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10-18-2012, 06:13 PM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.



10-18-2012, 06:17 PM
He could said that a different way, but any man who's been married for as long as he has isn't patronizing towards women. He has a large family and I'm sure if there was dirt it would have come out. They seem like a close and loving family, something many would aspire to.

10-18-2012, 06:18 PM
Being completely illiterate on how to run a company, it makes sense that you would be confused. It's called applicant outreach. If you offer a job and the applicant pool isn't diverse enough, you utilize your network to reach target groups. For example many communities have "women's clubs". The VFW has a ladies auxiliary. One could advertize openings as a sponsor of the breast cancer walk-a-thon. You can then fill a binder with resumes from the outreach effort. The attempted "gotcha" you post wouldn't qualify for a high school skit.

10-18-2012, 07:41 PM
The so called war on women is just another strawman distraction from the real issues. The dems have nothing to run on so they attack in any way they can. It's not a subjevt even worth discussing.

Anton Chigurh
10-18-2012, 08:19 PM
Such a stupid and hollow thing for Obama's CREEP team and it's mindless acolytes such as gabby to harp on - women who are looking for good positions and also those who do hiring know exactly what "binders" are, in context.

The fact remains uncontested - not only has Obama done absolutely ZERO to help women get jobs, he also pays his female staffers LESS than males on his staff with the same jobs.

Getting pretty desperate, the Obamaphiles.

10-18-2012, 08:22 PM
Gabby has made it abundantly clear that she chooses to stay uniformed from the candidates themselves. Time and again. Then she posts something inflammatory and folks respond. Cool for all.

I just figure that Gabby is a purposefully ignorant voter, that will vote. The Dems have quite a few of them.

10-18-2012, 08:40 PM
Being completely illiterate on how to run a company, it makes sense that you would be confused. It's called applicant outreach. If you offer a job and the applicant pool isn't diverse enough, you utilize your network to reach target groups. For example many communities have "women's clubs". The VFW has a ladies auxiliary. One could advertize openings as a sponsor of the breast cancer walk-a-thon. You can then fill a binder with resumes from the outreach effort. The attempted "gotcha" you post wouldn't qualify for a high school skit.

Why do women need "womens clubs" or "ladies auxiliary?" Women can be community leaders. Female veterans should be VFW members.
Women do not need to be patronized. We shouldn't be on any companies "outreach" program.
Tailfins, you should be smart enough to know that Romney is totally out of touch if he believes that the only way women can be considered for positions is through "outreach."

I am far from uninformed about the candidates. I know that they are both unqualified. We need to pick the lesser of the two idiots. Right now, Romney is looking to be the bigger idiot.

Anton Chigurh
10-18-2012, 08:41 PM
I know that they are both unqualified."The trouble with our liberal friends is that they know so much that isn't so."

10-18-2012, 08:55 PM
Such a stupid and hollow thing for Obama's CREEP team and it's mindless acolytes such as gabby to harp on - women who are looking for good positions and also those who do hiring know exactly what "binders" are, in context.

The fact remains uncontested - not only has Obama done absolutely ZERO to help women get jobs, he also pays his female staffers LESS than males on his staff with the same jobs.

Getting pretty desperate, the Obamaphiles.

They have nothing else, well they have their record.

want more of the same? Well, no.

Foreign affairs? Think that is going swimmingly? Well, with those 4 folks killed, no. :rolleyes: Bumps in the road.

10-18-2012, 09:08 PM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.



Imagine that? Gabby using a photo of the GREATEST abuser of Women to make a point about Binders full of women???

Sometimes. Even Gabby loses all contact with reality, and makes such a Freudian Slip....even He would be laughing at Gabby.

10-18-2012, 09:25 PM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.



Once again, the Democrats show us that they are Zen masters in the arts of deception and distraction...

But let's keep our eye on the ball and especially on the man behind the curtain....

To paraphrase Clinton "IT'S THE ECONOMY, GABBY". It's not about Binders... it's about numbers....

