise I QUIT that crap 34 years ago. I hope to atone for my errors.

Look, crooks want somebody richer than them to take care of them too. Why be a crook?

I mean that. Democrats in my view are crooks. To make use of government as a tool to get at some group of people so you don't have to pay, is being a crook.

Face it. Democrats love a huge government that they don't bear much of a burden to get.

They want all the features of massive government and object only when asked to pay their fair share.

I call that being a common crook. Taking from other people is what crooks do.

Robert A Whit
10-16-2012, 01:52 PM
Nukeman nails it again.
Too many voters are swayed by negative ads and bombastic claims. Like some weeping actress who appears on a TV ad: "I am currently homeless. My husband left me, my children are sick and my son's dog died. This is all because of GOP/Dem policies. If you don't vote for Obama/Romney this November, I will have to pimp my 14 year old daughter just to buy Ramen for dinner."

Vote your conscience, based on how YOU feel. Don't let someone else make your decision for you.

You said to vote for HOW YOU FEEL.

First understand that when you vote, you vote for not feelings, but for government.

Goverment has to FIRST be CLEARLY understood. Is it a NANNY you seek? Do you feel so helpless that you must vote to take from people who have been successful and convert their income to be your income?

When you read of a bank robbery. Do you admire the crook or wish the crook time in jail?

Why can't you see that Democrats are crooks?

I hate to tell democrats that they are crooks since often by saying that they refuse to listen.

So let me lay it out in clear terms and let them decide if they are crooks or not.

First that income the rich obtained is their income. It in no way belongs to you or me.
Second, don't you expect that they spent a lot of years learning some job that causes them to get a high income?

When democrats read of the success of Oprah Winfrey for instance, do they feel entitled to her income too? If she volunteers it to you, that is a different idea. Congress takes from the rich and trickles it down to all of us. We can't say it all goes to the poor. A lot of it tr4ickles down to us. As our representatives, they are crooks. When you elect a crook, they will vote to stay in power. By staying in power, they get all the perks of office.

When I was a democrat, even then I felt I was voting for the lesser of evils. I did not much like my own democrat candidates. I am very skeptical of all politicans. I believe that maybe 40 percent of them truly mean to help all of us. Not some of us, but all of us. Schumer for instance wants to harm the highly successful to the benefit of the slackers of this nation. He plans to reward you for not achieving. So has Obama.

Don't vote your feelings, vote because you now understand government.

Romney can't be perfect because he has had to play games in politics. But the man is very honest and very honorable.

One thing I wish Romney would do and that is to try harder to steer this country away from wars. Obama has not. Let Romney give it a shot.

10-16-2012, 02:10 PM
And a big part of that is that a huge segment of the voting population have been bought lock, stock and barrell by government freebies= dem socialist give away programs. These voters vote only for those promising to keep those programs and promising to increase the giving. That hurts the entire nation and is a vicious cycle. Basicly the vast majority of the black population votes dem for that reason! Of course the dems made sure that was legal vote buying with our tax dollars! We all suffer because of it....-Tyr

The ONE, missing piece in this entire Political puzzle is EDUCATION.

A terribly large portion of our entire nationwide population is generally, more uninformed, and less educated across the board, than people like all of us, here on this Forum, or other Forums across the entire Internet Spectrum.

In other words. Americans are Generally (based on our more than 300 Million people) less informed than the children presently in school.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 05:28 PM
My point will be made by telling you a bit of my story.
I grew up as a Democrat. When politics was discussed, my mother made sure I knew republicans were SOBS, crooks and in general as bad as Hitler.
Now, kids might rebel. I was not a pain in the ass to my parents. I was not perfect at all. I did my share of teen pranks and stuff I am not proud of today.

But I was a damned loyal democrat.

I voted straight Democrat from John Kennedy forward until my final democrat, "Jimmah" Carter.
I switched to Reagan whom I had refused to support when he was the governor. He converted me.

I admire great thinking. I won all the volumns of the Great books in 1964 in a contest.

I have them today.

I found that as a Democrat, a lot of my training involved teaching me to hate. I was to hate the rich people. I was to mock them. I was to call them dirty scum bags.

I don't do that today to democrats who in my view simply did not learn to accept full responsibilty for their own care and upkeep. They depend on the rich to take care of them. Some think they depend on the government. A lot of that is true. But in the main, they want the rich to pay for their goverment. Repeat. Democrats expect the rich to pay for government so they get the benefits. When the rich demand some benefits, democrats get angry. How dare the rich try to get a break in government? I see this in their words.

William E. Simon a former treasury head put out a book. Too bad schools don't make this book part of their education of students. I suggest you pull out all stops trying to locate that book and read it two times. A time for truth is the name of the book.

Siomehow or the other, my education had never used the small books by Thomas Paine in my formal education. I found out about his books and bought them. They make a lot of sense.

I learned that the only way to get all you want from government is to pay through the ass for what they do.

If you want a lot of war, buy them lots of tanks and airplanes and ships. Given all those toys, who can resist using them. Even Obama has used those weapons. Don't let the man shit any of you. He set out to pass Bush in number of troops killed and he is well on his way. Notice that the Media once made a huge deal when troops died yet it is sort of hazy to most people how many troops die under Obama. The media soft peddles it. Notice that Code Pink is not as disruptive? Troops get killed daily for Obama. They are pretty pissed off at Obama I am told and plan a huge backlash against him this election.

Ass kissing Generals must look like they support Obama.

I admit being misguided up to about age 40. Imagine living to middle age and still believing that crap democrats teach?

I bear the burden today of that. I voted for people who put us more under socialism and I am ashamed of myself for doing that.

I promise I QUIT that crap 34 years ago. I hope to atone for my errors.

Look, crooks want somebody richer than them to take care of them too. Why be a crook?

I mean that. Democrats in my view are crooks. To make use of government as a tool to get at some group of people so you don't have to pay, is being a crook.

Face it. Democrats love a huge government that they don't bear much of a burden to get.

They want all the features of massive government and object only when asked to pay their fair share.

I call that being a common crook. Taking from other people is what crooks do.

Just be thankful that you wised up, a damn lot of people never do. Instead they just double or triple down on stupid! What is even worse about that is they are abolutely sure that they are brilliant thinkers with the inside track and arrogantly look down on other people they are sure are dumbasses. -Tyr

Robert A Whit
10-16-2012, 08:03 PM
Just be thankful that you wised up, a damn lot of people never do. Instead they just double or triple down on stupid! What is even worse about that is they are abolutely sure that they are brilliant thinkers with the inside track and arrogantly look down on other people they are sure are dumbasses. -Tyr

My change, my reform was not induced by an active intent to change. I started reading William E Simons book thinking he was going to really rip up Richard Nixon and since I hated Nixon, I figured ... just the book for a loyal democrat. While he did not agree with Nixon on his fiscal policies, he made so much sense I kept reading. It was as if the magician suddenly was explaining to me the tricks pulled on us in DC. He made the budget easy to understand. He explained the processes going on in DC and took blame when he earned it.

At the end of the book, I suddenly asked, why the hell am I voting for Democrats.

I mean that. What the hell had I been thinking.

I was ignorant.

Too many democrats are ignorant and plan to stay that way. It is easy to demolish their concepts once they listen. I have yet to see any Democrat in 15 years of posting that said to me, I did read the book. And it does what you said. I don't know why they shun truth.

Thanks for your kind support.