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View Full Version : President obama disgraces the sacrifice made by man's fallen son!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2012, 07:09 PM
http://www.cafemom.com/articles/in_the_news/144772/president_obama_disgraces_fallen_marine?utm_medium =sem2&utm_campaign=prism&utm_source=outbrain&utm_content=0

News & Views (http://www.cafemom.com/articles/in_the_news) Rant (http://www.cafemom.com/articles/tag/rant) President Obama Disgraces Fallen Marine in Letter to His Dad<ADDRESS>Posted by Jeanne Sager</ADDRESS>on October 10, 2012 at 11:13 AM

http://cdn-ugc.cafemom.com/gen/constrain/500/500/80/2012/10/10/11/eu/q8/po4u1agg84.jpgTexas dad Tom Logan has had a pretty awful year. In January his son, USMC Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, was killed in a helicopter crash while serving our country. Then came the letter from President Barack Obama. A form letter.
That's right, a proud military dad was treated to nothing more than a pre-printed letter with his son's vital statistics filled in as a "condolence" for losing his own child. Ooph. Talk about kicking a man when he's down.
^^^^^^^^ Typical obama, the guy has no class, no integrity and no damn honor. Tell me this guy isnt damn scum! -Tyr

10-16-2012, 07:36 PM
And we have countless Millions of Fellow Americans who refuse to find any fault with Obama? And they wonder why I, and other millions of Americans....HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HIM....AT ALL???

10-17-2012, 01:14 PM
And we have countless Millions of Fellow Americans who refuse to find any fault with Obama? And they wonder why I, and other millions of Americans....HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HIM....AT ALL???

Because they think he signs their monthly check and gives them free cell phones.

It doesn't seem too different from South America where votes are swayed with a free bag of cement.



10-17-2012, 01:47 PM
Well, I would not expect hand written condolence letters to be sent by the President in every case of war. Can you imagine having to write such letters to all the dead from the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln could have started to but it would have been up to Theodore Roosevelt to finish it! Same thing for the 2 world wars.

That said, I admire Bush for taking a more personal approach with hand written letters. The number of casualties were manageable, yet unfortunately large enough to show that Bush had to put a great deal of time into it. Obama could have done the same but chose not to and should be ashamed in this case.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-17-2012, 09:27 PM
Well, I would not expect hand written condolence letters to be sent by the President in every case of war. Can you imagine having to write such letters to all the dead from the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln could have started to but it would have been up to Theodore Roosevelt to finish it! Same thing for the 2 world wars.

That said, I admire Bush for taking a more personal approach with hand written letters. The number of casualties were manageable, yet unfortunately large enough to show that Bush had to put a great deal of time into it. Obama could have done the same but chose not to and should be ashamed in this case.

The man has no shame, in his book only America has shame. He is the hero that went around the world apologising for all the wicked things America has done..When America DID NOT IMMEDIATELY TURN ITS BACK ON HIM FOR THAT HE KNEW HE COULD DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING TO IT AND HE DID. 6 TRILION DOLLARS LATER ITS WORSE THAN IT WAS FOUR YEARS AGO WHEN HE STARTED HIS CAMPAIGN OF DESTRUCTION.
The man has no shame but damn sure has an agenda!!-Tyr

10-17-2012, 09:39 PM
The man has no shame, in his book only America has shame. He is the hero that went around the world apologising for all the wicked things America has done..When America DID NOT IMMEDIATELY TURN ITS BACK ON HIM FOR THAT HE KNEW HE COULD DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING TO IT AND HE DID. 6 TRILION DOLLARS LATER ITS WORSE THAN IT WAS FOUR YEARS AGO WHEN HE STARTED HIS CAMPAIGN OF DESTRUCTION.
The man has no shame but damn sure has an agenda!!-Tyr

Tyr. You, and everyone else here on this forum may not know. I have been living in, and around the World's Largest Military postal zone on the East Coast for almost every year I wore a uniform, and since I retired.
So. There is no big secret about how the large number of military members, retired, active, reserve, and civilian military workers FEEL about the POOR Leadership of Obama.

In fact. Most of this area is well aware of the LACK of so-called Leadership from the White House Blame Society, and it's a safe prediction when I announce how...If there is any area of Virginia that will purposely vote for Romney. This is it.

The many straws that have been broken on the Obama Camel's Back in only four years, have not been forgotten. From his bragging about Ending the Iraq war, to lying about Fully Supporting the Military..while telling them TIME TO PAY UP, when it comes to their Medical, and Health care costs. Then...SEAL TEAM six bragging and exposing Classified information that endangers Americans, to sending FORM LETTERS to the parents of Fallen Americans, and now to Benghazi, Libya....where Obama JUST LIED, AND LIED, AND CONTINUES TO LIE.

The Americans in Uniform Respect the Office Obama holds, and betrays. But they DESPISE him, and his PHONINESS.