1. 7.8 % unemployment (which is actually low... it's more like 14%)
2. 16 Trillion dollars in debt, nearly doubled in 4 years
3. 1 Trillion dollars a year for welfare
4. Debt = 100% of GDP
5. A downgrading of our debt rating

All of this happened while
A. Obama was President
B. The Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress

The connection between 1-5 is A and B

Part of the solution happens on November 6. That's when Mr and Ms Average realize that they've been had and vote that sorry ass loser and his gang of vultures out of office.

What follows then is the repeal of Obamacare, stimulus, etc. And replace it with tax cuts for Americans. The debt cieling will then be a moot point.

My prediction. If Romney wins, the DJIA will rise at least 100 points or more on November 7th and the stock market will begin a rally (and of course, we will also have riots in some major cities but that will pass). Within 18 months of this date (May 2014), we will be in the midst of a real recovery. My prediction is that within 3 years the unemployment rate will be 50-60% of what it is now if not lower.

Banks and businesses are sitting on an ocean of cash... over 1 Trillion dollars. They've been doing so because of the guy in the Oval Office... once that one man economic horror story is out of office, watch out. Businesses, now seeing that the Romney administration is business friendly, will start to invest and spend that cash... amounting to a bigger stimulus than Obama could ever have imagined... the economy will start to thrive. It is possible that we may actually see labor shortages in some sectors.

Of course, with the obvious signs for the reason for the recovery will follow the inevitable... people like someone we all know and admire will deny it has anything to do with Romney's policies... that we are in the worst economy since the death of the dinosaurs... that the reason why the recovery happened was that Obama's policies finally started working... we will have to put up with hearing the liberals whine and moan about just how AWFUL a MORMON president is and will probably begin to hear all sorts of things about Romney, his wife, her horse, some binders... maybe even Donnie and Marie...

So, there you have it... a recovery, a healthy economy, and enraged liberals.. three good reasons to vote for Romney...

P.S. Just remember... Binders are better that BLINDERS... like those that are worn by goof balls who think Obama is doing a good job... these people are worse than Holocaust Deniers and members of the Flat Earth Society

10-18-2012, 09:30 PM
Do you ever not just follow the talking points? This has been one of the lamest attempt to attack a candidate i've ever seen. And ive seen alot of lame ones. Especially this year.

What's so bad about running on your record if it's so good? And if it's not good, why should we reelect Obama??

10-18-2012, 09:32 PM
Do you ever not just follow the talking points? This has been one of the lamest attempt to attack a candidate i've ever seen. And ive seen alot of lame ones. Especially this year.

What's so bad about running on your record if it's so good? And if it's not good, why should we reelect Obama??

avatar. There's really NOTHING more that needs to be said about Gabby, or anyone who thinks, or sounds like her. PERIOD.

10-18-2012, 10:20 PM
yiboys and girls; ladies and gentlemen, I address you as one that is making the leap between middle school and high school.

I've seen the 'vote' on another site, saying 'reflective' of parent's votes, while swatting down opposition.

10-19-2012, 12:01 AM
Why do women need "womens clubs" or "ladies auxiliary?" Women can be community leaders. Female veterans should be VFW members.
Women do not need to be patronized. We shouldn't be on any companies "outreach" program.
Tailfins, you should be smart enough to know that Romney is totally out of touch if he believes that the only way women can be considered for positions is through "outreach."

I am far from uninformed about the candidates. I know that they are both unqualified. We need to pick the lesser of the two idiots. Right now, Romney is looking to be the bigger idiot.

For the same reason car enthusiasts have "car clubs". For the same reason there are "asian clubs" and such. You're trying to invent bigotry where none exists. Most of the clubs and groups are founded by women for women. There are female leaders in the VFW, they just ALSO have.

As to Outreach.... Obama and Hilary are the biggest proponents of women's outreach programs in the entire damn country. How do you even vaguely have the gall to use that as an argument against Romney alone? He literally confronted some of the biggest issues facing hiring and retaining women in the workforce, and you somehow tried to turn him into a sexist for him. Instead of empty rhetoric about fair pay and working around the unique needs of women, or passing bullshit regs that do nothing(*cough*Obama*cough*), he actually fucking led by example.

Romney is the bigger idiot only if you completely discount Obama's last 4 years, and all Obama and his people are doing now is just rehashing his promises from 4 years ago, and attacking the only one with a different plan than the already failed one.

Robert A Whit
10-19-2012, 03:31 AM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.


How can you explain that you did not notice what the story was about? Didn't you tell us to our faces you planned to watch baseball?

We that did see it on TV live recall that the story was, in short, that Mitt complained to some of his staff that the mens only binders was not going to work. He sent them back to try to find women for the jobs. He says that various groups submitted women presumed to be qualified. Those were put into binders that were shown to the Gov. Romney saw binders.

Can you submit a better way to say Binders than binders since it was binders he got?

10-19-2012, 06:50 AM
Why do women need "womens clubs" or "ladies auxiliary?" Women can be community leaders. Female veterans should be VFW members.
Women do not need to be patronized. We shouldn't be on any companies "outreach" program.
Tailfins, you should be smart enough to know that Romney is totally out of touch if he believes that the only way women can be considered for positions is through "outreach."

I am far from uninformed about the candidates. I know that they are both unqualified. We need to pick the lesser of the two idiots. Right now, Romney is looking to be the bigger idiot.

So what do you do if you have an opening for example: A civil engineer? If all those who responded are men, what do you do? Or even trickier still, if only one or two women apply and are clearly not qualified? In the Democrat world, they would hire the woman even if she were not competent in the job. I have had to play bailout in similar situations. I do all the work while an affirmative action hire gets credit for all my work all in the name of "diversity". It's REALLY inefficient to pay a salary to someone who pretends to produce deliverables, while a consultant gets paid double to actually do the work. Romney deserves credit for going out of his way to find qualified women.

10-19-2012, 04:25 PM
I am far from uninformed about the candidates. I know that they are both unqualified. We need to pick the lesser of the two idiots. Right now, Romney is looking to be the bigger idiot.

*I* don't need to pick the lesser of two idiots!! If we're in a "lesser of two evils" situation, then democracy has failed, that's all. Let them run serious, decent, normal candidates if they want people to vote on them.

That's the problem with such a law as Australia has, that you HAVE to vote. Then they can run any kind of clowns or Hitlers they want to, and people still have to vote. This so doesn't work for me. Maybe next time the parties will get serious.

10-19-2012, 04:29 PM
But back to the woman vote issue --- I don't think there's anything to the "binder" word. The Obama campaign will yell "gotcha!!" about pretty much anything, on the principle that if you throw mud constantly, maybe some of it will stick.

I'm more interested in these polls that did show, supposedly, an 18% women's vote gap going for Obama and against Romney, and that this gap entirely disappeared after the first debate!!

I don't believe either of those polls. How could there be such a large gap? How could it disappear overnight if it was real? I suspect the gender polling is a bunch of hoohie like a lot of polling right now in a rapidly changing situation.

10-19-2012, 05:54 PM
But back to the woman vote issue --- I don't think there's anything to the "binder" word. The Obama campaign will yell "gotcha!!" about pretty much anything, on the principle that if you throw mud constantly, maybe some of it will stick.

I'm more interested in these polls that did show, supposedly, an 18% women's vote gap going for Obama and against Romney, and that this gap entirely disappeared after the first debate!!

I don't believe either of those polls. How could there be such a large gap? How could it disappear overnight if it was real? I suspect the gender polling is a bunch of hoohie like a lot of polling right now in a rapidly changing situation.

mundame. That's about all the Obama campaign has left. Yelling "GOTCHA" for almost every language inflection, or word they deem useful in prolonging their perpetual stupidity with Blame, Accusations, and Ignorance...all of which seem Liberally Equal, and Intolerant. No matter how much they claim to have the Upper Hand...which someone should happily SLAP THEM ALL WITH.

10-19-2012, 05:59 PM
But back to the woman vote issue --- I don't think there's anything to the "binder" word. The Obama campaign will yell "gotcha!!" about pretty much anything, on the principle that if you throw mud constantly, maybe some of it will stick.

I'm more interested in these polls that did show, supposedly, an 18% women's vote gap going for Obama and against Romney, and that this gap entirely disappeared after the first debate!!

I don't believe either of those polls. How could there be such a large gap? How could it disappear overnight if it was real? I suspect the gender polling is a bunch of hoohie like a lot of polling right now in a rapidly changing situation.

That's what we call CYA. The polls were fake and this was a handy event to cover the dishonesty. This is similar to the Obama regime using some obscure video to cover up leaving that embassy in Libya with insufficient security.

10-19-2012, 11:41 PM
I hope that Obama & Co. keep talking 'binders,' it emphasizes his own lack of anything substantive regarding the next 4 years. He's toast.

10-20-2012, 12:19 AM
How can you explain that you did not notice what the story was about? Didn't you tell us to our faces you planned to watch baseball?

We that did see it on TV live recall that the story was, in short, that Mitt complained to some of his staff that the mens only binders was not going to work. He sent them back to try to find women for the jobs. He says that various groups submitted women presumed to be qualified. Those were put into binders that were shown to the Gov. Romney saw binders.

Can you submit a better way to say Binders than binders since it was binders he got?

Would you mind rephrasing this a bit more coherently some time when you are not intoxicated?

10-20-2012, 03:34 AM
Would you mind rephrasing this a bit more coherently some time when you are not intoxicated?

Okay, fine then. What about the two whole pages of responses that were coherent?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-20-2012, 09:19 AM
Once again, the Democrats show us that they are Zen masters in the arts of deception and distraction...

But let's keep our eye on the ball and especially on the man behind the curtain....

To paraphrase Clinton "IT'S THE ECONOMY, GABBY". It's not about Binders... it's about numbers....

1. 7.8 % unemployment (which is actually low... it's more like 14%)
2. 16 Trillion dollars in debt, nearly doubled in 4 years
3. 1 Trillion dollars a year for welfare
4. Debt = 100% of GDP
5. A downgrading of our debt rating

All of this happened while
A. Obama was President
B. The Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress

The connection between 1-5 is A and B

Part of the solution happens on November 6. That's when Mr and Ms Average realize that they've been had and vote that sorry ass loser and his gang of vultures out of office.

What follows then is the repeal of Obamacare, stimulus, etc. And replace it with tax cuts for Americans. The debt cieling will then be a moot point.

My prediction. If Romney wins, the DJIA will rise at least 100 points or more on November 7th and the stock market will begin a rally (and of course, we will also have riots in some major cities but that will pass). Within 18 months of this date (May 2014), we will be in the midst of a real recovery. My prediction is that within 3 years the unemployment rate will be 50-60% of what it is now if not lower.

Banks and businesses are sitting on an ocean of cash... over 1 Trillion dollars. They've been doing so because of the guy in the Oval Office... once that one man economic horror story is out of office, watch out. Businesses, now seeing that the Romney administration is business friendly, will start to invest and spend that cash... amounting to a bigger stimulus than Obama could ever have imagined... the economy will start to thrive. It is possible that we may actually see labor shortages in some sectors.

Of course, with the obvious signs for the reason for the recovery will follow the inevitable... people like someone we all know and admire will deny it has anything to do with Romney's policies... that we are in the worst economy since the death of the dinosaurs... that the reason why the recovery happened was that Obama's policies finally started working... we will have to put up with hearing the liberals whine and moan about just how AWFUL a MORMON president is and will probably begin to hear all sorts of things about Romney, his wife, her horse, some binders... maybe even Donnie and Marie...

So, there you have it... a recovery, a healthy economy, and enraged liberals.. three good reasons to vote for Romney...

P.S. Just remember... Binders are better that BLINDERS... like those that are worn by goof balls who think Obama is doing a good job... these people are worse than Holocaust Deniers and members of the Flat Earth Society

Freaking -A-, bravo..:beer:. Damn nice and informative post. Best part was it shot gabby full of holes and they matched the one big one in her head that she spouts off with saying dumbshat so often..:laugh:-Tyr

10-20-2012, 01:02 PM
I hope that Obama & Co. keep talking 'binders,' it emphasizes his own lack of anything substantive regarding the next 4 years. He's toast.

It's interesting you said that, because I was just reading last night an article that said focusing on little nothings like "binders" and Big Bird are the signs of a losing political campaign. When they are losing, they get petty, in a kind of desperation, the writer said. I think there could be something to that.

10-20-2012, 01:18 PM
It's interesting you said that, because I was just reading last night an article that said focusing on little nothings like "binders" and Big Bird are the signs of a losing political campaign. When they are losing, they get petty, in a kind of desperation, the writer said. I think there could be something to that.

mundame. Most all of us have known, and recognized how PETTY the Obama, Liberal, Democrats have been since, long before he was elected by a majority of the massively Uninformed Americans who still claim they are not Racists...while reminding everyone else. If you DON'T VOTE FOR OBAMA, and he loses. We will take to the streets and RIOT.

To which. I say. GO RIGHT AHEAD. Democrat Mayors across the nation have been hoping for Riots that would burn down the NON-TAXABLE uninhabited Ghetto housing that has sat empty since being destroyed by the same people who voted for Obama.

Robert A Whit
10-20-2012, 01:21 PM
Would you mind rephrasing this a bit more coherently some time when you are not intoxicated?


http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=586220#post586220)
How can you explain that you did not notice what the story was about? Didn't you tell us to our faces you planned to watch baseball?

We that did see it on TV live recall that the story was, in short, that Mitt complained to some of his staff that the mens only binders was not going to work. He sent them back to try to find women for the jobs. He says that various groups submitted women presumed to be qualified. Those were put into binders that were shown to the Gov. Romney saw binders.

Since you accuse me of being intoxicated, it is clear that drinking is on your mind and no doubt your accusation is based only on your personal experience with drinking.

Put another way, I don't drink.

Your reply to the other poster was so convoluted that I doubt anybody made heads or tails of your remark. I gave it my best shot.

Let me try this then.

You boasted that your plan was to watch a game rather than watch the debate by the two men.

I read the accounts in the media so I know both what took place plus what the media then alleged.

Romney wanted women in his administration. Finding that he was supplied mostly with men, he sent his staff out to find qualified women.

He was brought back binders with women's files in them.

Trying to make it more clear, lets say his staff contacted a dozen or more groups HR people attempting to locate women for positions. And each group had put in more than one person so in essense they submitted binders.

Got it?

The Media tried to spin this as if finding qualified women is unusual. See, the Media did not like it one bit that Romney went after women to fill his cabinet with.

Had you seen him speaking, you would also have noted that his administration ranked #1 in the positions he filled with women.

10-20-2012, 02:08 PM

Since you accuse me of being intoxicated, it is clear that drinking is on your mind and no doubt your accusation is based only on your personal experience with drinking.

Put another way, I don't drink.

Your reply to the other poster was so convoluted that I doubt anybody made heads or tails of your remark. I gave it my best shot.

Let me try this then.

You boasted that your plan was to watch a game rather than watch the debate by the two men.

I read the accounts in the media so I know both what took place plus what the media then alleged.

Romney wanted women in his administration. Finding that he was supplied mostly with men, he sent his staff out to find qualified women.

He was brought back binders with women's files in them.

Trying to make it more clear, lets say his staff contacted a dozen or more groups HR people attempting to locate women for positions. And each group had put in more than one person so in essense they submitted binders.

Got it?

The Media tried to spin this as if finding qualified women is unusual. See, the Media did not like it one bit that Romney went after women to fill his cabinet with.

Had you seen him speaking, you would also have noted that his administration ranked #1 in the positions he filled with women.


Robert. Since gabby is somewhat of a lonely, selfish kind of person who hates almost everyone, or anything she cannot personally control. Like the Good, Obedient Liberal, Follower gabby is. She must always proclaim her SUPERIORITY over everyone else..because she brags about being smarter than everyone else...and must use the standard, liberal, talking points manual Instructions here.

Those liberal instructions are. NEVER answer a question with anything but Another Question.
Always blame others to hide your own ignorance.
Always accuse others of whatever you feel will hurt them most, and make them give-up, or give-in.
Always use the standard, permitted, Liberal name calling techniques to place others off guard.
And finally. Use whatever techniques available to Destroy anyone who dares to disagree with the liberal, lies, and principles. Namely. SILENCE anyone with the accusations of TERRORIST, or RACIST in order to maintain control, and cease all remarks.

Everyone on this FORUM should read, and remember everything listed above. Then CHECK them out for yourself. THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE facts Liberals need to deny.

10-20-2012, 04:44 PM
Would you mind rephrasing this a bit more coherently some time when you are not intoxicated?

So he drinks. What's your excuse?

Robert. Since gabby is somewhat of a lonely, selfish kind of person who hates almost everyone, or anything she cannot personally control. Like the Good, Obedient Liberal, Follower gabby is. She must always proclaim her SUPERIORITY over everyone else..because she brags about being smarter than everyone else...and must use the standard, liberal, talking points manual Instructions here.

Those liberal instructions are. NEVER answer a question with anything but Another Question.
Always blame others to hide your own ignorance.
Always accuse others of whatever you feel will hurt them most, and make them give-up, or give-in.
Always use the standard, permitted, Liberal name calling techniques to place others off guard.
And finally. Use whatever techniques available to Destroy anyone who dares to disagree with the liberal, lies, and principles. Namely. SILENCE anyone with the accusations of TERRORIST, or RACIST in order to maintain control, and cease all remarks.

Everyone on this FORUM should read, and remember everything listed above. Then CHECK them out for yourself. THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE facts Liberals need to deny.

She's ready to be led by the nose:


red states rule
10-21-2012, 08:19 AM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.



Here you are talking about the treatment of women, and you hold up Bill Clinton to further your cause?

You do have a very bad memory Gabby on Bill's treatment of women. But I am sure the sexual assualts on these women mean nothing to you since you only goal is to advance your liberal agenda and increase the politcal power of the Dems

Juanita Broaddrick's terrifying story of a violent rape by Bill Clinton is only one of more than a dozen cases of sexual assault by the President that go back 30 years.
Capitol Hill Blue has confirmed that the charge is but one of many allegations of sexual assault by the President.

A five month investigation into the President's questionable sexual history reveal incidents that go back as far as Clinton's college days, with more than a dozen women claiming his sexual appetites leave little room for the word ''no.''

Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas woman who worked on Bill Clinton's campaign when he was attorney general, told NBC's Lisa Meyers two weeks ago she was raped by Clinton. NBC, under intense pressure by the White House, shelved the interview. The White House also threatened Fox News Tuesday after it reported the story. Broaddrick finally took her story to The Wall Street Journal, which published her account of the brutal rape at the hands of the future President.

But Broaddrick's story is only one account of many sexual assaults by Clinton. Among the other incidents:

• A 1969 charge by a Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford University campus where the future President was a student. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed this week that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;

• In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, who was a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident;

• In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law professor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him and she left the school shortly after the incident. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews;

• Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's attorney general campaign, said he raped her in 1978;

• From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor reported seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was "who's next?";

• Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen, told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. She later recanted that interview and said she had been threatened by Clinton supporters into claiming the sex was consensual.

• Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with a cash payment.

• Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington.
• Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.


red states rule
10-21-2012, 08:38 AM
Why do women need "womens clubs" or "ladies auxiliary?" Women can be community leaders. Female veterans should be VFW members.
Women do not need to be patronized. We shouldn't be on any companies "outreach" program.
Tailfins, you should be smart enough to know that Romney is totally out of touch if he believes that the only way women can be considered for positions is through "outreach."

I am far from uninformed about the candidates. I know that they are both unqualified. We need to pick the lesser of the two idiots. Right now, Romney is looking to be the bigger idiot.

You are a classic example of a DESPERATE Obama supporter. In your upside down world the major issue right now is not the dredful Obama economy or the murder of four US citizens in our embassy - but the binder comment from Romney

This is why Obama is losing support from women and will probably lose the election.

red states rule
10-21-2012, 09:32 AM
Would you mind rephrasing this a bit more coherently some time when you are not intoxicated?

While you are so "outraged" over Mitt's binder comment - did you express any outrage over the disgusting personal atttacks the lieft leveled toward Sarah Palin. Michelle Baughman, and Condi Rice Gabby?

As we al know you did not. You see you are only "outraged" over insults leveled at women that come from republicnas. And if what they said is not an insult you will act like it is so you can distract from the real issues you do not want to talk about like the economy, gas prices, unemployment, the debt, and all those other issues that will spell doom for Obama

red states rule
10-26-2012, 03:24 AM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.




10-26-2012, 05:39 AM
Listening to the news last night, two national polls have Romney and Obama dead even among women; 47% to 47%.

The gender gap is gone. Romney's alleged "War on Women" backfired on its mendacious creators.

If this election was at the end of November, I expect by then Romney could even win the black vote. :laugh:

10-26-2012, 07:25 PM
Listening to the news last night, two national polls have Romney and Obama dead even among women; 47% to 47%.

The gender gap is gone. Romney's alleged "War on Women" backfired on its mendacious creators.

If this election was at the end of November, I expect by then Romney could even win the black vote. :laugh:

To the contrary for those Liberal, Democrat, Obama people who attempted to increase, and play on that WAR ON WOMEN.
It now seems to be somewhat of a Liberal, Self-Fulfilling-Prophesy that includes the Democrat WOMEN alone. Names like Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and every Democrat, Female member of Congress, from both Houses.

All anyone needs to do is find their photo on GOOGLE. It will explain WHY THE DEMOCRAT WAR ON WOMEN matters so much.

And notice how the N.O.W. members seem to simply IGNORE them as well, due to lack of intelligence, and looking more like males.

red states rule
10-27-2012, 07:23 AM
What a shocker

Gabby has fled her own thread and Mundame took of right behind her

10-27-2012, 07:35 AM
What a shocker

Gabby has fled her own thread and Mundame took of right behind her

That's because Marylanders are more diligent than lazy Californians.

10-27-2012, 07:41 AM
"Binders full of women?" Really Mitt? Even Bill Clinton wasn't that stupid.


You do know that Romney saved the lives of 3 women on Lake Winipasaukee with his son just a few years ago.......


Romney is a Hero.... OBAMA is a ZERO

red states rule
10-27-2012, 07:45 AM
That's because Marylanders are more diligent than lazy Californians.

and I am sure all the facts they were getting hit with had something to do with their quick departure

red states rule
10-27-2012, 07:47 AM
You do know that Romney saved the lives of 3 women on Lake Winipasaukee with his son just a few years ago.......http://k38watersafety.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3324Romney is a Hero.... OBAMA is a ZEROObama is also one and done

Abbey Marie
10-27-2012, 10:04 AM
Gabby, while I have no problem with Gov. Romney's use of the binder anecdote, I DO love the Clinton comment. :laugh:

10-27-2012, 11:38 AM
Gabby, while I have no problem with Gov. Romney's use of the binder anecdote, I DO love the Clinton comment. :laugh:

Gabby is just jealous about her photo not being in any Binder. Romney has much better taste in Women with actual, Honest Brain power.